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Necessary Lies (Men of Phantom, #1)

Page 17

by Jacki Renée

  “You will address me as Dr. Hawk,” he rumbles.

  Kourtney shrinks even though she’s safe in Bryan’s arms.

  Marie and Willis enter the house through the side door, interrupting the unladylike words about to roll off my tongue.

  “You’re spending the day with us too?” Emma asks.

  “This year we didn’t go see my family,” Willis tells her.

  Kourtney slides out of Bryan’s arms and fast walks over to Marie. “Merry Christmas. Thank you for the teddy bear blanket and beginners knitting set.” She hugs the motherly woman.

  “You’re welcome, dear,” Marie cups her face. “And thank you for the homemade potpourri jars. I love them.” She turns to Bryan’s family. “It’s good to see you guys.”

  They each give her a warm greeting.

  “Let’s go in for breakfast,” Marie tells Kourtney and Emma. “After we eat, Willis has a surprise out back for you.”

  “Behave, Bry,” Nancy says, warning her husband. She hands him her coat, scarf and hat. “I’m so glad you guys are joining us for breakfast, Danielle.” She takes my hand as we walk toward the formal dining room. Jessica follows.

  The décor of the room is something you’d see in a diplomat’s home. Burgundy-painted walls with a pure white ceiling. Windowless with two gold chandeliers hanging overhead. A fourteen-seat cherrywood table. The upholstery of the high-back chairs matches the drapes that frame the main entrance. The other entrance leads to the kitchen. It’s the smallest room in the house, but it’s impressive.

  Dr. Hawk blesses the food and we pass the dishes around.

  “Boys, you outdid yourselves this year.” Nancy looks around the table.

  Nancy insisted on sitting next to Kourtney, who is unusually quiet. She coaxes timid smiles and one-word replies from Kourtney.

  “You’re a lefty too?” Nancy asks, holding up her own hand to show she’s also left- handed.

  Kourtney nods while her eyes cut to Bryan. I gaze at him too. My heart threatens to beat out of my chest. His fork pauses for a second.

  “Kourty sits next to me at school, Grandma. We had to switch seats because we kept bumping elbows.”

  Nancy winks. “Your dad had that same problem when he was in elementary.”

  “How was the drive?” Bryan asks.

  “Beautiful as ever. Winter is my favorite season. What part of Colorado are you from, Danielle?” Nancy asks.

  “I grew up in California and moved to Arizona when I graduated from college. We moved here in July.”

  “You have a college degree?” Sarcasm drips from Dr. Hawk’s lips.

  I throw the sarcasm right back. “Your son introduced me as Doctor Danielle Edwards. I have a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology.”

  “How old are you?” Jessica asks. “I’m sorry, that was rude, but you look so young.”

  “I’m twenty-seven.”

  Her eyes grow big.

  “I took classes at a Junior College while I was in high school. When I graduated at fifteen, I started at a University as a sophomore.”

  “Your parents must be very proud,” Nancy says.

  Willis fails to suppress a smile.

  “My mom died in childbirth and I never knew my father.”

  “What a shocker,” Dr. Hawk grunts. “Does she know her father?” He points at Kourtney.

  “That’s enough, Dad.” The calmness in his voice contradicts the threat behind his words.

  I don’t miss the glances passing between Bryan and his friends. Alpha male and his pack are on alert.

  “Remember, you’re a guest in our house.”

  Sneering in my direction, Dr. Hawk huffs. “Our?”

  Bryan jumps out of his chair, hammering the table with his fist. Dishes clatter and clink as the vibration rattles them. Kourtney and Emma jump in their seats.

  Kourtney has never been exposed to testosterone-driven hostility, and from the looks of it, neither has Emma.

  “Come, girls,” Marie says. “Let’s go see Willis’s surprise.”

  “Leave your dishes. I’ll get them,” I say.

  They jump to their feet, bumping the table. Dishes rattle again as the girls try to get away as fast as they can.

  The room is quiet except for the clink of Jessica’s fork hitting the china plate. The unfriendly atmosphere in the room hasn’t curbed her appetite.

  I look around the room, and my gaze lands on Nancy. Now I know who Bryan inherited that angry-calmness from. The way she’s staring at her husband has me cowering in my chair.

  Bryan leans over, kissing my cheek. He finally sits in his chair.

  I pick up my dishes and rise from my seat, going around the table to get the others.

  Vin sits up straight, a knowing grin on his face. I approach Bryan’s father.

  “Dr. Hawk, I would appreciate it if you’d refrain from insulting me in front of Kourtney and Emma. You and I can do that in private any time you’d like. But let me warn you, sir...” I step a little closer. He looks up, clearly unsure what to make of me. “When I feel threatened, I get physical. I’ve been boxing since I was eleven years old. My skills have improved over the years. Ask Vin.”

  I carry my load out of the dining room.

  Out of one frying pan and into another!


  Instead of going back to the dining room, I walk down the hall to go upstairs and get my jacket and cap. When I make it to the landing, familiar hands come down on my shoulders guiding me toward his bedroom. I didn’t hear Bryan sneak up behind me.

  He kicks the door shut and turns the lock once we’re inside.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  He pulls out something from his pocket, makes a fist, and his hand moves up and down. Clack, clack, clack. The dice roll around in his palm.

  My inner muscles contract. “Bryan, we can’t play with those right now.”

  “Why not?”

  “You have a house full of people.”

  “Okay, a quickie then.” He tosses the dice over his shoulder and reaches for the button on my jeans before they hit the hardwood floor.

  Bryan has my jeans unbuttoned, unzipped, and down around my ankles by the time the last die stops rolling.

  His hand slides into the front of my panties. “Hmm. Someone’s getting excited.”

  I reach for the button on his jeans. “Okay, a quickie.” I walk backward unzipping his jeans, pushing them down along with his boxer briefs.

  The back of my knees bump the bed and I fall onto the comforter. Bryan pulls off my shoes, socks and jeans, while stepping out of his.

  He holds up my ripped panties.

  “When did you do that?”

  “Boys’ Club secret. Don’t miss your appointment tomorrow. Make sure you buy stuff that leaves little to my imagination and is easy to rip off.”

  Crab crawling onto the bed, I watch Bryan removes his shirt, tossing it to the floor.

  “I thought for a quickie, you kept half your clothes on?” I say.

  “Not the way I want one with you.”

  I get on my knees, pulling my shirt over my head, unhooking the back clasp of my bra, letting it fall to the bed. I cup my breasts in my hands and rub my nipples until they tighten under my stimulation. Feeling bold, I stick two fingers in my mouth, sucking them.

  His eyes take on a lustful gleam, the tip of his tongue captured between his teeth.

  I ease my fingers out and trail them down my chin.

  My throat.

  My cleavage.

  My stomach. Continuing down until they’re between my thighs.

  Bryan watches as I pleasure myself. His Adam’s apple bobs up and down. My eyes close. Sounds of pleasure flee my throat to express the desires boiling within my sex. The sensation becomes intense and I use both hands to push myself to a climatic end. Erotic pictures of us play like a slideshow in my mind.

  Hips circling and rocking against the glide of my fingers. Bryan’s deep, sexy voice directs my actions. My
eyes open and follow his hand as it slides up and down his length to the same rhythm set by my fingers sliding in and out of me.

  Our eyes connect as the heat takes over, but my body isn’t satisfied. I need him. Inside me. And I will not starve myself of this craving.

  I crawl to the edge of the bed, kissing my way up his defined torso to his soft lips. Thrusting my tongue into his mouth. Bringing him down upon me.

  The soft down comforter welcomes my back. My tongue shows him what my body wants while my hand reaches between us, guiding him into me.

  Arms and legs close around him. I circle my hips against him, chasing after that orgasm.

  “Slow down, baby,” Bryan pants.

  I squeeze him. Tighter.

  All rational thoughts.


  All sense of discretion.


  The desperate need for the ultimate release takes over. I don’t care what I do to get it.

  I don’t care how I get there or who hears me.

  I need it.



  And deep.

  Bryan’s tongue traces the shell of my ear. He’s letting me run the race on my own. This time the tingling starts in the depths of my sex. The flame igniting every cell in its path, like trails of gunpowder heading to one destination.

  Bryan thrusts into me and bites down on my earlobe, causing everything to happen at once.

  My mind goes blank.

  My heart stops beating.

  My eyes roll back.

  My toes curl.

  I float into the abyss of an orgasm. The pleasure is unimaginable. Indescribable. All consuming. Every part of my body stimulated by the pleasure. A jolt of electricity makes me clench, then my body goes limp and I release Bryan from my death grip.

  He lies unmoving on top of me while my lungs work overtime. His weight presses me into the mattress.

  “Are you okay?” Too caught up in my own pleasure, I forgot about him.

  His body shivers, but he doesn’t answer me.

  My eyes open in alarm. “Bry?”

  He doesn’t respond.

  He’s hurt. What do I do? Do I call for help? I push on his shoulders.

  His arms move and he pulls himself up. I realize why he hasn’t answered.

  “Are you laughing?” I ask.

  I push him off me.

  How did we get in the middle of the bed?

  Bryan rolls onto his side, laughter stealing his ability to talk. I try to move away, but his strong arm pulls me to him, spooning me.

  “I’m... sorry,” he stutters.

  Insecurity rears its ugly head.

  “I have been screwing since I was sixteen and never have I heard a woman cuss that much while she’s coming.”

  “I don’t cuss.”

  “Ohh baby. You were cussing so much you came up with new phrases.”

  I don’t remember saying anything, but then, I don’t remember how we got in the middle of the bed.

  “That by far was the best quickie I’ve ever had.” Bryan laughs.

  His guffawing makes my body shake.

  “If you keep laughing, I guarantee you’ll never get another.” I pull away and climb out of the bed.

  Tears fall from his eyes and he holds his stomach. “I’m not... laughing... at you.”

  I gather my clothes from around the bed and glare at him. He rolls onto his stomach. I stare. Surprised by the sight.

  “Bryan! Your shoulder. Your back.” The clothes drop from my hands as I look at my nails.

  Ten, long, red welts mar the hawk tattoo on his back, from his butt up to his shoulder blades. Small beads of fresh blood highlight the puckered skin. The unmistakable imprints of my teeth mark his shoulder.

  “I consider them badges of honor.” He buries his face in the comforter as a new round of cackling takes over.

  Bewildered. I tread to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. That hunger for an orgasm was never in the books I read. I wish I had a friend to compare notes with. I wonder if Max’s experiences are similar.


  Bryan sits on the edge of the bed in his underwear when I come out of the bathroom. “I don’t know why my dad is being an ass, but if you don’t want him here, I’ll tell him to leave.”

  I cup his cheek in my hand. “I would never ask you to do that, but please don’t make me promise not to defend Kourtney or myself.”

  His lips press into the palm of my hand. “That’s my job.”

  “Maybe we should tell them.”

  “I will, but not during the holidays.”

  “I don’t want you or your friends to harm your father.” I trace his lip with my thumb.

  Bryan nods.

  “If I need your help, I’ll let you handle your dad.”


  “I’m going to see what Willis got the girls.” I pick up my bra, sweater, and jeans. My dilemma is that all my clothes are in the guest room. I have no panties.

  I could go commando, but that is uncomfortable in jeans.

  “You didn’t pack everything the other day. Check the drawer for underwear or wear a pair of mine.” Bryan smiles.

  I kiss him and carry my clothes into the closet to get dressed.

  When I come out, I hear Bryan in the shower humming a tune. A memory flashes in my mind of him walking in on me in the shower. Headphones covering his ears, singing that R&B classic, he didn’t know I was already in the bathroom.

  I leave his room and go outside.

  Kourtney is wearing a helmet and sitting behind Willis, her arms around his waist. They’re gliding over the snow on a snowmobile. Emma claps her hands as they go by.

  “She’s safe.” Marie pats the empty spot next to her on the bench. “He wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Or you.”

  We watch the snowmobile circle the pond. I wrap my arms around the motherly housekeeper for a quick second. “You have been so kind to us. I can’t thank you enough.”

  “No need, dear. You and Kourtney are a joy to have around.” She shifts and slightly turns to look at me.

  “Will you feel that way with two extra people in the house? Bryan and Emma asked us to move in.”

  Her smile could light up a dark night. “Of course I will.” She squeezes my hand. “So you and Bryan worked things out.” There’s a teasing twinkle in her eyes.

  I fight the telling smile, trying to break free.

  “Thank you for the gift certificate to the Hot Springs Spa. I can’t wait to be pampered for a whole day.” She changes the subject. “Willis was excited when he pulled out the autographed boxing gloves from the box. How did you...”

  “I cashed in a favor.”

  “He took down all his old military boxing trophies from the mantel and put the gloves up in their place.”

  “When we worked out, he didn’t mention boxing while in the military.”

  Marie looks away. “It was a long time ago.”

  The snowmobile pulls up a few feet in front of us. “That was fun,” Kourtney shouts. “Thank you, Mr. Willis.”

  “My pleasure, Miss Kourtney.”

  “You should try it, Mommy. Mr. Willis is a safe driver.”

  “Go for a ride,” Emma shouts. “It’s fun!”

  “I think I will.”

  I use the running board for leverage and throw my leg over the seat. Willis hands me a helmet.

  “Hold on tight. I don’t have to go slow like I did with the girls,” he shouts, revving the engine.

  I grab the passenger grips and we take off. Snow spews behind us. We head toward the woods near the pond.

  Willis takes me on a tour of Bryan’s property.

  The size of our audience has grown. They’re standing out in the yard when Willis and I emerge from the trees.

  Bryan hops on behind me when Willis gets off. He teaches me how to operate the snowmobile and soon we’re gliding over the snow-covered ground. I love being in control of the powerful machine
with my man behind me. Trusting me.

  Bryan tells me he had a not-so-subtle conversation with Dr. Hawk before coming outside. His dad chose to stay inside.

  Vin trash talks from the sidelines while he watches his friends show off their skills on the snowmobile.

  Jessica and Nancy join in on the fun and take a turn.

  Bryan shows his bravery by teaching the girls how to operate the snowmobile and rides along with them. I grit my teeth the entire time, hiding behind Vin. While I’m using him as my shield, I take the time to apologize to him for my behavior.

  He tells me, “If I ever catch up with Derek Tucker, I’ll finish what you started.” The promise in his words is clear.

  From the corner of my eye, I see Anthony chuck a snowball at Jessica. I turn and run for the house. Nancy and Marie right behind me.

  From the safety of the family room, we watch them.

  It is an every-man-for-himself snowball fight. No one is immune. Vin is right there in the middle of the battle giving it as good as he gets. Kourtney and Emma work as a team and are holding their own.

  Once Ignacio calls a cease-fire, everyone comes inside. To warm them up, I make hot chocolate with whipped cream.

  In the afternoon, the girls sit on the floor in the family room playing a board game. Nancy, Jessica, and Marie help me transfer toys and gifts from the family room, upstairs to the girls’ rooms. The men are glued to the basketball game on television.

  I step in front of the screen and demand they help carry the heavy gifts upstairs.

  We get into a battle of the wills until I grab the remote, switch to a cartoon channel, and run.


  I banish Marie from the kitchen. Nancy helps me prepare dinner. We use the time to get to know each other.

  I was a little worried she would question me about Kourtney’s father. Instead she tells me she was a stay-at-home mom until Bryan went off to college. Now Nancy volunteers at a convalescent home. I laugh at her stories about the frisky gentlemen she’s paired with.

  After dinner, Bryan walks his friends out. Marie and Willis go home. Jessica helps me clean the kitchen while the girls give Nancy a manicure and pedicure in the family room. Dr. Hawk retires to one of the downstairs guest rooms.

  Once the kitchen is clean and the food put away, Bryan moves my suitcases back to his room. I put fresh linens on the bed and straighten the room for his sister.


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