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Torn Apart (Book 2): Dead Texas Roads

Page 17

by Hoaks, C. A.

  From gossip going around outside the cafeteria, they learned the officer leading the unit had insisted on an immediate meeting with the city council at the city center. The impromptu meeting was organized, and now the town’s civilian authorities were behind doors with the officer in charge. The rest of the soldiers looked around as if expecting trouble. Steve noticed the military vehicles were parked in a defensive formation around the front of the town hall, intensifying his unease.

  Della, Steve, and Zack entered the cafeteria and got trays. Once settled at a table and eating, they noticed soldiers taking up posts at each of the exits. They ate quickly, keeping watch around the room.

  “Something doesn’t feel right,” Della whispered.

  “I agree. Let’s get outta here.” Steve backed his chair from the table and headed for the door with both Della and Zack in tow.

  As they walked past the table where Sandy was sitting with the two young women she had been staying with, Della stopped. “We’re meeting at the motel,” She glanced around pointedly, “to discuss the latest development.”

  “No thanks. It doesn’t matter what you have to discuss. I’m staying here. I have friends now. It’s safe. No way I would even consider leaving here,” Sandy answered.

  Della cringed at the outburst. “Please keep your voice down.”

  “Fine.” Sandy looked annoyed. “I have no intentions of going anywhere until the soldiers say I can go home. End of story. I’m not your responsibility, and you can’t make me do anything I don’t want to.”

  Della squared her shoulders. “That’s fine, Sandy. If you change your mind, just come see us, sooner rather than later.” She hurried after Steve and Zack.

  As she approached the pair at the front of the door, she caught the ongoing conversation.

  Steve glared at the soldier stationed at the door. “Excuse me? What do you mean we have to stay here?”

  “The Major’s request,” the soldier answered. “He’d like everyone to stick around and be available when he finishes his meeting with the folks in charge here. He plans on a formal announcement at eleven this morning.”

  Steve looked annoyed. “I’ll tell you what. I need to rest. We had a bad time getting here. Della is my nurse and Zack, hauls me around. Are you holding a disabled veteran prisoner?”

  “Of course not, sir.” The soldier looked uncomfortable.

  “We’ll come back shortly before eleven.”

  The soldier finally agreed. “Be back before eleven, or it will be my ass.”

  Della started to speak as they walked out of the building, but Steve held up his hand.

  At the motel, they heard harried voices through the open window.

  “Why?” Millie asked.

  “We have to get outta here. The military came into the clinic and gathered everyone’s keys for the pharmacy. I was in the back room doing inventory when they came in. They were talking about going from house to house to confiscate all medications and taking control of ALL resources, guns, food, gas, everything. I got all your heart medication I could get and slipped it in my pocket then snuck out,” Darlene answered.

  “Oh, my,” Millie responded. “You’re going to get in trouble.”

  “No. We’re leaving,” ordered Darlene from the bathroom. “Penny put all your clothes in the plastic bag.”

  Steve rolled through the door and raised his voice. “Darlene? Could we talk for a minute?”

  “Just a minute,” she called out. “All I’ve got is a minute. We’re leaving.”

  He whispered to Della, “Start packing.”

  He turned to Zack. “Where is the truck?”

  “In the back of the motel. I put it there to get it out of the afternoon sun since we still have some of our supplies in it.”

  “Good. Get out there and load supplies when Della passes her things out the back window. I’ll gather our clothes and do the same.” Steve reached for his prosthetics in the bag at the back of the chair. He slid the right prosthetic on the stump of his lower leg.

  Darlene walked out of her and Millie’s room to speak to Steve. Her face mirrored her concern when she saw the soldiers crossing the road outside the town hall. “I wanted to ask you for some help finding a few supplies. We’re leaving.”

  “We’re leaving, too. Do you have gas?” Steve asked.

  “Only a quarter of a tank, but we can’t stay.” She dipped her hand into her pocket and spilled hundreds of small white pills into a brown plastic bottle.

  Steve responded. “I think you have a good grasp of what’s going to happen. The truck has an extended cab, so we have room for you, your daughter.”

  “I’m not leaving Millie,” Darlene protested.

  “I wouldn’t ask you to,” Steve answered. “Pack your bags and drop them through the back window. Zack is behind the motel and will load everything into the truck. As soon as we’re ready, we’re slipping out of here. Leave a few odd pieces of clothing around so if someone comes along and looks in the room before we leave it doesn’t look suspicious.”

  “We’ll hurry.” Darlene disappeared back into her and Millie’s room.

  He rolled the wheelchair into the motel room and loaded all the weapons into a canvas bag and passed it through the window. Just as he turned to reach for a pair of pants to add to bag on his lap, a voice called out. “Sir? It’s almost eleven, and you folks need to get to the square for the meeting.”

  Steve turned. “No problem, soldier. I’m just finishing up a little housekeeping. Living in a motel room is not ideal for sure.” He grinned.

  “Not my problem. Get your people and get moving.”

  “Got it. We’ll be right there.”

  The soldier moved from door to door and made the same speech, then walked to the end of the building to ensure each of the residents moved out.

  Steve returned to the chair and rolled out of the door.

  All the able-bodied residents moved quickly. When the soldier saw Steve, again in the wheelchair and his entourage, Darlene and Millie were headed in the right direction, he walked away. Darlene held Penny’s hand and joined Steve’s group. Steve let Millie set the pace leaving them falling further and further behind the folks gathering at the town hall. He stopped everyone at the edge of the square, as far from the collection of residents as possible without being noticed by the soldiers.

  Two strutting military officers stood on the top steps of the town hall along with Tony and half a dozen civilians. Tony looked shell shocked. He stole glances at the major as if he were watching a rattlesnake, ready to strike. The other civilians seemed no easier at being in the company of the military. Half a dozen soldiers seem to be holding their rifles in a way to ensure the city council remained rooted to where they stood.

  Della leaned down to whisper to Steve, “This doesn’t look good.”

  Steve got out of the chair and gently guided Millie into the seat. Together, the group of six began to ease back from the gathering into the shadows of a big spreading oak. The soldiers had gravitated toward the front of the gathering of nearly three hundred people.

  The major stepped up to a portable public address system. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to make this short and sweet. The President of the United States has imposed congressionally authorized martial law for the duration of this crisis. The authorizing act allows the president to suspend habeas corpus throughout the entire United States.” The major studied the crowd, staring down anyone who seemed about to protest. “There have been instances of the use of the military law within the borders of the United States, such as during the civil rights crises in the 50’s. As of this enactment, there will be no distinction between martial law and military justice administered by the military and as such takes precedence and all civil courts will cease to function for the duration of this crisis.” The major nodded at his men, “Guards will be posted throughout the community, and all assets will be consolidated for appropriate redistribution by the military to discourage hoarding. The goods to be
collected by this order will include all fuel, food stock, liquors, medications, weapons, and ammunition. Military personnel and/or military authorized individuals will take any and all actions to ensure the infected do not enter the secure perimeters.” He strutted from one side of the top steps then back again before he continued. “Work details will be established and everyone. “I repeat, everyone will be assigned to a work detail. There will be no exceptions over the age of ten. If you don’t work, you will not be eating.”

  Tony jumped up, leaned over and said something to the major and the captain.

  The big black captain’s arm shot out, and he slammed a handgun against the side of Tony’s head.

  Pandemonium erupted on the front steps of the town hall. Other members of the city council attempted to intercede but the soldiers stepped forward, and shots broke the silence. Tony and three of the council lay on the steps.

  “Go now,” Steve whispered.

  The audience erupted in panic, either pulling back from the altercation or surged forward to protest.

  Della grabbed the handles of the wheelchair where Millie had settled, and Darlene picked up Penny. They quickly made a beeline for the corner of the motel building and disappeared from sight. Two more shots were fired, but Steve’s band of escapees kept moving away from the sound. They got to the side of the building, and all were out of breath except Millie and Penny.

  “Run away! Run away!” Penny giggled.

  Darlene clutched her close. “Quiet baby.”

  Steve turned to Zack. “Get them in the truck.”

  Zack grabbed the handles of the wheelchair from Della. “Go. I got this.”

  Steve watched as the twenty or so soldiers herded the surviving members of the city council toward the door to the City Hall. Half a dozen burly townsmen raced toward the commotion, and more shots rang out. Two men fell, and the crowd panicked and scattered in all directions.

  Steve turned away and hurried around the building to hurry to the truck and into the seat just as everyone else settled into the back. “Go! Now!”

  Zack slammed the truck into gear and stomped on the gas. He made the first left and headed back down the street toward the bridge.

  When the truck neared the metal barrier at the bridge, Ollie stepped out of the nearby tent and waved. “What’s going on? Where are you folks headed?” he asked with a worried look, “What were those shots in town?”

  Steve answered, “The soldiers just caused a riot in front of city hall. Half a dozen people went down. They’re claiming martial law gives them the right to confiscate food, meds, and weapons. We decided we weren’t interested in staying and giving up our guns.”

  “What’ve you got in the back?” Ollie asked.

  “Just what we came with and the supplies you gave us,” Steve answered. “You plan on stopping us?”

  “Hell, no. Well, son-of-a-bitch!” Ollie swore as he looked at the people around him. “How bad is it?”

  Steve shrugged. “They already killed at least four people.” he answered, then asked, “Will you open the gate and let us go?”

  “No reason not to.” He waved at the men standing guard. “Open the gate.”

  Ollie looked into the back seat. “Looks like you picked up a couple folks. What about that young girl that came in with you?”

  “She found some friends and was determined to stay,” Steve answered. “Will you watch out for her? She’s just a kid.”

  The gate swung open. “I’ll keep an eye on her.” Ollie stepped back and waved them toward the gate. “Thanks for the head’s up. You folks be safe, now.”

  Steve hesitated, then added, “If this falls apart, head for Pine Creek Canyon in the Guadalupe National Park.”

  Ollie gave a quick nod and waved the truck on. Zack stepped on the accelerator and Steve looked in the side mirror as they drove through the gate to see Ollie heading toward his vehicle as the gates closed.

  Chapter 21

  Long Wait

  Will Edmonds sipped at the steaming cup of coffee as he looked over the pine and oak forested valley stretching out before him. “How’s your family settling in, Randy?”

  Randy growled. “They’re not. Cassie brought every medical book she had and hasn’t moved them from the door. Aunt Wilma is cleaning like a demon since she’s worried sick about my cousin. The last time my aunt talked to Tate, she was in San Antonio waiting for a load.”

  “She’s in the middle of a shit storm,” Will agreed. “All we can do is pray our families got out in time and are headed this way. Our job is to have a safe place for them to come to. Their job is to get here.”

  “Tate’s tough. If anyone can get through on their own, it’ll be Tate,” Randy chuckled. “She used to kick my ass when we were kids. Last time I saw her, I told her if the shit-hits-the-fan, to find me. She knows where I am.” Randy got a pained look on his face. “She tried to help me to talk about what happened, but I just couldn’t get it out. I was kind of messed up, and those quacks at the VA kept telling me I was crazy. All they did was throw pills at me.”

  Will put his hand on Randy’s shoulder. “I know. It was hard for me to believe anyone would reanimate the dead until a few days ago, much less three years ago.”

  Randy railed, “I told ‘em. My team died then got up and attacked me. I had to put five men down.” His breath caught, and his hands began to shake.

  “Let it go, Randy. What happened then doesn’t make a difference now, and we’ve got the family to think about protecting. Your cousin and my daughter’s family will get here, and we have to be ready. With a little luck, more of our people will be getting here soon too.”

  “Yeah. You’re right.” Randy closed his eyes and took a deep cleansing breath. When he opened his eyes again, his hands had grown steady again, and his face relaxed.

  “Your cousin will remember to come here?” Will asked.

  Randy shrugged. “I think so, but honestly I don’t know. She would want to find her mother and sister. If she finds out, they evacuated Houston, maybe. What about your daughter? It would be a hard trek for a woman and two kids alone.”

  “I know, but I’m hoping her husband is with them and maybe even a bunch of soldiers from the base.” Will sighed. “Let’s get the day started. You want some coffee?”

  “I’m good, thanks. Aunt Wilma made breakfast, this morning. She said a man ain’t worth much without a good breakfast.” Randy laughed. “Cassie offered to help me work on the drawbridge. I sure could use Juan’s help. When do you expect him and Elaina to roll in?”

  Will answered, “Who knows? They were only supposed to be gone a week, but I’m still hoping they make it back soon. Without Juan’s expertise, I guess I’ll have to finish extending the gully past the south wall of the canyon. With that done, the cattle guard will be the only place to cross the gap. I figure we can start unrolling the barbed wire on this side of the ravine then.”

  “By the time you’re done, I’ll have the cattle guard rigged as a drawbridge. I’m going to take the welder down there and finish assembling the counterweight system.” Randy laughed. “When I’m done, a ten-year-old will be able to raise and lower the gate.”

  “We’ll have to worry about looters eventually. People will be looking for a place to hunker down.”

  “Hopefully, there won’t be many come up this way. Not many people even know about this place since it was abandoned for years,” Randy commented.

  Will agreed. “True, but there might be a few hunter that remember the hunting lodge. Plus, we had the web designer release that website two weeks ago. We’ve had over a dozen responses.”

  “I didn’t realized it had been released,” Randy commented. “Shit, that’s not good.”

  “We can support a small community, but I want to have a say in who that includes.”

  “Digging out those watering holes up in the hills a few years back sure has increased the wildlife around here. I even saw a few wild horses the other day,” Randy commented.

>   “Maybe we’ll run across some stray cattle if we get a chance to search some of the open range. For now, our focus is security, and that means me digging that trench and you getting the bridge operational.”

  Randy shrugged. “I’ll get Cassie and head out. I did ask Aunt Wilma if she’d go to the lodge and fix our dinner and she said she would. We still have some venison from the deer we killed four days ago.”

  “I’ve been thinking. I know the cabin you three are is big enough, bu I’d like you, Wilma and Cassie to move up to the lodge. It doesn’t have to be today but soon. It’ll be safer for all of us.”

  “You’ll want your family to live here when they come in,” Randy protested.

  “There’ll still be plenty of room, and I don’t want strangers in the lodge with me and mine. Besides, right now I’d like the guns all in one place.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Randy answered. “I’ll talk to them, but I don’t see a problem.”

  “We got a lot to do to protect this place,” Will mumbled to himself, as he walked away. “Be sure to pick up the two-way radio at the front desk.”

  Four hours later, Wilma Hamilton stepped into the lodge and glanced around. So now the lodge was going to be their home. They were safe, because of Randy and this strange man, but she wasn’t sure she liked the new living arrangements.

  Both she and Cassie had watched the horror of the attacks at the military base unfold by news clips. All the networks sent reporters to stand in front of hospitals to watch ambulances arriving and were still there when the infected rose up and stumbled around the emergency rooms and spilled out to attack the news teams.

  They discussed loading up the car and leaving, but Wilma was afraid they would get trapped on the freeways in Cassie’s little Prius just like they had while trying to escape Hurricane Rita pending arrival. They stacked a few supplies by the front door and decided to wait until morning while they watched the news and discuss where to go when they did leave.


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