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Shock Advised (Kilgore Fire #1)

Page 16

by Lani Lynn Vale

  And tattooed.

  And sexy.

  Tai was all that, too, but being surrounded by black clad figures really made me feel trapped by the testosterone.

  They were nice, though.

  After being introduced to the group and learning each of their names, I realized that they were just people. Intimidating people, but people nonetheless.

  The bell at the front of the diner chimed, and I looked up in time to see a pink-faced Masen walking in, with Bowe at her back.

  He had his hand on her back, guiding her inside, and he was talking low to her as he did.

  She looked up, and her eyes widened.

  I’m going to kill you, she mouthed.

  I grinned.

  So she liked his voice.

  I knew she would.

  Not that she had said why, exactly, she was going to kill me.

  I could only assume.

  And I was right, seconds later, as Masen grabbed my hand on the way to the bathroom.

  “You bitch!” Masen said once the door closed. “You could’ve warned me that his voice was like an orgasm for my ears!”

  Laughter bubbled up my throat, and I had to lean against the wall to keep from falling over at the hilarity of the situation.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, wiping my eyes. “But it was too good not to surprise you with.”

  Masen shivered. “You’ve got that right,” she said. “The man gives me tingles…in my vagina.”

  I rolled my eyes and washed my hands, stepping back so she could do the same.

  “So you like him?” I asked.

  She shrugged.

  “Yeah, I guess,” she said.

  She was lying.

  She liked him a lot.

  But she wouldn’t admit it.

  Because to admit it would mean that she’d actually have to put herself out there, and she was careful about doing that now that she’d finally gotten rid of her ex.

  “Okay,” Masen said, grabbing five paper towels, drying her hands, and then moving them to her armpits to dry those as well. “Let’s do this. Do I look okay?”

  I studied her outfit.

  She was in jeans, a tight baby doll t-shirt that left very little to the imagination, and a pair of boots with rhinestones on them.

  “Yeah,” I said. “You look great.”

  “Okay,” she said, shaking her arms out. “Don’t laugh if I accidentally orgasm from the sound his voice.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re terrible.

  Chapter 17

  You know that look? The one your mother always gave you when you were in serious trouble? The way it made you feel when you heard your first, middle, and last name shouted by your enraged mother in “that” voice? Yeah, that’ll look like a pat on the hand compared to the one you’ll get if you look at that hoe’s boobs that close again.

  -Note to self…bitches be crazy


  An hour into our dinner, I was thinking that Masen and Bowe were really hitting it off and this could actually be really something.

  “We should go out to the cabin,” Bowe said. “It’s empty, and we were going out there anyway on Sunday. If we just went a day early, then we could make a weekend out of it instead.”

  I looked at Tai.

  “Y’all were already going out there?” I teased.

  I hadn’t heard that yet.

  Then again, he didn’t answer to me.

  He could go hang out with his buddies if he wanted to.

  “Yeah,” Tai confirmed. “The whole B shift goes out there once a month for training exercises. The cabin is owned by the Chief, Allen.”

  “Ahh,” I said. “They have enough room for us?”

  I picked up a French fry and dipped it into the ranch sauce the waitress had been kind enough to bring me. Not just a small cup either, but a cereal bowl sized order of it.

  I didn’t complain, but I did find it funny.

  I’d been asking her for more all night. And she’d thought she’d be funny by bringing me more than enough.


  It also didn’t help that I knew she had the hots for Tai.

  And that Tai had had his dick in her.

  Tai, I assumed, didn’t know that I knew.

  Otherwise he’d be trying to do some damage control.

  Women know, though.

  They know when they’re in the presence of a woman who’s fucked their man.

  I knew that Tai wasn’t a choirboy when we’d met.

  He was a hot, sexy, twenty-eight-year-old man.

  He was in the prime of his life, so it shouldn’t have come to any surprise to me that I’d eventually bump into one of his castoffs.

  But it did.

  And it hurt.

  But just as suddenly as those feelings came, they left.

  He put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side, and pressed his lips onto my forehead in a natural, effortless way.

  The waitress gave me the evil eye, and I made a mental note to check my desert later to be sure that I didn’t have anything unwanted in it.

  “That sounds good to me, but if you invite the women, then Fatbaby’s wife will want to go, too,” Tai said.

  I grimaced.

  As did Bowe.

  Masen look confused.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Masen asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Fatbaby’s wife is a jealous, catty bitch,” Tai explained. “She’s also the woman responsible for leaking all the stories lately on all the calls we’ve had. Not to mention Fatbaby could possibly get fired for sharing that information with her in the first place.”

  I bit my lip.

  That I hadn’t heard.

  How terrible.

  Something shared between spouses went without saying that it stayed confidential between the two of you.

  It just seemed crazy to me that she’d be so callous with his trust.


  “Well, let’s just worry about that later,” I said, my eyes narrowing as the plate with the large piece of cake came out that Tai and I were sharing.

  She handed a fork to Tai but conveniently forgot the second one that we’d asked for.

  “Rude,” I muttered, taking the fork from Tai and inspecting the cake.

  “What are you doing?” Tai asked warily.

  “Making sure your ex-bang buddy didn’t spit in it,” I explained.

  Tai froze.

  “What?” He asked carefully.

  I turned only my face to him and raised my eyebrow.

  “You heard me,” I said, narrowing my eyes.

  He held his hand up to me. “I think this is something we should discuss later. But if you’re worried about the cake, we can send it back.”

  I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. I don’t see anything, and I doubt that she’d do that to you.”

  He wisely shut his mouth and didn’t utter another word unless it was to offer me more cake.

  I, of course, took the cake.

  That was what any sane woman would do…right?

  Chapter 18

  A real woman makes your dick hard, not your life.

  -Note to self


  I walked into the station only wanting to hear whether or not Luke had heard anything about Edwin or the Jenner Bitch, but got a job offer instead.

  “So, I got to thinking… I really wouldn’t mind having you on the team if you’re interested,” Luke said, handing me a folder.

  “What makes you think I can shoot?” I asked, taking the folder without looking at its contents. “And I don’t have any of the training you’re looking for.”

  He gave me a look that clearly said, ‘do you think I’m stupid,’ and I laughed.

  “Alright, man. I’ll think on it. When do you need my answer by?” I asked.

  He looked at his watch.

  “Tomorrow. That’s when we’re having tryouts…and I wouldn’t mind adding a man I know the boys will
get along with,” Luke said. “You’ll have to be put through the academy to get your peace officer’s license; that’ll take about three months. The majority of it will be online, and you’ll have about four other paramedics going through it with you, so feel free to study together.”

  I nodded in understanding. I wouldn’t mind getting the extra certification to become a peace officer. I only had to add the police academy to my firefighter and EMT certificates.

  “This isn’t full time, right? Because I’m not leaving my job as a firefighter. I love it too much,” I said.

  He shook his head.

  “I’m expecting PD, Bowe, Drew and Fatbaby to apply as well,” he explained. “So you’ll be on call probably once a week. You’ll be expected to participate in any SWAT situational training with the team, but that shouldn’t be too hard for y’all. Especially since y’all have to pass the fire department’s physical requirement test once a year.”

  I understood that.

  Kilgore Fire Department’s physical agility test was one of the hardest in the state, and I really wasn’t sure why.

  We were small-time compared to Dallas or Houston.

  Yet, if I could pass the KFD’s agility test, I’d pass KPD’s.

  And Luke knew it.

  “Alright,” I said. “Do I need to come in and take this test with the rest of them?”

  He nodded. “Yes. By law, we have to have this testing for other applicants to apply. Equal opportunity and all that bullshit. But if you boys come out, you’ll get it. No problem.”

  I nodded and offered him my hand.

  Then started forward only to stop and look at him again.

  “You never told me about what you found out about the baby daddy and the Air Bitch,” I said.

  He sighed and shook his head.

  “Not a damn thing. The things Jack provided us with for Jenner Heating and Air, specifically Wanda McCarty, we can’t use since they weren’t obtained by ‘proper’ channels.” He held up his hand to stop me before I’d let loose on him. “That’s not to say that we’re not using what we know to find something we can use.”

  I nodded, and he continued.

  “I’ve got John running his magic on his end,” Luke said, indicating the department’s computer wizard. “And Edwin McCain has been told that Mia isn’t a suspect in the investigation for the extortion he’s been experiencing. He wasn’t happy about it, but he hasn’t been demanding Mia’s head like he had been doing. So that’s a win.”

  I growled in frustration.

  “Fine,” I said, frustration clearly evident in my tone. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I started walking to the door once again.

  “Tai?” Luke called.

  I turned my head and looked at him.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You didn’t ask about the reporter,” he said.

  I grinned. “I sure didn’t, did I?”


  I closed the door to my house and started looking for the woman that I knew was in there.

  I’d left her in my bed this morning when I’d received the call from Luke, and she’d promised to stay until I got back.

  I found her in the laundry room, leaning over the washer as she tried to get the clothes at the bottom.

  Her feet were about half a foot off the floor, and her entire head, as well as most of her torso, were missing from view.

  “You need help?” I asked.

  She squeaked in surprise, and I grabbed one leg before she could fall all the way in.

  “Shit,” she said, pushing herself back up to her feet.

  She had an arm full of clothes, and her eyes were filled with fire.

  “Sorry,” I said.

  She bared her teeth at me and tossed the clothes in her hands into the dryer.

  I reached over and easily picked up the last few socks and tossed them to her.

  She took those as well and tossed them in, then turned on the dryer before picking up what looked like the bedroom sheets and tossing those into the washer

  She didn’t say another word until she’d started that load, too.

  “Why are these so freakin tall?” she asked.

  I shrugged.

  “I got shafted,” I said. “I originally ordered a front loader washer and dryer, which required me to get those stupid pedestals,” I pointed to the platforms with the drawers at the base of the washer and dryer that lifted both appliances off the ground about a foot. “But then something happened, and they delivered the pedestals and a top loading washer and dryer. They offered me a reimbursement on the difference in pricing, but refused to give me a refund on the pedestals. So now I’m using them both out of defiance rather than for practicality.”

  “That’s...not fair,” she said, giving her opinion.

  I shrugged. “Life’s not fair.”

  She rolled her eyes, and I could’ve sworn she muttered something similar to ‘don’t I know it.’ But she’d been walking away at the time, and I couldn’t be sure.

  “What’s that?” She asked, pointing to the paperwork for the ‘tactical medic’ position that Luke and I had spoken about.

  So I told her what it was, and she frowned.

  “What’s stopping you from doing this?” Mia asked softly.

  She sounded so…accepting.


  “You…and my brother,” I said honestly.

  She pursed her lips.

  “Tell me about the job,” she said, leaning her hips against the counter.

  The top of her shirt rode up, revealing her white belly, and I had to force myself to look back at her face instead of letting my thoughts drift into how the soft skin of her belly felt against my lips.

  “A tactical medic is somewhat of a new prospect, not just for Kilgore, but for the entire country,” I said, taking a seat in front of her. “This all started when the active shooter situations started to become more…frequent,” I said. “Before, they just had their own SWAT guys trained in BLS, or basic life support,” I explained.

  I leaned backward and grabbed the coffee pot off the burner and poured coffee in the same cup I’d used that morning.

  “Now,” I said. “They’re trying to be more prepared. They want a medic there, on site, in case any of the SWAT team members need them. Not to mention that in active shooter situations there’ll be a lot more potential for injuries not just to the SWAT team, but to innocent civilians as well.”

  “So you’d be…on the SWAT team?” She asked, her brow furrowing.

  I nodded.

  “I would…but I wouldn’t stop working at KFD. I’d just be an ‘on call’ SWAT team member. If I’m working, obviously I wouldn’t be on call unless there was no one else available. But after all that’s happened over the last two years with the SWAT team, and how many times they’ve come under fire, they’re looking into having an actual medic on the team would fill not only the medical role but could also be a participating member of the SWAT team should the situation warrant it.

  “Will you be out there…in front of the shooters?” She asked worriedly.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. But I really doubt I will be. If I get killed or hurt, that completely defeats the purpose of having a tactical medic on the team,” I explained. “But I will also be able to defend myself and my team members, if needed. I’ll have the law enforcement training and all of that fun stuff. I just won’t be the one ramming the door.”

  She was quiet for a long time while her eyes stared down at the tabletop, drawing invisible designs on the white surface as she thought.

  Finally, she looked up, and she smiled at me.

  “Well, I can help you out with one of those. For me, if you’re doing what you love…then I’m happy for you and don’t have a problem with it,” she said. “When I started seeing you, I knew you had a dangerous job. Now, that’s not to say that I like the idea of you going out into even more dangerous situations, but I also don’t want to stop you from doi
ng what you love or prevent you from exploring something new. If you want to do this, I’ll support you a hundred and ten percent just like I think you’d do for me.”

  I wrapped my arms around her, then slowly dropped my mouth to hers.

  She moaned into my mouth and things got a little heated.

  Clothes went flying, and before I knew it, I was sitting in a chair as she was mounting my condom-clad cock.

  Her feet barely touched the ground as she lined my cock up with her entrance, but she didn’t let that hinder her.

  She slid down the length of my cock, her eyes closing even before she’d taken me all the way.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I said, running my hand down the middle of her chest.

  Her nipples pebbled as my hand slid past them, and she leaned her head back and bucked her hips when my hand continued on down to where we were joined.

  She hissed in a breath and leaned back even further, bracing both of her hands on my knees as she did, effectively giving me an even better view of what was happening between our legs.

  The sight of her moving on me, faster and faster, was mesmerizing.

  The muscles of her thighs flexed with each upward movement, and I had to bite back a groan as I started to think about how this was feeling extraordinarily good.

  “Slow down,” I ordered.

  She ignored me, and I realized why moments later when she exploded around me.

  Her heated gaze met mine, and her eyes were nearly wild as her orgasm tore through her.

  She screamed so loudly that my ears would’ve hurt had I not been so focused on my cock and the climax boiling up from my balls.

  I exploded right along with her, pouring what felt like years’ worth of frustration, loneliness and hope into her. Spurt after spurt jetted from my cock, filling the tip of the condom.

  My eyes squeezed tightly shut as Mia’s contracting pussy milked my cock for all it was worth.

  She fell forward onto my chest, burying her nose into the crook of my neck, and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

  “That just keeps getting better and better,” she whispered, placing soft, wet kisses on the cords of my neck.

  I chuckled and lifted her up with two well-placed hands on either side of her ass, my fingers brushing her pussy lips as I did.

  My cock fell out of her, landing against the inside of my thigh with a wet sound, and my stomach tightened as I felt the wetness of my release leaking from not just her entrance, but also my cock as well.


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