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Ice Dreams Part 1

Page 7

by Melissa Johns

  She broke away from the kiss and slowly backed away from him. As she turned her back to leave the room, he grabbed her hand at the last minute and pushed her against the door. His lips were within inches of hers, his breathing was rapid and he quickly covered her lips again. She kissed him with every ounce of energy that she had in her and didn’t seem like it was enough. His arms were on either side of her head holding her in place. He backed away from her as he softly chanted to himself that he was late.

  Madison sat in his living room and waited for him to finish getting dressed. Her body was on fire and she tingled in places that she didn’t recognize. As he came around the corner, he smiled at her. “I’m sorry about that. I need to find a way to control myself better around you.”

  She found herself disappointed that he had found clothes to put on but still was impressed by the way he looked in slacks and a dress shirt. “I like the way you are when you are around me. I can take it, I won’t break, I promise.”

  Hunter stopped in his tracks as he slid his jacket on and closed his eyes. He softly whispered when he turned back towards her. “God, I like you.” He reached for her hand and put her jacket on as they hurried out to his truck and drove to Alicia’s.

  As Hunter drove away, Madison quickly pushed the buzzer for Alicia’s apartment. She heard the noise as the door opened. As the elevator arrived on her floor, Alicia was waiting at the door for her and hurried across the hallway to hug Madison tightly.

  “I’m so happy that you are here. Come on, I made us a snack.”

  Madison entered their apartment and looked around. “This place is spectacular. You are so lucky. You have a view like Hunter’s apartment.”

  Alicia smiled and poured them a couple glasses of wine. “Here you go. So, what did you want to talk about?” She asked as she sat on the couch.

  Madison sat next to her and smiled. “I’m sorry that you had to witness that earlier. Now, you can understand why I don’t have a relationship with my parents. They don’t listen to what I want and I can’t surround myself with that anymore.”

  Alicia smiled. “I totally understand and I’m proud of you because you stood up for yourself. Carter felt horrible though. But you have to understand, that’s the life he has gotten used to. You know how your parents ignored you? Well, on the flip side, they controlled everything that Carter did in his life. It took me so long to break his horrible habits but I had to understand that was how he was wired. I blame your parents for the way they mismanaged their children. You and Carter are beautiful people regardless of the ways you were brought up.”

  Madison nodded and listened to her, she never thought about it that way before. He suffered as well being under total supervision of their parents. Even though, he had the career and fiancée, he still missed out on a normal childhood. “You know what, Alicia. I never thought about it like that before. I was always so jealous of him because he got all the attention but I didn’t realize the negative side of it.”

  “You have a lot in common with him, Madison. I hope you will sit down with him when he gets back home tonight.”

  Madison nodded and laughed. “Yeah, I will. I was just so mad earlier.”

  Alicia took a sip of wine. “Did you want to talk about something else?”

  Madison put her glass on the coffee table and stared at the wall. “I’m worried, Alicia.”

  “What are you worried about?”

  “Hunter and I have started to explore our feelings with each other and I’m so nervous that I will screw everything up.”

  Alicia chuckled. “It’s normal, Madison. You would have experienced the same thing as a teenager if you had the chance.”

  Madison looked at her. “He knows what he is doing though. Every time that he touches me, I think I’m going to explode.”

  Alicia laughed. “Oh Madison, you haven’t experienced anything abnormal. Just do what comes naturally to you. Believe me, when each moment happens, you will know what to do and if you don’t, he will fill in the blanks.”

  Madison blushed. “I like him, Alicia. I really like him. I feel so comfortable around him and I miss him. I just saw him thirty minutes ago and I actually miss him.”

  “He’s a great guy, I don’t blame you and I know he feels the same way about you too. Just have fun and enjoy it. And if you get really nervous about something, you can always research online or ask me.”

  Madison let out a loud laugh as she fell against the couch. “So after the game tomorrow and we head home, what is on the agenda for the rest of my vacation?”

  “When do you head back to Canada?”

  “On Tuesday afternoon, gives me another five days to enjoy myself.” Alicia suddenly looked at her with concern and Madison knew her next question. “I don’t know, Alicia. I wasn’t planning on finding him and I have no clue on how I’m supposed to leave him.”

  Alicia sighed. “Well, we don’t need to think about that now.”

  Madison nodded and stood up. She headed towards the window and stared into the night sky. “How long will the guys be tonight?”

  “Probably a couple of hours, what do you want to do in the meantime?”

  “Well, it’s only around eight. Is there a store around here, I would like to shop.”

  Alicia bounced off the couch. “I have the perfect place!” She grabbed Madison’s hand, her purse and headed down to her car.

  As they arrived at the store, the sales lady smiled at Alicia. “You are back in town!”

  “All Star game this weekend, Mallory, this is my future sister in law, Madison.”

  She shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, dear.”

  “Madison has a new boyfriend and I think she wants to buy something nice for him.”

  “Well then let’s have some fun. What would you like to buy, something sexy, dressy or both?”

  Madison looked at Alicia for guidance. “Actually since tomorrow is the All Star game, how about something sexy and sporty?”

  Alicia clapped her hands in approval. She pulled Madison towards the back of the store. “What would you think about some hip hugging jeans and a sexy top?”

  Madison pulled a pair of jeans off the rack that caught her eye. She heard Alicia gasp as she ran over to her with a red and black low cut hockey t-shirt featuring the logo from the guys team.

  “That is ridiculous. I would be one of those hockey groupies.”

  “You wanted to buy something sexy! This would look so hot on you.”

  Madison grabbed the shirt along with her jeans and headed to the fitting room. She slid on the jeans as they hugged every curve on her lower body. She slipped the t-shirt over her head and realized a small section of her midriff was on display. The shirt did emphasize her chest as she ran her fingers through her short hair and quickly realized that she liked the outfit and the way it made her feel.

  “This could work, Alicia,” Madison called out from the fitting room.

  “Let me see it, come out here.” Madison flung open the curtain and waited for Alicia’s response. “You are hot! Hunter is going to lose his mind.”

  “It’s not too over the top?”

  “No, it’s sexy,” Alicia said.

  “I thought about buying some high heeled boots?”

  Alicia smirked. “I love that you are coming out of your shell.”

  “I have just the pair in mind for you,” Mallory said as she headed towards the shoe department.

  “I know this may be awkward for you but from our earlier conversation, did you want to shop for some other items also?”

  Madison looked confused as she tilted her head to the side. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  Alicia blushed and chuckled. “Well, how far are you planning on taking things with Hunter?”

  “Oh! I didn’t even think of that. Well, I turned over a new leaf so let’s do it. Point me in the direction of some sexy underwear!”

  At the end of their shopping excursion, Madison had a pair of new jeans, a sexy to
p, and a pair of high heeled boots. She also bought a set of the sexiest black lacy bra and panties she ever saw.

  When they arrived back to Alicia’s apartment, the guys had already returned from their meetings at the arena. Carter rushed over and kissed Alicia hello as Madison’s heart raced knowing that Hunter was there also. Leaving the two love birds alone, she walked into their living room to find Hunter with his back towards her. She noticed that he was on his cell phone.

  “I’m looking forward to seeing you guys too. I want to introduce you to someone tomorrow,” Hunter said as he turned around and spotted her. They smiled at each other as Hunter crossed the room and traced her cheek with his fingertips. “Yeah Mom, she’s special. I will see you tomorrow.” Hunter ended his call and swiftly kissed her lips.

  “Where were you ladies tonight?” he asked.

  Madison held up her shopping bag. “I needed some new clothes.”

  “Cool, did you have fun?”

  “Alicia is wonderful.” Madison looked at him. “So, am I meeting your parents tomorrow?”

  “Yes, they will be in the same suite as you. Is that ok?”

  Madison took a deep breath. “Just really nervous now, I may need to rethink my outfit. The one I just bought may not be appropriate.”

  Hunter’s smile turned into a mischievous grin. “What did you buy, Madison?” His arms curled around her and pulled her close. “If you wanted to model it for me, I could be the judge for you.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh even though she knew he wasn’t joking around with her. “You will just have to take me out again to find out.”

  Carter and Alicia walked into the living room. “Hey Maddy, I wanted to talk with you but I’m so exhausted. Could we take a rain check?”

  “Of course, have fun playing in the game tomorrow and I’m sure we will run into each other afterwards.” They hugged each other as the buzzer rang.

  “Who could that be?” Alicia asked as she disappeared into the next room. When she came back, she frowned. “Your mother is here.”

  Madison rolled her eyes and sighed. Hunter grabbed her hand and looked at her. “I refuse to watch her destroy you again. We are leaving.”

  They said their good nights and headed towards the elevators. As they pushed the button, the doors opened and her mother was stood there. “What’s this?” her mother asked.

  “You know Hunter, Mother.”

  “That’s not what I mean. I didn’t think you were coming here.”

  “I’m a guest of Hunter’s,” Madison said as she heard Carter behind her.

  “Mom, Madison is a grown woman. She can be wherever she wants to be.”

  “Carter, since when do you speak to me like that?” their mother asked as she stepped out of the elevator.

  “Since I’m sick of you treating Madison like she isn’t a part of our family. It’s been a long day, Mom. Is there something I can help you with tonight?”

  “I just wanted to come by and wish you luck tomorrow but I see I’m not welcome anymore so I will leave.”

  Carter sighed. “Mom, you are welcome here but you need to respect her. Why is that so hard for you?”

  Madison threw her arms up in the air as if she surrendered. “Carter, thank you for trying but it’s no use. It’s ok though, I’m leaving and I will continue to enjoy myself.”

  “Leaving?” her mother asked. “You are leaving with him?”

  “Yes Mother, Hunter is my boyfriend and I’m staying with him tonight. Don’t even pretend that you get a say in my decision. Good night everyone and thanks for the shopping trip, Alicia.”

  As the elevator doors closed, Madison let out a deep breath. Hunter leaned down and whispered in her ear. “That was amazing. You are a lot stronger than you think are, Madison.”

  She smiled as she turned towards him and lightly kissed his lips. “Thank you.”

  As they arrived back at his apartment, she walked into his spare bedroom and dropped her shopping bags on the bed. She looked around the room and smiled. She had started to live her life. She felt strong and she knew that she was building her confidence.

  “Did you want me to order some dinner?” Hunter asked as he walked into her room.

  “I’m starving, I would love that.”

  “There is a great Chinese takeout place down the block, are you ok with that?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, sounds great.”

  Hunter disappeared to make the phone call as she dug into her overnight bag. She pulled out her short cotton shorts and her light blue tank top to sleep in. She ran her fingers through her hair and looked at herself in the mirror. For the first time in her life, she wanted to look sexy.

  She removed her bra and slid the tank top into place. She pulled her shorts up her smooth legs and checked in the mirror to make sure everything looked good. She felt the butterflies in her stomach as she lightly applied a coat of lip gloss. She smiled as she turned and headed down the hallway.

  She looked in the living room and then followed the hallway into the kitchen. Hunter was pouring them a couple glasses of wine as he turned around. He placed the bottle of wine on the counter and stared at her. “You are so beautiful.”

  Madison blushed as she walked over to him. “I’m not used to hearing stuff like that.”

  “Well get used to it. I will be saying it a lot. You are sexy as hell in that outfit, if I may say that.”

  She laughed. “I will allow it.”

  He handed her a glass of wine. “Food will be here shortly. Make yourself comfortable.”

  She walked into the living room and curled up in the corner of his couch. She placed the glass on the side table and watched as he sat next to her. He grabbed her legs and placed them across his lap as his fingertips ran up and down her thighs.

  “I want to know more about you, Madison.”

  “Ask away but there isn’t much to say.”

  “I know you aren’t a huge hockey fan but are you into any sports?”

  “Not really, I probably watch more hockey than you think. Once Carter and I started to talk again, I would find games on television or online. I actually saw your game winner in the Buffalo game during the conference finals last year.”

  Hunter smiled at her. “So you knew who I was when we met.”

  She nodded. “I knew of you but I had no idea what you looked like. The first time I saw you sitting on their patio, I couldn’t breathe.”

  “I know that feeling all too well.”

  “There is something we need to discuss though.”

  “Well, that sounds serious. What is it?” he asked as he took a sip of wine.

  “I will be heading back to Canada in a few days and I don’t know how to handle that. I don’t know if we say it was fun while it lasted or if we try a long distance relationship. I just don’t know.”

  Hunter looked at her and smiled. “Well, let’s just enjoy the time we have together and when that moment arrives, we will deal with it. I’m with you, I don’t know either.”

  Madison nodded as she took a sip of her wine. She heard the door buzzer as he got up to grab their food. When he returned, he brought with him a couple of plates and laid out the food in front of them.

  They ate and talked throughout dinner. Madison asked him questions about his family that she was meeting the next day. “I’m really nervous, Hunter. What if I say something stupid?”

  Hunter laughed as he swallowed his food. “You will be wonderful. She’s nothing like your mother. Please don’t be nervous. She will love getting to know you, just as much as I have. She loves Carter already so I’m sure she will love you too.”

  Madison stood up and cleared their dishes. She felt him behind her as she rinsed off the plates in the sink. She moaned softly as he kissed the side of her neck. His lips kissed a path from her shoulder blade up to her ear. Her body tingled and felt a surge of energy rush through her body as his teeth lightly bit her earlobe.

  He whispered, “This is what I’m talking about,
I’ve never had someone react to my touch like you do. I can feel your body respond to me and there is nothing hotter than that. The way your body pushes into mine, the way you tense up when our skin touches. I know exactly what you are feeling, Madison because I’m feeling the same thing.”

  She couldn’t speak as she allowed him access to her neck. His fingers trailed down her bare arms and around her waist. She leaned back against him as his hands moved under her tank top and up her stomach. She tensed as his fingers reached underneath her breasts and he remained still. “It’s ok, Madison, just tell me if you want me to stop.”

  She shook her head. “No, please touch me.” She couldn’t believe that she had spoken those words.

  Hunter groaned as he continued to kiss along her neck to her ear. His hand slid over her chest as she moaned softly. The sensations that rushed throughout her body couldn’t be explained. Every nerve was on overdrive as he continued his assault. She moaned softly, “Hunter.”

  His breath caught in his throat as he whispered back to her, “You are so beautiful and I swear to God you were made for me.”

  Madison felt her body start to tense as his hand continued to massage her and his lips continued to kiss her. She could feel his smirk against her skin as his other hand dropped beneath her waistband. She could hear his small gasp. “Oh sweetheart, you are about to come undone, aren’t you.”

  Madison slowly nodded, not being able to speak. She had only read about this moment in books, she never imagined it would be this powerful.

  “You are so responsive. God, I don’t want to stop touching you.”

  Madison leaned harder back against him as if she couldn’t support herself anymore. Every nerve in her body fired at the same time as her knees became weak and a strong, intense feeling came over of her body. She couldn’t open her eyes and clearly forgot how to breathe.

  “How was that for another first?” Hunter smiled against the curve of her neck.

  Madison smiled as she turned around and kissed him with all the energy that she could muster. When she finished her assault, she pulled back just enough to look at him. “I’m speechless.”


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