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Training Their Mate [Pack Wars-Book 1]

Page 14

by Day, Vella

  Dante had suggested she keep her weapon in her glove compartment, but she didn’t feel comfortable having her gun that far away. So, she carried it in her purse.

  After her last showing, she stopped by the store to pick up something for dinner from the deli counter. Ever since she’d broken up with the men, she hadn’t been in the mood to cook and her appetite had waned. She’d already lost four pounds, and it showed mostly in her face. Tonight, comfort food was on the menu. She was determined to find something to cheer her up, and the fried chicken, coleslaw, and rolls she bought seemed perfect.

  After the short drive home, she scoped the surrounding area before she opened the car door and went inside. Everything looked normal. She placed the food on the kitchen counter and set out her meal.

  Her plate in hand, she traipsed over to the sofa and clicked on the television. She put on Netflix, hoping to find something entertaining. A few funny movies without romance were listed and sure to make her laugh. But when she found herself thinking of other things halfway through the movie, she turned it off. Being alone sucked. If Dante had been here, they would have been laughing at the movie together.

  Call him.

  Her mom always said she was too stubborn for her own good. Maybe that was true. Around eleven, she crawled into bed and turned off the lights. Her thoughts bumped between Couch’s snarling face to Trax’s werewolf state. Agitated, she jumped to the home showing she’d had today. That couple picked at every little thing. Yeesh.

  Liz shoved off the covers and fluffed the pillows trying to get comfortable. This time she imagined Dante and then Trax in his human form. She let her mind wander between eating lunch at the beach with Dante and enjoying her time in the playroom with both men. Soon her muscles relaxed and she drifted off to sleep.

  The clicking sound of a door opening made her bolt up in bed.

  Oh, shit.

  She couldn’t decide if she should turn on the light, call 9-1-1, or just grab her gun and shoot whoever was in her house.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Dante yawned and covered his mouth. Tonight was only his second night on duty watching Liz, but dammit he didn’t have it in him anymore to stay up twenty-four hours straight. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out how he did all-nighters back in college. Trax took most of the evening duties and Kurt, Drake, Clay, and Dirk watched her during the day. They had a few close calls when they thought Liz might have spotted one of them, but so far she hadn’t sounded the alarm.

  He yawned again and shook his head to clear the fog until another fog of Liz and his mating settled in around him. What would he do with her if and when he got another chance? He rolled down the window and sucked in a breath of fresh air. His cell phone buzzed, and he checked the text.

  Get home now. Urgent. Couch is here.

  Fuck. Trax rarely texted. If his brother hadn’t been able to call, it must be bad. Dante turned the key in the ignition and hightailed it out of there. At this hour, the roads were mostly empty. He broke every posted speed limit, and he prayed some cop wasn’t just waiting to pounce. Dante took a few corners too fast, but when he neared their home, he slowed. He decided to park down the street and approach on foot. If Couch was there, Dante didn’t want to tip his hand.

  Even if he called or texted Trax, and Couch, in some unbelievable scenario, had his brother cornered, the returned text might be a lie. No lights shone from upstairs, but if Couch was in wolf form, he could see in the dark. Though how he entered their place undetected was anyone’s guess.

  Dante didn’t see or hear anything coming from the loft. He pressed his eye to the sensor and the door seemed unusually loud opening. He tiptoed upstairs and listened at the door then stepped inside. Trax was here—alone. Dante’s heart shot to high alert when he thought he might have been duped. But how was that possible?

  He knocked on Trax’s closed door and waited for his brother to answer before he went inside.

  Trax opened his door looking like shit. “What the fuck are you doing here? Is Liz with you?”

  “I got your text.”

  “What text?”


  Trax seemed to put the pieces together fast. He rushed back into his room, stepped into his boots, and pulled a shirt over his pajamas. “Let’s go.”

  “I’ll drive.”

  They both ran downstairs.

  “I parked down the road.”

  Horrible thoughts ran through his brain as they raced to the car. Dante unlocked the car, jumped in, and tossed his cell phone to his brother to show him the text.

  “How did this happen?”

  Trax must have stared at the screen for a full minute. “I don’t know.”

  “It doesn’t matter now. Couch must be with Liz.” He ripped around the corner and rolled through a stop sign.

  “Maybe I should call her.”

  “Go ahead.” If she didn’t answer, he’d be even more scared.

  Trax pressed her number and waited and waited. The answering machine clicked on and he hung up.

  “Why didn’t you leave a message?”

  “I don’t want Couch to know we’re on our way.”

  Sometimes it was nice to be with someone who had a clear head. “Call Drake and Kurt.”

  “Good thinking.” He dialed the other team and told them to meet them at Liz’s.

  Given the short conversation, the men had no problem giving up another night’s sleep.

  Dante wanted to park right in front and rush in, but they needed to be smart. Instead, he parked down the street. They got out, and staying as low as possible, hustled toward the house. As he neared, he sensed several wolves. Adrenaline raced through his brain. Trax was the tactical one, so he let his brother lead.

  Trax motioned that they go to the side of the house and look in the window. The living room was brightly lit but the shades were drawn, and he could only make out shadows inside.

  Voices sounded, but he couldn’t tell what was being said.

  Trax pointed toward the back. See if the back door is open. I’ll take the front.

  Dante took off and raced around to the kitchen side. He drew his gun and tested the door. It was unlocked. Either Liz had been careless or this was how the men got in.

  A scream sounded and all thoughts of protocol left his brain. I’m going in. When he looked through the kitchen entrance, Trax had already broken the front window and entered.

  Couch had Liz by the throat, and his two sidekicks stood next to him with guns.

  “You’re outnumbered. Get out of my way.” Couch snarled.

  Trax’s fingers tensed on the gun. “She’s not going anywhere with you.”

  Dante sensed the fear rolling off Liz’s body. One thing his brother taught him was how well surprise attacks worked. He placed his gun on the counter and shifted quickly. Both Liz and Couch had their backs to him. If he got lucky, he might be able to attack Couch and distract him. He just needed enough for him to release his hold on Liz, and for Trax to attack.

  Heart pounding, Dante lowered his body to the ground and edged toward the side wall, inching close enough to take that one leap. His nails must have scratched the wood floor because Couch turned to look behind him. In that second, Dante charged, aimed low, and locked his teeth into Couch’s leg. The man yelped.

  Two gunshots sounded but Dante didn’t look. His goal was to save Liz. Fists pounded hard bodies and faces. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw two men fly across the room, neither one Trax.

  Liz screamed.

  His only way to save her was to shift back.

  It was the longest five seconds in his life while his legs, arms, and body all cracked and expanded.

  Couch was on the ground moaning like a baby, holding his leg. One man was in a battle with Trax, and the other guy was hauling Liz toward the kitchen back door.

  Dante had no choice. He had to go after Liz.

  As he sped into the kitchen, the man holding Liz aimed a gun and pulled the trigger. A b
ullet hit him in the arm, and although he instantly felt the poison seep into his body, he refused to slow down.

  Dante leapt onto the man’s back, and the three of them went sprawling.

  Shit. Had he hurt Liz? “Liz, get the gun. It’s—”

  He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before Couch’s bodyguard rolled on top of him and pounded his face.

  Liz crawled away, and Dante grabbed the man’s neck. He twisted his head, wrapped a leg around the man, and rolled him over. He got off two well-aimed punches to the man’s jaw, bloodying him pretty badly before his arm lost its strength and he collapsed.

  “Dante!” Liz shouted.

  Couch limped into the kitchen.

  Fuck. He couldn’t move.

  The sound of a gunshot reverberated in the room and Dante’s heart nearly stopped.


  Liz’s hands shook as she watched Couch’s eyes widen. The stench of gunpowder filled her nostrils. She’d shot the bastard, yet there was no sense of remorse—nothing but adrenaline filling her veins. Her heart slammed against her chest, not believing she’d pulled the trigger.

  “You fucking bitch.” He dropped to his knees.

  Vomit threatened to rise into her mouth, and she stepped back. Only then did the scuffle a few feet away get her attention and register on her brain.

  Dante’s eye was swollen shut and blood dripped down his arm. Oh, my God. He’s been shot. Shot with a bullet that would send poison through his body.

  Shattering glass sounded from the living room, but her legs wouldn’t move. Trax was with Couch’s man. Dante seemed to need her help more, only she didn’t know how. One second Dante was on top and the next the other guy was above him.

  Her vision blurred. She blinked to keep focused. Arms turned dark and bones cracked. Two legs disappeared and then two arms. The head of a wolf formed until a whole wolf surfaced. Just as quickly, Dante swirled and transformed, but the first wolf attacked the collection of limbs and fur.

  She aimed the gun at the mass of fur, but her hands were shaking too hard to shoot. Besides, she might hit Dante.

  Couch grunted and moved toward him.

  Damn. She hadn’t killed him. She slid the pistol part of the gun back to cock it and held her arms steady.

  “Don’t move or I’ll shoot you through your fucking heart.” Only then did she remember the button that would turn on the red laser. When Couch looked down at his chest and spotted the dot, he sank back onto his heels and the expression on his face sent satisfaction straight to her heart.

  Beside her, the sound of flesh ripping almost made her heart stop. As much as she wanted to watch Dante do battle, she refused to take her attention off Couch.

  Trax came through the doorway and hope shot through her. In a flash, he had Couch tied up. Relieved, she reeled around. When she looked at the two wolves, one had his throat torn out. The other wolf sat panting.

  Her stomach flipped.


  He didn’t answer. Her heart sank. Even if he couldn’t talk, Dante would find a way to acknowledge her.

  “Yes, it’s Dante.”

  Once more, a blurry mass of fur spun. Two legs appeared along with arms. In seconds, Dante was standing in front of her. He glanced between the man on the ground, Couch, and then her. “Are you okay, sugar?”

  “Yes.” Tears of joy streamed down her face. “I am now.” She rushed to him and threw her arms around him, careful not to make his injury worse.

  How had she ever thought these men didn’t love her? Trax stepped around Couch. She stepped away from Dante and let Trax pull her into an embrace. His lip was bloody, and he had a few scratches, but otherwise he looked unscathed. His warm comfort was everything she ever wanted in a man.

  “Anyone home?”

  Trax leaned back. “In here.”

  “I see we’re a little late.” Two men who looked familiar strode in. Liz faced Trax for an answer.

  “These men are two other members of the Pack.”

  “Ah, the good guys.” She smiled.

  “Babe, you have no idea. I’ll tell you all about it later.” He turned to his two friends. “You think you can take care of these jerks for us while I take Liz home?”

  “Sure,” Kurt said.

  Dante held his wounded arm.

  She searched his body to see if he’d been seriously wounded anywhere else. “Are you going to be okay?” The poison would already be racing through his body.

  “It stings, but we’ll call Deland to deal with the poison.”

  “I’m going with you.” She didn’t want to be away from her men for a moment more. “Let me change and throw a few things in a case, okay? I want to make sure you two get your just reward for saving my life.”

  Trax sidled up to her. “Oh, babe, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to say that.”

  He kissed her and the adrenaline that was already in her body mixed with a rush of hormones. Her pussy went wild.

  “Hey, I’m the injured one here. Shouldn’t I get some sympathy?”

  They broke apart and Trax laughed. She smiled. It had been a long time since she’d heard that precious sound come from him. She’d made a promise to herself to force him to laugh more often.

  Liz still couldn’t believe Harvey Couch had been captured and soon would be brought to justice. She’d never forget the thrill when she’d pulled the trigger. Sure, she was horrified at first, but now she was glad. In a way, she wanted him to heal from his wound just so he could rot in jail for the rest of his life.

  Trax pulled out his phone and made a call. He disconnected. “Dr. Deland is ready to take care of you.”

  “He’ll treat you in the middle of the night?”

  “We werewolves get special treatment.” He winked.


  Even though her car was in the driveway, they all piled in Trax’s SUV. She insisted on sitting in the back with the wounded soldier.

  “So tell me what happened, sugar.”

  She wasn’t sure she wanted to relive the details right away, but she was willing to share what Couch told her about her mom. “It’s kind of a blur. After I heard something in the house, I picked up my gun and snuck into the living room. I pointed the gun at Couch, but if I shot him, his two henchmen would have shot me. At the time, I didn’t care. All I wanted was some closure.”

  Dante rubbed her leg as if she was the one who was injured instead of him.

  “He’s a sick bastard all right.”

  “You can say that again.” She looked upward hoping her mom was smiling down from heaven and finally at peace.

  They rode in silence for ten minutes. Near downtown, Trax pulled into a residential side street. Lights shown from inside one of the homes.

  “Let’s go get Dante fixed up.”

  When they went inside, the doctor met them. It was nice to see his friendly face again.

  “Ms. Wharton. Perhaps you wouldn’t mind waiting in the living room while I take care of these men?”

  “Sure.” Maybe Trax had mentioned she’d just been through a trauma and didn’t need to see anything else. A ton of magazines lined the table and she helped herself to one. It was less than half an hour when all three returned.

  She stood and inspected Trax. The cuts on him had disappeared. Then she noticed Dante’s eye was no longer swollen. In fact, the only evidence that either man had even been in a fight was the bandage on Dante’s arm and the blood all over his clothes.

  “How do you look so good?”

  Dante smiled. “You never gave us a chance to explain all of our talents.”

  “I guess I freaked when I saw Trax shift.” Perhaps she should have allowed them to explain.

  Dante waved a hand. “It’s all in the past.” He faced the doctor and handed the man a check. “Thanks.” He faced her. “While we’re here, do you need to get those stitches out?”

  She held up her healed palm. “Had them removed two days ago. Thanks.” />
  Trax and Dante each wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “Let’s take our woman home and show her more of our talents.” Trax smiled.

  She leaned her head first against Trax’s shoulder then Dante’s. “Would you mind if I took a rain check until tomorrow? I’m still processing what happened.”

  Trax laughed once more. “Babe, did you think we were talking about sex?”

  She lightly punched him in the shoulder. “You know you were talking about sex.”

  “I can see your training will have to be extensive.” He shook his head and frowned.

  Liz didn’t miss the way the corner of his mouth crooked. “I like the way you think.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  As much as Liz wanted to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, Dante had just been shot and she was still reeling from the whole Couch confrontation.

  Trax wrapped an arm around her and tugged her close. “Let’s get comfy in the bedroom.”

  Dante lifted his chin. “That’s okay. Go ahead, ignore the injured man.”

  Trax whispered in her ear. “Ignore him. He’ll be in his other form anyway. It will allow him to completely heal.”

  She didn’t want to favor one man over the other. “Do you want to sleep at the end of our bed?” That sounded strange, but it might be nice to have all of them near.

  Dante shook his head. “I’d be too tempted to take you.”

  She believed him. “Until tomorrow then.”

  “I could use a kiss, though.” Dante came over and gathered her in his arms.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, opened her mouth, and pressed her lips to his. Having him in her embrace did wonders for her spirits. When their bodies pressed together and his cock made a dent in her stomach, her pussy went wild. Their tongues collided and she drank in his heroic wonder.

  Being the more sensible one, she drew away first. “Good-night and heal fast.” Between his floppy hair and sexy grin, she wanted to eat him up, but he did need his rest.

  “I’ll be dreaming of you,” Dante said.


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