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Page 10

by Marcus LaGrone

  “I think they are going to open with the children's dance again this time,” offered Aidden. “So Rose, this is your big chance to shine!”

  Rose beamed and laughed with giddy anticipation.

  “She is growing fast,” remarked Theodore with a grin.

  “She'll be six in two weeks,” remarked Emily. “Same birthday as Anna.”

  Theodore's face went wide, “Oh my word, I haven't found a thing yet for your birthday! I didn't realize it was so soon!”

  Anna just laughed, “And yours is in a month, and I haven't found a thing yet either.”

  “So, Anna will be seventeen?” asked Fiona with a grin.

  “Yes, indeed,” replied Emily. “Oop! There they go, Rose! Run on out; it's about to start!”

  They all laughed as they watched Rose and about fifty other small children take to the dance floor while the musicians took to the stage to thunderous applause.

  “Oh... It's some of the gals from House Rose playing tonight,” murmured Theodore.

  “Is that a problem?” asked Anna.

  “I hope not,” he replied meekly.

  Anna just laughed as she put her bells on and gave them a good flick. Bells on her toes, too.

  “Um, how long have you been going without shoes?” asked Theodore suddenly.

  Anna laughed, “Since my second day here, actually. Didn't notice, I take it.”

  “He's been looking other places,” teased Fiona.

  “First Mother!” groused Theodore.

  “Hey, here comes Meagan Rose,” beamed Emily.

  “Just kill me now...” murmured Theodore as he stared into the night sky.

  Anna just laughed at Theodore as a gorgeous teenage Taik came bounding up to the group full of smiles. She had short black hair and a soft white coat with black rosettes, similar to a snow leopard but softer and muted in color and definition. Her bells jingled spritely as she ran up and was carefully carrying what looked like a shortened bassoon.

  “Hi, Theodore! Glad you are back from school!” giggled Meagan.

  “Hi, Meagan. You are looking… festive.” Theodore fought for a reply.

  Meagan laughed and turned to Anna with a broad grin, “Hi! I'm Meagan. Meagan Rose. You are Anna, right?”

  Anna smiled and shook her hand, “Yes, indeed. Anna Westmore. Delighted to meet you.”

  “Is it okay if I join you two on the lines and thirds? It doesn't look like you have a third or fourth yet in your party...” she asked with intoxicating enthusiasm.

  “I'd be delighted for more support out there,” chimed Anna.

  “Great!” She beamed.

  “That is a curtal you are playing, right?” asked Anna with honest curiosity.

  “Yep! It's a tenor curtal. I've got to get back to the stage for the opening. I'll catch you two later this evening!” she bounced back the way she had come giggling all the way.

  “That is what happens when you bottle sunshine,” grinned Fiona.

  “Let's pray for cloudy weather...” murmured Theodore.

  Anna just laughed, “What is wrong? Meagan seemed like a delightful young lady.”

  Fiona laughed, “Meagan has had her eye on Theodore these last four years, and she's not been shy about the fact!”

  Anna suddenly looked worried, “I'm... I'm an outsider. I'm not causing problems am I?”

  “Heavens, no!” beamed Emily. “She's looking to be a Second, no challenge to your station.”

  “My station? Well, yeah but... I'm...” began Anna nervously.

  “You're just fine,” replied Theodore as he kissed Anna on the forehead. “Ignore anyone that says otherwise.”

  A warm grin threatened to consume her face and for once, no one made a joke at the pair. Anna and Theodore stood there holding hands while the rest of the family politely giggled. His sister Rose was getting ready to dance and he made sure to give his little sister the attention and applause she deserved. Anna just smiled and leaned on Theodore while the series of opening dances played out.

  Little Rose was all smiles as she came bounding back to the family. Giddy was an understatement as she bounced up into Fiona's arms, and, with a giggle, launched herself into Charlotte's arms. Emily passed Abby to Fiona and went to rescue Charlotte as the giggling girl was a bit much for Third Mother to handle.

  A fiddle and a nyckelharpa were soon playing racing arpeggios beckoning the next wave of dancers for the opening singles dance.

  Anna beamed at Theodore, “That's our cue, yes?”

  Theodore smiled as he took her hand. He was stepping out onto the dance floor in front of his peers and elders. Dressed to the nines in a matching outfit with an offworlder, a human. The fact that they were presenting themselves as a couple was beyond obvious and all that was left was to soak up the catty remarks from those around him for his display. But Theodore didn't care! Finally! He was happy to be with Anna and was just as happy... proud... to show her off to the crowd. There would be talking in the morning, that could not be avoided, but tonight? Tonight was theirs!

  Anna must have been nervous, too, as her grip grew tighter when they stepped out from the sidelines into the open dance floor. But with a quick smile from Theodore, the pair quickly found their place and stood proud, waiting for the music to start.

  The music all but exploded, launching the dancers into motion. Theodore was instantly glad he had gone to the Silverfox's to practice with Anna; things were far faster than he had remembered! Anna's bells jingled along in time as the pair made good use of the dance floor, both were having fun and it was showing.

  Theodore had almost forgotten that there were other dancers on the floor, he was so intent on Anna, but his nerves were suddenly tested as someone cut into the dance. He had half expected it to be Meagan barging in on the pair, but no, it was smiling Alice Blackfox. She was a nice enough gal, but Theodore was pained at the interruption. And what of Anna?

  Alice must have read the concern in Theodore's face as she giggled and motioned over her shoulder. Theodore's grin could have lit up the whole dance floor as he caught sight of Séamus Clearwater dancing with blushing Anna. “She's a darling, silly boy. You don't need to worry about her!” laughed Alice.

  Theodore grinned back, and did his best to keep up with Alice who was quite an accomplished dancer. It took him two more sets before he was able to cut back in with Anna, but had a wonderful time in the process. Blushing Anna was never short of a partner, but it was obvious she was relieved as well to finally be back dancing with Theodore. The dance ended far too soon and the exhausted pair made it back to the sidelines.

  “You two looked wonderful out there!” beamed Fiona.

  Theodore just grinned and kissed his First Mother on the cheek. Anna watched Theodore and giggled before doing likewise.

  Dance after dance filled the night air. When Theodore and Anna weren't on the floor, then Emily, Charlotte and Aidden were! Fiona laughingly got dragged into one dance and they all enjoyed the festivities.

  When the dances of three hit the lines, Theodore looked across to find giddy Meagan as their third. With Anna beaming at his side, he had no choice but to smile warmly at Meagan as well. After all these years, Meagan no longer made him nervous. A fact Meagan quickly exploited! Any chance of seeing less of Meagan Rose was quickly rent asunder as Meagan and Anna soon took to gabbing amongst each other between the dances.

  As midnight finally came and went, it was time to get back to the house. Little Rose had long since passed out for the night and Aidden carried her softly back.

  Anna and Theodore giggled as they walked behind the rest of the family. Suddenly he turned and looked Anna square in the eyes, “I think I've figured out what I'm getting you for your birthday: bells.”

  “Bells?” she asked confused as she gave her set a quick flick.

  “Bells on rings!”

  Anna started to say something, but he knew letting her talk would be a mistake so he silenced her the old fashion way: he kissed her.

nbsp; 23

  Anna looked over Theodore's shoulder curiously as she entered the kitchen for lunch. Rather than finding food laid out, there was a series of packages and books everywhere.

  “Oh, wow! Um, you are back already?” asked Theodore thoroughly off guard.

  “Well, it is lunch time,” grinned Emily as she entered as well and started to pull things from the icebox.

  “Sorry, stuff arrived from school so I was starting to sort it all out. Here, let me get this moved to my room. I can work on it later.”

  “You have homework and are grinning about it?” laughed Anna.

  “Hey, I was afraid I was going to have to repeat a bunch of classes! Two of them gave me take-home essays for the finals. I just have to turn them in the first week of regular class. My math independent study class they went ahead and awarded me a 1+ as my paper was accepted to a real journal. One class, they delayed the final, I just have to take it the first two weeks of the next semester. The d'Evelston twins came through there: they sent me their old textbooks to study from. The only class that I have an 'incomplete' on is my fencing class!”

  “The one class where you were doing better than anyone and they gave you an incomplete,” groused Emily.

  “Collegiate sports rules. On the plus side, if I take another semester of it this fall, whatever I make in that class will be passed back for the old semester too!”

  Emily laughed, “I can hear your dear heart breaking at the thought of being stuck in another fencing class! Come on, I'll help you with the books. Anna looks hungry!”

  “Oh, I'll help too!” grinned Anna. “Not that hungry, just excited. It looks like the Riverstones are probably going to have their child sometime in the next few days!”

  “This will be the fourth you've helped deliver?” grinned Emily proudly at Anna.

  “Fourth or fifth, depending on how you count the twins!” beamed Anna.

  “Oh! Can't forget the twins!” smiled Emily proudly.

  “Yeah,” teased Theodore. “Especially since they chose to trump my birthday.”

  Anna just laughed and gave him a quick kiss, “Sorry! Wasn't my fault!”

  “You should be flattered: they picked an obviously good day! Oh, by the way, Meagan Rose has asked to come visit for a few days before the solstice dance. You two fine with that?” asked Emily with a sly grin.

  Anna and Theodore just grinned at each other and nodded. “Okay!”

  “Um, that's this weekend,” replied Theodore with sudden realization.

  “Oh, yes. That is correct,” replied Emily still sporting her grin. “I guess that means she'll be here later this evening then.”

  “Second Mother!” groused Theodore playfully.

  “Well, if it is a problem,” began Emily with melodramatic flair, “we can always just send her back home to Silverfern Hollow... three hours away...”

  “You left off: 'at night' and 'in the rain,'” laughed Theodore. “I'm just glad she and Anna hit it off so well.”

  “She's a wonderful, if not extremely hyper, girl to talk to,” grinned Anna.

  “Not tonight, but tomorrow night if you like, feel free to invite Alice and Irene over for dinner,” offered Emily.

  “That sounds fantastic!” beamed Anna.

  “You and Alice seem to be getting on pretty well, too,” observed Theodore with a grin. “Either that or you two are just stealing a drink from her mother's back room.”

  “Back room is the raw fermentation tanks. Anything that is actually drinkable is in the basement!”

  “Are you sure you're supposed to admit knowing that?” grinned Emily.

  Anna just blushed hard and laughed before looking back up at Second Mother, biting her lower lip.

  “Better answer,” grinned Emily. “Come on, let's get Theodore's stuff put away so we can eat!”


  Theodore sat on the back porch as the sun started to go down and just watched Anna and Meagan chatter away happily. He wasn't sure if Anna's grammar was going to improve being around Meagan, but her speed was definitely picking up! Meagan appeared to come in three speeds: unconscious, idle and just short of the sound barrier. Anna had quickly taken to many of the other girls in town, but it was with mixed emotions that Theodore approached Meagan and Anna's friendship. Fur flowing soft—they got along perfectly. Fur roughed backwards—Meagan was still Meagan and that meant she spent no small amount of time fawning over Theodore. At least it was Meagan and Anna fawning over him together.

  “They are a cute pair,” remarked his father suddenly behind him.

  Theodore's fur rippled as he jumped. His father had completely caught him off guard. “Um, yeah...”

  “Eloquent as always,” grinned Aidden. “You seem much more comfortable around Meagan since Anna came back with you.”

  “Well, she is cute, that is a given. She's just always been so forward... pushy...”

  “Well she knows what she wants,” grinned Aidden. “But Anna does too...”

  “Yeah... she does...” replied Theodore distantly.

  “Just no grandkids while you are gone to school...”


  “What? I think it's a given you three will set up house a year from now...”

  Theodore suddenly felt light headed and unceremoniously plopped in the middle of the deck in a minor stupor.

  Aidden grinned softly and sat next to his son. “You are in love.... old lady Deidre can tell that and she's deaf and blind in one eye...”

  “But Anna... she is a... and I'm...”


  “I'm serious!”

  “I am too... the last thing you want to do is let go of something as wonderful as what you and Anna have.”

  “But! I mean the people in the town...!”

  “Oh! Heavens, if you'd heard half the idle gossip in town about the two of you, you would shave your fur and go swim across Lake Exeter... in the winter...” laughed Aidden. He paused and composed himself seriously, “But if you toss the gossip and listen to the honest talk: everyone thinks she is a wonderful young lady. Race or species be damned... The only honest question in town is 'midwife' or 'doctor'?”

  “Even if... I mean, what about the people from her home world?” asked Theodore as he grasped wildly.

  “It would be nice if her parents approved... But you aren't marrying them... as far as the rest of the people on her planet—if they don't accept you two, to hell with them.”

  Theodore just stared at his father. On one hand he was shocked as to what he had said, and how he had said it. Profanity just wasn't in his style...and the possible repercussions! On the other hand he knew his father was serious... This was all too serious... he had to fight back! “Oh come, why do you think it would be the three of us! Like you said before, I never liked Meagan before Anna got here!”

  “Never liked her,” grinned Aidden. “So that is why you kept sneaking a peek at her in the showers when we visited the Roses...”

  Suddenly there was a high pitched squeak behind them and the sound of someone running upstairs.

  Theodore did his best to channel a hedgehog as all his fur stood nervously on end...

  Aidden just laughed, “I guess Emily hadn't heard about that last part before...” He stood and kissed his son on the head, “Just follow your heart... things have a way of working out.” He chortled softly and excused himself back inside.

  Theodore just sat there as his father's words echoed around inside his head. Almost on autopilot he stood and squared his shirt and vest. He waved as he approached the girls, “Mind if I join you?”


  “Anna, can we be serious a moment?”

  Anna nodded somewhat nervously.

  Theodore grinned to himself as he noticed Meagan moving to hold Anna's hand: a friend indeed. “Anna, um...” oh, yeah... that was eloquent! “Anna, next year when school is out, would you like to move back out here... to stay with us... to stay with me... permanently?”

bsp; Anna started breathing again and her eyes flashed, “What about the people in town?”

  “I think they'll never let me live it down if I let you escape...”

  “You aren't worried what people might say?”

  “I don't care what people might say.”

  “Yes. Yes, I'd be delighted!” laughed Anna.

  Meagan and Anna hugged each other and grinned back to Theodore.

  “You will still have one more year of college...”

  “We'll figure something out...”

  Anna grinned and nodded to Meagan, “And what of her?”

  “Well... my thought is, tomorrow morning bright and early, we go into town and get her some bells, bells on rings. How does that sound?”



  Meagan and Anna laughed as Theodore made his way into the kitchen for breakfast. “Okay, what's going on that Second Mother sat outside the bathroom reading a book this morning?”

  Theodore rolled his eyes as he kissed both girls on the forehead before approaching his Second Mother.

  Emily's eyes danced as she watched her son kiss both girls and permitted herself an apologetic smile, “I guess that was rather silly of me...”

  Theodore laughed and his ears flushed briefly, “Um, Second Mother, may I borrow some money?”

  Emily looked at her son seriously and cocked an eyebrow, “And what happened to your savings you took to college?”

  Theodore grinned and Emily suddenly smiled as recognition washed over her and the pair spoke in unison, “Back at college!”

  “Didn't really have time to pull my money before I left,” apologized Theodore.

  Emily just tutted and laughed, “No, no! Better to leave it in one of those banks: they pay interest! I'm sure we can arrange something.”

  “I have a better idea,” beamed Aidden as he entered the kitchen and dropped a bag of coins with a satisfying jingle on the table, “just spend from that!”

  Emily dropped her spoon with shock, “Um, where did that come from?”


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