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Be A Doll: A Carter Manor Novel

Page 29

by Stephanie Witter

  She sighed deeply at that and cringed. “Carter Manor is a gilded cage.’’ With a finger she traced my abs, making me suck in a breath as discreetly as possible. Her touch was torture of the best kind, but I wouldn’t let my body’s reaction distract me from that moment. I had met her through Carter Manor and now, upon knowing Lila a lot better I wondered how she managed to stay there for years when her independent trait seemed impossible to tame. “Beyond the classes you mentioned, we also had a class called Behind Closed Doors. Basically it was a theoretical class on sexuality and how to please a man. We were tasked to use some sex toys in the privacy of our own room in order to kill off the last prudish sides we could still have and also to get enough experience to play if our future spouse wanted to.’’

  “What?’’ I frowned at her and pulled back long enough to ascertain that she wasn’t pulling one on me, but her serious expression and the way her lips pursed in disgust told me it was the truth.

  It was true that Carter Manor assured you that your future wife wouldn’t be some ice queen in bed who would only open her legs and wait until you were finished, but not once did it cross my mind that things could be sordid like this.

  “We never had to test anything on men, and we never had to perform in front of an audience, but it still made things rather disgusting.’’ Her eyes fell to my chest then. “It had been a long time since I had last felt real desire, real pleasure.’’

  I pinched her small chin between two fingers and pulled her head upward until she didn’t have a choice but to stare into my eyes. “I don’t want you to ever feel like you have to do anything to give me pleasure, Lila. Things aren’t like that between us.’’

  “I know.’’

  Then, she surprised me by reaching up to pull my head down until my mouth met hers in a kiss so soft and full of light that it made my damn legs shake.


  In several of the smutty books I had read on my Kindle I came across the expression stating that the character was on cloud nine, mostly thanks to the male interest being all kinds of hot and a sex god. Not once did I ever feel like that or close to it, not because I hadn’t had sex in a long time and it had never been that memorable until Mathis came along, but because I had never felt this light and free.

  Now, I knew what being on cloud nine felt like and it was so foreign that a part of me begged me to be careful, to shield myself more, but I couldn’t let negativity or past fears taint what I felt because while it wouldn’t last, I wanted to enjoy it right now and remember for a long time what it was like.

  Mathis Grimes made me happy.

  My husband made me happy.

  I put the last pin in my hair and admired my reflection and the elegant updo on top of my head, disciplining my long and thick hair without being too strict. The stones around my neck shone bright, the sapphires so beautiful that when I had opened the box delivered right before Mathis came back home I had lost my breath. The necklace made of small sparkling diamonds of the purest white and bigger sapphires adorned my cleavage to perfection, changing my white cocktail dress with a sweetheart neckline from simple and elegant to stunning and delicate with its flowing gauze-like fabric swishing around my body and molding my thin waist.

  I checked one last time that the red lipstick on my lips hadn’t run off or if any was on my teeth and then I smiled, the kind of real smile that changed my whole face. Happiness was etched all over me and I was too scared to face the reason why I felt it, but it was too late not to know that the reason resided in my heart.

  I turned around, left the bathroom and was met with Mathis standing in our bedroom, hands in his dark gray slacks. He was handsome. In fact, handsome was too tame of a word considering the way desire immediately pooled in my belly and my heart sped up. In his dark gray suit, a tie a shade or two lighter and a crisp white button-down underneath, he was perfect. His big body and the muscles I had spent the better part of last night burning to memory in the bed made me crave more explorations. When he took his hands out of his pockets, I also craved them on my body to make me come hard, touching me with such a possessive touch that I would pant with need. In fact, my breath accelerated at the mere thought.

  “You look incredible, Lila,’’ he said, voice rough with need, a tone I recognized well now. It spoke directly to my core, making me fidget. My breasts became more sensitive and I thanked the padded bra because I knew my nipples would have been showing through the thin fabric of the dress otherwise.

  “It’s this necklace. It’s gorgeous.’’

  He shook his head and walked to me to place a soft kiss on my forehead, something he had done this morning when he said goodbye before leaving for work when I was still in bed.

  “The necklace is a pretty thing, but you are the shining beauty.’’ His hands trailed along my bare arms before he held one of my hands and laced our fingers in a move so intimate that I knew I blushed under the foundation that hid the stigma of the little sleep I had had the previous night. “Ready for this dinner?’’

  “Remind me again who this Mr. Tober is. I know this is very important.’’ What I didn’t say was that after he had explained to me last night who Mr. Tober was, I had realized that the man was probably the main reason of my change of last name in the first place.

  “I’m not worried about you. Tober will be charmed.’’ I elbowed him as I passed him to get my clutch from the bed. “Tober is retiring, but because he has no children and nobody in his family interested in taking over the company, he’s selling it. The man is impossibly attached to family values and has a certain viewpoint regarding business and family. Another businessman, Hartmann, is stomping on my playground and he has been courting Tober for a while, showing off his family to convince the old man to pick him as the next owner of the company. He’s been playing the wholesome American man card.’’

  “You sound like you have a strong dislike for Mr. Hartmann,’’ I pointed out, frowning in concentration while I digested all of this and checked my clutch to make sure I had everything I would need.

  “I’m known to be hard, cold and demanding in business, but everybody would tell you that I’m fair. Hartmann is smarmy and conniving. He doesn’t mind playing dirty if need be and he is so far from a family man that I wonder how Tober could have fallen for that. It’s rather well-known Hartmann has had a mistress for years and constantly misses his kids’ birthdays and other important events.’’

  “If I understand correctly, this is as much about getting Mr. Tober’s company as it is winning it over Mr. Hartmann.’’

  I turned to face him and found him putting his wallet in his inside pocket and his cell phone in the pocket of his slacks. He nodded then, the serious expression on his face reminding me that Mathis Grimes was still a shrewd businessman, not just the man who started to mellow right in front of my eyes.

  “Very astute. Beauty and brains.’’ He took my hand and led me out of the bedroom and down the staircase after checking the time on his expensive watch. “Tober won’t be able to resist you, little wife. I’m not worried.’’



  “Mr. Tober’s party…’’ the maitre d’ said and checked the list in front of him before nodding and offering a smile that was perfected for his job description. Empty, polite and well rehearsed. “Erik will lead you to your table.’’

  “Thank you,’’ Mathis said and placed a hand on the small of my back, his eyes harsh on the young man who would be our waiter tonight, catching him while his eyes wandered over me with more interest than needed for such a situation. Feeling Mathis’ tension reaching a new high when he had been already quite on edge all evening, I wrapped my arm around his lean hips to remind him that I was there with him and to keep his mind on the most important thing tonight.

  “Please, follow me,’’ Erik said, his smile freezing on his face when his eyes met my husband’s and he promptly turned around after snatching a few menus and walked away.

  “Asshole,’’ Mathis mu
mbled right before he led me further in the restaurant, passing by tables and nodding at a few people on the way, but never stopping to exchange words with anybody, keeping me close at his side while his hand stayed possessively on the small of my back, treading dangerously between appropriate behavior in such a high scale restaurant and inappropriate when his fingers skimmed the swell of my ass.

  “Calm down,’’ I mumbled discreetly, a smile gracing my lips while my stare on Mathis’ profile was heavy.

  He nodded and smirked down at me, but it had nothing to do with the smile he had on his face last night or even this morning before he left for work. He was reverting back to his public persona, the man he built himself to be and while it made me worry, I also understood.

  We stopped at a table where an older gentleman was sitting. He wore a classic suit with a tie of a deep red, easily catching the eyes of anybody staring at him, but what had me staring with more attention was the way the older man looked so much like Santa, but wearing a business suit. His hair, slightly curly and snow white on top of his head and his thick brows of the same color made his appearance more cheery than I would have expected. Without a doubt, it reminded me because of the picture I had from my childhood with my parents when they would make a big production of sending my letter to Santa Claus. Even Mr. Tober’s imposing round belly added to the crazy picture in my mind. Suddenly, smiling wasn’t so difficult or forced.

  “Mr. Grimes, right on time as usual. You’re a stickler for punctuality.’’ Mr. Tober stood, swaying a bit and puffing some air as if moving was a bit painful. He shook hands with my husband.

  “Punctuality is the soul of business,’’ Mathis quoted with a smirk for Mr. Tober.

  “Hm… Let me think. My mind isn’t as sharp as it’s once been.’’ The older man’s clear blue eyes warmed and then he nodded. “Thomas Chandler Haliburton.’’

  “You’re good.’’

  He waved away my husband’s compliment with a gesture of his hand. “My mother was Canadian and wanted me to know more history facts than necessary.’’ He then smiled at me and it pleased me to see his eyes staying solely on mine. It only made me appreciate that man more even if I had no idea who he truly was beyond his jolly appearance. “You must be Mrs. Grimes. I heard about your wedding to this bright man.’’ He shook my hand and we all sat, Mathis making sure to push my chair under me before he took his seat at my side. I noticed Mr. Tober’s eyes following Mathis’ every move and it became obvious that tonight would be a test. I had known it, but it was difficult to ignore now that I was in front of the older gentleman.

  “I’m a very lucky woman. I would have never thought a man like Mathis would ever hold interest in me and want to build a life with me.’’ I smiled at the older man before I exchanged a look with Mathis, hoping it’d be taken as a charming exchange between newlyweds instead of me seeking his opinion regarding my presentation so far.

  “My darling,’’ Mr. Tober said in a joyous laugh that shook his belly and colored his round cheeks as he nodded to our waiter to come to our table. “Mathis Grimes is known as the worst workaholic man around here. It’s good to know he was able to find himself a wife in the middle of his workload.’’

  “Would you like something to drink to get you started?’’ our waiter said, his smile firmly set as his eyes quickly went over me to settle on my husband as if to ensure he wouldn’t lose a good tip at the end of the night for getting on the wrong side of Mathis.

  “Lila?’’ Mathis asked me, voice softer and less distant than the one he’d used with Mr. Tober.

  “A Manhattan for me, please,’’ I ordered and unfolded my white napkin on my lap as I let both men order their brand of bourbon. “I believe you’ve known my husband for a while now, Mr. Tober.’’

  The man nodded and opened his menu, quickly scanning it before his blue eyes went to mine as I mirrored him and noticed Mathis quietly doing the same. “What, three or four years I believe.’’

  “Soon to be four,’’ Mathis added and nodded his thanks when our waiter served our drinks.

  “Right,’’ Mr. Tober agreed after taking a small sip of bourbon. “Your husband is very tough in business and he made quite an impression. We would have spent more time together if he had attended more charity balls. He’s quite reclusive, but now that he has a woman in his life I’m sure he’ll be able to get to more charity events.’’

  “We both know I’m a generous donor,’’ Mathis retorted, his brows back in their usual frown as he took a larger sip of bourbon, probably to settle his growing nerves. “I believe that’s the most important point of these charity events.’’

  The older man’s eyes went back to my husband, turning more serious. “This is true, but socializing is also important. Working hard is important, but relaxing is too.’’

  “He knows how to relax,’’ I butted in right before Mathis could retort something that would probably be taken badly. “Mathis is exceptionally brilliant in his work and it asks a lot of him. He enjoys relaxing at home, away from prying eyes and judgments. Also, I’m sure I won’t be teaching this to a businessman like you, but these events are also a mine for business contacts which means that he has to stay focused on work.’’

  Mr. Tober smiled at me and then stared at my husband I caught staring at me with a real smile on his face out of the corner of my eyes. His smile softened his face and made his eyes warm.

  “You have quite a passionate advocate.’’

  “You can say that, Tober, I’m a lucky man.’’

  Mr. Tober raised his glass in front of him and smiled at us in turn. “It’s good that you’re aware of it. It’s important to cherish your spouse, Mathis. Believe me.’’

  I stared at Mathis then and found his eyes still on me. He took my hand in his and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. “It’s more obvious to me every day.’’

  How could I not get my heart involved when a man like him said something like that while staring deep into my eyes as if reaching in the deepest parts of me?



  I stared at Lila as she walked away from our table after excusing herself for the bathroom, but I knew the reason why she left was because she got a phone call. I heard her clutch buzzing against her chair next to me and I knew she was expecting a call from my sister.

  The way Lila’s hips moved had me burning to follow her, but soon enough Tober called for my attention again.

  “She’s a beautiful woman and smart with that,’’ he observed as he finished his glass of water. His thick fingers took a hold of his tie as if to make sure it was still sitting straight on his prominent stomach.

  “She’s also independent and a pain,’’ I said in a chuckle, sipping my red wine. “I think she particularly enjoys playing with my nerves and patience.’’

  “And you seem to enjoy that very much.’’

  “How can I not?’’ I nodded in the direction Lila disappeared to. “She keeps me on my toes and forces me to be the man I had forgotten I am. It takes a strong woman to manage to pry someone open.’’

  “My wife Camilla was made of a similar cloth,’’ he said, his voice more flat as his eyes turned wistful. “It took me losing her a few years ago to realize how much she was every part of my life, of me. Don’t forget it, Mathis. If there’s one thing I can assure you, it’s that business means nothing when you get old and your health is degrading. Only family is of importance.’’

  “I’m afraid I’m too young to completely discard business, Tober,’’ I said with a smirk and a brow arched. “But I get your point. Lila has been changing my life ever since I met her.’’

  “You know,’’ he started and sat back in his chair, making no effort in hiding his stomach, “before I saw you walking in with your lovely wife I was sure I wouldn’t see your feelings for her. In fact, I’ll admit that I had my doubts about this marriage.’’

  My hands in my lap under the table clenched, but I made sure to keep my smirk on my face even
though annoyance rose. “I’m sure you had someone whispering in your ear to make you doubt it.’’

  “Ah, Mr. Hartmann,’’ Tober nodded and frowned. “You can’t blame him for being envious of your success. You’re a decade younger and more successful than he will ever be.’’ He checked the time on his watch before staring at me again. “But I shouldn’t have let him feed my doubts regarding your private life. I’m glad you proved me wrong.’’

  Our waiter put down the bill hidden in a leather sleeve. I didn’t wait and snatched it to slide my credit card inside and gave our waiter the sleeve before he could leave.

  “I believe that the more people that meet my wife, the more my reputation will take a nosedive,’’ I said, forcing a chuckle when on the inside I didn’t find going for small talk and laid-back behavior easy. It went against everything I had grown up to be. Tonight, I had envisioned it as a dinner during which Lila and I would have perfectly staged our romance and union, but it appeared that I didn’t have to play act. She made it easy to let out feelings I had never thought I’d feel and never thought I would ever deserve to feel.

  “On the contrary. You have a wife to make you proud. Everybody will know that you’ll want to give her the world.’’

  “Here you go, sir. I hope your evening went well,’’ our waiter said, giving back my credit card with a slight bow as his eyes scanned me waiting for his tip.

  “You can compliment the Chef,’’ Tober said as he meaningfully rubbed his large stomach just as I threw a bill for the waiter. The young man rubbed me the wrong way since I had caught him leering at Lila when we were waiting for the maître d’ to direct her to our table.

  “I will. Thank you.’’ He then disappeared from view with his fat tip in hand.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t broach the subject of my company,’’ Tober said after a few beats of silence.

  “I was waiting for your opening.’’ I traced my lower lip with a finger, my eyes watching Tober who didn’t seem the least bit defensive contrary to the last time we had dinner together. Interesting. “Are you getting any closer to making a decision? I remember you saying you wanted to retire before the end of the year. We’re already in November.’’


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