Love. Lies. Dying.
Page 10
“But we’ve only just got here!” Megan says now, pulling her bath robe tighter although the house is in no way chilly. “Why?”
“Alex needs me.” Katherine says coolly, making her way into the kitchen. “She’s finding it difficult to manage.”
“But I thought that’s why you got Geoffrey in?” Megan replies, “to manage.”
Katherine arches an eyebrow. “Well, clearly he’s not, so I shall have to return.”
“But what about me?” Megan blurts out, watching Katherine drop a tea bag into her mug. “I gave up my job to come out here and look after you!”
“I know and I appreciate that, but surely you have some sort of contingency plan? What were you planning to do once this was over?”
“I don’t know.”
“Really? How remise. Well, I suppose in that case, you’ve just reached your ‘ don’t’ know’ point a little earlier than expected. We leave tomorrow.”
Ten minutes later, Katherine is sitting alone at the kitchen table. Megan has gone to bed, leaving the debris of her relaxing evening still lying in the lounge. A small part of Katherine wouldn’t mind a bite of the chocolate but she can’t be bothered to get up and fetch it. The kitchen is in full darkness now and looking through the window she can see quite clearly into the garden thanks to the light from the moon. As she watches a fox trots across the lawn, pauses to sniff the leg of the bench and totally ignores the something smaller that is making the taller weeds tremble in its wake.
She sips at her tea, her second, and wonders when she is going to go mad?
She images it’s inevitable. She’s killed two women, after all. The second one deliberately.
What is the matter with her?
Why does she like it so damn much?
Why did she do it?
What would happen if she were to go upstairs now, fuck and then kill Megan?
Megan wouldn’t have to worry about finding somewhere else to live and she..
She would be filled with that wonderful sense of empowerment all over again.
But it’s so wrong! Why is she even thinking this?
She pictures Megan’s heart beating in her chest. So innocently.
She pictures Megan dead.
Her pussy throbs once in anticipation.
She puts down her tea cup and heads for the stairs.
“Megan. Wake up.”
Megan is stupefied with sleep. Reluctantly she opens a single eye and gazes at Katherine, then her other eye snaps open to join it.
“Katherine?” She says groggily, as she tries to comprehend what’s going on.
Katherine is naked. Her lithe body shadowy against the darkness. Deep pools of night time black nestle beneath her arms, under her chin, between her legs. “Why are you naked?”
“I want you to fuck me.” Katherine says, easing back the covers and crawling in next to Megan. “I want you to drive your fingers into me and screw me so hard I scream.”
Megan is fully awake now and easing over to give Katherine room. She runs a hand through her short, fair hair, brushing it out of her eyes. The heat from Katherine’s body pushes against her pyjamas, she is not sure what is going on.
“Last time..” She begins...
“Last time,” Katherine repeats, “I was not about to inconvenience you on such a grand scale and I’ve had time to think, Megan. I realise now how harsh it must be for you to be forced to leave here and be propelled back out into the big, wide world. This is my way of saying sorry.”
Katherine takes Megan’s hand and guides it between her legs. She knows she is wet and very warm. Her cunt is already throbbing and opening up ready to take anything she cares to thrust into it. She chooses Megan’s fingers. Four of them. The fingers sliding smoothly in, pushing their way into warm, dark wetness. Megan groans and her eyes follow where her hand has gone. Katherine offers up her breasts, nudging her nipple against Megan’s lips, feeding it into her mouth, groaning herself when Megan begins to suck and squeeze and flick her tongue over the stiff nub.
“Fuck me.” Katherine breathes and takes her hand away. “Hard.”
Megan fucks her. She adds her thumb, jamming it against Katherine’s already full cunt and forcing it in. Katherine moans, but she breathes deeply and her cunt seems to swell still more, welcoming Megan’s thumb before clamping around it.
It’s a tight squeeze now but still there is room to move, and with deliberate slowness Megan moves her hand in and out. She is almost tempted to get her own back, to bring Katherine right to the point of orgasm before wrenching her hand out and telling her to go fuck herself, but something tells her this would not be a good idea. Katherine might yet be useful, she might, out of pity, find her another job, another place to stay.
Or she might not.
You can never tell with Katherine.
Still she fucks her. Slowly. Her fingers knitted tightly together and to be honest, feeling a little uncomfortable, but she won’t stop now. Katherine’s pussy juices are in full flow and she can feel them running between her fingers and down her hand. She bites her breast, just the tiniest of little nips and feels Katherine shudder. Her pussy grips her, she is getting ready to come.
As if on cue Katherine gasps and she arches her back, her long hair spread wide across the pillow. Looking down, Megan wishes she could kiss her, but she senses that now would not be the time.
Instead she withdraws her fingers and brushes them along the sodden length of Katherine’s pussy. There is a wet, sucking sound as she withdraws and she quickly finds Katherine’s clit and begins to rub. Katherine gasps and she rubs harder, listening to Katherine telling her to fuck her, bring her off!
Her mouth leaves her nipple and she bends in double to kiss Katherine’s stomach. Tenderly, she winds her tongue around and inside her belly button, breathing in the heady scent of feminine desire that is just inches away. Her tongue brushes her pubic hair and she grinds the wiry hairs beneath her teeth. She scoots her body lower and takes her fingers from Katherine’s clit to slip them into her cunt. Then she screws her again, using only two fingers this time, as her tongue takes over the job of pussy stimulation.
She laps, tasting salty cunt juices in her mouth before pushing her face deeper into the softness to coat her mouth and chin with succulent moisture.
A groan escapes her and Katherine replies in kind. Her body is on fire now, her whole being centered around what is going on between her legs. She bares down around Megan’s fingers and feels a fresh wave of liquid course down her vagina. Her nipples are rock hard. She wants to come and her body is striving hard to get her there.
“Harder.” She gasps and trails her own hand through Megan’s hair, pushing her busy tongue even closer to her clit.
But Megan pulls away and as a blast of cool air immediately presses against Katherine’s super heated pussy, she removes her fingers, leaving Katherine shaking and throbbing and cursing her for pulling the same trick as she did.
Megan, though, is doing nothing of the sort but instead reaching for something on her bedside table, and she brandishes the empty wine bottle like a trophy. Putting the open end in her mouth and sucking on it before introducing it to Katherine’s waiting cunt.
“You want this?” She asks, holding cool glass to molten flesh. “Think you can take it?”
“Yes!” Katherine gasps. “Do it Megan. Ram it in me!”
Megan slides it in. There is a slight resistance at first before Katherine’s cunt seems to accept what is on offer and opens right up, pulling the wine bottle deep inside herself and covering the dark green glass with a coating of white cream.
“Fuck!” Katherine says and looks down to see Megan screwing her. The neck of the wine bottle disappears, reappears, disappears and she moans as the deeply satisfying sensations
start filling up her cunt.
“My clit.” She says, and Megan uses her other thumb to rub her, round and round, over and over. The wine bottle still going in and out, in and out.
It must, Megan think, feel amazing. A proper all round fuck and she increases the pace with the wine bottle, inching it in just a little further than before.
Katherine is coming. The unstoppable force building inside her like a giant maelstrom ready to explode. Her cunt, she realises, feels huge! She could easily swallow the whole wine bottle! And her clit is tightening, hardening, the first ripples of deep, orgasmic pleasure rippling through her groin. “Fuck me!” She screams, and Megan does, ramming the bottle home as hard as she dares, her thumb stimulating Katherine’s clit with greater urgency.
“Comin’!” Katherine cries and her whole body starts to buck. Megan holds on the best she can, but eventually she has to withdraw the bottle for fear of hurting her, but her thumb stays on her clit, and she rubs and slides again and again until finally Katherine reaches the end of her orgasm and she flops back onto the bed.
Afterwards, Katherine doesn’t linger. Instead, she thanks Megan, kisses her once on the lips and climbs out of the bed.
Still naked, she pauses at the door to give Megan one last look and then wanders down the hallway to her own bedroom.
Inside she catches sight of herself in the mirror and regards herself with a quizzical expression. “What?” She says to her reflection. “Did you think I was going to throttle her?”
Chapter Nine
“Thank God you’re back!” Alex says, throwing her arm around Katherine’s shoulder and leading her towards the chair in her office. “I’ve been pulling my bloody hair out here!”
Katherine glances towards Geoffrey Parker. He is seated in one of her large, leather guest chairs, his legs crossed. He is wearing an expensive suit, hand stitched shoes and a quiet air of immense relief. His eyes travel over to the waste bin and Katherine’s eyes follow, half expecting to see it full of Alex’s hair. Instead it is empty and perhaps that is what Geoffrey has been trying to convey. That the place has been empty without her.
“Please tell me you are back for good.” Alex is saying now. “These last few days..” Her eyes drift around the room as if the assembled furniture is capable of verifying what a horrendous time she’s had. “have been hell.”
Katherine, calmness personified, takes hold of her shoulders. “Alex.” She says steadily. “I am back for good. The country was lovely, but it’s not for me. I need concrete, traffic, Starbucks. I, no we need to get back to work.”
Geoffrey leaves with a smile on his face. Katherine has been generous. He has another position to go to and he is pleased to be away from Alex. As a PA, Alex is without doubt second to none, but as the boss, she is beyond useless. A fact that amazes him. It is such a short step from the one job to the other, yet for some reason, it appears to be an almost impossible leap for Alex to make.
Three hours have passed. Katherine has been sitting behind her desk the entire time, flicking through paperwork, studying the display on her laptop, going through the last few days developments with a barely audible sigh, pleased and a little surprised to find, given the amount of flapping that has been going on, that Alex hasn’t done a bad job at all, although, to be fair, she suspects a lot of it is thanks to Geoffrey’s careful handling.
She asks Alex how she got on with him?
“He was okay,” Alex nods, doodling squares on her shorthand pad, “but he wasn’t you.”
“I sincerely hope not!”
“And he was odd sometimes, you know? Wouldn’t drink anything but tea one day, coffee the next. Yesterday he wouldn’t touch anything but hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows floating on the top. Today we were back to tea.”
Katherine smirks. “Each to their own.” She says, “least he didn’t ask for anything you couldn’t deliver. Which reminds me. What have you got organized for lunch? I’m famished.”
Alex rushes off to use the loo and fetch her coat. Whilst she is gone, Katherine uses Alex’s laptop to Google the South West news. Petra has been found. By one of the pub staff who became anxious when she didn’t turn up for work. The police are treating it as a burglary gone bad. They think it was someone Petra knew as the door was not forced. They have informed her next of kin in Poland. They have no concrete leads and no one seems to have much of a clue who would do such a thing.
Katherine smiles then thinks of the poor guy she met behind the bar. She wouldn’t mind betting he and his work mates are going through hell at the moment, trying to explain where they were at the time of Petra’s demise. Every one of them must be a suspect. But at least it deflects attention away from her. And Megan won’t twig. She still thinks she was on the train to God knows where.
She closes down the Google page, grabs her coat and hurries to catch up with Alex.
“So, I take it you’re going back to the hotel then?”
This is from Alex, half way through a jacket potato with cheese. They are lunching in a small, out of the way café Alex goes to a lot. Katherine has already decided this will be her one and only visit despite her tuna melt being absolutely delicious. The place is just too tawdry.
“I imagine I will.” She says, dabbing at her lips with a bright red, paper napkin. “I trust you have already called them?”
Alex blushes to the roots of her hair. “Shit.”
Katherine regards her with dismay. “Oh dear, we are slipping.”
Alex looks contrite. “I’m so sorry Katherine, I’ll call them right now. I’m so sorry.”
Pushing back her chair, she hurries to the door, pushes it open and is talking on her mobile before the door has time to fully close behind her. Minutes later, she is back. Katherine has finished her tuna melt and ordered more tea. She has also ordered Alex a doughnut for dessert. Alex stares at it as if it might be poisoned.
Her expression amuses Katherine. “What?” She asks, all innocence. “Did you really think I would be mad at you for forgetting to book me back into the hotel and therefore am going to kill you with a toxic doughnut? Why? We’re in the middle of London. There are hundreds of hotels. I could have stayed at any of them.”
“But you like the Marble.”
“I do, but it’s not the be all and end all. Anyway, how did you get on?”
“Ok. Your suite is ready and waiting for you. They haven’t touched it. Apparently someone called Megan asked them to keep it in reserve for you.”
Katherine smiles. “Ah, yes, Megan. She’s the maid I pinched to help me out with the house in Devon. She did a fair job too. Wonder if she’s gone back to the Marble herself?”
The suite at the Marble hotel is just as she left it. Katherine is unsure whether to be delighted or deflated. It’s the same feeling she gets when she returns from a holiday abroad. She expects, as her car pulls away from the airport and out into the busy streets, to see everything looking different, for the old familiar places to somehow have gone through a complete metamorphous whilst she has been away and therefore present her with something new and exciting to look at, but everything is always the same. Just like the hotel. If nothing is going to change in two or three weeks, then it certainly isn’t going to in just a few days.
A different maid delivers her tea. Older, dark haired, a wedding band visible on her finger. Katherine asks after Megan and gets an apologetic shrug in return. The maid is sorry, but she knows no Megan. There’s a Molly in the kitchens? Could it be her Katherine means?
No, it’s not, Katherine answers and wonders why she is so bothered? Megan wasn’t anything important to her. She was a satisfactory housekeeper and an okay fuck, but that’s about it. She doesn’t owe her any allegiance. And she paid her well enough for what she did.
Yet still she plays on her mind.
The vi
ew outside the window is just as she remembers, aside from the tower block over to the east that now has another storey added to its height. The scaffolding glistens in the late afternoon sun whilst the men in hard hats swarm over it like an army of ants.
Below, the Thames runs its silvery course past apartments and tourist attractions and dozens of commuters rushing for the tube.
To her right there is a small group of people in wellies and with metal detectors foraging in the dark mud left behind by the tide and Katherine wonders if they’ve ever found anything of note buried within the muck?
It is busy down there. The craft of life forever in motion, and usually she is part of it. Queen of all she surveys, a bustling cog in the great machinery that keeps London turning. But not this afternoon. She has finished work early, feigning a headache and leaving Alex with a small list of duties to complete on her own.
Sighing, she presses her head against the cool glass and closes her eyes. There is a faint buzzing in her head and the taste of tuna lurking at the back of her throat.
She feels tired and bored and inexplicably wishes she was back in Devon.
Not that she truly believes things would be any better down there. Stuck in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by fields and sheep was hardly the stuff of great adventure.
But she’d had her own place and maybe that’s why she feels so listless, because she’s had to return to the Marble Hotel. Sure it’s lovely and opulent and all she has to do is reach for the phone to have her every need catered for. Well, most of them. But it’s not home. It’s not hers! Not like the house in Devon. That was all hers, her very own. She could have painted the walls shocking pink with yellow swirls if she’d wanted to and it wouldn’t have mattered. She could have left her clothes in a pile on the floor, her cup in the sink, had a fridge stuffed with her favourite cheese and a freezer bulging with ice cream. She could have had a modicum of freedom.
Instead she is back living in a hotel, and it sucks royally!