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The Alpha Pack

Page 24

by D J Heart

  They were done already?

  “Is it lunch?” he asked, licking his lips and swallowing. Hunter helped him to his feet, a pleased smile on his face.

  “No, we’re going home,” he said, taking Sam’s hand in his gloved fist and holding it. Looking his alpha up and down, Sam realized that Hunter was wearing his coat, and his briefcase was all packed.

  “Already?” he asked. Then again, it made sense that Hunter would take some of the day off on his day with Sam.

  “Look out the window,” Hunter said. He sounded very amused. Blinking, still a little groggy and out of it, Sam looked at the window and wondered what he was looking for.

  Then it hit him. It was dark out.

  How long had he been inside the chair?

  “You were pretty far under, huh?” Hunter said, leading Sam toward the door. Sam stumbled when he tried to walk forward, and Hunter helped him up.

  Had he really not noticed the whole day passing?

  The idea was almost frightening.

  “Under?” he asked, Hunter leading him to the door. He was still unsteady on his feet, but Hunter was being patient.

  “Yes. You don’t know what I’m talking about?”

  Looking back on it, Sam did. It was that state of mind he got into whenever his alphas were being particularly kinky. The one where everything felt good and it was like he was floating on a cloud of bliss.

  “Did you just sit on me all day?” he asked when they were in the elevator.

  Hunter grinned, and Sam’s breath hitched. Hunter was an attractive man, but he was breathtaking when he smiled.

  “Pretty much. You make a good chair.”

  Sam flushed, dark heat pooling in his stomach.

  He wondered what Hunter could possibly have planned next.



  Once they were back in his apartment, Hunter stripped off everything but his leather gloves and fucked Sam in the front hallway.

  Using Sam in the chair had been everything he’d hoped it would be and more, and as he fucked into him he imagined all the other ways he wanted to use his omega.

  The chair was a good start because it didn’t require Sam to enter into any particular headspace, but now that Hunter knew how easily Sam went under… the options were endless.

  “Come on, I’m starving,” Hunter said once he’d shot his load and tied his knot in Sam’s knot. He lifted Sam up, holding him against his chest and carrying him toward the kitchen.

  He put a few pieces of leftover pizza in the microwave and took out two beers, carrying them into the living room before going back for the pizza.

  “Are we really going to eat like this?” Sam asked after Hunter had sat down, arranging Sam in his lap and putting the plate of pizza down on the couch next to them.

  “We are,” he said, peeling off his gloves and throwing them onto the coffee table. He liked wearing them when having sex with Sam—and while manhandling him around the apartment—but not while he was eating. He handed Sam a slice of pizza and his drink, turning on the TV before grabbing a slice for himself.

  Lukewarm pizza had never tasted better.


  The next morning, after Hunter had sent Sam up to the penthouse to start his day with David, Max knocked on his door.

  “Can I come in? I need to talk to you,” Max asked, looking down at Hunter with a serious expression on his face.

  For a second Hunter thought that Sam had complained about what they’d done the day before—that Max was there to beat the crap out of him—but thinking back on how obnoxiously cheerful Sam had been while eating his breakfast he dismissed that idea.

  “Sure, come on in,” he said, stepping back and holding the door open. They walked to the living room, and Hunter gestured for Max to sit down.

  “I’m worried about Jack,” Max said, adjusting the front of his uniform. “Have you noticed anything untoward about the way his brother treats him?”

  Hunter frowned, the question surprising him. The few times he’d spoken to Elliot the alpha had been obnoxious but polite. He couldn’t remember seeing him ever talk to Jack.

  “No, why? Is there something wrong?”

  Jack might annoy Hunter from time to time, but he would rip out the throat of anyone who ever tried to hurt him.

  “I think there might be. I need to be sure before I deal with him, though.”

  “Why don’t you ask Elliot?” Hunter asked. Max was scary as fuck when he was angry, and if he confronted Elliot, Hunter couldn’t imagine the alpha holding it together well enough to lie.

  “I will,” Max said, his voice dark. “I’m on my way to his office now. I just thought I’d check with you before I did anything. I already asked the twins, and David hasn’t seen anything either.”

  “What did David say when you asked him?” Hunter was curious. If Elliot had done something bad to his brother, then David would no doubt want his balls on a silver platter. He would also feel terrible that something had been going on with one of his pack mates without him noticing.

  “He said to get to the bottom of it, and to do whatever is necessary if my suspicions are correct.”

  Hunter nodded. That was good.

  “If you need any help, let me know,” he offered.

  “I will,” Max said, standing up. Hunter walked him to the door, where Max stopped and turned to him. “Actually, there is one thing you could do. Would you mind talking to Jack? Just make sure he’s okay, and try to ask him about his brother. He’ll see right through you, but you’re closer to him than I am so maybe he won’t shut you out.”

  Hunter’s eyes widened at the idea that he was close to Jack, but when he thought it over he guessed it was kind of true. Jack was an annoying optimist, and even though he’d never made much of an effort to, Hunter had to admit he spent a fair bit of time with him.

  “I will,” he promised.

  “Thanks.” Max clapped him on the arm and left, closing the door behind him.



  After talking to Hunter, Max made his way to the office building where David and Elliot worked. He’d never actually been to Elliot’s office, but he knew that it was on the top floor along with David’s and the rest of the executive pool. He made his way up the elevator, getting a frazzled security guard to accompany him and give him access to the top floor.

  Standing next to the young alpha, Max had to give him credit. Though he’d been nervous as hell, he’d followed protocol and scanned Max’s badge before helping him.

  “Is there something wrong?” the security guard—Bill, according to his nametag—asked. Max shook his head, offering him a tight smile.

  “No. I’m just here to ask a friend some questions.”

  Bill nodded, not asking anything more. When they made it to the top floor, he waited until Max had left the elevator before hitting the button to close the doors and go back down.

  He made his way to the second office on the south side of the building where Elliot was supposed to be.

  “Can I help you?” the middle-aged beta sitting outside of Elliot’s office asked when Max approached.

  “Is Elliot in?” Max relaxed his stance, hooking his thumbs in his belt and staring down at the beta.

  “Do you have an appointment?” the assistant asked, licking his lips nervously. Max took that as a yes and walked up to the door, stepping inside without knocking.

  Elliot’s office was modern and light, the alpha himself sitting in front of a huge window looking out over the city. When Max entered, Elliot looked up from his computer with a frown.

  “What… Max?” Elliot narrowed his eyes, his expression anything but friendly. “What do you want?”

  Max moved forward and sat down in the chair on the other side of Elliot’s desk. He leaned back, making himself comfortable, and lifted his boots up on Elliot’s desk and crossing his ankles.

  “Talk to me about Jack,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

lliot looked at him like he was crazy. His eyes flitted from Max’s boots on his desk and up to Max’s face, his expression dark and sneering.

  “What about him?” he asked.

  “You don’t like him much, do you?” Max tilted his head, studying Elliot’s expression.

  “What makes you say that?” he asked, not denying it.

  “Just a feeling,” Max replied. “You ever hurt him?”

  Elliot’s eyes widened slightly, and he sat up a little straighter. Max kept his gaze hard, daring Elliot to look away or lie to him.

  “Of course not,” Elliot said, breaking eye contact. “He’s a little shit, but he’s my brother.”

  Max wondered if Elliot was even trying, the lie was so unconvincing.

  “So you never beat him up? Put him in his place?” Max took his feet off Elliot’s desk and scratched his chin. “Never showed him who’s boss?”

  “We roughhoused when we were kids, but I get the feeling that’s not what you’re talking about,” Elliot said. When Max just raised his eyebrow, Elliot sighed and rolled his eyes. “No, I never beat him up. What brought this on?”

  There was sweat beading on Elliot’s brow, and Max had never seen anyone feign cool so poorly.

  Max had what he needed.

  “Nothing. Just something he said.” Max rose, rolling his shoulders and stretching his neck. “Whiny bullshit like usual. Don’t worry about it.”

  Elliot’s shoulders relaxed, and Max headed to the door.

  He couldn’t believe that Elliot had been stupid enough to think he could get away with hurting someone in his pack.

  “I’ll see you around,” he said, walking out the door. He didn’t wait for Elliot’s reply before slamming it shut behind him.

  Disgusted by Elliot’s behavior, resisting the urge to turn back and bash his brains in, Max made his way to David’s office.

  “Is he busy?” he asked David’s assistant, Pat. She smiled at him, not at all nervous.

  “He’s expecting you.”

  Max walked past her and into David’s office.

  “Well?” David asked before Max could get a word out. His face was set in a hard mask, his shoulders tense.

  “I was right,” Max said, taking no pleasure in it. David looked away, clamping his jaw and looking angrier than Max had ever seen him.

  “Do you have a plan?” he asked, staring out the window.

  “I do.”

  “What do you need from me?” David finally looked at him.

  “If you could tell him he’s got an early dinner meeting at Brennet, say at four p.m.? I’ll deal with him then.”

  David nodded, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. When he opened his eyes he looked tired.

  “He’ll be there. Anything else?”

  Max shook his head. That was all he needed.

  “What happens when he gets there?”

  Max had never heard David sound so bloodthirsty before.

  “There’s this alpha that’s been bothering Aiden and Logan. He’s Human’s First, so after I deal with Elliot I’m going to blame it on him. Put him on the scene and make it look like a hate crime.”

  David’s brow rose, but that was all the reaction Max got.

  “Good. Call me if you need anything else.”

  Max nodded, heading out without another word.



  Jack was climbing onto his bike when his phone rang. For a second he considered not answering, but then he figured he might as well.

  It could be something important.

  Taking off his gloves and helmet, Jack reached into his bag and pulled out the vibrating phone. The display showed David’s unsmiling face staring back at him, and Jack sighed.

  David never called him with good news.

  “Hello?” He sat back on his bike, wondering what David wanted now.

  “Jack, glad I caught you. I was wondering if you wanted to take Sam with you to practice today. It seems he’d rather do that then spend the day waiting for me to come home from work.”

  Jack perked up, his mood changing from glum to brilliant in a second. Grinning, he thanked his lucky stars that he hadn’t decided to ignore the ringing phone.

  “Sure, that would be awesome. I’m down in the garage, should I come back up?”

  “No, that’s all right. I’ll send him right down.”

  David hung up before Jack could answer, but Jack wasn’t offended. David wasn’t one to waste time with pleasantries once he was comfortable with you.

  He got off his bike and headed to the elevator. A minute later the doors opened and Sam was staring back at him.

  “Hi, Jack,” Sam said, looking whole and happy.

  “Sam,” Jack said, stepping forward and pulling the omega in for a tight hug. It was a relief to see that Sam had made it through whatever Max and Hunter had done to him no worse for wear. “How are you?”

  “I’m good.” Sam licked his lips, suddenly looking a little nervous. “Are you sure you don’t mind me coming with you?”

  Jack laughed, throwing his arm over Sam’s shoulders and leading him toward his bike.

  “Not at all. This is awesome.”

  Sam smiled, pressing closer to Jack and ducking his head. They made it over to the bike, and Jack reached into the storage box on the back and pulled out his spare helmet, putting his backpack inside in its place.

  “Safety first,” he said, handing the helmet to Sam. He climbed onto the bike, pulling on his own helmet and tucking on his gloves. Scooting forward, he motioned for Sam to get on the bike.

  Sam climbed onto the bike and they took off.


  Since practice didn’t start until noon, Jack’s first stop was the coffee shop next to the school where he was meeting Drew and Payton. The plan was to study for their upcoming chemistry test, but Jack knew that that was never going to happen.

  He took Sam up to the register, scanning the room for his friends as he waited in line. Payton, Drew and Maria were sitting at a table near the window, and from the looks of it Payton and Maria were arguing.

  That was nothing new.

  “So what do you want?” Jack asked Sam, pulling him closer. “Do you even drink coffee?”

  Sam shook his head, his gaze fixed on the menu hanging behind the register. “Not really. Can I get a cappuccino, though? I think I like those.”

  “Sure,” Jack said, curling his arm so that Sam’s head was pulled close to his body. “Whatever you want.”

  Jack stepped up to the register and ordered their drinks, and when they were finished he handed Sam his cappuccino and led him to the table where he’d spotted his friends.

  “I thought Mondays were your day with him,” Payton said when they sat down. Jack grinned.

  “It is. He had the morning off and wanted to come hang out with me and watch me practice.”

  Sam blushed, lifting his cup and taking a sip. Jack resisted the urge to wrap his arm around him again and pull him close, not wanting him to spill his hot drink.

  “That’s cool,” Drew said. “Is he coming out with us after, too?”

  Jack furrowed his brow, unsure. David hadn’t said when he’d be back from work. If it were Jack, he would have taken off early, but then again, he didn’t run a multinational company.

  “I don’t know. I’ll text David and ask.”

  “Out where?” Sam asked, looking between Jack and Drew with a curious tilt of his head.

  “Just back to Drew’s house,” Jack said. “On Saturdays we hang out and order pizza. It’s fun.”

  He texted David and asked him what time he wanted Sam back at the apartment. He got a reply within seconds, David telling him he’d pick Sam up on his way home from work. Jack just needed to let David know where they were and he could go wherever.

  “My friends and I used to make our own pizza,” Sam said, smiling softly. “We couldn’t afford to get takeout.”

  Jack nodded, not sure what to say to that. It was a w
eird reminder that before joining the pack, Sam had just been a normal omega. He’d had friends, and gone to school, and never had any idea what life had in store for him.


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