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Harry’s house like mad.
I’m not sure what to make of cocaine myself. The second dose
worked better than the first. On the whole, however, I think I prefer
Drugs drugs drugs. Picked another 25 mushrooms at the field by
the boat landing today. Megan found an equal amount. We stored
them in the refrigerator in the break room at work as usual so they
wouldn’t go bad.
Need to have my last two wisdom teeth taken out. Lenny Goldfarb
says he can drive me to Eugene for the appointment if I schedule it on
a Friday.
While I get my teeth extracted, he will pick up merchandise for his
store. Lenny is very disappointed that more people didn’t respond to
his Siuslaw News ad. Too few cool hipsters live around here, I told
him. Hardly any, in fact.
Hmmm. The mushrooms are drying nicely in front of the heater.
The political bug is at me again. I could rent an apartment in
Portland next year and take a leave from my job. Run for the
legislature from a SE Portland district. Even a bare bones operation
might succeed, with enough door-to-door. Lawn signs and brochures
would be the big expense. Simple and organized would be my
approach. No wasted effort.
Later: Is it too much to ask to achieve some of my ambitions? I
want to become a writer, but I have political ambitions as well. These
things seem incompatible. The exterior world and the interior world
are in conflict. There is so much I want to do.
Where it will end I have no idea.
Megan came over tonight but did not stay. We quarreled about
several issues, but mainly over her reluctance to move towards a
divorce. Her slowness sticks in my craw. Worse, she is planning to
meet with Mark again sometime soon for a "discussion."
She won’t say what the discussion is about.
The irony here is that I find myself saying things to Megan that I’ve
plagiarized freely from the woman I now call "the other one." A
whole bunch of hoary zingers that may creak with age, but are still
highly effective. I couldn’t believe how many of them came back to
me, without hardly having even to think. Stuff like:
"It sounds like you’ve already made up your mind."
"You can’t always have everything your own way, you know.
There are limits."
"Why don’t you be honest for a change?"
It is unfortunate that Megan doesn’t keep a journal from which I
can sneak peeks so as to fine-tune my gibes.
I am such a goddamned hypocrite.
Called Chesley to advise him that I am moving. His current
girlfriend Shirley (Randy’s former secret girlfriend) answered the
phone. Based on the snapping and popping noises I heard, Shirley
likes chewing gum while speaking on the phone.
Surprising as it may seem, the dual effort of gum chewing and
speaking did not appear to overtax Shirley’s brain.
Yeah, Shirley is a peach. A real peach. I think I already hate her.
Yes, these young women are a true delight all around. No wonder us
men are in such a mad rush to marry them.
* * * *
December 15, 1978
My stuff is moved out of the little cabin on the sand bank. I am
exhausted as a result. Clarice did not move as promised. Most of my
junk is therefore at Florence Mini-Storage, Space 41B. In the
meantime, I’m staying at Harry’s. The wisdom teeth come out
Need to get a note from the dentist.
* * * *
December 17, 1978
Wisdom teeth are out. Mouth full of stitches. Seahawks are
playing the Chiefs on the tube here at Harry’s house. A great game.
No heat and no bed. I’m sleeping on Harry’s ratty sofa in my down
sleeping bag, smoking dope and taking these giant codeine pain pills.
Clarice was supposed to be out three days ago but is taking extra
time because she feels like it. Nick throws up his hands and hides in
his warm, comfy little bedroom.
Won’t do anything about it. Refuses to go kick her out. Won’t go
yell at her. The mortgage became his to pay on the first so she’s
living on his dime. I offered to go kick her out for him but he nixed
that. I can’t fucking believe this shit!
I could have stayed longer in my own perfectly fine cabin but no, I
foolishly believed that Clarice would be out by the 15th. Dammit!
Now I feel like a sucker. Maybe I should find my own place. On
my salary, I could probably even buy a house. Or build one. They’ve
got these cool domes that you can build now just like regular houses.
They are approved for beach properties and FmHA loans are even
* * * *
December 18, 1978
Picked 44 mushrooms today. The weather was sunny after a night
of rain and conditions were perfect. The field by the landing was a
mushy green paradise. The sun disappeared behind the hills at
precisely 3:00 PM. Found an unusually large specimen by the pond
which I think will weigh in at nearly a gram even when dry. It’s
really huge.
At The Mussel this afternoon I told Bob the owner and his pal
Charlie that I currently live at 41B Florence Mini-Storage. They
laughed. They have heard about my predicament from Nick.
The Dark City rejected yet again, this time by an agent. The same
old complaints. Nobody says anything good about the book. They
just criticize and pass. However, I refuse to let my disappointment
impede new projects. I will send it out again. Who cares what
happens anymore? Just let it all hang out.
The neurotic imaginings of my demented mind are as feverish as
ever. I’m in a lousy mood and my new writing reflects it. The Dark
City is meant to be a bleak, despairing, and dismal (yet satirically
comic) manuscript.
Politics is not the answer. I don’t know what the answer is. Maybe
mushrooms. A whole-hearted belief in the leader is not the answer.
A psychopath named Jim Jones recently led his deluded followers into
a mass suicide in Guyana.
I think we can safely say that Jim Jones was not the answer.
According to an article I read, as a young man Jim sold pet
monkeys door to door. I think maybe he never really got out of the
pet monkey business.
Across the country, the economy grows stagnant and inflation
soars. I think there is a vague anxiety about things in general. People
are apathetic, content to hide out in their little huts and let their eyes
glaze over as they stare at the tube.
Most of my so-called friends seem very dull to me, unwilling to
take risks or try new things. It’s one of the reasons why I’d love to
run for the legislature next year.
I am restless and unafraid.
* * * *
December 20, 1978
Still staying at Harry’s place. My stitches come out tomorrow in
Eugene. Feel like shit after four days of roughing it. Megan abruptly
left town the day before yesterday without much in the way of a
I got a bad feeling about this, I’m sorry to say. I know the husband
has been calling her. I know she has been talking to him. Josie keeps
me informed.
* * * *
December 25, 1978
Xmas is over. Back to work tomorrow. It will be a huge drag with
Megan gone but there it is. I have to show up or they stop paying me.
Going up to Salem on the 6th of January for the Welcome
Legislature party. I asked Megan to come up with me but she would
not give me a definite answer. I find myself daydreaming about a
legislative run almost constantly. I’ll have to decide soon if I’m going
to have even a ghost of a chance.
The holidays were OK. Megan seemed surprised by the opal
necklace I gave her but now I really wonder if it was too much,
especially since she had nothing for me. I had it wrapped in a hurry at
the Galeria so she could get it before she left town.
On Thursday night, I went to Eugene to stay with Charles who is
feeling low because Arianna has dumped him for some cocaine-
addicted musician.
I was sympathetic but unsurprised.
Although I think the other one was wrong about me, she was
apparently right about everybody else. Arianna is a name the other
one could not seem to speak without inserting the word "slut" into the
same sentence. From what Charles has told me, that little four-letter
epithet appears to be an accurate shorthand description of our dear
Arianna after this latest debacle.
At least Charles now knows why it hurt to pee and is taking
appropriate medication. He also has the whole apartment to himself,
Arianna having shacked up with said music boy.
Up in Portland I saw Mario and his new girlfriend Vicky. I gave
Mario some new comix and we drank, talked, and partook of some of
Vicky’s excellent reefer.
Vicky is funny. She’s from Alabama and has one of those funky
southern accents. She’s tubby, but I really like her, as she seems
pretty unaffected. Her and Mario appear well suited.
Found a new Bukowski book in Eugene – Women. It’s his brand
new latest latest. It’s also a scream. I’m getting a big kick out of
reading it.
Megan is supposed to be back right after the first. So she says. I
wish I knew what the fuck was going on.
I think I’m getting a cold. Goodnight.
* * * *
December 30, 1978
Another lazy afternoon in the land of sand and sea. It’s real cold at
Harry’s house but there is nowhere else to go. At least there is a great
football game on the tube. Dallas is battling the wild card Atlanta
Falcons. They are going at it tooth and nail.
Ohio State football coach Woody Hayes went insane last night on
TV. I couldn’t believe what I saw – Woody punching a defensive
back who had intercepted Ohio State’s QB during the Gator Bowl.
He actually slugged the kid on the sideline.
The poor man has finally lost his marbles. Woody is old and, I
suspect, in somewhat poor health. Moreover, his Win Win Win sports
mentality has evidently finally done him in.
The poor, poor man. What a terrible way to go out. Why do they
take this game so seriously? Sure, you want to play hard and
definitely you want to win but hey, if you don’t it’s not the end of the
world. It’s only a football game.
There is always sex, ya know.
Well, maybe not for Woody.
Whoa, Roger Staubach just got clobbered. Oh man, he was really
decked. What a fucking hit he took.
The game of football is dangerous and violent. That’s why I love
it. A sport is not truly a sport unless a crippling injury is a constant
Clarice is still supposed to be moving her scrawny little ass out of
the house, perhaps by tomorrow. Can’t come too soon for me. Nick
says he plans to buy a second-hand color TV so we can host a Super
Bowl party next month.
Been reading Bukowski over and over again and thinking about
sponsoring a poetry reading for him. I think that would be a
goddamned wonderful idea. Nick also thinks having a poetry reading
would be a good idea too. He’s all for it and says he can get Kim
Planning to send The Dark City out again soon. I’ll keep trying,
although I’m not sure people are swift enough to understand my sense
of humor. Sometimes I don’t understand it myself, so I suppose that’s
Whoa, Dallas just tied it, 20-20. Now it’s anybody’s game. I’m
rooting for Atlanta. Can you believe it? No sooner do I leave Atlanta
than they get a great QB in Steve Bartkowski and field a really good
Goddamn. That fucking Ed "Too Tall" Jones just laid out
Bartkowski. Really pancaked him. Sheeeit.
Constantly, I think about Megan. Trying to force myself not to
write about her. She is supposed to be back soon. She is not here yet.
Hope she doesn’t get caught in the weather.
Another winter storm arrived like a sonofabitch yesterday.
River of January
January 3, 1979
Thinking about maybe building a house on the coast. Pretty sure I
could get financing through FmHA. The question is whether I want to
stay here. Megan goes back and forth on me. She returned on New
Year’s Eve but would not spend the night with me, giving no
I didn’t press her because I was stoned on mushrooms at the time
and frankly her emotional indecision seemed insignificant compared
to the awesome vastness of the universe and the incomprehensible
endlessness of time.
So I just smiled and nodded.
She refused to take any mushrooms and left shortly after
conducting a tour of the house. Nick’s former marital home is a
beautiful place down by the river and is just a couple of blocks away
from Harry’s. Megan really seems to like it a lot.
So the upshot is that I’m afraid to settle here because it would
require me to remain in town. Without Megan, I have no reason to
stay. There you have it.
Definitely sending The Dark City out again. I have nothing to lose
but the price of postage.
Nick found a large TV (color) so we can watch football. He says
he was never much interested in the sport before but my enthusiasm is
contagious. Now Nick is a big Dallas Cowboys fan, the fucker.
Planning on going to Salem on Saturday for union and DemoRat
Party business. Probably will see Clarice there, as she got a job
working for Dale Ireland, a state senator from Douglas County. I
think he is her new boyfriend.
"Hello, Clarice," I will say, "I really like your house." Might as
well. I have to hand it to her, though, she kept the place in tip-top
Talent considerations aside, the difference between F. Scott
Fitzgerald and me is that Scott got his first novel published and I have
not. Scott was indeed a lucky guy. Appa
rently they don’t make
editors like Max Perkins anymore. Too bad.
I’ve been sending that goddamn pile of shit out for ten months now
and nary a nibble.
Perhaps I am too ambitious with too little talent to back it up. I
want to change the world. I want to usher in the end of human
childhood. I want to see us venture into the realm of space.
The universe is like the ocean and our spacecraft are wooden ships.
We must break free from the bonds of our small planet and explore
other worlds.
Physically, I mean.
Meanwhile, The Dark City shuffles along slowly. It seems less a
novel than the working out of a nagging psychological problem that
besets me.
The story is ugly and brutal.
Did I mention that I stayed with Lenny Goldfarb and his wife
DeeDee the night their baby was born at home? It was quite an
experience, hanging out with the midwife and the proud parents. I
even saw the birth itself. Unbelievable.
DeeDee I must say was magnificent. What a trouper. Too bad
Lenny is such a shithead to DeeDee’s daughter Brinn by her first
marriage. Lenny obviously hates Brinn. My opinion is that Lenny is
a jealous, self-absorbed jerk. Brinn seems like a really great twelve
year old girl and Lenny’s attitude toward her is just unforgivable.
But that’s another story. The birth of Leonard Junior was
absolutely riveting. Children are wonderful, in my opinion.
They are just great.
However, it is unlikely that I will have children myself. There is no
woman in my life I trust enough to take that step with. The trust has
got be there.
How would I handle it if she flaked out the way Leanne did? Or
pulled away abruptly (and viciously) like the other one did? Or worst
of all, turned into lazy, drug-addled parasite like my mother? I’d go
out of my mind.
Believe me. I’ll be the first to admit that men are no prize. Myself,
for example. I hate most men with an abiding passion. What
assholes. On the other hand, women also have their faults, the first of
which is that they are unwilling to admit to having any.
Most of the women I have known go forward laboring under the