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A Fluffy Tale 2: Warm & Fuzzy

Page 8

by Ann Somerville

The paramedics rolled Daniel out. Kani gave a faint squeak and disappeared. Spen had never seen a kem in that state before and didn’t like what that might mean for Daniel. “I’ll head off now,” he told the manager, “but if Tony Noble returns, can someone ask him more about what happened this evening? And could you ask the bar staff if Daniel seemed drowsy or ill to them? This is my number.” He handed the manager his card. “If his family calls, can you ask them to call me instead? I don’t want them getting bad news without an explanation.”

  “Certainly, Mr Reardon. Leave it to us. Jim, please escort him downstairs and make sure the taxi’s there.”

  The porter went with him to the lift, and whistled up the taxi to pick Spen up from the front door. “Hope your friend is all right, sir.”


  With nothing to distract him from the worry, his thoughts raced through some distinctly horrible possibilities. What if Daniel was seriously ill? What if he died? What had happened in the hotel room, and why had Noble taken such a long time to answer the door? Spen now wished he’d asked the manager to call the police as well, but on what basis? Now Noble had plenty of time to dispose of any evidence, if there was any to dispose of.

  But maybe Daniel had just reacted badly to a couple of strong drinks. It wasn’t impossible, or even all that unlikely considering he didn’t drink much. Spen hoped for Daniel’s sake that this was the explanation. The alternatives were horrifying.

  He remembered his promise to call his mother, and rang the house. “Did you find him, love?”

  “Yes, Mum. Is Dee there?”

  “No, in her room. Shall I fetch her?”

  “No, no...Mum, we’re taking Daniel to hospital. I found him unconscious in his boss’s room.”

  “Oh my lord. What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know, but I don’t want you to tell Dee either. Not yet. Could you tell her that Daniel’s been taken ill, and he’s asleep. I’ll call her in the morning with an update. I should know more then.”

  “I don’t like lying to the children, Spencer.”

  “I know, but do you want her getting hysterical with worry when there’s nothing she can do? Look...just say he’s unwell. That’s no lie. I don’t think he’s in serious danger. At least, I hope not. There’s nothing she can do there for him.”

  “All right, I’ll do that. That poor boy. What could it be?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll call tomorrow when I do know. Dee can call me if she needs to, but Mum, please try and keep her calm.”

  “Don’t tell me how to mother a child, love.” Spen smiled a little. “Are you all right, Spencer? This must be a shock.”

  “I’m trying to concentrate on what needs to be done. I’m just glad I found him sooner rather than later. You and Dee might have saved his life.”

  His mother gasped. “I don’t know what Dee and Alex will do if anything happens to Daniel.”

  “Well, then, we won’t let anything happen. Don’t worry too much, Mum. I’ll handle it here.”

  “Good night, love. He’s in good hands with you.”

  If that had been true, Daniel wouldn’t have been struck down in the first place. Still, recriminations could wait until he had his hands around Tony Noble’s cowardly neck.

  The taxi dropped him at the Emergency entrance, and when he enquired at Reception, he discovered he was only behind the ambulance by a couple of minutes. “He’s still being assessed,” the clerk told him. “Take a seat and you’ll be called. Are you family?”

  Spen had given this some thought on the ride over, and answered calmly, “He’s my boyfriend. His parents are dead and his siblings are both minors. They’re staying with my family at the moment.”

  The clerk made a note and didn’t comment. Spen figured it was the kind of statement no one was likely to argue with, unlike claiming to be a brother—unlikely, given their decided lack of resemblance to each other—or a spouse, which he couldn’t backup. Daniel would understand, and it made things easier without needing to drag Dee into this, or worse, Daniel’s elderly and infirm grandparents.

  Myko wouldn’t settle, meeping and moving restlessly from Spen’s lap to the floor and back again. He didn’t wander far, not even to talk to the other kems in the waiting room. Spen gave him what comfort he could, which wasn’t much, and took what he could from Myko’s company.

  He waited nearly an hour before his name was called, and he was ushered through the doors separating the waiting room from the treatment cubicles. He asked where Daniel was but before he could go where he’d been directed, a young doctor came up to him. “I’m Dr Ali. Are you here for Daniel Walkinshaw?”

  “Yes. I’m Spencer Reardon. How is he?”

  “Stable for now. I need to talk to you, Spencer. Come this way.”

  She took him away from the nurse’s station. “Are you close to Daniel?”

  “Pretty close, yes.”

  “Do you know what happened this evening? What he ate, or drank?”

  “Not exactly, no. I was with work colleagues. He was in the bar with his boss and other managers. I don’t think he ate anything down there, but I don’t know what happened after he and his boss returned to his boss’s room.”

  “So he was drinking?”

  “I believe so. That was the intention. He’s not a big drinker at all. Is it just alcohol?”

  She grimaced. “I don’t think so, but without knowing what he ingested, it’s hard to say. Does he take drugs?”

  “No.” Spen didn’t have any proof of that other than his knowledge of Daniel as a person, but he was as sure of that as he was of his own sobriety. “Has he been drugged?”

  “We suspect he’s taken something.”

  “Or been given it.”

  “Possibly. Where’s his boss? Is he ill too?”

  “I don’t know where he is, and no. He was fine. Claims Daniel turned up at his room, and fell asleep on his bed. I don’t believe him, for what it’s worth.”

  “Hmmm. There’s signs of Daniel having had anal sex as the receptive partner very recently. Would that be with you?”

  Spen’s hands curled into fists. “No,” he said tightly. “And I can assure you that having sex with his boss is the last thing he would do. He doesn’t like him. We should call the police, doctor.”

  “Yes, I agree, and we can do that when he wakes up. But Daniel’s still unconscious, and the drug tests won’t necessarily be conclusive. If Daniel can’t remember what happened this evening, as is likely, then the police won’t be able to prove he didn’t take something voluntarily, or have sex involuntarily. There’s no physical evidence of force.”

  Spen felt sick. Noble, I’ll kill you with my bare hands. “Can I see him?”

  “Yes. At this point, we’ll keep him in here until he wakes up and is normal again. That will probably be a few hours. You can take him home then, provided someone keeps an eye on him. He’s likely to feel fairly sorry for himself, just warning you.”

  “I won’t let him out of my sight, I swear.”

  She smiled. “Good. Through here.”

  Daniel lay on his side wearing a hospital gown and covered with a sheet. He still wore the oxygen mask and was attached to a machine monitoring his blood pressure and heart rate. Spen sat by him and took his hand. Daniel didn’t move. His hand was very cold, and his breathing still slow. “Oh Danny, Danny, you’re a worry.” Spen stroked his pale cheek. “Kani, where are you, squirt?”

  Daniel’s kem popped out and crawled slowly onto Daniel’s shoulder, wobbling back and forth, though looking a little more alert than before. Myko pulled him down onto the bed in front of Daniel’s head and began to delicately groom his woozy friend. Spen stroked them both, wishing Myko’s attentions to Kani would somehow stimulate Daniel to consciousness. But Daniel didn’t wake or even twitch. Spen settled in to wait, keeping hold of Daniel’s hand, determined to not to leave his side for a second.

  Nearly two hours later, Daniel roused fully, blinking green eyes open and stari
ng uncomprehendingly at Spen. “Hey. How do you feel?”

  “‘m I?”

  “Hospital. What do you remember?”

  “‘bout what?”

  “Having drinks with Tony?”

  “Um...I don’t.” He struggled to sit up, but even with Spen’s help, it was beyond him. He sank back down. “Feel crap.”

  “I know. Just going to find the doctor.” Daniel’s hand gripped Spen’s and his green eyes widened in panic. “It’s okay. Myko’s here. Back in a minute, I promise.” He gave Daniel’s hand a pat. “Promise.”

  Daniel let go. Myko licked his face, and Kani, now much brighter and with it, cuddled against his chest. Daniel gave his kem a dozy pat. “Don’t understand,” he mumbled.

  “I know. Just wait.”

  Dr Ali was attending to another patient, but Spen caught her eye and she came out to see him. “He’s awake. He doesn’t remember anything. Not yet.”

  “I’m not surprised. The tox results show almost no blood alcohol content, but GHB is present.”

  That was an acronym Spen hadn’t heard since his student days. “The date rape drug?”

  “One of them, yes. Doesn’t prove how it got into him, though. I’ll just go and speak to him. Would you like to wait out here?”

  Spen hovered outside the cubicle, while the doctor spoke quietly to Daniel. He tried not to eavesdrop but it was hard not to get most of it, and understand that Daniel was adamant that he didn’t want the police involved, and he refused to consent to a rape kit. When the doctor came out, she shrugged at Spen. “Can’t say I’m surprised.”

  “But you’ll keep the drug results on record?”

  “Yes. But the police won’t attend unless he makes a complaint. If he changes his mind, he can contact them at any time.”

  “Can he go home?”

  “I’d rather he stayed an hour or two but he’s determined to leave. GHB leaves the body fairly fast so he’ll probably be all right. You’ll stay with him?”

  “Yes, and get him back here if he seems to be worse.”

  “Then he can leave.” She went to the nurses’ station and picked up a leaflet, which she handed to Spen. “He might need this.”

  Spen looked at it. “Rape counselling?”

  “It’s likely, yes.” She looked up at him. “Take it easy with him, Spencer.”

  “I will.”

  She nodded and went off to another cubicle. Spen stared at the leaflet then shoved it into his pocket with a shudder. Someone had assaulted Daniel tonight. More than assaulted. The police should be involved.

  Inside the cubicle, Daniel, now detached from his leads and the oxygen, was making a fairly futile attempt to get dressed.

  “The doctor thought you should hang around for a little bit, Daniel.”

  “I’m fine. I just want to get out of here. Help me, will you?”

  Spen helped him into his trousers and shirt. Trying to identity the odd smell on them was driving him nuts.

  “Where are my shoes?”

  “Here, don’t panic.” He bent to help Daniel put them on. “You should really speak to the police.”

  The foot jerked out of Spen’s grip. Spen looked up and found its owner glaring at him. “No. Not now, not ever. I won’t get my family into more crap.”

  “Daniel, someone drugged you.”

  “Maybe. But I’m fine and I don’t want to think about this any more. I’ve got a headache, I’m tired, and you know as well as I do the police won’t be able to do a damn thing. I’ll end up spending hours at a police station for no reason.”

  “What about stopping whoever it was doing it again?” Spen ached to mention Noble by name but he didn’t want to contaminate Daniel’s evidence, if he did manage to convince him to make a complaint.

  “We don’t know who it was, and I can’t give them anything to find him. I just want to get out of here. You haven’t spoken to Dee, have you?”

  “No. I asked Mum to let her know you were unwell, but not to worry. You can call her in the morning.”

  Daniel sagged. “Thanks. Look...I know what you’re saying, and why. But I can’t. I just can’t. It’s too much. I haven’t got the energy to deal with this on top of the rest.”

  “Okay.” Spen finished with the shoes, and helped Daniel stand. Daniel picked up Kani, who squeaked and licked him. “Whatever it was, made him sick too.”

  “Sorry,” Daniel said to his kem, kissing his head. He looked up at Spen. “You found me?”

  “Good thing too. It was really Myko and Kani.”

  “Right.” Daniel ran out of determination around about then, and sat back on the bed. “I really do feel like crap.”

  “You can stay—”

  “Please? Can we just...go?”

  “Sure. Here.”

  He took his hand and helped him up again. Daniel held his hand longer than he needed to. “Thank you.”

  “Any time.” He put his hand on Daniel’s shoulder. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter 9

  Daniel leaned on the taxi’s window, not really seeing the passing scenery. Spen’s face was reflected in the glass, so Daniel knew he was being watched. Not surprising Spen was worried. Daniel wanted to be alone, but he couldn’t bring himself to wish Spen wasn’t there.

  His stomach churned and his head throbbed. He still felt out of it, unsettled. Nothing like being drunk or hungover. Someone had drugged him. Someone had had sex with him, the doctor said. He knew what those two things added up to, but he couldn’t make himself admit it in so many words.

  “Where did you find me?” He immediately regretted asking.

  “In Tony’s room. On his bed. He said you turned up in a confused state.”

  Daniel’s stomach heaved and he covered his mouth. He couldn’t ask the next question. He was afraid Spen would answer it.

  “Do you need to throw up?” Spen asked.

  “No. Leave me alone, please.”


  Kani sat in Daniel’s lap, meeping quietly from time to time. Daniel should try and comfort the little guy but he couldn’t find the energy. Oh god, how was he going to tell Dee? He couldn’t. He’d have to lie. But first, he had to pull himself together.

  The hotel was deserted, thankfully. He didn’t know what he’d do if he ran into one of the managers. Or Tony. How was he supposed to....

  Was this where he had to give up? How could he work for someone who...but he didn’t know that Tony had. Why would Tony take such a risk here, among his peers and superiors? Tony was married. Maybe it was nothing like it looked at all.

  Spen guided him up to their room, and locked the door behind them. “I’m taking you home in the morning. I’ll email Noble and whoever needs to know that our presentation is cancelled because of illness.”

  “I can’t—”

  Spen took him by the arms and made Daniel look at him. “You’re in no state, and I refuse to do this while you’re in this condition. No argument, Daniel.”

  Daniel shook him off. “All right,” he said irritably. “But I’m fine.”

  “You’re a crime victim.”

  “I’m not a victim. I won’t be. I refuse to be involved in this. All I want to do is do my job, look after Dee and Alex, sort out our messes without anything else. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, but I don’t agree.”

  “Tough. It’s not your life, not your decision. Leave me alone.”

  Spen stepped back. “Whatever you want, kid.”

  “And stop calling me that. Maybe if you realised I’m as adult as you, you wouldn’t be trying to nanny me.”

  “I’d do this for anyone in your situation.”

  “There is no situation. I’m going to use the loo.”

  Nausea washed over him as he fled into the bathroom, so he sat on the closed toilet lid and held his head in his hands. He had to get his act together here. If he couldn’t convince Spen he was all right, he’d never convince Dee and Alex. How would he explain coming h
ome early? Maybe the best thing was not to tell them...but if they came back from Mrs Reardon’s house for some reason, they’d discover the lie. He’d have to come up with something.

  What a bloody mess.

  Kani crawled up onto his lap and meeped into his face. Daniel stroked his back right down to the tail, the way he liked. “I’m sorry, kiddo.” Kani squirmed closer and Daniel held him tight. “Help me. I need to be strong.”

  Kani wasn’t enough though. Daniel had to find it from inside, somehow, but he didn’t know how much he had left.


  Spen sent a short, barely civil email to Noble, and a more polite one to his line manager regarding the cancelled presentation. He didn’t much care whose noses were put out of joint, and would be delighted if Noble was annoyed. The creep hadn’t even called to find out how Daniel was. Not that Spen had any intention of telling him what they really knew. He also sent emails to Jyoti and Julian, because Daniel might be feeling disinclined to pursue the criminal angle right now, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t change his mind. Or be persuaded to.

  Daniel was taking a long time in the bathroom. Spen tried not to worry but finally gave in. He knocked on the door. “You okay in there?”

  “Leave me alone.”

  Spen shook his head and sat down again. If Daniel was cranky, at least that meant he was alive. Myko squeaked and shoved his nose under Spen’s hand. Spen put him on the floor. “You go keep an eye on him, squirt. Let me know if he’s in trouble.” Myko ran off and disappeared through the closed bathroom door.

  What could he do for the kid? He understood Daniel’s objections to talking to the police—hell, gay men got a hard enough time normally, and rape cases weren’t taken half as seriously as they should be, no matter what sex the victim was. But if the police talked to Noble....

  There was no proof. Just Noble’s word against a drug test, and proof that Daniel had had sex. Even though Spen would bet all his savings that Daniel would never go out looking for quick, anonymous sex, or take drugs like GHB, he couldn’t prove he hadn’t.

  So how could he help? Should he give Daniel that leaflet on counselling? Should he recruit his mother to help? Or should he let Daniel live in denial, if that helped him cope with all the stress his life held?


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