Enchanted Lover
Page 20
She looked at Liam expectantly. He knelt beside her and jerked Jared's arm, snapping it back into the socket. A raw scream tore from Jared's parched throat when Liam performed his task. Jared fell back on the ground deadly still. Asilinn brushed his dark hair away from his face and noted the jagged wound running along his chin line.
“We must hurry.” She talked softly to him while she bound his shoulder into place as best she could.
Jared moaned, trying hard to lift back the dark curtain separating him from her sweet voice. He felt strong arms lift him, then the soft warmth of his wife wrapped around him. He managed to open his eyes briefly. “Asilinn,” he choked.
“I'm here,” she murmured.
It was no use. His eyelids were too heavy. He passed from consciousness with one fleeting glimpse of her burning in his brain.
Chapter Seventeen
It was three days before the Laird of Dunbocan woke to a dim state of consciousness. Asilinn remained constantly by his side working her magic with a variety of cures and medicines and that only made those around her wonder more. She ignored their suspicious nature and went about the business of making Jared whole again.
His chest was badly bruised with two good size stab wounds. They were not deep. She had been forced to sew stitches in the gash running along his chin line and she was satisfied with its healing progress. The dislocated shoulder was still bound in place to prevent him from hurting it if he grew fitful in his semi-conscious state.
The most disconcerting injury was the blow to the head. At first Asilinn wondered if he would ever regain consciousness, then she worried when he did, he would have no memory. One of her father's men had sustained a similar injury and never remembered any of his family again. She could treat everything else, but the head was out of her hands.
Morven was dismayed to discover she, Skye, and Liam ventured out to Burnum Woods without his knowledge or consent. He seemed thrilled with their success, but admonished them all for their folly. Morven had taken up Jared's duties during his recuperation and appeared to be managing rather well.
Asilinn slept beside her husband every night. She was now certain she was with child and her determination to heal Jared grew. He was her only hope to protect the child she carried from the warring clans. Her husband had yet to show signs of wakening. Asilinn knew the longer he stayed unconscious the greater the possibility he had serious damage from his fall.
She had just risen and dressed on the morning of the fourth day when Flanna arrived with breakfast and heated the water Asilinn had requested. Asilinn had gotten into the habit of bathing Jared every morning. Somehow, it reassured her to run her hands over his strong limbs.
He had been a little more active during the night, tossing around and mumbling at times. This gave Asilinn hope he might waken soon. She hoped when he did, he was himself.
As usual, she began with his face carefully cleansing the area around his jaw. He would probably have a scar there, but the cut ran just on the underside of the jawbone. It would not be very noticeable when it healed. He sighed with a deep exhale when she moved down his neck to his powerful chest. His head tossed on the pillow with each intake of air. She wondered if he was in pain.
“Jared,” she whispered, leaning forward and stroking his forehead.
He muttered something under his breath. It was hardly audible. Asilinn was able to make out a few words. “I have failed you,” he said.
“No Jared, you have not failed me.”
He grew more agitated and tears formed in his half-closed eyes. “I never meant to see you come to harm.” His voice was hoarse with emotion.
Asilinn leaned closer and rubbed his shoulder. “I am safe.”
His free arm closed around her and he let out another distraught sigh. “Oh Sarah, I would change everything to have you back with us,” he whispered as he caressed her hair.
Asilinn felt a knot forming in the pit of her stomach. Was Liam's horror story true? She lay pinned to Jared's side, her heart thundering erratically within her chest. She was unable to collect herself enough to move.
He sighed again and his eyelids fluttered open. She looked into his emerald eyes. He gave her a weak smile.
“Asilinn,” he rasped. “You were right about the ambush.” He studied her desolate expression. “What is it? Are you unhappy they did not succeed?”
“No, of course not,” she said, trying to pull herself up from his chest. “I warned you, did I not?” He eyed her curiously.
“Aye and I must say I wondered why. You dinna want to be my wife, yet you warn me of the ambush that may allow you to be a widow.” He looked around their chamber then down at his bare body. “And now you tend me yourself. Wife, could it be you miss the fire of our mating? To hear you speak one would think you dinna want me but alas every time we touch you become eager beneath me. And now you have stripped me naked whilst I slept.”
Her face turned scarlet. “I was bathing you!”
A tiny glimmer lit his eyes. “Please continue,” he said. “Perhaps you can bring me back to life.”
“Are you a rutting stag even when you are too weak to lift your head?”
“Mayhaps we will see when you move lower?”
Asilinn was fuming but it was clear he’d been a sweat through the night and needed to be cleaned. She fought the urge to call Wynne and have her do it. His desire for her was a tool she must use to ensure his protection.
“Asilinn, cover me or wash me, it is cold in here.”
With a snort, she went to her task. He seemed very amused by her attitude, but soon her gentle massage with the warm water elicited contented sighs. He made no secret of the fact he was enjoying his bath immensely. When she finished and sought to cover him, he grabbed her and pulled her face to his, pressing his lips to hers in a soft kiss. With a ragged moan, he broke off and ran his hand over the jagged gash tormenting his jaw.
Asilinn laughed. “I fear milord will have painful kisses for awhile. It will heal nicely, but right now it is still swollen.”
“What else is damaged?” He moved gingerly. “Why is my arm tied to my chest?”
“Your shoulder was dislocated in the fall, but it is back in place now. We can remove the ties if you wish. I only sought to keep you from further damage by binding it.”
Jared gazed down at his discolored chest. “Your father saved my life with his gift.” She could feel his eyes turn back to her. “Asilinn, what's wrong?”
“Nothing,” she said her thoughts again on Sarah and Liam’s terrible story. Standing she covered him with the blankets.
He gripped her hair and pulled her face back to hover over his. “Dinna lie to me.”
“I will wait to discuss it until you have regained your strength.”
“Now – God knows I can do little else but talk.”
She sat back. “If you insist, I want to know about Sarah.” She straightened her back and lifted her chin defiantly. “Tell me about Sarah so I might understand how you have wronged her.”
Jared's eyes went cold and he looked away from her steady gaze. “How did you hear of Sarah?”
“You called out for her a few minutes before you woke. Your words would make one think you wronged Sarah somehow.” She looked down at her hands. She couldn't bring herself to explain the story Liam had told her, to do that she would have to tell all, and possibly see Liam punished for his candor. “Did you love Sarah?”
His eyes clouded over in an expression anything but comforting. “I will only speak of this once,” he said. “Sarah and I grew up together. Her parents were killed and she was sent to live with my family.”
“How old was she?”
“Maybe ten.”
“Did she like living here?”
“Aye, we had some happy years together… Morven, Liam, me and Sarah."
“You act as if that changed.”
“Everything was fine when my father sent me to the English courts. I was gone for over two years and returned to find my fa
ther dead. The very night I arrived, Sarah came to me and asked for my protection. She told me she had agreed to marry Liam and now found herself unable to go through with the marriage.”
“Was she in love with you? Is that why she wished to change her mind?” Asilinn asked. Liam's accusations rang in her ears.
“No,” Jared whispered, anguish crossing his face. “She was like a sister to me, but her request placed me at odds with Liam. He returned from a battle I should have been fighting to find I now kept him from the woman he loved.”
“How did you fail Sarah?”
“Is that what I said?”
“Sarah took her own life while under my so-called protection. I was busy trying to make order out of the chaos after my father's death. I failed to notice Sarah needed my attention. My father’s passing hurt me but Sarah's death cut me to the core. I should have seen something was wrong and helped her. To this day I have no idea why.” He sighed and fell silent.
“You need to speak with Liam about this.” She believed Jared, but now she wondered who had told Liam Jared had raped Sarah, perhaps the true culprit. It would explain much. Maybe it hadn't happened at all. Was it just rumored by some discontent clansman? It was impossible to know. Right now, she needed to guard her husband's health. “How about some food?” she suggested.
She collected the soup she had kept close at hand in the event he wakened and urged him to eat in spite of his sore jaw. He was able to get down more than she expected.
When she was finished, he grasped her wrist as she rose from the bed. “Now it is your turn to answer, sweet Asilinn. Why do you tend like me some treasured husband when I know I am nothing of the sort in your eyes?”
His words scorched her like burning embers. “Milord, would not your first wife have done the same?” Why couldn’t she keep herself from antagonizing him? She needed him to protect her and the child she carried, but she couldn’t bring herself to be nice.
“Bloody hell, you know my first wife was little more than a whore. Just answer the question.”
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. Asilinn whirled around and stared at Osred in disbelief. “How dare you enter our chamber without knocking?”
“But, Lady Asilinn, the door was ajar,” Osred said. “I didna mean to intrude. I thought only to inquire about Laird Jared. I see he is much improved by your magic potions.”
Jared scowled at the man. “It is not magic. It is medicine.”
“Whatever you wish to call it, Milord,” Osred replied.
A light rap on the door alerted them to another visitor. Morven entered the room with a smile on his face. “Milord, good to see you awake. Lady Asilinn feared you might never wake. She has stayed by your side night and day.”
Jared looked at Asilinn. “Aye, we were just discussing that when Osred arrived.”
Osred's expression was somber as he observed them.
“Laird Jared has just awakened. It is too soon for visitors,” Asilinn announced. “I'm sure when he has regained his strength he'll feel more like talking.”
Morven grinned at Osred. “I think we've just been dismissed.”
“So it would seem,” the irate counselor replied.
Morven grabbed Osred's arm and led him from the room, looking back to wink at Jared.
When they were alone again, Jared stared at her expectantly. “I did not wish to be a widow so soon,” she said. She dropped her head to avoid his steady gaze. Then, drawing a deep breath, she looked him in the eye again. “You know I have healing skills, is it surprising I would use them to help you?”
His expression was thoughtful as he studied her. “I didna expect it.”
“Dinna make too much of it. I would help any man in need.”
His eyes crinkled in a laugh that made him gasp in pain when it got to his jaw.
In the days that followed Jared felt as if his body was betraying him. Asilinn seemed amazed at his progress, but to him it was ploddingly slow. Frustrated by his handicaps, Jared sent Asilinn to find Morven and told her to busy herself elsewhere while he talked with him.
“I hear you have things well under control,” he told his cousin. “Now I would ask a favor. I need you to help me down to the Dragon's Spring. I think what my poor body needs is a good soaking. Perhaps it will ease my pain enough to allow me what I desire most.”
Morven laughed. “Lady Asilinn is close, yet so far away,” he said. “You realize, of course, she will kill us both if she catches us. The woman has guarded you like a watchdog. If it hadna been for her and Skye and Liam, you wouldna be with us now.”
“How so?” Jared asked while Morven helped him stand.
Morven related the tale of the women sneaking off to find him in Burnum Woods and of Liam's involvement in the rescue. Jared just shook his head. Thus distracted he had made it all the way to the spring without too much trouble.
When he slipped into the hot water, he felt the soothing balm working on his soreness. Morven sat on the bench and watched his expression. “I can see you'll have me doing this every day until you can manage it on your own.”
Jared laughed and moved on to the business at hand. “Have you made any progress on identifying our attackers?”
“Very little,” Morven admitted. “Our losses were heavy. They killed four of our men and got away clean. I'm completely stumped.”
Jared grimaced and asked for an accounting of the actions Morven had taken. They discussed different possibilities and Morven helped him back to bed just before Asilinn came in. “I shall expect you every day at this time for a briefing,” Jared said when Morven rose to leave. Morven grinned and nodded as he left the room.
Asilinn smiled at Jared with a smile that made him immediately suspicious. “What?” She moved toward him with a determined look on her face.
“It is time for the stitches to come out,” she announced.
“I had to sew your jaw closed, but now I must remove the thread. ‘Tis healed enough to stay together on its own.”
“Will it hurt?”
She laughed. “The Dragon Lord of Dunbocan Castle is afraid to have his stitches out,” she taunted.
“I just asked if you were going to hurt me. It worries me how much you seem to enjoy it.” They both started laughing.
Asilinn skillfully went about her task. When she was done, he fell asleep with his head in her lap.
During the next week, Morven arrived daily to consult with Jared. Asilinn was always banished from these meetings, but she was aware of what was going on. Toby had told her he had seen Morven helping Laird Jared down the stairs. One day she spied on them and realized the route they were taking was the public way to the Dragon's Spring.
Jared must have told her the truth about Morven not being aware of the secret passage. It would have been the path of choice to keep his secret from her, but apparently, not even his cousin was aware of its existence. That gave Asilinn some small sense of security. But now she wrestled with a weightier problem. If she wanted to ensure the safety of the life growing within her, she must convince her husband she was willing to be his wife, and there was only one way she could think of to do it.
He had just returned from his bath and stood balancing himself with the bedpost when she walked in. It was time. She must pray for strength to carry out her plan. Walking close to him, she touched his chest with her palms. It felt good. She wasn’t shaky at all.
“Do you need me, Milord?”
“What did you have in mind wife?” His dark eyes raked over her.
Jared was a little dazed by her demeanor. She looked as if she meant to lift her skirts for him, but he could not fathom why. Her small hands moved down his abdomen finally coming to rest on his groin.
“I would be your wife today, if you will have me,” she whispered.
Jared’s pulse hammered—could it be she actually had come to care for him? He r
emembered the warm way his parents had exchanged touches—glances that were only theirs. It was what he craved most in his marriage, to be loved by his wife. Not that he was at all sure he loved Asilinn, but he wanted her to love him unconditionally. Then maybe he could find a way to love her back.
Knowing he must test her resolve, he opened the front of her gown and ran his hand over the snowy mound of her breast while his finger traced its tip.
“Is this what you want, Asilinn?”
Asilinn took a deep breath and pushed him back onto the bed. She stood before him, slowly letting her gown slip off her shoulders. He gave her a scorching appraisal his manhood throbbing in anticipation.
He watched her nervous fingers fumble with her shift, finally freeing it to drop at her feet. She moved towards him naked and glowing in the pale sunlight that lit their chamber. When she neared the bed, he reached out and pulled her on top of him, his hands tracing roads of fire over her creamy flesh. She felt smooth and hot, like marble heated by the fire.
“Asilinn, help me off with these clothes,” he entreated. “I would feel you upon my flesh.”
She straddled him, urging him to sit up so she might ease his shirt off his sore shoulder. Her nipples teased the mat of hair covering his chest while she worked. He lay back with a groan, running his hands up to capture her wondrous full breasts. She arched toward him and he pulled her forward, sampling each rosy tip one at a time until a throaty whimper escaped her.
Grabbing her shoulders, he eased her back to a sitting position. She arched back as he ran his hands down her trim torso. Sliding one hand between them, he felt her rise up on her knees to allow him to explore her depths with intimate strokes. Her eyes glazed over and she moved against him restlessly—moist—wet—anxious for him.
“Asilinn, the rest of my clothes,” he reminded her. She moved away from his soft ministrations to remove the final impediment to their union.