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Page 20

by Kailee Reese Samuels

  “Come on, whore. We ain’t got time to waste,” Husky said, holding out his hand. There was nothing gentlemanly about it. As soon as he could, Husky would grip my arm and lead me to the others. The gray skies were lifting quick, parting the clouds and offering a glimpse of a fine day ahead.

  A fine day to get raped.

  My hair brushed against his hand and he picked the strands up, smelling them like an animal. There was something different about Husky. Like he didn’t really belong. Maybe he had just been recruited. Maybe he had a grandmother he doted on. Maybe I had a glimmer of hope that I shouldn’t, wanting him to be decent and good and kind.

  The spacious building held numerous equipment on one end and hundreds of motorcycles on the other. The warehouse evoked the feeling of an overgrown mechanic shop. With small offices lining one side, Husky through my ass into an empty one.

  I heard the ramblings from the main area. A couple of the guys wanted to know who the new bitch was. I ascertained in this group, if I wanted to be nothing more than property, I would get my wish. Careful what you wish for little girl. I curled up in the corner, placing my back against the cold, hard cinder blocks. The time was ticking down, but little could be done about it. They would only wait for so long.

  I stayed in the room for five days. Occasionally, they would toss me food or water. I made no sounds and brought no fight when they entered. No one ever laid a hand on me. Of course, I still believed it was just a matter of time.

  On the morning of the fifth day, the door jostled open and a young man covered in ink appeared. He shut the door behind him and meandered closer to me. He had on torn jeans and a tank top with his hat on backwards. His deep set cobalt blue eyes seemed caring as he smiled. “Hey…” he said, sitting on the floor next to me. “What’s your name?”

  “Mae,” I offered, not wanting to share the truth between us.

  “Well, Lady Mae…” he elaborated, smiling at my new name. “I got a plan for you.”

  I could tell by the way he spoke that not all was as perfect as his face. He had a raspy growl in his voice despite his youthful appearance. I decided it would be in my best interest to not fuck around with this guy—he was insanely delicious and dangerous to boot.

  “What’s your name, Sir?”

  He smiled and nodded at the deference. “Well, Lady Mae,” he said, leaning closer and smiling. “I am Dom—Dominick Gennaro.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say to him, but it didn’t really matter. I would eventually learn Dom could hold a conversation entirely on his own. He was a beautiful wreck of a man, who talked with his hands and made decisions quick.

  “Can I say something?”


  I took a deep breath. “You don’t look like you belong here.”

  He laughed, showing off his startlingly white teeth. He was nothing like the goons who delivered me here. His face was gorgeous. He was hunky not husky. He had all of his teeth. And those curls escaping from beneath his sex hat had left more than enough for my imagination to toy with. All that said, he didn’t act or appear like he should be in a warehouse full of outlaw bikers.

  “I have some hobbies with my Daddy’s money… Delirium is one of them.”

  “Why in the middle of Arkansas?”

  “You ask a lot of questions Lady Mae,” he smirked. “I like you and think you are pretty fucking hot, but I am not answering you. Play it cool, have some fun with the boys, and everything will be fine.”

  I nodded.

  “Ok, ok, one more question not pertaining to me.”

  I smiled and turned towards him. “What is this place? Is it like your clubhouse?”

  “Nah… This is The Bunker. There are several clubs in the South that use this particular facility for storage and repair. Rampage, Delirium, Nailed, and a few other smaller clubs. They came to an agreement long ago. Regardless of what is going out on the street, The Bunker is kind of like a safe space. A neutral ground. Think of it like Switzerland.”

  He smiled and touched my wrist, noticing the marks. “It doesn’t always work out, but we try. We have some awesome mechanics. In twenty years there has only ever been one hit here. The club got banned and fell apart soon after. Best not to piss off the wrong person and you never know who is sitting behind the desk and funding this shit.”

  Flipping my wrist over, he glanced at me. “You like it rough, Lady Mae?”

  “I do, Dom.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, hopping up. “Can I get you anything—water, soda, smokes? I think we have some food in the back.”

  “All of the above,” I whispered, uncurling my body and revealing my bare puss. “And Dom, can I have some clothes?”

  His eyes drifted down, checking me out. His lip turned up in a half-smirk as he said, “If I gotta.”

  I breathed deep as he left, knowing he would return soon. I touched the spot where he had sat and laid in the warmth. Husky’s hoodie only covered so much and the floor was chilled. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but the constant clanking of tools from the one side of the warehouse made it almost impossible.

  Dom returned carrying a bottle of water, a pack of smokes, and a half eaten jar of roasted peanuts. He sat down next to me and opened the bottle, handing it to me.

  After swallowing a sip, I asked, “No luck on the clothes?”

  “Did you really think I am that crazy? I got a hot looking bitch locked in a room. The last thing I am going to do is offer her clothing.”

  “Fair point,” I said, removing the lid off the peanuts. I couldn’t remember the last time I ate. I took a handful, and he grabbed the jar from my hands. “I got a hot looking asshole locked in a room. And I wish he was naked,” I professed with a huge smile. “And – I – am fucking crazy!”

  “Really now?” He smirked and leaned back, pulling his knees up and cocking his elbow on one. He grabbed the smokes and smacked them several times against his hand, packing them tight.

  “Are you with the Delirium club?”

  “Yeah. We are outta Houston, but fucking Tank is the best damn mechanic in the South,” he informed, zipping open the smokes and offering me one. “Me and the guys brought a bunch of our rides for him to give a once over.”

  He flicked his lighter for me as his eyes scanned over my face. I knew by the look he was deciding if he would save me for later or have me for dessert now. “Do you know anything about Rampage?”

  “Mmm… Not much,” he admitted. “I know Pock is their leader. Why do you ask?”

  “They brought me here.”

  “I see,” he said. “And I can tell by your attire, you aren’t too happy about this?”

  “I was stolen.”

  “You know I can’t help you,” Dom warned. “You are their bitch until they toss you.”

  “Should you even be in here?”

  “Probably not,” he said with a deviant grin. “But I am Dom Gennaro and no one is going to say shit to me.”

  Biting my lip, I flicked the ashes in the pile we shared. I wanted to ask Dom to stay. Considering I showed the girl off, I was desperate for someone to save me. He seemed uninterested or maybe not interested enough. If Dom couldn’t save me, I wasn’t sure I could be saved. And I was certain at some point those four goons were going to come back to get me.

  With the memory in the back of a truck one night under the stars, I smiled sweetly and turned every emotion I had left—off.


  ON THE PRIVATE jet, we soar over Texas as I stare out the window. Oliver is dead. Mom is stable in the hospital. Mae is missing. And Amber took my fucking ride, so she could be anywhere between the mountains surrounding Taos to Arkansas.

  I want to believe she won’t walk into The Bunker running her mouth all guns ablazing, but I know her. Though I could be mistaken, she did say we were through.

  “You ok?” Sal asks, bringing me a couple bottles of Scotch and sitting down across from me.

  I down them quick, and pray she real
ly is gone. Please don’t let her go home. Please don’t let her go to Arkansas. Please let her be safe.

  Stroking my mustache, I reply, “Yeah, I just want my daughter back.”

  Raniero knows I am lying. He texts non-stop like a madman as he slumps in the chair. He’s wearing his hoodie, hiding his eyes. His smirk is one of mischief, he is up to something naughty.

  I inquire, “Who’s got you so wound up?”

  “A girl…” he passes the question off.

  “Duh… Give the old man some credit, Kid.”

  “Just a girl,” Sal glances up at me.

  Chuckling once, I persuade, “I’m not letting this go.”

  “I didn’t figure you would,” he retorts. “Her name is Iris,” Sal answers, almost blushing. “She started Juliet in the fall; she took a closed contract with Dr. Jack Kerris.”

  My eyes open wide at his audacity. “And she’s fucking texting you?”

  “He’s not home,” Sal reveals with a wink.

  Shaking my head, I smile. “You are fucking terrible, you know that?”

  “What did you expect when you called me? An angel with a fucking harp?”

  “Yes. Yes, I did,” I say, tossing the bottles at him. “Maybe I should demand a refund.”

  Without a blink, Sal catches them. “I am sorry you are disappointed in the Paesano with a Glock…”

  “At least you don’t smell like fucking garlic,” I maintain.

  “I am not that into garlic, really,” Sal reveals.

  “Oh… But you are damn sure packing chubs for Iris.”

  “Ya,” Sal agrees with a wink. “I am into that sweet ass for sure. Maybe I should come back smelling of her.”

  “Don’t you dare give yourself a hard-on right now, Raniero.”

  “I need to send your mom some flowers.”

  I blink several times. “Are you aware I said don’t get a damn erection and you followed sentence with one about my mom?”

  “Have you seen your mom?”

  I toss the small flight pillow at him as he barrels over in laughter. I love that guy. I have for years since I finished out his training after Canary was killed. He wouldn’t say how scared he was, but I knew. He was only twenty and the collective put a lot on his plate. Luckily, he handled most of it like a champ.

  Raniero’s biggest issue was the same as Amber’s. He couldn’t feel a damn thing. When I found out, I sent him to keep her in line. He needed to practice his Dominant skills, and Amber needed to stay polished. The match made in heaven or hell—the bad boy from Boston topping the crazy stripper in New Orleans. To say I trusted him didn’t quite fully encompass the amount faith I had in Sal Raniero. “How mad at me are you?”

  “For not telling Amber about Pock?”

  I nodded.

  “Pretty damn mad at the cabin, but I am over it now,” Sal responds. “We all do what we have to do to get from one thing to the next. Doesn’t mean I agree with the decision, just means I get it. Shit happens.”

  “Five years ago, you couldn’t have thrown me into the wall. I am damn proud of the work you have done, Kid.” Shaking his hand, I know we have made peace and considering we are dropping into a war zone—it matters. I need to know he’s got my back and vice versa. A hand shake isn’t enough for him, so he gets up and hugs me. What can I say? He’s kind of a strange one. “You’re still short as fuck.”

  Teasingly, Raniero wiggles his ass as his stream of texts continues. “The little black book appreciates the size, thank you.”

  I snort as he walks down the aisle. He is now on the phone with the girl as one hand hangs from the luggage rack. I shake my head as he is such a fucking monkey.

  My phone flashes alive with a picture. I punch in my code and open it full size. Baby Mae is laying in a dirty, stained plastic rocker, the kind with the handle in the middle. My jaw flexes as I try to not cry. I eye Raniero, laughing and blushing. When he sees my anger, he immediately hangs up the phone and rushes over. I hand him the phone.

  He undoes his jeans and drops them around his ankles. Squatting down, he shoves my phone between his legs. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Sending them a picture of my asshole,” he informs and hits send with a grin.

  “God fuck, you’re bad,” I declare, shaking my head. I wish I would have had his balls at that age. He’s fucking crazy and cocky. He doesn’t realize how unusual that is, but I damn sure do.

  Pulling up his jeans, he speaks the words I don’t necessarily want to hear. “Look, they aren’t going to hurt Mae. They don’t want her. She’s a chip on the board. Nothing more.”

  If Mae is a pawn that can only mean one thing. They want Amber. Neither one is good for me. With a hand on my arm, Raniero reads my thoughts as he comforts, “Don’t worry. We are getting both your girls back. I promise.”

  I wish I had his hope.

  * * * *

  Dropping Celeste off at the motel, I headed to the address for The Bunker. The parking lot sat empty and the warehouse was dark and quiet, offering no clue to the inhabitants.

  Picking the locks, I managed to sneak in the door. The place smelled like a garage—gasoline, oil, and rubber. On the ceiling, several large skylights with vents allowed the moon light to flood in, sending the silver handle bars sparkling.

  Inspecting the vacant warehouse, I found nothing of Amber’s. I clicked on my flashlight and went from room to room. In one room, I noticed a pile of cigarette butts on the floor, along with an empty bottle of water, and a jar of peanuts. Scrutinizing every inch of the room, I discovered the words – Dom + Nola – written lightly in ashes in the far corner.

  “Fuck!” I growled, turning to leave.

  My eyes met with the stiletto heels, attached to long, tanned legs. The short black dress barely covered her crotch as her tits bloomed up in the bustier. The poofy, dirty blonde hair teased with a suggestion around her over made up face. Her thick mascara lashes blinked several times as her red lips smiled. “Leaving so soon?”

  “Lele-fucking-Love? What the fuck is going on?”

  The click of her heels paced around me slow. “You fired me, and then I couldn’t find another job because the rumor mill went rampant believing I was difficult.”

  “Where the fuck is Mae?”

  She cackled once. “Your sweet little trailer trash is long gone.”

  I liked rough sex, but I was never violent with a woman until that night. I grabbed her arms, pushing her into the wall. “You fucking whore, where the fuck is Amber?”

  “She’s getting tuned up by a real man…”

  I dropped her fast and slapped her across the cheek hard. “You fucking hired a hit.”

  “Fuck no. I hired a scene—an unforgettable one—she’ll never come near my work again.”

  Off my belt loop, I grabbed the rope and tied her wrists and feet together. With thoughts of Amber being hurt, all I wanted to do was inflict copious amounts of pain on anyone and everyone. With her leashed to me, I went through the rooms rummaging through the paperwork.“What the fuck is this place?”

  “The Bunker serves as a hub for biker gangs.”

  Grabbing her up on my shoulder, I pulled off her spiked shoes and tossed them. I hurled her onto the back of one the antique whips and tied her to it. “Better not rock too much, you’ll fall over, bitch!” In the tool chest, I located a battery powered drill and brought it to her face. “I am going to ask you this one fucking time. What the hell did you do?”

  “It’s too late for her!” She attempted to make excuses out of her punishment. “What’s done is done fuckface and your summer of love is finished!”

  Clicking on the drill, I lowered down to her face and smiled wide. “You think I am fucking joking?” I zipped it by her ear just enough to scare the bitch. “Tell me now!”

  “Stop! Stop!” she interrupted, “Don’t do it again. I’ll tell you everything!”

  “Better get to talking then!”

  She swallowed hard, licking her lips as
tears ran out of the corners of her eyes.“I hired a couple of guys from Rampage to grab her, I knew she had connections with them, and then I sold her off to the highest bidder.”


  She said nothing as the fear bubbled up in her eyes.

  “Who Lele?”

  “He said his name was Dominic Gennaro.”


  WITH ONLY ONE thing on my mind, the moto rumbles beneath my body into the night. Regardless of how I feel about Dale Archer, I need to save his baby girl.

  And I am the only one Pock will accept.

  Once I hit the Texas state line, I fly like the wind across the state. Tears stream down my cheeks. I would prefer to meet Pock anywhere else in the world; he knows The Bunker holds memories I cannot escape. Memories of a past that haunts me daily at every turn. Memories where Dale and I were free in our own fucked up world.

  The roads in Arkansas feel like home, but I let the pain go two hundred miles back. The ice princess is on, and there is nothing they can do to hurt me now.

  I’ve not been back since that night.

  The four goons from Rampage took their turns with me until Dom walked in, proving he took no shit. He killed them all, and then he took me. Little did I know, the worst was yet to come.

  I pull haphazardly through the open gate and park the ride. I make haste walking in without a care in the world.

  “Hello?” I shout loud enough to echo throughout the warehouse. I pace by the room where I was stashed and remember the first time I met Dom.

  From the tool alcove, Scuz appears, carrying the pink bundle. “Good Afternoon, you must have drove all night.”

  “Where is my father?”

  “That’s unimportant now,” he mutters, walking closer. “He is somewhere safe.”


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