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His Redheaded Sl*t (The Cocktail Girls)

Page 6

by Vivian Ward


  “Where are we going tonight?” I ask as we drive down the highway.

  “I already said it’s a surprise. You’ll just have to wait until we get there,” he says to me.

  It’s our six month anniversary, and even though I told him not to make a big fuss over it, he didn’t listen. Christmas is next week, and I told him that we should just wait until then to celebrate our anniversary, but he wouldn’t hear of it.

  I’m really curious as to where we’re going because neither of us is dressed for a fancy dinner or anything. He just told me to get up because we were going somewhere. I thought maybe we were taking another trip to the bookstore as casual as he’d said it but now I’m nervous.

  We pull onto a long, empty stretch of road and that’s when I see his jet. “We’re flying somewhere?”” I ask. “Aaron, where are we going?”

  Smiling, he says, “You’ll see.”

  Reggie is standing outside the aircraft, waiting for Aaron as always. I found out that Reggie’s on call when it comes to getting the jet ready, but he has other jobs for Aaron and is paid quite nicely to be at his beck and call.

  “Everything’s stocked, and she’s all fueled up Mr. Anderson,” Reggie says. “Can I do anything else for you tonight, sir?”

  “No, thank you, Reggie. You’ve been great.”

  We board the jet, and I can’t help but feel the rush of excitement hit my stomach as my heart begins to beat faster. This is my third time in the jet, but it’s always so much fun. “Can I know now?” I call out over the loud noise as he cranks the engine.

  “No!” He shouts back.

  Within minutes, we’re airborne and flying among the clouds. I have no clue which direction we’re headed because I can’t see any of the roadways to tell. We’re only in the air for a short time before we begin our descent and the wheels touch pavement again.

  A car is waiting for us when we get off the jet, and Aaron opens the door for me. “After you,” he says.

  We’re only in the car for a brief ride, and he’s grinning like a fool the entire time. We turn onto a road that looks familiar, and that’s when Calico comes into view.

  “Aaron!” I exclaim. “This is where we had our first date!”

  The place is lit up like no other, and it looks spectacular. It almost doesn’t look like the place we came to during the summer. It’s much cozier and so much brighter.

  “I know,” he says.

  We pull into the tiny ghost town that still looks like the Wild West, and I remember how excited I was when we came here the first time. I’m even more excited now because I’m not nervous and this time, I’m with the man I love.

  He’s begged me to quit my job at the LBD, but I can’t do it. I like working with my friends, and I don’t want to be ‘that’ girl. The one who quit her job because she has a rich boyfriend. I’ve never been a shallow person, and I’m definitely no gold digger.

  We’ve been discussing me moving in with him, but I’d like to wait until things are more official between us. I know his name is always in the paper and I don’t want to do anything to tarnish his reputation.

  “I thought I’d bring you here in the winter because of the lights. I know how much you love them and I remember how much you loved this place, so I thought I’d give you the best of both worlds.”

  “Awww, Aaron! You spoil me,” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. We kiss, and all you can see is the warm puffs of air that escape our noses in the dark evening sky.

  We go on a Christmas ghost tour, and they have it set up similar to that of the Ghost of Christmas past, and I love it. I’m giddy like a school girl, and Aaron doesn’t miss a beat. His eyes are glued on me as he watches me ooh and ahh over everything.

  I’m sad when we find ourselves at the end of the ghost tour, and I can’t believe that nearly two hours have flown by since we arrived. We’re standing inside the small gift shop that connects to the Calico restaurant when he suggests we grab a bite to eat before we go back home.

  “Can we have a bottle of your most expensive wine, please?” Aaron asks the waitress when she visits our table. The young girl nods a little too eagerly, and I swear her head’s going to fly off her shoulders.

  Moments later, she retrieves a green bottle with a gold label and two wine flutes. I let Aaron do the honors of pouring our glasses before I excuse myself to the restroom. The line is a bit long, but I don’t mind waiting. I never want the night to end because it’s been so perfect.

  When I return to the table, Aaron’s still smiling and so am I. I love spending time with this man. He’s so good to me, and to Pancakes. It’s like he adopted him the day of the surgery and he’s such a good doggy daddy.

  “I thought you were going to miss our dinner coming out,” he says as I take my seat.

  “Sorry, there was a line.”

  His eyes are still glued on me, and I don’t know what it is, but he doesn’t dare blink while he’s staring at me. Feeling insecure, I pick up my wine glass and take a swig as I maintain eye contact, and I feel something tickle my lips.

  Looking down at my glass, I see a diamond ring floating in my wine. My eyes grow big as I stare at the giant rock sinking in the glass as I lower it back to the table.

  “What is this?” I ask.

  He stands and walks around to my side of the table. “Scarlett, would you be my wife?”

  I’m speechless, and I can’t answer so I do the only thing I can and eagerly nod, just like our waitress.

  Leaning over to kiss me, he takes the ring from my glass and slips it on my finger, sucking the wine off when he’s done. “I’ll make you the happiest bride, Scarlett,” he promises me.

  And somehow, I know he will, no matter what happens. But I also know that I’ll always be happy with him.

  He stands and jerks my hand in the air, “Hey everyone! We just got engaged!”

  Everyone in the restaurant says their congratulations and claps for us, and I know that this isn’t the end, it’s only the beginning.

  Redheaded Slut Recipe

  Warning: The Redheaded Slut tastes sweet, but she can be very deceptive because of her strength.

  1 oz Jägermeister

  1 oz Peach Schnapps

  3 oz Cranberry Juice

  Get a dominant, daring man who loves a good challenge. Test him to make sure he can handle your strong, fiery attitude.

  Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Keep a bit of the ice for some foreplay.

  Rub the extra ice on his neck before slowly licking it off to give a good tease. If you still have plenty, save some for later when things get very hot. (From the drinks!

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