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Book of Souls (Supernatural War Book 1)

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by Steven L Smithen

  “So, bro, what do think of Khloe?” She asked as I answered the phone.

  “You set this up, didn’t you?” I asked my sister.

  “Possibly. You haven’t dated anyone since that bimbo back in North Carolina two years ago,” Talia continued, “besides, you don’t have to hide who and what you are with her.”

  “She’s more than just a shifter. There is something else that I can’t make out. Just what is she?” I asked.

  “Khloe’s not a wolf or the kind of shifter you’d expect. As for the what else… she’ll have to tell you.” My sister answered rather smugly.

  “Okay, you win. I’ll ask her while we are at dinner. I don’t know when I’ll be home. You okay with this?” I asked her.

  “Yep, no problem. Have a great time. Just remember she’s my friend, so…”

  “No worries, sis. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.” I said as I turned towards the men’s locker room. I began thinking about my date with the dark and mysterious shifter.

  Chapter 8

  As I left Kenji’s, I scanned the street for any sign of danger. I guess my sixth sense just doesn’t stop because I’m not on the battlefield. That or maybe the battlefield changes. I looked over to Khloe and noticed that she was scanning the area as well. As we approached my truck Khloe said “Nice truck. You know I helped Talia pick it out?”

  As I unlocked the truck I replied: “Oh, really?”

  “Yep, Talia was having a hard time trying to decide what type of truck to get you. I also have a Raptor. Told her all about it. Since she already likes Ford, it made her decision easier.” She said.

  “Well then, thanks for helping her out. I love this truck.” I said as we got in. “I’m going to take you to one of my favorite places that I love to just hang and relax at.”

  About 15 minutes later I pulled onto a side street in Cambridge and parked. “I hope you like pub food,” I said as we walked across the street into The Griffin, a British style pub/restaurant.

  I steered Khloe to an out of the way table as we entered. It was one that would allow us to be alone and not overheard. “What do think?” I asked

  “I like it. It’s quiet and not crowded. Nothing like the places over by the University. They’re usually crawling with students thinking they’re entitled to everything, or frat boys doing something stupid.” She replied.

  “I’ve always loved this place. The food is great and I love the intimate atmosphere.” I remarked as the waitress handed us menus then took our drink orders.

  “Intimate atmosphere huh? So, what is this, some kind of date?” She replied with a smirk.

  I blushed a little and tried to hide behind the menu. “Oh no, definitely not a date. I am truly hungry and only an idiot would not take a chance to get to know you. Besides, it seems that you and Talia set this whole encounter up.”

  She grinned broadly. “Most definitely. Talia thought we should meet and that I would like you. She said that you’ve been gone for most of the last 10 years except for some leave here and there. She showed me your photo while we were in college. I thought you were cute back then.”

  “You knew Talia at Harvard? Then why haven’t I met you before now?” I asked

  “I usually went back to Peru for most of the scheduled breaks and after graduation. I did some graduate work out west at the University of Arizona while perusing my Masters in Pre-Columbian Civilizations. After I finished that I went home for about a year. Worked on an archeological dig at Pisac in Peru. Finally, I came back to Harvard to finish my doctorate.” She said, looking at me a little sheepishly.

  “Damn, you’re as smart, if not smarter than Talia. There’s no way in hell I’ll ever get away with anything with you two around.” I replied, a little shell-shocked by how smart and beautiful this woman before me was. I was way out of my league. “Kenji said you are like Talia and me but not exactly.” I half whispered while looking around the pub before continuing. “You’re not a wolf. I’m sure you’ve told Talia, so… what are you exactly? I don’t mean to be to forward, but we have some issues with former pack members. With the way you fight, I’m sure not going to worry about you in a fight.”

  The waitress came and took our meal orders. Khloe looked thoughtful for a few minutes. Which I took as a sign of her thinking how much she can trust me. “I’m a Werehawk or Falcon Shifter.” She looked at me for my reaction before she continued, “and a Witch.”

  My eyebrows went up in surprise. “I knew you were a shifter but didn’t see that one coming. But a Witch as well. Hmmm, how does that even happen? I thought that witches tend to stay away from our kind except for business deals. They usually align with the Vampires.”

  “I had some pretty amazing parents. My dad is from Ireland. He is the most powerful male witch, and probably one of the most powerful witches to exist in almost four hundred years. He’s six foot two inches with a slender but defined build. Unruly black curls with piercing blue eyes that my mom found irresistible. Then there is my mom, who my dad said completely bewitched him to fall in love with her. She comes from Peru and can trace her ancestry back to the ancient Incans. Five foot five inches with brown skin, long, straight black hair, and emerald green eyes that I swear glow at times. She has the lithe athletic figure of a dancer. Which I guess in a way is good since she used to be a performer at one of the Incan temple ruins. You know the types that vacationers would go and watch whenever they visited? It’s how they met. He was on a trip to Peru while in college and was researching other types of witchcraft and magic. Well, he was at the temple when her group performed. According to him, he was hooked the moment he saw her. With him being the socially awkward nerd that he is, he followed her while trying to get up the courage to talk to her. My mom rounded the corner of the temple that led to a cliff edge. When my dad got to the corner and followed she was gone. He scanned the area around the back of the temple along with the cliff. All he saw was a Peregrine Falcon perched on a stone ledge. It was starring down at him like he was lunch. This went on all week when finally, he got up the courage to come out ask mom if she was a shifter. To his surprise, she completely denied it at first. Then one day after he got up the nerve to ask her out, they were having a picnic alone in this nice secluded clearing. That’s when he told her he was a witch. Mom made him wait for about two more hours before she showed him her animal form. Yep, you guessed it, that same Peregrine Falcon he saw the first day. From that day on they were inseparable. I was born a few years later.” She finished, looking like she expected me to be fleeing for the exit any minute.

  I looked at her thoughtfully as they brought our meals. “The tattoo on your back then. That’s your animal form?” I asked already knowing the answer.

  “That’s what you go with. After all, I just told you, that’s what you want to know?” She asked, laughing at me as I blushed yet again. Damn, she was getting to me in a good way.

  “You’re Talia’s best friend and I trust my sister with my life. What you are is kind of cool. I would love to go hunting with you up in Maine. I bet that would be a unique experience.” I said, grinning at her. “Your tattoos honor your heritage. That’s very cool.”

  “Yes, you’re very perceptive. A lot smarter than your sister says” she said sarcastically.

  “Yeah, well Talia did go to Harvard and I went to boot camp,” I replied.

  We finished our meals with tales of my time in the Marines. She told me stories about her and Talia’s time in college. After dinner, I drove her back to Kenji’s so she could get her truck and follow me over to the townhouse.

  When we entered the house, Talia met us at the door with her assistant whom I hadn’t met at this point. “Good, you two are back. We are going to be having visitors in about an hour. You two will need to wear something a whole lot nicer than jeans and a t-shirt.”

  “Who is coming over?” I asked her as I looked at Khloe. “Do you have clothes here?”

  Khloe replied with a smile. “Of course I do. Talia offered me one of the
rooms when I moved back to Boston.” She pat my arm like I was a slow child before she left to get changed.

  “Donovan, the Vampire Master for Boston, has asked for a meeting with us tonight,” Talia said while looking at her tablet. She continued, “This is Lela, she’s pack, and has been with us for about 5 years. She moved here from Nevada after college. She’s my executive assistant, and no, you can’t have her, but I might be able to let you borrow her until you get your routine down.”

  “Master Vampire, huh? Well, guess I better get ready. Suit and tie going to be fine?” I asked as I went up the stairs.

  “Yes, I had a few made for you. Wear the grey suit with a white shirt and the black pinstripe tie.” She said as I disappeared upstairs to my room.

  Chapter 9

  About 2 hours later after a nice long hot shower, I was dressed in the suit my sister had suggested. I walked into my sister’s office. I found Talia, Khloe, and Lela deep in discussion about why the Vampire Master of Boston was coming for a visit. The three of them looked up as I cleared my throat. Talia and Lela were wearing pencil skirts with silk blouses and suit jackets, but Khloe. She was dressed to kill. She had on some designer number that accentuated her muscular legs and showed of her stunning tattoos. I stood there, dumbfounded, mouth wide open.

  Talia walked over and closed my mouth as she looped one arm through mine. “She cleans up really well. I think you approve.”

  Talia was grinning like the cat that stole the crème. Blushing slightly, Khloe looked at me with fire in her eyes. I noticed that she was wearing a simple necklace with a pentacle on it.

  Looking between my sister and Khloe I said. “As much as I’d rather take the two of you out for the evening, can you guys fill me in on this Donovan? What he could possibly want? Mom usually handles these types of meetings, if I remember correctly.”

  Lela looked up from her tablet. “You would be correct, Dorian. Maeve usually dealt with the vampires when she came down for our annual business meetings. This was short notice. Donovan asked to see Talia and Khloe. I don’t think he knows that you are here yet.”

  “Lela is right. Mom usually handles them, but this was a surprise. If he asked to see Khloe it might have something to do with his witch’s circle that she isn’t a member of.” Talia said.

  Khloe smoothed the front of her dress and sat down on the edge of the sofa as Talia went to her desk. I went to her bar to see what she had available to drink. Circling the bar, I found the 15-year-old Glenlivet. I pulled out 4 glasses. “Anyone else want one while I’m at it?” I asked the group.

  Talia and Lela both held up a hand. I looked at Khloe expectantly. “Yes, I’ll have one. As for the circle of witches that Donovan uses they don’t like my father, so that’s why I’m not part of their circle. I can’t for the life of me think why he would want to talk to me.”

  I poured the drinks and handed Talia and Lela theirs. I took Khloe’s and mine over to the sofa, I sat down next to her. “So, what’s he like?” I asked.

  Talia look up. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean is he a pompous ass or is he more with the current century in his way of thinking. Or is he one of those vampires who think that they should be ruling over the mortals like a god?” I replied.

  “He is only 125 years old. Quite level headed. He gets along well with mom and dad. He keeps a tight lid on the vampires living in his area of responsibility. Definitely better than the douche he replaced.” Talia continued, “This request for a meeting is a real surprise because he does believe in following protocol.”

  There was a knock on the office door. Thomas stuck his head in. “Donovan has arrived and is waiting in the conference room.”

  “Thank you, Thomas. Could you please let him know that we will be along shortly?” Talia said.

  Nodding, Thomas left. I got up and walked over to Talia’s desk, picked up the phone, and dialed the security office. “Craig, you guys have the conference room wired, right?” I asked and got an affirmative from Craig. “Please make sure to email me a copy of the video. I would like to go over it later. Thanks.” I said and hung up the phone. Looking at Talia I said, “Ready when you are.”

  We left Lela to finish up whatever my sister had her doing. We then headed down the hall to the conference room.

  My parents bought the two townhouses on either side of this one and tore down all three to build a bigger house/base of operations. The entire ground level was laid out for our Security Company, Fenris Security Specialists, along with Talia’s law firm, Callahan, and Associates. The basement was set up as an armory, shooting range, and the security hub for the townhouse. The second floor is laid out with four efficiency apartments for guests and V.I.P.’s. The third floor is where mine and Talia’s living quarters are. It’s divided into two apartments with two bedrooms both with master baths, an executive kitchen, dining room, and a living room.

  As we came to the conference room, one of our security guys opened the door for us. I followed the girls as I pulled at my shirt cuffs and adjusting my tie into my first supernatural meeting.

  Donovan was waiting for us as he sat on one side of the conference table with one vampire sitting next to him and one standing behind him against the wall. If I had to guess, the one sitting was his personal assistant and the other was security. There was a pitcher of water on the table with enough glasses for everyone. Thomas was standing near the back of the room behind Talia’s chair at the head of the table. Talia took the seat directly across from Donovan. Khloe sat down to the right of Talia. I simply surveyed the room with both normal and shifter senses. Donovan and his security vamp noticed me. It caught them both off guard only for a second. So, you thought this little last minute meeting was just going to be between you, Talia and Khloe. Well, surprise douche! I thought as I made my way around the room. I came up to Donovan with my hand extended. Let’s see how he reacts to this.

  “Donovan, this is my twin brother Dorian. I’m sure you’ve heard of him from our mother.” Talia said before I could say anything.

  Donovan stood up and shook my hand. “I do believe that she has mentioned you a time or two, but weren’t you in the Marine Corps?”

  “I was until a few days ago, my mom thought it would be good for me to move back home. Take over the security company so Talia can focus on her law firm.” I answered.

  “Well, I’m here to discuss other matters with Talia and Khloe. If you would excuse us.” He said rather egotistically dismissing me.

  I laughed out loud at his self-centered idea of himself. What did this butt muncher think? “I guess you missed the part about me being Talia’s twin. We. Are. A. Team. As far as I know, Khloe doesn’t work for Talia. She’s working on her Ph.D. So, this means that you are here to talk to the Northern New England Pack that includes me.” I said, as I walked back around the table and kept my eyes on Donovan and the wankers with him. Sitting down on Talia’s left, I said, “Please sit so we can get this over with. I’d hate to keep you boys from whatever you have planned for the night.”

  “Talia, what is the meaning of this? We have worked together for years. Now you bring in someone who doesn’t know his head from his ass when it comes to the politics of the supernatural world.” Donovan demanded.

  “Sorry that you feel that way, but our mother has made this decision. It’s not up for debate. Besides, I like how blunt my brother is. It’s quite refreshing to have someone who is not so full of bluster and bullshit.” Talia replied. “Now, why did you want this meeting, and what does it have to do with Khloe?”

  Khloe looked at us. “If I may? Donovan, I’m not an official member of this pack but I do have their protection and friendship. I am curious why you’d want to speak with me. I have no use for your circle of witches or your kind. Vampires are not looked on kindly where I am from. Something about being worshipped like gods along with all the mass killings in the guise of human sacrifice to fuel their foul and evil magic.” I could feel the power that she was pulling into her
self. I’m sure that if I looked into her eyes they would be glowing as if a fire burned behind them.

  I’m sure that Donovan could feel the power pouring off Khloe. Hell, I thought an Alpha’s power was heady. Donovan looked scared for a minute but then he schooled his face and posture. “Forgive my misunderstanding. I was not aware of any change in the hierarchy of the pack. I am here on most urgent business.” He said that last part looking directly to Khloe. “Khloe, what do you know of the ‘Book of Souls’?”

  At the mention of this book, Khloe released all the power she had been holding. It was like someone gut punched her. She looked down at her lap. Then she looked up at Donovan before replying with steel in her voice, “That book is an abomination and hopefully has been lost to history. What do you know of it?”

  Donovan was taken aback by the emotion that came from her. “We believe that it has resurfaced after all this time.”

  “Khloe, what is the Book of Souls?” I asked, trying to keep her from giving this vampire a much-needed suntan. Not that I would try too hard to stop her.

  Khloe turned to Talia and I and answered, “It’s very much like a Book of Shadows that is used by almost all circles around the world today. The difference is the Book of Souls is full of rituals that are exclusively fueled by death magic on a massive scale. What vamp boy is leaving out is that it was authored by one of the most powerful vampire sorcerers to ever exist. The vampires ruled over much of the pre-Columbian cultures. Aztec, Maya, Inca, and others for thousands of years. It wasn’t until the Spaniards came with their Weres and Witches that they saw what was happening. Most of the Central and South American Weres couldn’t compete with the power that Kirin, our so-called God of Death, could wield with his dark and twisted rituals.” She appeared visibly shaken that Talia had taken her hand for support. I got up and moved behind her to place my hands on her shoulders.

  I looked at Donovan and asked, “Why don’t you tell us what all this is about before I lose my temper?”


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