Book of Souls (Supernatural War Book 1)
Page 6
I released my power and let Garrett get up. As I walked over to Khloe, Kim called from the front desk. “Boss, we have something or someone coming up to the door.”
The four of us walked around to where my team had set up and as we got there an individual walked into the lobby. He had the smell of death and decay. He was an easy 6’5”, bald, and eyes black as pitch. His skin was like parchment, pale and weathered, and covered in tattoos like the ones on Khloe’s left arm. He wore ornate robes of such a deep red they appeared to have been dipped in blood. There was fine gold thread used to embroider strange symbols around the neck, sleeves, and along the bottom. The malevolence that flowed off him sent everyone to their knees except Talia and me. That seemed to get his attention. Then, in a voice that seemed to come from all around us, he said, “Interesting. No other being on this planet has ever been able to resist my domination of will.”
Talia and I looked at each other and shrugged. She pulled out her knives and as I began to strip she said, “You must be Kirin?”
“No, I am not. I am one of his humble priest’s. You should know that no mongrel has ever bested me in combat and you two won’t be the first.” He said and then he took off his robes. Beneath was what appeared to be leather armor that the Roman Centurions wore, custom fitted to his muscular physique. It was also a blood red. He then pulled a pair kukri knives from behind his back. The black blades that looked like they absorbed all the light around them.
He leapt forward with preternatural speed and Talia met him with her blades flashing. Sparks flew as her silver blades met his black blades. They were a blur of motion. They slashed at each other while trying to parry each counter attack. This ‘Priest’ was good as he blocked Talia’s attempts to get inside his defenses. Talia backed away from him as she began to circle him. Stalking him searching for any weakness or opening that presented itself. The priest then cried out in rage as he leapt forward with a wild slash that Talia ducked under. Countering with a strike of her own, her blades bit flesh, causing him to stumble. He righted himself, the priest reached down to the fresh slashes across the back of his thighs. AS he brought his hand up you could see it was covered in blood. He smirked as he simply licked the blood off his hand before moving in again. I don’t know how to explain it, but one minute it was an even fight until Talia scored that hit. Then the priest was a nightmare come to life as he renewed his vicious slashes and thrusts against her. I’ll give it to my sister, Talia was up to the task, matching each of his strikes. Then there was a cry, followed by the sound of Talia’s blade hitting the ground as she backed away, holding her right arm that was bleeding bad. The blade that had struck her appeared to drink her blood. Seeing Talia wounded like that, I lost control. There was a whirl of magic, I changed, but not into my wolf, but something that only my sister and I can change into, that of the mythical werewolf beast form. Standing almost eight feet and covered in black fur I roared my challenge and charged.
He took a step back and then smiled, his fangs fully extended, “Finally! A challenge.” Then he met my charge.
Talia stumbled over to Khloe. It seemed that my attack had negated the effect he was having on everyone else in the room. “Khloe, you have to help Dorian, he can’t hold that form for long.”
He met my charge head-on, ducking under the swipe of my claws, and slashing across my abdomen. I roared as though my insides were on fire. I spun away as I slashed him across his back before he could get too far away. He turned to meet me and glanced over his shoulder at the wound before he looked my way. There was anger and hatred written clearly on his features, his eyes full of malevolence that seared the soul.
In that moment, I suddenly noticed what sounded like Spanish. The priest’s steps faltered as he disengaged. He looked at Khloe with genuine fear. “How is this possible? Your people were wiped from the face of the earth centuries ago,” he said. Then he spun in a circle with his blades touching the floor. Almost like he was making a circle of power, there was a flash of light, and he was gone.
I collapsed on the tile floor, my body covered in slash marks from his wicked blades. Khloe and Talia rushed to my side as I changed back. Talia looked at Khloe with tears in her frantic eyes “Why isn’t he healing, Khloe? He should’ve already healed these slashes by now. Mine is healed why not his?”
“It must be those cursed blades that he wields. The blade is made from obsidian and they have dark runes etched into them. Your blood must’ve activated them.”. Khloe answered as she looked over Dorian’s body. “Foul. Nasty. Things.”
Talia got herself under control, picked up her discarded blades, and looked around the room. “Joseph, we’re moving out. We need to get Dorian back to the house.”
Joseph nodded barking out commands to his team to prepare to return to the townhouse.
Talia looked over at Garrett. “Tell Donovan to stay the hell out of our way. He better be ready to help or his ass is mine.” Garrett nodded his understanding as he waited for us to leave.
Chapter 15
We arrived home later that night. I had the team take Dorian up to his room and place him in his bed. Once there, I treated all his wounds, and Talia called the pack doctor over to check him out. I didn’t think the doc would be able to do anything but I wasn’t in any mood to argue with Talia about it. Talia left Dorian with the doctor and me so she could go and clean up.
After taking some blood samples to see if there was an infection because Dorian had begun sweating profusely, Doc Abraham stitched and bandaged all his wounds. Looking somber and pained he turned to me, “I’ve done all that I can at this point. You guys did a good job of cleaning his wounds. I’m not sure why he isn’t healing. Maybe his blood will show me something.” Letting out a long heavy sigh he continued, “You have knowledge of the weapons that were wielded against him?”
Nodding, “Yes, his weapons are like the Kukri blades that the Gurkha’s use but these are over a thousand years old and made from obsidian and marked with mystical runes that are activated when blood touches them. That is what I know from my people’s history of Kirin and his priests when they ruled much of Central and South America until around the 15th Century when with the help of the Spanish Conquistador’s they could overthrow him. Until a couple of days ago we thought Kirin was killed.”
He looked thoughtful for few minutes and when Talia came back, now showered and dressed in yoga pants and a sports bra, he turned to her, “I’ve done all I can for the moment. I think you should consider alternative methods to heal him. Magic alternatives.” He looked at me at that last comment. We both nodded and thanked him as he left.
Talia then started to break down and I pulled her into a hug, “I can’t lose him, Khloe. He’s always been there, even when he was in the Marines and deployed, I never really worried about him not coming home. Then, when he decided to get out and come home I was so happy that we’d be together again, like when we were kids.”
“We’re not going to lose him T. Do you think I’m just going to do nothing after I have just begun to fall in love with him? Not. Going. To. Happen. Sister.” I hugged her tighter and let her get it all out. “I need to call my dad. He was always good at healing magic. He’ll know what I need to do. Stay here with Dorian while I go and shower and contact my dad. Then I’ll be back and we will get started on healing him.”
Once back in my room I texted my dad and filled him in on the priest and the cursed blades. I explained to him the events that took place tonight and what happened to Dorian. I asked Dad for healing herbs and spells that I could perform to help speed up the healing. I tossed my phone on the bed and headed toward the bathroom.
I came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. Setting at the dressing table I carefully braided my hair. When finished I dropped the towel and walked to the closet. I pulled out the priestess uniform that mother had made for me when I turned eighteen. I fingered the embroidered runes before carefully dressing. Next, I gently slipped on
the bone and feather bracelets, anklets. Lastly, I pulled out a circlet of gold, with an emerald the size of a baby’s fist, and placed it on my head. Once finished, I checked my phone to see if dad had replied.
I went over everything that dad had said as I set about gathering the herbs, incense, and candles he suggested, and then pulled out my grimoire, ritual knife, and bowl, and headed back to Dorian’s room.
As I returned to Dorian’s room I found Talia, with puffy red eyes, sitting on the bed next to him as she held his hand. She looked up as I approached, her eyes opening in shock as she took in how I was dressed. She knew I was a priestess of a sort, but she had never seen me in this. “You look like one of those priestess’ from that movie Apocolypto. You know, that end of the world Aztec film from the 2000’s.”
“Yes, I think I remember seeing it. I wanted to see how off the mark they were about my people and culture.” I said putting down my supplies I smiled at her. “My dad came through and believes that I should be able to heal Dorian.”
Looking relieved she said, “I hope so. If you need some privacy I’ll leave you with him. I need to call our parents and fill our mom in on what is going on. I’m also expecting some info on who lived in that building. I’m not buying that they were just regular members of the coven.” Hearing the steel return to her voice made me relax, as Talia has always been the strongest woman I know.
“It would probably be for the best if you weren’t here.”
She got up off the bed, walked over to me, and gave me a brief hug. “Do what you can for him.” She whispered. Then she walked out of his bedroom and left me to my task.
I opened my messenger bag and pulled out four incense burners. I placed them around Dorian at the four cardinal points and I lit them with a thought. I pulled out the herbs my mortar and pestle then began grinding them up. After mixing the herbs, I cut off his bandages so I could apply the poultice to his wounds.
I then unrolled a piece of animal hide, about twice the size of a yoga mat. Carefully marked on one side was a circle of power with commonly used runes. I knelt inside the circle with my grimoire, ritual knife, bowl, and some more herbs that I had yet to use. I activated the circle with a thought and placed my finger down on it. I put the remaining herbs in the bowl as I glanced at my open grimoire to double check my steps. Using my knife, I cut my palm over the bowl allowing my blood to cover the herbs.
I started to chant in the language of my people, the Inca. As I chanted and recited the spell, the incense flared, at the same time the herb mix in the ritual bowl caught fire. When the fire died down I stopped chanting. I broke the circle, I picked up the bowl, then moved over to Dorian. I dipped my finger into the bowl as I began marking out runes of healing on his forehead and above each of his wounds. Once finished, I offered a small prayer to the goddess while I replaced the incense and waited.
Chapter 16
My body hurt all over. I don’t remember ever hurting this bad. Not even when I was shot by that ISIS moron. What was that smell? It sure was a nice and relaxing aroma and man this bed is soft. Oh, wait, this is my bed in Boston. I stirred, opened my eyes, saw Khloe curled up in the chair next to my bed. She was dressed in her trademark yoga pants and a sports bra. Whoever created yoga pants needs to be sainted in my opinion.
I laid there and watched her sleep. Man, she was beautiful and I was one lucky SOB. I heard my door open and I turned my head in that direction as Talia walk in dressed in similar attire to Khloe. “Hey, sis,” I said my voice broken and raspy.
A smile lit Talia’s face and I heard Khloe stir in the chair. They both said at the same time, “You’re awake!”
Khloe poured me a glass of water as Talia helped me sit up. Khloe sat down next to me and handed me the glass. I took a drink and felt the cottonmouth recede. “I feel like I was hit by a tank. How long have I been out?”
Talia and Khloe exchanged looks and then Talia started, “It’s been a week since we went over to that apartment building that belonged to the coven. Do you remember that?”
“Yeah, there was something fishy about the whole situation and then someone in red robes came in. A priest of that Kirin guy.”
Khloe then picked up the story “Yes, he gave off a malevolent aura and that had the rest of us on our knees, but for some reason, you and Talia were not affected by it. Then T pulled out those blades of hers and went all Legolas on his ass. All the while you were taking your clothes off getting ready to change.” She looked at both Talia and I, “How is it that you can take that beast form? I know it’s extremely rare for most shifters and unheard of in bird shifters.”
Talia and I exchanged looks I replied, “We think it has something to do with our dad’s blood. Even our mom can’t take that form and she can’t remember the last time any shifter in this region has been able to. We can’t hold it long but usually, it lasts long enough. Not this time though. I’ve never faced a vampire who could move and fight that well and those damn blades. Is that why I’ve been out for a week?”
“Yes, those blades are cursed by some nasty magic. You couldn’t heal them without help from my magic and some really powerful herb mixes that my dad suggested.” Khloe continued, “But what do you mean ‘your dad’s blood’? I know he’s a rare kind of supernatural.”
I looked at Talia and she nodded at me, indicating that she trusted Khloe with her life and our family’s biggest secret. “Our dad is an Angel.”
“You mean like with wings, armor, sword, and holy fire type of Angel?”
I nodded “Yes.”
“But, how is that possible?”
“He was originally sent down here to track down one of the Fallen when he met our mother. He was smitten with her almost instantly. She helped him track down the Fallen. You know, with her being a werewolf her heightened sense of smell made it easier for her to track them. After they found him and our father killed him, he left and went back to ‘Heaven’ and left our mom behind. A couple of years later, mom ran into him in an Irish pub near our home in Portsmouth, NH. There he looked like a normal human. The wings and everything were gone. Mom asked him why he came back and he just smiled and said, ‘I couldn’t stop thinking about you.’ Mom was dumbstruck since he was an Angel. She couldn’t understand why an immortal being from beyond wanted a mortal, albeit a supernatural mortal. ‘Why me?’ she asked him and he said that it was ‘her heart and strength of character that he fell in love with.’ They have been together ever since and Talia and I are more than grateful for that.”
“He gave up everything for your mom?”
Talia answered her “Not everything. He is still just as strong and fast as an Alpha Were or a Master Vampire. He has super healing and he does still have his angelic blade. So, our parents think that it is his blood that allows us to take the beast form for combat.”
Khloe looked thoughtful, “And I thought that I was the bigger freak.”
I shook my head “So, what have I missed in the last week?”
The girls spent the next couple of hours filling me in on everything that had happened since we returned to the townhouse. Like the fact that two of the vampires that were killed in that apartment building where visiting elders. It looked like Kirin had some of his priest’s that have been in hiding for over five hundred years began their moves to take out the vampires that directly benefited from the demise of Kirin and his priests. Talia also told me that mom and dad were currently running everything. Mom was running the pack and dad Fenris Security. They were giving us all time to recover. Talia was also taking a leave of absence from her law firm while we pursued both Kirin and the Book of Souls. Khloe said that she had a lead on the book but was waiting for me to wake before going after it.
Talia went to see about getting me some food since I was currently feeling starved. She had said something about ordering some Chinese food. Khloe sat next to me on the bed and was playing with the ends of the sheet.
“Hey, I’m
ok. You healed me.”
“I thought I lost you. I’ve never allowed myself to feel this way about anyone before. I mean, I’ve had boyfriends and all that just usually don’t allow myself to develop feelings because I always knew I wouldn’t be around. You know, with school and internships. It’s also kind of hard to explain to most that ‘Hey I also turn into a bird of prey.’”
I chuckled at her, pulled her into a hug and wrapped my arms around her. I then lifted her chin and kissed her like she was the last woman in the world, from the way my wolf felt, she was. He was quite content now. She returned the kiss and wrapped her arms around me. We spent some time just touching and kissing. I loved how she seemed to fit and how calm I was with her holding me.
“I feel the same, Khloe. I never expected to come home and meet someone, let alone meet you. You had me that first day at Kenji’s dojo. I was fascinated with your fighting style and I love your tats.”
She burst out laughing at me “Oh, you’re so easy. T already told me that you love tattoos. So, what do we do now?”
I kissed her again and answered, “I for one, plan on not letting you go if that’s ok with you?”
She returned the kiss and snuggled closer to me. We went on like that for what seemed like an hour. Kissing and exploring each other with our mouths and hands. Then I felt someone starring and heard “Ahem!” I looked up and saw Talia smirking and leaning against the open door. That was when I smelled the delicious Chinese food that she had ordered. “Khloe, would you please stop sampling him like he’s the last piece of chocolate on the planet?” Then looking at me she continued “And you, could you please stop molesting my best friend, put some clothes on then come and get some food?” She turned around and left us for the food.