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Catching the Bad Guy (Book Two) (Janet Maple Series)

Page 21

by Marie Astor

  There was a knock on the door, and a waiter bearing a bottle of Macallan entered the room.

  “Go on, pour it out,” Finnegan instructed. “Leave the bottle here,” he added after the waiter finished pouring the drinks.

  A second waiter walked into the room. He was carrying a plate of steaming bacon. “Bring it over here,” Finnegan demanded, watching closely as the waiter heaved a giant serving onto Finnegan’s plate.

  Magee’s turn was next.

  The waiter approached David, and the greasy smell wafted over David’s nostrils. He contemplating declining, but after catching Finnegan’s watchful eyes, knew better. There were men who bonded through drinking and whoring in strip clubs; Finnegan was the kind of man who bonded through eating.

  Sensing Finnegan’s eyes upon him, David cut off a large slice of bacon and shoved it into his mouth. He closed his eyes to prevent himself from vomiting. “Delicious,” he said after the slippery, greasy substance had made its way down his throat.

  “Simply the best,” Finnegan confirmed. “How do you like it, Kevan?”

  “Very nice indeed,” agreed Magee, while his bony hands dragged the knife over the meat on his plate.

  “I tell you, there’s nothing like a good slice of bacon. Now, while we wait for that steak, let’s have a drink.” Finnegan raised his glass. “To joint success.”

  “To joint success.” David lifted his glass to his lips and emptied it.


  At the sound of the doorbell, Janet jumped up from the couch and headed for the door. Baxter followed suit and raced after her.

  Without asking who it was, Janet flung open the door. Sure enough, Dennis Walker was standing in front of her. He was holding a box of pizza and a six pack of beer.

  “Don’t you ask who it is before you open the door?” Dennis asked, making his way inside her apartment.

  Before Janet could answer, Baxter pushed by her and started pawing at Dennis’s leg, barking excitedly.

  “He remembers me,” Dennis observed with a note of smug satisfaction.

  “I think it’s the pizza smell that’s getting him excited,” Janet countered, snatching the pizza box from Dennis.

  “Don’t forget the beer.” Dennis handed her the six pack. “It’s going to be a long night, and the last thing we want is warm beer.”

  Janet took the six pack from Dennis and headed into the kitchen. She placed the pizza box on the counter, took two bottles of beer and placed the rest of the beer into the fridge. She reached for plates and rolled her eyes: this was going to be a long night indeed.

  Janet brought the pizza into the living room and saw that Dennis was busy tinkering with a gadget in his hands. “It’s the transmitter for the bug,” Dennis explained.

  “Is it working?” Janet asked as she placed the food on the reading table.

  Dennis adjusted the controls, and distant human voices erupted from the speaker. “It is now. Can you recognize Muller’s voice?”

  Janet recognized Muller’s cocky inflection emanating through the receiver. “Yes, that’s him all right!” she exclaimed, straining her ears to make sense of the conversation that was taking place on the other end of the transmitter.

  “Now all we have to do is sit back and wait for the evidence to glide right into our hands.” Dennis took a bite of pizza and chewed it with relish.

  Janet resisted the urge to smack the man. “It would also help if we could actually make out what they are saying,” she added pointedly.

  “Let them settle in first. They are just shooting the breeze for now.” Dennis took a swallow of his beer. He handed Janet her beer. “Here, let’s toast to success.”

  “I don’t want to jinx it.” Janet took the beer bottle from Dennis’s hand and placed it on the table. “And I don’t drink on the job,” she added because that was all it was—a job. Even though it was Saturday night, and a handsome man was sprawled out on her couch, drinking beer, he was nothing more than a colleague. A colleague who also happened to kiss her earlier but, as Dennis had made clear, that too had been part of the job, and Janet had no intention of disappointing him.

  “Fine, be boring.” Dennis shrugged, reaching for the beer. “I on the other hand think that there’s nothing wrong with combining business with a little bit of pleasure.”

  Maybe it was the tone of Dennis’s voice, or maybe it was the way his lithe, muscular body lay stretched out on Janet’s couch only a few inches away from her, but she felt her face growing hot. Actually, she sensed her entire body temperature rising. This will not do, Janet thought, this will not do at all. There she was, on the brink of closing what could easily turn out to be the biggest case of her career, and all she could think about was the tantalizing scent of Dennis’s cologne and the sexy, although admittedly smug, smile on his face. She forced herself not to think about the glint in his blue eyes, the faint stubble on his cheeks, and the hollow of his throat that, along with a bit of clavicle bone, was peeking through the open collar of his shirt.

  “I am not boring!” Janet snapped, still struggling to tame her disheveled thoughts. “I am professional.”

  “Hang on a second.” Dennis raised his hand. “I think it’s starting.”

  Janet focused her attention on the words coming from the transmitter. “We’ll have steak for six, mashed potatoes, and creamed spinach. Oh, and a bottle of 18-year-old Macallan. And we’ll have smoked bacon to start with.”

  Dennis whistled. “18-year-old Macallan. Someone’s got expensive taste.”

  “Shhhh,” Janet hissed. “We’ll miss the whole thing.”

  They listened intently for a few more minutes, but the conversation did not mention anything of substance. “I think we can relax for now,” said Dennis. “It sounds like Finnegan won’t be ready to talk business until he’s stuffed his gut.”

  Janet wrinkled her nose. “Steak for six for four people. Can you imagine?”

  “And I wouldn’t be surprised if Finnegan ended up eating most of it. He sounds like a man with a big appetite.”

  “That figures,” Janet nodded.

  For the next half an hour, Janet and Dennis ate pizza and nursed their beers while listening to Finnegan, Magee, and Muller indulge in their prime steak and 18-year-old Macallan. Finally, there was a sound of plates being carried away and coffee being brought in. “I bet it’s going to start now.” Dennis leaned closer to the transmitter.

  Janet followed his cue, but she leaned in too quickly, brushing her knee against Dennis’s. “Sorry,” she blushed.

  Dennis did not have time to accept her apology because at this very moment they heard Finnegan’s voice coming through the transmitter. “Gentlemen, I think now would be a good time for us to talk about why we gathered here tonight. As you know, I always enjoy your company, but I believe that tonight Kevan has some very interesting news that will make this gathering even more pleasant than it already is.”

  A screeching voice that Janet and Dennis had identified as Kevan Magee’s carried through the transmitter. “Thank you, Cornelius. Yes, indeed, I do have some important news that could be very profitable for us all.” Magee coughed. “But before we proceed, I would like to stress the importance of absolute discretion. We have to be very careful in our conduct—”

  “Yes, Kevan, we understand that,” Finnegan interjected. “That’s why we have David here. He’s a pro at what he does.”

  “I just want to make sure that David here does not get us into the same mess that he went through when he ran Emperial.”

  “With all due respect—” Muller began.

  “Calm down, David,” Finnegan’s voice boomed. “Kevan, I know you’re worried, but that whole Emperial / Bostoff Securities mess happened before I knew David, and trust me, I’ve made sure that those snoops over at the Treasury have been muzzled. Nobody is going to mess in David’s affairs now.”

  “Very well. The instructions are in this envelope,” said Magee. “David, please review them once you get home.”

>   “Give it to me,” Finnegan snapped with irritation. “Really, Kevan, what do you think this is, some crazy thriller movie?” There was the sound of paper being torn. “Ah, so we have our winners. Rover Enterprises is to acquire Valley Metals. David, I think you know what to do next. The acquisition decision will be announced Tuesday at noon, so be sure to act before then.”

  “You can be sure of that, Cornelius. The payment will be delivered to the accounts that I have previously indicated. Same goes for you, Kevan.”

  “Thank you, David,” Magee droned. “I suppose this concludes our meeting.”

  “Not before we drink to our success,” said Finnegan.

  There was a sound of clinking glasses, and the next thing Janet knew, Dennis’s face was only a few inches away from hers, and then he was kissing her with the same deep passion she remembered from a few hours ago.

  “Shouldn’t we listen until it’s over?” she murmured.

  “It is over. Besides, it’s all being recorded,” Dennis whispered as his lips travelled up Janet’s neck. “Finnegan should have listened to his friend Magee.” Dennis nibbled Janet’s earlobe. “Now we’ve got them all by their balls.”

  “Yes.” Janet barely contained a groan. “We should tell Laskin to run market watch reports on Rover and Valley Metals.”

  “I’m already on top of that.” Dennis began to undo the buttons of Janet’s shirt. “We’ll call him tomorrow morning.”

  This was hardly erotic talk, but Janet felt a jolt of ecstasy rushing through her. Dennis Walker was in her apartment, about to make love to her, and he was going to stay until the morning. She had wanted this for so long that she thought it would never happen, and now that it was happening she could scarcely believe it was true. There was no need for false modesty. She wanted him right there and now. She had waited long enough, and she was not going to wait a moment longer.

  She ran her hands through his hair, traced her fingers across his face and his neck, reaching for the taut, strong muscles of his chest and arms. She tugged at his shirt, helping him pull it over his head and toss it onto the floor. His lips were kissing her lips, her face, and her neck while his hands were caressing her breasts and her hips. He pulled her blouse off and did the same with her pants, leaving her in nothing but her lacey underwear. A smile spread on her lips as she thought of her decision to wear pretty underwear for his arrival. One never knew. Indeed, one never did. The heat in his eyes showed that he appreciated the gesture. He began to kiss her shoulder, tugging at the strap of her bra with his teeth. She arched her back so that he could undo the hook closure on her back. He pulled off her bra, and she gasped as his lips closed over her nipple. His lips switched to her other breast and then followed the outline of her ribs, as he alternated kisses with gentle nibs. Then he moved down to her stomach, and his hands reached for her lacey thong, pulling it off. Her lips parted with anticipation. She wanted him so much it hurt, but he was taking his time, caressing and teasing, his touch growing from tender to passionate and vice versa.

  And then he was inside her, making her groan with a pleasure she did not know existed. She wrapped her legs around his waist, clinging to him, heeding the rhythm of his movement.

  “My turn to be on top,” she whispered, biting his ear.

  “Your wish is my command, my lady.” His strong hands held on to her as their bodies turned in unison.

  He was on his back looking up at her, and she was on top of him. She gasped with the intense sensation of the new angle, feeling him pressing against her. She began to rock, slowly at first, eager to savor the pleasure he was bringing her. She caught his glance, wild with ecstasy, torn between the desire to prolong the pleasure or taste the climax. Now it was her turn to tease as she alternated her movements from slow and gentle to fast and intense. As she began to rock faster and harder, his grip on her tightened, and their ecstasy rose even higher and finally cascaded into culmination. She collapsed on top of him, their bodies linked in blissful pleasure.

  “Miss Maple, I always knew that you are one tough investigator, but I had no idea that you are such an ace in the sack,” Dennis whispered.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” Janet replied.



  “And do you still think that my investigative techniques are unethical?”

  Janet bit her tongue. She had been so hard on Dennis, but he had turned out to be right in the end. Thanks to him they now had the evidence they needed to nail Muller, Finnegan and their cronies. Not that case evidence was on her mind at this very moment; in fact, it was the last thing she wanted to talk about at the moment. “Shut up, Walker. Just make love to me instead.”

  “Yes, ma’am. With pleasure.”

  She was still savoring the pleasure of her last orgasm and had been half-kidding, but he surprised her by being ready again.

  This is going to be a very long night, Janet thought. And the best part was that she was not afraid of it ending because there was the morning to look forward to.

  Chapter 26

  The first thing Janet thought of when she woke up the next morning was that she had had sex with Dennis Walker. And not just any sex, but hot, wild, steamy, passionate sex. It was almost too good to be true, but Dennis’s face on the pillow next to hers proved that it was true.

  She watched him through her lowered eyelashes, not wanting him to wake up. What was going to happen now? Did last night mean as much to Dennis as it did to her, or was he going to just stroll out of her apartment with nothing more than a casual peck on the lips? She did not know, and she was afraid to find out. Instead, she wanted to relish last night’s memory for as long as she could. At least while he was asleep in her bed she could pretend that Dennis Walker was her man.

  She noticed Dennis’s eyelashes moving and promptly closed her eyes. “Good morning,” she heard Dennis’s voice.

  “You’re awake?”

  “I felt you watching me.”

  “Did you?” It was useless to pretend. Janet sensed her blush giving her away.

  “Yes.” Dennis placed his arm around her. “Last night was wonderful.”

  Janet’s heart quickened with delight. “Yes, it was.”

  “And you know what the best part is?” Dennis asked.


  “We’ve got the whole Sunday to repeat it.”

  Janet was too happy to speak.

  “Unless you have other plans, of course.”

  “Your plan suits me just fine.” Janet ran her hand across Dennis’s chiseled chest. “Now, where did we leave off?”

  “I think I remember.” Dennis wrapped his arms around her and rolled on top of her. “Yes, I think this was it.” He traced the outline of her neck with his lips.

  “Yes, that’s right,” Janet whispered, as Dennis’s hands caressed her, making her body sing with the ecstasy of last night.

  An hour later, freshly showered, Janet was rummaging through her kitchen in search of breakfast ingredients. Luckily, she had stopped by the supermarket a few days ago, and there was a carton of eggs and a pack of bacon in the fridge.

  Baxter sat on the floor, eyeing her reproachfully. Janet had cut their morning walk short, and apparently Baxter was still mad at her for that. At first he had been too busy gobbling up his breakfast, but now that he was finished he was back to making her feel guilty.

  “Sorry, buddy.” Janet rubbed Baxter behind his ear. “I promise to make it up to you. But right now I’ve got to make breakfast for Dennis.”

  She could hear the sound of water in the shower, and an image of Dennis lathering up his hot, lean, muscular body materialized in her mind. The memory of all the things they did last night and this morning flashed before her eyes, making her hot. “Concentrate,” she told herself, as she placed the bacon into the frying pan. The sound of the water stopped, and she heard footsteps approaching the kitchen.

  Dennis had a towel tied around his waist, and his wet hair was slicked back. “I�
�m starving.” Dennis wrapped his arms around her.

  “You’re in luck. I’m going to make an omelet.”

  “Mmm, smells delicious. How about some pancakes?”


  “Yes, pancakes. I make killer pancakes, and I’d love to make some for you.”

  “I love pancakes,” Janet stalled, remembering seeing a carton of pancake mix somewhere in the back of her kitchen cupboards. “Can you watch the bacon?” Janet rummaged through the cupboards, finally locating a worn-looking, but unopened carton. “Here we are!”

  Dennis eyed the carton suspiciously. “I think you might want to check the expiration date.”

  Janet’s eyebrows furrowed as she searched for the date. “It’s perfectly edible for another two months,” she announced triumphantly.

  “Excellent. Now I need milk and butter and we’ll be in business.”

  “Milk? I’ve always made pancakes with water.”

  Dennis cocked an eyebrow. “By the looks of this carton, it’s been a while since you’ve made any pancakes, with water or milk.”

  The playful look in Dennis’s eyes was the only thing that stopped Janet from snapping at him. He was only kidding, and she knew it. Besides, the best revenge would be to see Dennis actually making those darn pancakes he was harping about. Janet flung open the fridge door, hoping to find a carton of milk that was less than a month old. She was in luck.

  “Here you are,” she announced, placing the milk carton on the counter. “The expiration date is tomorrow.”

  “Excellent.” Dennis grinned. “I got it from here.”

  Janet used the opportunity to sneak into the bathroom and check her makeup. Dennis Walker was in her kitchen, making her breakfast. She was so happy, she could float on air.

  When Janet returned to the kitchen, she found that Dennis was an ace at manning the stove. Already the first batch of pancakes was ready, and Dennis was expertly pouring the batter for the next round. Just as the batter began to sizzle on the pan, Dennis turned his attention to the omelet. “Breakfast is almost ready,” he announced.


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