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The Boyfriend Deal

Page 4

by Charity West

  Me: Help me keep an eye on Hadley?

  Robert: You got it. When do I get to meet her?

  Me: Tomorrow morning at her locker

  I didn’t hear from Robert again, but I assumed we’d see him in the morning. It was nice to have the support of at least one of my friends. Who knew the guys I hung out with were such jerks? I shouldn’t have been surprised by Colin’s comments, but I was hurt he thought so little of our friendship that he wouldn’t even give Hadley a chance. I’d been friends with Colin and Robert since grade school, but it seemed that didn’t mean very much to Colin.

  I set my phone aside and stripped down to my boxers. There was an essay I should probably have worked on, but I still had a few days. The same assignment had been given to Hadley’s class, so maybe she’d want to study together one night this week, and we could write them together. I’d never done homework with a girl before. Not really. I’d said I was doing homework, but we’d ended up making out the entire time. If Hadley really didn’t plan to let me get past first base, I had a feeling I’d get lots of homework done over the next few weeks, if not longer. And I was okay with her wanting to hold out. I didn’t want her to do something that made her uncomfortable or didn’t feel right. A lot of girls gave it up because they were lost in the moment, but if something ever happened between Hadley and me, I wanted it to be for the right reasons, and not just because she felt good right then. If I wanted easy, I’d stay with Alicia, despite what Mom had said.

  I was turning into a sap. If the guys knew how worried I was about Hadley’s feelings, then they would revoke my man card. Not to mention all of the teasing I’d endure. Although, if Colin was right, I was probably facing quite a bit of teasing anyway just for wanting to be with Hadley. And I was okay with that. To me, she was worth it. Of course, I had to make her believe I wanted to be with her when things got bad at school. Normally, I’d say a few more kisses and she’d be eating out of my hand, but not with Hadley. She was different, and different was good. Very good.

  Morning couldn’t come soon enough. I couldn’t wait to see what she’d wear in the morning, and I was definitely looking forward to breakfast.

  Chapter Five


  I tugged on my denim skirt as I looked in the mirror. The three-quarter sleeve aqua top was cute, but I’d shoved this skirt to the back of my closet for a reason. It had been a gift and was the shortest skirt I owned, barely passing school regulation. I’d only pulled it out that morning because I thought Tyler might like it. Even when I’d dated Hunter, I had never dressed to please him, and I wasn’t sure I liked the fact I was doing it now. It shouldn’t matter if Tyler liked my outfit. It should only matter that I liked my outfit.

  My hair was washed and straightened so it hung long and sleek down my back and a little past my waist. When it dried naturally, there was a bit of wave to it that made it shrink up. It wasn’t often that I took the time to straighten my hair, but Tyler had said we were going out for breakfast this morning, and I wanted to look nice for our date. Or was it a date? He hadn’t called it a date, but… I shook my head. I was overthinking things again.

  I looked presentable, nice even. Smoothing some peach gloss on my lips, I gave my reflection one last, long look before grabbing my stuff and heading downstairs. I was halfway down when there was a knock at the door. Mom beat me to it, but I smiled when Tyler stepped inside.

  His eyes widened and his jaw went a little slack when he looked up at me, and I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. Hunter had never had that look, not with me. I’d seen him look that way at the cheerleaders, when he thought I wasn’t watching, but Tyler’s look was all for me, and it warmed me from the inside out.

  “I thought we’d stop by that little diner that’s a few blocks from the school. We should have time to sit down and eat. Unless you’d prefer to grab something from a drive-thru?” he asked.

  “Sitting down to breakfast sounds nice.”

  He smiled and held out his hand, taking my bag from me. Then he wrapped his fingers around mine. I waved at Mom on my way out the door and let Tyler escort me to his … truck? My brow furrowed in confusion.

  “What happened to your car?”

  “The car actually belongs to my Mom, but she’d needed my truck to haul some stuff. She’s actually needed it a lot since school started, so we just traded cars for a while. But she tossed my keys to me this morning and said she was finished with it.”

  I cocked my head. “What could she have possibly had to haul for the entire school year? We’ve been in class for about two months now.”

  He opened and shut his mouth.

  “I bet I know why she kept your truck from you.” I couldn’t stop the smile that I knew bloomed across my face. “I’m guessing this truck has seen a lot of action, and she figured you wouldn’t fool around in her car.”

  He snorted then laughed. “I think you may be right. I told her about you last night, and there was a change in the way she looked at me. So maybe you helped me get my truck back, to which I owe you more than just breakfast.”

  “Speaking of, if we sit in my driveway much longer, we’ll miss breakfast and have to head to class.”

  He winked at me, backed out of the driveway, and headed toward the diner. The radio was turned up enough that we could hear the songs but could still talk if we wanted to. We’d nearly reached the diner when he took my hand in his, threading our fingers together. I loved the way my heart kicked in my chest every time he took my hand, and I was certain there was a goofy grin on my face, but I just couldn’t help it. No matter how many times I told myself this was all for pretend, I couldn’t help but enjoy the attention Tyler gave me. It made me want more, to want it to be real.

  At the diner, we claimed a booth by the window. A waitress dropped two menus on the table, then wandered off. Tyler didn’t even look at his.

  “You already know what you want?” I asked.

  “I eat here several times a week and always order the same thing.”

  My nose wrinkled. “Isn’t that kind of boring? What about all the things you’re missing out on?”

  “I guess I never thought of that.” With his eyebrows up, he reached for the menu and looked it over. “What are you going to order?”

  “I can’t decide between the biscuits with gravy or the waffles with hash browns.”

  “Definitely the biscuits. Mom used to order those when she came with me and swore they were the best in the state.”

  I nodded. “Then that’s what I’ll get.”

  “You should probably get some eggs or something to go with it though. It’s more of a side item than a meal.”

  My cheeks warmed. “Are you saying I’m too fat to want to eat something small?”

  His head jerked up and his eyes were wide. “What? No! I never thought you were fat.”

  I wasn’t entirely sure I believed him, but his shock seemed real enough.

  “Who’s called you fat?” he asked.

  “Hunter used to say I ate too much. Or if I ordered a burger instead of a salad, he’d make a comment. I don’t understand why he’s been such a pest. It wasn’t like what we had was all that great. He was always criticizing me, like I wasn’t good enough for him just the way I was.”

  “Hunter was an idiot.”

  I couldn’t argue with that.

  “What’s he been doing?” Tyler asked.

  “He pinned me to my locker a few days ago and tried to force me to kiss him. He’s badgered me to take him back, saying that he’d made a mistake and I should forgive him. Then there were the roses I found in my locker with a creepy note. I’m not sure if he thought it was romantic or if he was trying to freak me out.”

  “Has he put his hands on you, other than to pin you to your locker?”

  I shook my head. “It’s mostly verbal.”

  “Well, it’s about to stop. If seeing the two of us together won’t do it, I have no problem having a little chat with the guy. I’m not
going to let him harass you anymore. You should be able to go to school without worrying about dealing with that jerk.”

  Hope welled inside of me. Tyler wouldn’t offer to do something like that if he didn’t really like me, would he? I supposed it could have been a way to make him look good to everyone else, but I didn’t think that was it.

  “Do you have to write an essay in English about where you see yourself in ten years?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I think they gave the same assignment to all of the senior English classes. Something about preparing us for those college application essays. Have you applied anywhere yet?”

  “A few places. You?”

  “I’m debating between staying in state and going to University of Tennessee, or going to University of Texas. Both have an excellent music program, and I want to continue playing, even if I’m not in the marching band.”

  “You want to study music?”

  I nodded. “I think I’d like to be a music teacher to elementary kids, teach them early to appreciate the different types of music, and even show them how to play a few things.”

  He smiled. “I can see you as a teacher.”

  “What about you? What are you going to do after high school?”

  “I’m still deciding what I want to do. I’ve thought about being a fireman, but I’m not sure my mom would appreciate that career choice. She’d probably prefer me to sit behind a desk all day than to run into burning buildings. What about you? Could you see yourself with a fireman for a boyfriend?”

  My cheeks must have heated a hundred degrees at the implication we’d still be together after high school. I knew it wasn’t likely, but it was everything I’d ever dreamed of.

  “I would want my boyfriend to do whatever made him happy, and if it happened to be a dangerous job, I would pray for his safety every morning and night.”

  He reached out and took my hand in his. “Has anyone ever told you that you have a kind heart?”

  “My parents, but I don’t think they count.”

  “You have smart parents.”

  The waitress came and took our orders, brought some drinks, and then left us alone until our food was ready. We talked about college and our future plans a little more, and it made me feel even closer to Tyler. He’d made a comment about adding two more college applications to his list, but I didn’t dare hope he really meant it. But at the same time, I really, really wanted him to. What if this wasn’t just a fake relationship? What if, by spending time with me, he saw that I was someone worthy of this attention?

  Not that there was anything wrong with my self-worth. But I didn’t fool myself by thinking the hottest boy in school could possibly have had his eye on me like he’d insinuated yesterday at the ice cream parlor.

  As we ate, his phone started going nuts, but he ignored it and kept talking to me.

  “Don’t you need to get that?” I asked.

  “I’m sure it’s just Robert or Colin, maybe both. They can wait until we get to school. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  “Maybe you should look, just to be sure?”

  Tyler smiled. “I’m not checking my phone while I have the most beautiful girl in school sitting across from me. They can wait. My time with you is limited, and I’m going to savor the moment.”

  I didn’t believe a word he’d just said, but it definitely won him some points. If this was the real thing, he’d be the perfect boyfriend. Which made me wonder why he’d only ever dated Alicia.

  “How come you’ve never dated anyone seriously but Alicia?” I asked.

  “Alicia was more of a habit than a girlfriend. She had her uses, but I never intended to be with her long-term. As for the other girls, they knew I was only in it for a day or two. I never made it a secret that I was only looking for a good time.”

  “And now?” I couldn’t help but ask, but I was almost afraid of his answer.

  “Things are different now. I’ve got Mom breathing down my neck to change my ways or else face military school for the rest of my senior year, and honestly … when I look to the near future, I don’t see myself going off to college and keeping Alicia as a girlfriend, or keep hopping from girl to girl. I want something more.”

  “You mean like a real relationship?”

  He nodded. “It’s time for me to get serious about life, and that means I need a serious girlfriend.”

  Was it too much to hope that I could be that serious girlfriend? Or would he choose someone else once his Mom was satisfied that he’d changed? He’d told me from the beginning that this was a temporary arrangement, and I would be foolish to think that would change. Boys like Tyler didn’t go for girls like me, even if those looks he gave me were enough to make my knees weak, and the kisses he seemed to give freely made me melt.

  Tyler paid for our food when we were finished, and we arrived at school about fifteen minutes before the bell would ring. As I opened my locker, something oozed out of it and plopped onto the floor. The scent of strawberry-banana yogurt hit me at the same time I realized that everything in my locker was coated in the stuff. It seemed Alicia had struck. It hadn’t taken her long, and I’d been expecting something, but not anything quite this messy.

  “Looks like I’m going to be late for class while I clean this up. No way I can use my books. Think they’ll let me swap them out without having to pay for the damages?”

  Tyler’s friend, Robert, came skidding to a halt beside us. “I tried to reach you all morning to warn you. I had to come in early to talk to coach and I caught her squirting tubes of the stuff through the locker vents.”

  “Alicia?” Tyler asked.

  “I saw her do it, and I have no problem telling the principal what happened.” Robert looked at me. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stop her before she’d done so much damage.”

  “It’s okay.” I nibbled on my lower lip. “I’m just not sure how to go about cleaning it up.”

  “You’re not going to,” Tyler said. “Robert, go get the principal and tell him we have an issue that needs to be addressed. He needs to see the evidence himself.”

  Robert ran down the hall in the direction of the office, and I sighed as I studied the mess that had once been an orderly locker. She’d even gotten my notebooks from every class, except the few I had in my bag. I wouldn’t be able to take notes in most of my classes today.

  When the principal arrived, it seemed Robert had already filled him in.

  “Hadley, I’m going to see that Alicia cleans this up, and I’ll have the custodian keep an eye on her so nothing else gets messed up. Once she’s cleaned the yogurt off everything, I’ll see that your books are returned. Take this slip to your classes and see that you get new books,” Mr. Richards said as he handed me a pink slip.

  “Thank you. I’ll have to get some new notebooks before I can take notes in these classes. I only had English and History at home with me last night.”

  “Bring in your receipt and I’ll see that Alicia reimburses you.” Mr. Richard patted my shoulder. “You’d better get to class so you aren’t late. Don’t worry about this mess a moment longer.”

  Tyler took my hand and led me off in the direction of my first period class, and he met me at the door when class was over. It was a pattern I was starting to get used to as he did the same thing after every class. We even ate lunch together, at a table with my friends. Robert joined us, but it seemed Tyler’s other friends were shunning him. I hoped this scheme of his was worth losing his friends over.

  At the end of the day, my locker was completely cleaned out and smelled like lemon cleanser. I put my new books inside, even though I felt uneasy about it. What if Alicia pulled another prank and my new books suffered for it?

  “I had every intention of giving you some space,” Tyler said. “But do you think your mom would mind if I stayed at your house and worked on homework for a little while? Assuming you have any that is.”

  “Did you really just ask if you could do homework with me?”

  He nodded. />
  “I don’t guess Mom will have an issue with it. Hunter never wanted to do homework with me.”

  “I thought we already decided that Hunter was an idiot.”

  I smiled as we walked out to his truck, then froze in horror. “I think Alicia is pissed at you too.”

  His gaze swerved to his truck, and the very flat tire with a knife sticking out of it. Except, on closer inspection, I knew it hadn’t been Alicia who had done this. I knew that knife. Hunter had kept it in his glove compartment for as long as we’d dated.

  “Hunter,” I hissed.

  Tyler looked down at me. “Hunter did this?”

  “I recognize the knife. It seems he’s transferred his attention to you now that it’s gotten around school that we’re dating. I’m really sorry, Tyler.”

  “No worries. I have a spare tire, but it’s going to take me a few minutes to change it. Are you okay waiting with me or do you want to catch a ride with someone else?”

  “I can wait.”

  It was the least I could do. After all, my psycho ex was the one who’d vandalized his truck. I shouldn’t have been surprised by the move. Hunter was unstable when it came to me, which I didn’t understand. He’d cheated on me repeatedly, if the rumors were to be believed, so why did he want me back so badly? It couldn’t be because he had feelings for me. Was it a control thing? I’d been weak and he’d been able to push me around; maybe he wasn’t ready to give that up?

  I watched as Tyler changed the tire on his truck, his muscles bulging. I didn’t like the fact that Hunter had done this, but I had to admit that I was entertained for the moment. What girl wouldn’t like seeing Tyler like this? Was this why the cheerleaders hung out around football practice to watch the guys do push-ups and sit-ups? I had to admit, I saw the attraction in doing something like that, if the boy I was watching was Tyler.

  When he was finished, he grimaced at his dirty hands. “I’d help you into the truck, but I don’t want to mess up your outfit.”

  “It’s okay. I’m really sorry about Hunter. You should tell Principal Richards. It’s only fair that my ex gets into trouble for trashing your truck when yours got in trouble for trashing my locker.”


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