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Crash (The Immortal Chronicles Book 2)

Page 9

by Sloane Murphy


  We had fallen along with our sister, Kaden’s twin, Elaihn. She was sought after by many, her beauty unmatched by another. Her tall waif frame, topped with the longest golden hair, and eyes that shimmered like the sea on a sunny day. She and Kaden took after mother, whereas I looked almost exactly like my father – or so everyone said.

  Others had already Fallen, and many more were still coming. We, like so few others, had been lucky enough to survive the end of life as we once knew it. Our paradise had been destroyed and so many had perished. The wars between our people had been our downfall. Egos running riot; our home, Addatria, consumed by the chaos. Addatria was dying, and there was no way to save it. It had been taken by those who thought they should claim our piece of the world. The rebels had risen up and tried to shackle and control us.

  We stayed together, the three of us alone, our parents and so many of our friends had passed. Kaden and I were lucky to survive considering our positions back home. I might not have made it out if not for Kaden pleading with me – for Elaihn’s sake. And so we fell, leaving our home to its fate.

  Our sister was strong, one of the fiercest woman I have ever known - other than our mother. Female warriors were almost unheard of in our world, but my mother was a force to be reckoned with, and she had taught Elaihn to be the same. Only, with Elaihn’s fierceness came a great gentleness. She could make even the darkest day shine as bright as the sun, but if you angered her, she could ruin your world and burn it to the ground. After the death of our parents, she lost herself. She was so very broken.

  Once we fell, we sought out old friends, and came across our General, Cole. We stayed with him. He had fallen before us, escaping early with the intention of building a safe place for those of us who survived. While we had watched Earth our entire lives, we had never entered the domain of the Fae. Everything was fine for a time, but then our kind started dying and no-one knew why. We were meant to live for a long time. We were not immortal as the Fae were, but we had a much longer lifetime than the humans. Yet here on Earth, we were dying.

  Cole had become something of a father figure to the three of us, he took us into the home he had built, helped us create new lives, and everything was starting to look up until Elaihn became sick. Kaden was a mess, refusing to leave her side, leaving it to Cole and I to try and find a cure. We scoured the earth looking for something to help my sister, then we came across Queen Eolande who offered us a solution; something that would help all of our kind. We sent for Kaden and Elaihn. Bringing her such a distance was dangerous, but the alternative was unthinkable.

  Queen Eolande struck a deal with Cole – she would help all of our kind, giving each of the Fallen an elixir of immortality, and in return, we would help to protect the Fae and the humans. Cole had to ensure none of our kind caused any harm to either the Fae or the humans; harm would be punishable and the nature of that punishment decided by the Fae. Cole agreed and the elixir was created using the blood of a royal. The Fallen would be granted immortal life. And so, the process started. There were not many of us left, maybe two hundred in total, left from thousands. We called them from all over the world to us, and began administering the elixir. Kaden and Elaihn arrived with some of the last, and Elaihn was in a bad way, but the Queen saved her, along with the rest of our kind.

  With Cole as our new leader, as per his agreement with the Queen, he called upon the thirteen lieutenants he had left, Kaden and I each being one, and created the hierarchy system that would rule our kind, creating thirteen houses. We were each allocated vital roles in rebuilding our civilization while helping to keep the Fae world secret from the humans.

  Many months passed before the blood lust began. It gripped so many, so quickly, but luckily no humans were injured. We ran many human hospitals and collected as many blood bags as we could to look after our people. We had it under control, or so we thought.

  Elaihn was out on a raid one evening with Kaden and his house. Against my advice, they were helping to keep the Demons at bay, to ensure the human race did not find out about anything ‘other’. She had never fully recovered from the death of our parents and she was unstable, but she was still one of the fiercest warriors we had, and so they went. Demons had been causing havoc with the humans who lived in our city. The mission went well; the situation was handled and they were on their way home when Elaihn flipped. The adrenaline from the fight mixed with a vicious wave of blood lust turned her. She killed many of Kaden’s team before attacking a human. Kaden managed to wrestle her from the human, who escaped, before knocking her out and bringing her home.

  Then the Outbreak happened and the Fae knew it was down to Elaihn. The very thing that kept us alive, the pathogen which replenished us, was killing the humans. She was taken to the Fae court; her punishment was death. It was the tipping point for our kind. Kaden was distraught and I buried my own pain to comfort him – but his grief took him beyond my reach, and so he fell in with Cole and the others who felt they had been betrayed by the Fae, that we had been lied to.

  Although Queen Eolande had not known the elixir would cause the blood lust, many did not believe her, and so the lines were drawn as the humans died in the thousands. The contagion, which spread from Elaihn, ravaged the Earth and so many souls were taken. The only survivors were The Immune, but Earth as we had known it was destroyed. Just as our home had been. I lost my sister, my brother, and Cole all in one day; the pain of it was unbearable, and I swore to myself in that moment I would never let anyone get close again. I pushed it down and stood my ground against Kaden and Cole. I knew Queen Eolande. I had been there when the deal had been struck. I knew she had not lied to us, so I could not side against her, pitting me against the only family I had left, casting me as a traitor in their eyes.

  And so, the war began.


  I open my eyes and daylight is breaking through the darkness. The pink and purples paint the sky. The contrast is vivid against the black of the night. I hear the crunch of gravel under our tires and know we’re nearly here. The road cuts through the woods, leading us to the main reservation. The sun tries to break through the canopy of the trees above us.

  When we drive through the clearing, I’m impressed at how far this reservation has come since I was here last. A large building sits in the centre of the reservation, towering above the other buildings. After the war, Kas rebuilt this place in a likeness to what it was before. He felt the wolves needed the comforts of the old world in this new one. The wolves were here long before us, though not quite as long as the Fae. Many houses are scattered around and what looks like a medical centre has been built to the left of the main building. We pull up in front of it, the others pulling up behind us before exiting their cars. Kaden finds me and pulls me to one side.

  “I’m sorry, brother,” he says, clasping my shoulder. “I know this wasn’t your fault, but I can’t help being reminded of Elaihn. This whole situation, it just… It’s a lot, you know?”

  I pull him into a hug. “No, I’m sorry, Kaden. I hadn’t even considered… I’ve been so preoccupied. I hadn’t thought about her much, I haven’t really since, well since Addie. not until today at least.”

  “You forgot her?” Kaden shouts and I take a step back; my hands up in front of me.

  “Of course not, I couldn’t. I just mean that I haven’t been plagued with memories of her the way I used to be. The guilt over her death doesn’t haunt me so much anymore. I learnt to forgive myself for everything that happened. She wouldn’t have wanted any of this.”

  “They’re a lot alike,” he says avoiding my eyes. “I don’t want to go through that again.”

  “I guess they are,” I agree. “Do you think that we could try, for Addie’s sake, to work together on this? I need you, brother. I don’t think I can do this without you.”

  He looks up at me, and the guilt he feels shines in his eyes, though I’m not sure why. “Of course, Xander. I’d do anything for her – and for you.”

; I nod before making our way back to the group. As we reach them, I see Dimitri talking to a pretty dark haired woman. Two young boys are chasing each other in circles. Their laughter is so young and so innocent. For a minute, getting lost in how happy they seem lightens the darkness surrounding me. The innocence and naivety of children, oh to have that again. I’m approaching them, Kaden just a step behind me, when Kas walks out of the main building. The boy I once knew has grown into a man. It’s not a surprise he’s still Alpha. Standing at about six foot four, he’s hard to miss. The entire party are drawn to him, his raw magnetism backed up by his broad shoulders and thick arms. I have no doubt if Addie were here she’d be commenting on how dreamy she found him. His long dark hair, which reaches down to his chest whips around him in the wind. I smile at the thought of her meeting Kas. She has always wanted to meet a wolf. I recall the night she had peppered me with incessant questions about them, we were talking about some of the missions I’d done in the past. It is a sweet memory but it only makes the pain worse when I come back to the present.

  Kas’ look is calculating. He never was a major fan of the Fallen, or our Vampyrs, and now we’re littered across his territory. When his eyes fall behind me to Kaden, Kas’ steely glare softens and a warm smile spreads across his face. “Kaden, my friend! How good to see you!” He says walking towards us and embracing Kaden.

  “I just wish it were for other reasons,” Kaden says.

  “You and me both, you and me both,” he says before turning to me. “Xander, I hope this visit goes better than your last.”

  “It couldn’t go much worse,” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

  A small smile appears on his face. “That much is true. I say, let the past be the past. We have more important things to worry about, hey?” he says putting his arm out to me in truce. I clasp his forearm and we shake on it.

  “I’d like that very much, old friend.”

  “Then it is done. Now come on in, I imagine you are all tired. This is my sister Dani,” he says pointing towards the dark-haired woman I saw Dimitri talking to earlier. “She will make sure you all have everything you need.”

  The girl blushes and looks to the floor before muttering an agreement. A shy wolf? Well, that’s a first! She says hello to us all, and Dimitri seems enraptured by her.

  Kas leads Kaden and I into the main hall leaving Dani and Dimitri talking, before taking us up a flight of stairs to a large open room. “We have plenty of guest rooms on this floor. We’ll use this room as a dining hall. I’ve already sent scouts out to the house we think Cole is holed up in. They’ve been gone a day, so I expect them back shortly. Do you need anything else? I want to check in with Jackson. We announced your arrival last night, as you can imagine, some of the pack weren’t exactly jumping for joy, but once I explained it was for the Reborn, they got on board.”

  “The Reborn? You mean she really is?” I ask.

  He nods. “I spoke to her, only once a week or so ago. She did not say much, but the fact I could speak to her is enough to convince me. You know I can only speak to those with the wolf affinity.”

  I’m stunned. I knew it was a possibility but having it confirmed. Well shit!

  “Wait, what?” Kaden asks, confusion colours his features. I forgot he doesn’t know.

  “I’m surprised Cole never told you,” I say. “Though he always did keep his cards close to his chest. Let’s get everyone else here so I only have to go through this once?”

  Kas hollers for Dani and asks her to bring everyone in. Dimitri, Michael and Celeste head up the group, followed by Benny and Rose, then the rest of my Elite. Most come to the front, separating themselves from the wolves, but Dimitri hangs back with Dani. I’d pay more attention to that if I had time; it’s about time he had some fun, but for now I have more pressing things to worry about. A few wolves, who I recognize, walk behind them, including Jackson, Kas’ Beta. Kas stands at the front of the room as everyone sits in front of him. Kaden and I stand either side of Kas showing a united front to both sides.

  “Sorry to keep you folks,” Kas announces. “But before we get started, we feel it necessary to make sure you are all aware of all of the facts surrounding Adelaide, and everything at stake.”

  Kas steps back, nodding in my direction. The floor is mine. I can feel the wave of guarded hostility from the pack. “I know many of you are going to have questions but please try to keep them until I finish. I’m sorry I have kept this from you, but until now, it was for your own sake, and Addie’s. I’m not sure where it’s best to start from, so I’ll start from the beginning.” I go on to tell them the story of Queen Eolande and the secret she shared with me; of my role in this history of Addie. I can see they have a million questions – and doubts to go with them, but I need them to believe. “I have watched over her for many years, ensuring no harm came to her, and I was successful in my duties… until recently.”

  There are murmurs from those in front of us. Kaden’s eyes widen as he begins to understand the implications of what I’m saying. “It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I understood why Addie was the target for Cole’s ideals. He is her father.”

  The room erupts with shouts and gasps. Kas steps forward, drawing the attention of the room.

  “Adelaide is the Reborn,” Kas declares. “The one the prophecy speaks of. This is why we must ensure we get her back. We cannot let her fall into the wrong hands. I’m sure, had we all been aware of this before now, we would not be in the position we’re in.” Kas stops to side-eye me. So much for let bygones be bygones. “But we’re here now, and so we must deal with it.”

  “What prophecy? I’ve never heard of the Reborn?” Rose asks from the back of the crowd. I look to Kas; the Fae and the wolves are The Keepers of the Histories. It is rare for a Fae not to know, but considering her life so far, it is not shocking.

  “The prophecy was spoken long ago, towards the end of The Dark War. It speaks of the one who will have the power to tip the balance; one made of air and earth, both evil and pure – with more power than any other who walks the Earth. The Reborn will have the power to bring an end to life as we know it, and tip the scales.

  It was not said in who’s favour this tipping will be, but the fact Cole knows what she is, and has her, is enough reason for us to be afraid. If his plans succeed, the world could be a much darker place. We all know how long it took for the world to heal after the war. If he rallies her to his side and awakens the power within her, he will be unstoppable,” Kas tells the room.

  Quiet descends across the room; so quiet it’s as if no breath is taken. The shock in the room is rife as the weight of truth settles on each of us. I look towards Kaden and he looks like he might break. He notices me looking at him and composes himself; that unemotional mask slamming back down.

  “I’m sure many of you have questions, but I’m sure you’ll understand and agree that getting Addie back from Cole is our first priority. I need to go and meet the scouting party I sent out yesterday, I urge you to get settled, there are more than enough rooms here for you all. Eat, rest, and prepare yourselves for what is to come.”


  I watch everyone reel from the information. The shock is palpable, and undercurrents of anger and fear run alongside it. I get why people are angry; I know that I sure as hell was when I found out. I look down at Dani, Kas’ sister, who has attached herself to my arm. She’s so small, I just want to wrap her up and protect her from the world, and that feeling scares me. I don’t let myself get attached to people, especially wolves, and especially so quickly, but there is something about her that calls to the most primal parts of me. I can’t seem to escape it. I’m not sure that I even want to. I’m not sure which part scares me most.

  “It’ll be okay Dani. We’re not going to let it get that far, we just needed everyone to be aware of the potential things that could go wrong if we don’t all work together,” I gently say. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights, her eyes wide and doe-like.

  “I know,” she says. “I mean, Kas already explained most of this to me so I wouldn’t freak out in public; I’m just scared for my boys. They’ve already been through so much in their very short lives. I don’t want them to suffer any more. Not if I can help it.”

  “Don’t you worry your pretty little head, darling. We’ll keep you safe,” I reassure her.

  “Like I haven’t heard that before,” she says before quickly covering her mouth. She looks at me apologetically. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I just… never mind, I’m just sorry.”

  I look at her and realise there’s a lot more to her I don’t know yet, but I want to. There’s sorrow in the depths of her eyes, a hidden hurt; such great pain. I want to know what happened to her. She’s so quiet and withdrawn. I noticed it when we first got here. She looks like she wants to fade away into the background and have no-one notice her, but I noticed her. When she looked at me, it was like I was struck by lightning. Rooted to the spot, transfixed by her.

  “It’s alright, darling. You don’t know me yet, but you’ll see. I keep my word.”

  “I guess we’ll have to see about that won’t we. Please excuse me, I need to get back to my boys. I left them with the girl next door while came here. I don’t like leaving them for long.”

  “Sure thing, sweetheart. I’ll be seeing you,” I say, watching her walk away from me. As much as I hate to see her go, I’ve got to say. The view watching her leave is real nice.

  “Found a pretty little thing to distract yourself with, sweet cheeks,” Michael says as he stands next to me and following my eyes.


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