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Crash (The Immortal Chronicles Book 2)

Page 11

by Sloane Murphy

  “Of course, of course,” Father says. “We’ll get you cleaned up and show you to your room. Only the best for my daughter. I am so proud of you,” he says. I can see his pleasure shining through. A warmth fills me – it feels foreign. I think I’m happy he’s proud of me. Emotion is going to take some getting used to. He unties me and pulls me in close, hugging me. I stiffen; I’ve never been hugged before, and while I have Addie’s memories of such a gesture, it is strange to be embraced.

  I stand still until he steps back from me.

  “It is okay, Aeveen, we have a lifetime for you to adjust. Let’s go upstairs and get you settled. Olivia will be around if you need anything.”

  I nod in response and follow him away from my place of captivity to my new freedom.

  Once upstairs, he leads me to what he calls my room. I look around, searching Addie’s memories for what these things are. Opulence is the word. Everything in the room is shiny. The walls white with gold features and trimmings, which match the bed. It’s made of white wood with gold engravings. The knowledge floods through me and I take in her memories and filter the emotions out. I don’t want to feel the way she did. I don’t want to be influenced by her. I want the chance to be my own person. I frown slightly as I look around at it all.

  “Is everything okay, Aeveen?” Father asks.

  “Of course, it is just a lot to take in all at once. I’m trying to learn so much, but also keep her buried. The task is tiring.”

  “I should have known. I’m sorry, darling. I’ll call Olivia in to help you in any way you need.”

  “Thank you, Father.”

  “I will leave you for now. Come and find me when you’re ready and we’ll eat. I can answer any questions you may have over dinner,” he says before turning on his heel and leaving the room. I feel… overwhelmed. There is so much… everything. Working through it all is going to be hard.

  The door opens and Olivia enters.

  “Addie?” she asks, looking me over wearily.

  “No,” I respond. “My name is Aeveen. Though I believe you knew this body as Addie.”

  She looks me up and down warily. “You could say that. Cole sent me to take care of you. I’ll be your guide for a time.”

  “Thank you,” I say. “Maybe, in time, we might be friends.”

  She is shocked by my words. I imagine it might be hard to be my friend considering her past with Addie, but I don’t know many people in this world and it would be nice to have a friend. She composes herself and smiles at me before walking into the bathroom.

  “Get undressed while I run you a healing bath,” she says. “Once you’re clean, I will take you to Cole.”

  “Okay, Olivia.” I say peeling off the dirty, blood-stained clothing. I know I should be repulsed by it, and that I should feel pain from the injuries of this body, but I feel nothing. I know I should connect more, but I do not believe this would be wise. Addie made foolish mistakes because she was ruled by her emotions. I do not want to be a foolish girl. I want to please Father, so for now, I will stay detached and keep myself removed from emotion.


  I can’t believe she’s not Addie even if the eyes are a dead giveaway, they’re freaking red! But it’s still so strange Addie’s gone. Even after everything, I miss her. That doesn’t matter anymore though. Finally, we can go forward. I don’t know everything Cole has planned, but I know all of this was crucial to move forward. I wince a little, thinking about how Logan is going to react when he finds out what has happened.

  After their last meeting, Logan was forbidden from seeing Addie again; Cole suspected Logan was losing loyalty. I know I need to look out for myself here. I have to fight each and every day not to be weak. The weakest link is expendable, and I don’t want to be expendable ever again – that’s how I ended up in this mess.

  I’ve learned so much since I turned, from the fall and how the outbreak began, to how they learn to change the immune to build their ranks. I’ve made myself a crucial part of Cole’s team by learning everything I can about our history. I’m not about to lose that. Not even for Addie. I know if she knew everything I had suffered through, she would forgive me everything. I have no choice but to fight for survival – even thrive – in this new world.

  Once the healing bath is ready, I help Aeveen into it. The damage to her body is extensive, I’m amazed they survived. It is so hard to separate one from the other in my mind. I scald myself, Addie is gone. Aeveen is here now. Just do as you must. Kindness is weakness, you learnt that the hard way.

  “Olivia?” she asks, hearing my full name in her voice makes me feel like I’m in trouble.

  “Please, call me Livvy.”

  “Okay, Livvy. What is it like out there?”

  “In the house?” I question, confused by her line of enquiry.

  “No, out in the world. I have not had a chance to experience outside; all I have is the knowledge from Addie’s memories, but I want to form my own opinions.”

  We sit and talk about the world while she lies in the bath with her eyes closed. I relax and lean back against the counter as we talk. It almost feels like the old days and I’m beginning to understand why Cole offered me this chance. It’s like a blank slate with her, the chance to have a friend, the new me and the new her. He asked me to befriend her, to make her feel comfortable, in doing so, he gave me this, too. Everyone thinks he’s awful, but they don’t see this side of him. They don’t know that he only does what he feels is right, that he will do whatever it takes to avenge those who need it.


  At last, everything is falling into place. As I walk through the halls, ensuring everyone is doing their part to secure our success, I cannot help the grin spreading across my face. It is a shame I lost Kaden from the cause, but I have gained many others who have been, and will continue to be, vital to my success. Aeveen is one of the last puzzle pieces.

  I reach my office and shut the door behind me, thinking back over everything that bought us to this moment. I call down and ask for food to be bought to my office for Aeveen and I. I don’t want to overwhelm her, but I want to mould her to my way of thinking. I need her to stay on my side. She is the one to tip the balance; she will end the rule of the Fae once and for all, and I shall be King, like I always should have been. I deserve to rule. I have sacrificed everything for this.

  I started it all by pushing Elaihn over the edge. I thought her death would cause the Fallen to overthrow the reign of the Fae. I hadn’t counted on Xanders sense of duty, or the loyalty he’d inspire in others.

  He is the reason I have been outcast; condemned to this hell. For centuries, I have been plotting my revenge, to take away everything he believes in. Using Kaden’s anger towards his brother was one of my more brilliant moments, but I hadn’t counted on the girl changing him. The chair beneath my hands splits. And Addie, she was so much stronger than I could have imagined; it took far too long to break her – but my plans have evolved.

  Anger washes over me but I draw it back. Anger isn’t needed right now. Now I have to focus on preparing Aeveen for the fight to come. I have big plans for her, and I’m counting on Xanders heroics. I underestimated him once before but I won’t make that mistake again. I know how swayed he is by his heart, and I intend to use it and destroy it. To destroy him.

  “Cole?” Olivia is at the door with Aeveen. I smile at them both before waving them in.

  “Come in please. Make yourselves comfortable. I’ve sent for some food. Olivia, you’re welcome to join us.”

  Olivia nods and settles herself down.

  “Aeveen,” I say, smiling warmly, “I’ve asked for some heated blood to be bought up for you, too. Though I’m not sure if you need it.”

  “I do not believe Adelaide ever drank blood.”

  “No, she didn’t, but she also didn’t have your power. Please, drink it. The last thing I want is for you to get sick.”

  She looks unsure, glancing at Olivia for guidance. She nods slightly. She’s
smart and she knows that this support won’t go unrewarded.

  “If you wish,” Aeveen responds. I see they bonded already in their short time together. Good, I can use that. Olivia is power hungry, and cut throat. She will ensure Aeveen is ready. A knock on the door signals our food and two boys bring it in and lay it out on the table before leaving.

  Aeveen slowly picks up the goblet of blood and brings it to her lips before sipping. She is so hard to read, I cannot tell what she is thinking or feeling; I do not like it. She takes a further mouthful of the blood before drinking down the rest of the glass in one go.

  “Good girl. Thank you. I am sure that it will be useful to you when we start training with your powers.”

  “I do not think I need much training with my powers. They are all I have ever known,” she replies.

  I hide my annoyance at her speaking back to me. Olivia winces with Aeveen’s brazen insubordination.

  “Even so,” I say smiling tightly, “we will begin training in the morning. I would like to see what you can do.”

  She still gives me nothing, her face devoid of any expression. “Why?” she asks.

  “I’m sorry?” I say, tightening my jaw.

  “Why do we need to train? Why do you need to see what I can do?”

  “As I explained before, Aeveen, you are a fundamental player in my plan to defeat those who cast me out, the same people who trapped you inside of Addie. They imprisoned you, the same way they did me. It is justice to do the same to them, if not worse. They should be punished for their behaviour and must be stopped from attempting it again.”

  She chews my words over and I think, this might be harder than I first expected.


  The news about Addie and her heritage went down about as well as I had expected. What I hadn’t expected was Kaden’s reaction. Not many will have noticed, but I know my brother, even if we haven’t been close for so long. I hadn’t thought about how he might feel about Addie, and just thinking he might care for her causes an immeasurable pang of jealousy to shoot through me. I try not to think about it too much as I deal with the questions I’m asked once Kas and Kaden have left the room. I answered those I could before I retreated to one of the empty rooms. I needed to gather my thoughts and prepare myself for what is to come.

  We’ve already been here a week, and time is flying by without much actually happening. I lie on the bed with a weight on my heart. I will love Addie until the last breath leaves my body, and the thought of her loving another person cripples me. All week I have been trying to rein in my thoughts, but my imagination runs wild. I can’t escape the image of her being with my brother rather than me. I try to push it down into the same box I hide everything else, but that box is close to breaking point.

  I pull myself up and leave the building. I need to distract myself with something, anything. I find Kas outside with a group of wolves who are training. They fight differently to us, most chose to fight in their wolf form; they are harder to hurt that way, faster and more agile. They’re much bigger than normal wolves, and their pelts range in colour, but it’s the eyes that give them away; they shine so bright. To see them is to know they are something more. Some of the more powerful ones like Kas, can control their change. Right now, his teeth and claws are extended and his eyes swirl like fire, but his body is still that of a man. I watch from the side lines as he spars with Jackson, his Beta, who is also in his part-wolf form. It has been a long time since I fought with the wolves, but their power and aggression is immeasurable. They are some of the most brutal fighters I have ever come across, more so than most Demons. They are unforgiving by nature, stubborn and headstrong. Its why I was so surprised at Kasabian’s easy forgiveness.

  I watch them for a while, then Kas brings it to an end. He turns to me and grins with his extended teeth baring. “Xander, old friend. Many of my wolves have not fought your kind. Care to help me Demonstrate our differences?” he challenges. There is no way in hell I’m backing down from this.

  “I’m sure my brother would love to help out, Kas,” Kaden shouts as he steps beside me. “Anyone want to take me on, too? I could use a decent fight.” He smiles a cocky smile, his head tipped as he challenges the wolves. I can’t help matching his smile.

  “Of course I’ll help you Demonstrate, Kas. I’ll show your wolves what a real warrior looks like.” I laugh at the growl he sends my way.

  “The Bane brothers always did talk a big game. We’ll see if you can back it up, old man. Jackson, you will spar with Kaden. Let’s show the pack what they’re in for.”

  The crowd around us grows, both of wolves and Fallen. Kaden and I strip off our tops. We might not need our wings, but there’s a reason we fight this way. No limitations, no restrictions. I crack my neck, tipping my head from side to side while Kaden jumps up and down on the spot getting his blood pumping. I get the feeling he needs this as much as I do. I step forward getting in to position to fight Kas.

  “You sure you’re up for this, old man?” Kas taunts as he darts from side to side, watching my every movement like the hunter that he is.

  “You wish I was an old man Kas, that way your defeat could be said to be a sympathetic loss. Letting me win. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  He darts forward and catches me on the jaw with a strong left hook. His paws are like shovels! I stumble a little before finding my feet. I hear cheering from the wolves around us and Kaden chuckling from the side line.

  “That one was free. The next one you’ll pay for.”


  We spar. Kas has learnt some new moves since the last time we did this so I don’t come away scot free, but then neither does he. After we draw it to a close, stopping Kaden and Jackson from killing each other. We eat before going to Kas’ office in order to go through the intelligence his scouts have gathered. Now, I find myself sat here, head in my hands listening to Kaden and Jackson bicker about what is the best next step. I have no idea what is in their past, but if they can’t put it behind them, I’m going to smash their heads together!

  “Kaden! Jackson! Please, that is enough. I have had enough of your back and forth, if you cannot put whatever it is between you aside, I will ask you to leave,” I say, reaching my point of tolerance. The both quieten down and retreat to opposite corners like sullen children.

  “We need to have a look for ourselves,” Kaden mumbles from his corner.

  “I think you’re right,” Kas agrees. “We can’t agree a way forward without seeing it for ourselves. Let the three of us leave in an hour. Jackson will continue the training of the wolves, and I will make sure Dani caters for your group.”

  “Thank you, Kas. Kaden, let’s go clean up and change,” I say turning towards Kaden before gesturing for the door.

  Dimitri approaches me after Kas and Kaden have left. I can already tell I’ve got another fight coming.

  “You can’t think I’m going to stay behind, Xander. I’m not leaving you with them for a start. I still don’t trust either of them, but it’s not just that – this is Addie. I’ve watched that girl since she was ten years old. That’s eight years of being there for her, being her friend, watching out for her, picking her up when she’s been knocked down, both literally and figuratively. You can’t expect me to just sit back and watch as everyone else does all they can to find her.”

  “I get it D, if our roles were reversed I’d feel just as justified as you are in your point, but right now, I need you here. I know you don’t trust them, but there’s so much at stake. Michael and Celeste will be here, so will Jackson. I need you here to make sure the proverbial shit doesn’t hit the fan. I also need someone to be able to keep Rose and Benny in line. I swear that girl is becoming more and more like Addie each day. I am only leaving you here out of necessity Dimitri. I would much rather have you by my side.”

  “I do not like this, Xander – not at all. I will stay behind this time, but it will be the last time. I need to do something; I feel so useless.”

p; “I understand. I won’t leave you behind again, my friend. I have to go and get ready, can you check in on Rose and Benny. They’ve not been about much; I don’t need to worry about them, too.”

  “Of course, Xander. Be safe.”



  I watch the brothers leave before turning to Jackson. “What exactly was that?” I ask.

  “I don’t understand why we’re running second fiddle to their kind. We stay out of their problems, and they leave us alone. That is how it meant to be. Why should we help them? I’m not the only one who feels this way, Kas. You can’t expect us to feel any different. Not after everything.”

  “I expect you to follow orders,” I shout, slamming my hands down on the table. “Last I checked, I was your Alpha, and unless your challenging that, I suggest you accept your place and do what I ask.”

  “It is not a challenge – not yet, but change is coming, Kasabian. I only hope you’re as ready for it as I am.”

  “Do not wish to presume you know anything, Jackson. Gather the pack. I think it’s time for a reminder of what we stand for,” I order.

  He leaves the room with his head held high in defiance. I slump down into a chair. Jeez, I’m getting too old for this crap. I scrub my hand down my face and lean back, trying to relax before I have to go and do battle with my pack. I knew helping Xander and Kaden wouldn’t exactly be a breeze with the pack, but I also didn’t expect it to be my Beta stirring up trouble. I let out a deep sigh before standing. Making my way outside, I pull my hair back with a leather throng to keep it out of my eyes. I head to the edge of the forest, which surrounds the reservation: the reservation I built to keep my people safe. The forest circles us almost entirely. The rest of the world doesn’t bother us in here. I walk on the trodden path to the clearing we use for our meeting place. It opens up before me and I sit on the wooden log laid at the top for the Alpha. I spend many minutes looking out across the meadow. The wildflowers sway with the grass and the leaves of the trees dance in the wind. I close my eyes and just listen; the sounds out here soothe me. My heart rate slows and the traces of anger filter out and down into the earth. Mother nature centres me. I look up to the clear blue sky above me and see a lone eagle searching for prey; nature at its most simple. When did things get so complicated? Did we make it this way? I sit back and enjoy the calm the outdoors grants me. The silence is only interrupted by the rustling of grass and the sound of children playing in the distance. Looking up, I see my nephews burst from the tree line. Kyle is chasing Tyson. I laugh at their innocence as Ty runs towards me, seeking safe ground. I grab him by his small waist and sling him over my shoulder.


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