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BDSMing the Brat: ** 20 Book ** Taboo BDSM MEGA BUNDLE

Page 3

by Sarah Sethline

  The van sputtered to a start and began to drive away from the resort area. A grate separated us from the two men in the front, as if we were in a police car.

  As soon as we left the segregated gates of our hotel, it was like a whole new world. Gone were the palm trees, the pools, the fancy buildings. Things were now very rural, and also run-down. It felt like we were driving through the ghetto as we passed boarded-up stores, overflowing dumpsters and wild dogs. The girls and I had one window to look out of -- the one in the very back.

  "Huh. Is this what Fiji really looks like?" I wondered out loud. We had all slept through the initial drive from the airport to the resort.

  "Shhh," warned Amber, who nodded in the direction of the two men.

  Stacey scooted closer to our tour guide and cleared her throat.

  "Sir, how long 'til we get there?" Stacey asked through the grate.

  The big man on the right cocked his head to the side and furrowed his brow.

  "No questions!" he said gruffly.

  He took a remote and aimed it at the curtains that were positioned on the side of our one and only window. With the push of a button, they slowly stole the view of where we were going away from us.


  It seemed like we had been driving for hours before the van finally stopped. I reached down to shake Amber awake, who had fallen asleep in my lap.

  "Come," said our tour guide after he'd swung open the door.

  After we'd climbed out, I quickly spun my head in all directions, attempting to suss out our surroundings. We were in an alley of some sort, with nothing but an old warehouse in front of us.

  "Is this part of the local tour?" asked Stacey, who was beginning to sound doubtful herself.

  "Yes," replied the man in his commanding Fijian accent.

  He punched in a code, then motioned us through the big, black door it unlocked. I shot Stacey and Amber a worried look, but they both just shrugged and began to move forward.

  We had barely gotten inside when the door closed behind us with a loud bang. I fumbled around to try and grab onto Stacey and Amber's hands.

  "St--Stacey? ... Amber?!" I called out.

  We were standing in pitch black!

  Just then, I felt a cloth doused in something wet cover my nose and mouth. I could hear the other girls beginning to scream right before I blacked out.


  When I came to, I didn't know where I was or what had happened to me. My body felt drugged and my head seemed to weigh a thousand pounds as I slowly fluttered my eyes open.

  Where the hell am I?! I thought as my eyes surveyed what appeared to be a dungeon.

  I was so dazed and confused that it took me a few moments to realize that I was chained up, and so were Amber and Stacey. Each of us had our limbs outstretched and restrained by a series of black leather cuffs. Stacey was naked, Amber was in only her underwear, and I was fully clothed.

  "Are you guys okay??" I asked, my voice quivering with concern.

  "Do we look okay?!!" answered Stacey, who was clearly fighting tears.

  Just then we heard footsteps coming down the stone staircase. A group of three men, all wearing black face masks, entered the room. One of them turned to the other two and said, "Ah, good. They're conscious. Clients don't like it when they're limp and just hang here."

  "What the fuck is going on??" yelled Amber as she struggled against her restraints.

  The man who had spoken to the others chuckled.

  "Oh, didn't you hear? Your services have been sold to us, courtesy of ABC Tours. We got a real good deal for the lot of you, too."

  "Our... 'services'?" quivered Stacey.

  "In fact, your first client is here now," continued the man, ignoring Stacey's question.

  "Don't disappoint him girlies, or there will be consequences."

  The man retreated back up the stairs while the other two guys stood there, arms crossed, staring at us. I felt bad for Stacey and Amber whom, without a doubt, were getting eye-raped as they stood before these assholes, naked and exposed.

  Moments later, their kingpin returned, his arm around the shoulders of a fellow who was even bigger and greasier than our tour guide had been. They shook hands and exchanged what looked like money while one of the guards went to unlock a big wooden cupboard.

  My eyes filled with fear when I caught a glance of the arsenal of torture devices stocked inside. The "client" was directed to this cabinet and was allowed to pick out whatever he wanted.

  He emerged from behind the doors a few seconds later with what looked like a riding crop. One of the guards shut the cabinet after the man had made his selection, so I couldn't see what other scary things were lurking in there.

  The three of us began to tremble as the man with the crop approached us. He stopped in front of Stacey, reached out, and gave her tit a hard squeeze.

  "Ugh!" Stacey couldn't help but call out in disgust.

  The client traced his hand from Stacey's breast down to her thigh. He got down on his knees, then brought his face into her pussy. With a big inhale in, he smelled the scent of her pussy, bringing his grubby fingers down to her mound and beginning to jam them in there.

  "Stop it, you sick fuck!" screamed Amber, who simply couldn't stand for what this man was doing to our friend.

  "It's… it's okay, Amber," quivered Stacey, face wrenched in an uncomfortable struggle, as if she were fighting showing signs of visible pleasure.

  "It's not… that… bad."

  The client grunted, annoyed, then got up off his fat knees and made his way over to Amber, who was tied up in between Stacey and me. Before she could even see it coming, he took the crop and slapped her across the face with it, leaving a red mark.

  "Uhhhh," moaned Amber, clearly in pain from the punishment she'd been given.

  The man continued to walk down the line until he got to me.

  "Why is this one still wearing clothes?" he asked before proceeding to rip my shirt undone.

  The force with which he ripped my clothes jostled my body, and I'm ashamed to admit, but it kind of excited me. I could feel his hot breath beating against my bare breasts, causing my nipples to harden instantly.

  He took a knife from his pocket and started cutting me out of my skirt, but he wasn't careful enough, and also sliced my hip. I gasped when I first felt my skin give way to the metal, but soon enough it tingled in a way that I kind of enjoyed. The client ripped away my skirt as soon as he was able, and I was left standing in nothing but a few torn shreds from my shirt.

  The man gave me a lustful once-over and nodded approvingly, then proceeded to walk behind us. None of us could see what he was doing back there, but I got the feeling that he was sizing up our asses.

  Then -- SMACK!

  This loud slapping sound was echoing through the room, but where was it coming from?

  I glanced over at Stacey, silent tears streaming down her face, and realized it was the sound of her being punished. The man's footsteps could be heard as he moved away from Stacey and over to Amber.

  Slap, slap, slap went the paddle.

  The client was doling out more punishment to Amber than he had Stacey, I assume because she had talked back. Amber let out a low moan and flailed around in her restraints, clearly frustrated. Her panties were around her knees, where the man had pushed them.

  I could feel my heart starting to race when I heard the man approach me next. I could see the shadow of his body towering over mine as he got behind me to dole out his beatings. I tensed the muscles in my ass, preparing for the worst, when I felt the crop connect with my flesh.


  The man's punishment was swift, but packed a serious punch. My cheeks were burning from the sting that the crop had inflicted, but it wasn't an altogether unpleasant feeling.

  "Again," I said.

  "Hit me again instead of them... asshole."

  I had to be sure I'd get him angry so he really would hit me again, instead of Amber or Sta

  The client snarled and grabbed onto the back of my short brown hair, pulling on it.

  Something must've been wrong with me, 'cause I liked that, too.

  The fatso tilted my head back and leaned into my face, glaring at me. I looked up at him with my most defiant smirk, egging this bastard on. With disgust, he let go of my hair and threw my head forward violently, then began to lash me just like I'd asked.

  I loved every minute of it.

  In fact, I could feel my pussy growing hotter and wetter the harder and longer he spanked me.

  I could see the men who ran this joint jeering at me, looking like they were about ready to stroke their dicks to the sight of what was going on, but I didn't care. The sublime sensations ringing through my ass were all I could focus on.

  God, how I'd given anything in that moment to have a free hand...

  The pressure building inside me would definitely wind up being more uncomfortable than any flogging if I couldn't get a release. Harder, harder, harder! I chanted in my head.

  Fatso must have been able to read minds, because he seemed to be hitting me as hard as he could now. I wondered if I could get away with tilting my ass so that the pleasure could be received in new, fun places when...


  I heard the riding crop break in half and fall to the floor.

  My ass was aching, not only from a physical standpoint, but from the realization that the punishment was now over.

  I didn't want it to be over.

  One of the guards motioned the client back over to the cabinet. It seemed that he was getting to choose something different to use on us girls.

  He returned with two different things in his hands. One of them looked like nipple clamps, but I couldn't tell what the other thing was.

  The man didn't hesitate to head straight for me -- I guess I'd made an impression on him by requesting all the spankings. He set his stuff down on the ground, then reached out and manhandled my tits. His fat hands were full of my flesh, grubby fingers latched into my skin as if he needed my mounds to hang on to something.

  He took his gaping mouth and enveloped as much of my breast into it as he could manage. With his other hand, he used two fingers to not just pinch, but smash my nipple.

  "Ooohhhh!!" I hollered, annoyed with myself for actually liking what this fat fuck was doing to me.

  He was sucking my left tit raw, and it felt so damn good.

  All eyes were on me as the man continued to paw at and suck on my tits. I glanced over at Amber, whose eyes looked like they were about ready to bug out of her head. I forced myself to frown, feigning displeasure, when what I really wanted to do was smile wide.

  The man let go of my tits and reached for the clamps. In a flash they were snapped onto me, my nipples singing a sweet song from the administered pressure. He then took a hold of the other object he had chosen for my punishment.

  It looked like a pizza cutter with spikes, and frankly the sight of it terrified me. When he began to move it across my skin, however, I quickly relaxed. This little tool was definitely abrasive, but again -- nothing I couldn't handle.

  The pinwheel's cluster of many needles were piercing my skin as the man dragged it down my arms, legs and torso. I couldn't help but shake all over when he ran it across my breasts and stomach. The hairs on my arms were standing up from the chills of pleasure this little device was shooting through my body.

  Suddenly, the man was moving it lower... lower... lower...

  I let out a muffled shriek when I felt the device begin to glide over my cunt. All of the little pressure points of the pinwheel felt especially insane on my inner folds, which were super sensitive to everything the man was doing.

  The client looked up at me from where he was crouched, obviously expecting signs of great distress. When I didn't have the reaction he was looking for, he threw the pinwheel across the room in anger. He undid his pants and jammed his cock into me, thrusting me violently as he looked me square in the eyes.

  Stacey and Amber were both bawling, gone to pieces from seeing me get violated before them.

  But I didn't feel violated.

  No, not when my pussy was responding in this way. The man was disgusting to look at, but god, did he know how to use his cock.

  Normally I'd be weirded out by having other people in the room while I got fucked, but the way the man was slamming pleasure up inside me, it was like there was no one in the room but us. I was so turned on that my sopping pussy was able to accommodate the most intense thrusts he could muster easily. I clenched my walls around his cock, desperate to feel him fill me even more.

  Fucking a sex slave (is that what we were?) must have been exactly what this guy needed to get his rocks off, as he came within minutes. He groaned and released inside me, his cock still thrashing me as he emptied his load high into my slit.

  He stopped thrusting, exhausted, and lingered inside my pussy for a few moments as I hung there. Even his dick just being inside me with no movement felt great.

  When he finally pulled it out, strings of his cum dribbled out of my hole and onto the floor. My pussy wasn't able to hold all of his cum because I was standing up.

  I watched as the man gave a nod of appreciation to the masked guards, then exited the dungeon and headed back up the stone stairs. I was strangely sad to see him go, especially since I was so fucking close to cumming myself.


  The girls and I had but an hour of rest before the masked trio were back. One of them took a swig of water, then approached Stacey, his cheeks puffing out.

  Stacey shook her head no, over and over again, very much afraid of what this masked figure might do to her.

  "I think he wants you to drink," I said, recognizing that these men needed to keep us hydrated if they intended to profit from our bodies.

  Stacey was still resisting.

  "Come on, Stace, you need to drink something," said Amber.

  Stacey gave a discouraged sigh and allowed the man to deposit the water into her mouth using his. She moaned a little, mouth full of water, as he violated her tits and ass with his hands. He did the same thing with Amber and then me, refilling his mouth each time.

  I swallowed my ration of water quickly, then realized the man's mouth was still locked onto mine. I felt a little thrill shoot through me as our tongues intermingled, each pushing against the other for a few seconds of bliss. I wondered if the man could tell I was kissing him back, or if he just assumed I was aching for every last drop.

  My head instinctively jutted forward when he pulled away from me, not wanting to let his lips go. I watched as he walked over to the cabinet and unlocked it. There was someone new coming down the stairs now...

  The client that entered the room was actually not half bad-looking. He had some muscle on him and looked rugged in a hot mountain man sort of way. Unlike the last guy, this dude looked not far off from our own age – in his late 20s or so.

  This client must have gotten the deluxe package, as we saw him grab an armful of things from the cabinet. He handed something thick to one of the guards, who promptly stuck it in the mini fridge that was plugged in nearby. He set the rest of the gear on a table and put a black sheet over it so we couldn't see his stash.

  The man reached under the cloth and pulled out something long and colorful. When he went over and had one of the guards light it, I realized it was a candle.

  He wasn't going to set us on fire... was he?

  I saw Amber's eyes grow to the size of saucers as the man approached her, fist clenching the candle. Big globs of wax were already starting to run down its shaft. Amber yelped as the man held the candle above her and allowed its molten hot wax to drip onto her breasts.

  "Can we get a gag for this one?" asked the client, annoyed that this bitch was yelling in his face.

  "Better yet, gag them all. I don't like it when they scream."

  One of the masked figures nodded and rummaged through the cabinet of torture for three ba
ll gags. He got behind Stacey, then Amber, then me, and gagged our mouths shut. I could hear the other two girls choking a bit, trying to adjust to their balls. I was doing just fine with mine, though.

  In fact, I think I preferred it.

  The man didn't want to waste all the wax on just one girl, so he moved over to me next. I could smell his musky-sweet scent as he leaned in and rubbed his nose into my cheek.


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