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Tatted Up

Page 2

by Phoenix Rayne

  “I’m sure this is the highest class you’ll ever get to meet, but this is international fashion and please try to have some class about yourself.”

  “Well, what grade are you representing because you're acting like a preschooler, and I didn’t fuck with your tonka truck.” Asher teased Leo’s comment. The small crowd that had now turned into the big crowd around them busted into hysterical laughter. Leo looked around and into the crowd and noticed a few cellphones up in the air recording them. He unbaled his fist and slapped Asher across the face as hard as he could. Everyone fell silent in shock.

  “After all the Bitches, I just called you and my insult of you liking dicks, you had the gall to slap me across my face like a Bitch?” Asher grinned wide and then fisted both his hands tightly. “You shouldn’t have done that.” He growled back at Leo.

  “He’s not a Bitch Asher, cunt is more like it,” Waverly said as she stepped between the two men. Leo frowned at Waverly and then he stalked back off towards the back of the stage.

  “I guess he’s going to go cry to Fi now” Hil whined out in a teasing tone. Waverly let Asher go and then she looked him over.

  “I like you Biker boy; I think you’ll be good for her.”

  “But you don’t even know me.”

  “Oh, but I can see you” Waverly chuckled out to him.

  Chapter 2

  After the show, Asher and Fiona’s best friends ended up at an upscale Sushi bar. Asher had never been here, but he’d heard the Sushi was amazing. They had drinks and talked while they waited for Fiona. When she finally showed, she was a companied by three more models from the show. The waiter found three more chairs in the overly crowded restaurant. Everyone cheered and clapped when they walked through the doors. Asher looked around and noticed a few of the people at the tables were still wearing their lanyards from the show. He figured this was a routine of theirs. Fiona sat down right next to Asher, and he grabbed her free hand. She jerked when she looked over at him. She wasn’t angry that Asher was touching her, she was surprised. She gave him a small smile, and Asher stared at her dumbfounded. He could form any words to say to her. His super model was just that super. The girls crooned over her, and people stopped by the table and congratulated her on her show. Fiona never lets Asher’s hand go even when people came over to hug her. Their hands stayed intertwined under the table, but Asher rubbed and caressed her hand like a new puppy. Fiona didn’t seem to mind at all giving the fact of every time he made one of those hand gestures she would meet his eyes for a moment. Asher finally found the words he wanted to say. He leaned over to Fiona and she turned to meet his eyes.

  “You’re amazing,” he told her and she grinned at him.

  “I’m not sleeping with you,” She told him sternly. Asher’s eyes opened wide, and he was just about to protest when Fiona giggled out.

  “I’m joking, but seriously I’m not” Asher didn’t know what to do with her two-way statement. Fiona admired the bearded man sitting next to her. He was so out of his element, but he was as cool as a cucumber. She liked that about him; she liked that a lot. She loved how he took her hand and held it prisoner under the table. She felt safe with him, and she hadn’t felt that in so long. That’s what did it for her that first day. The way he boldly came over and semi-harassed her. He had no shame, and he seemed like a man on the fly kind of guy. Asher's arms were sick; Fiona knew those tight muscles probably came from him throwing all that meat around. She imagined him throwing her large frame over his shoulder and taking her in his bed. Fiona felt a hot tingle down below, and she uncrossed and crossed her legs. She wanted to take some of the stingings away. She so wanted to grab Asher's fingers and shove them under her skirt, but she knew that would be unladylike. She was barely paying attention to her surroundings and even less to the people around her. She just smiled and laughed when they did. Asher continued with the hand tease, and it was pulling Fiona’s insides to the edge. After two hours of sitting in the restaurant, Fiona was tired and apologized to her friends. She assured them they would catch up again real soon, but she had a photo shoot in the morning, and she had to get some sleep. They all hugged and kissed her; Fiona never let Asher’s hand go. Waverly noticed this, and she gave Fiona a light squeeze. Fiona knew the girls liked Asher, but Waverly was a different story. Waverly was the Momma bird of the crew, and she didn’t like anybody. Fiona was shocked with this outcome, but she said nothing. Asher stood when Fiona stood; he nodded back at the girls. He wasn’t sure where they were going, but he wasn’t too concerned about it either. When they made it outside the door, Fiona stopped abruptly, and Asher ran into her. He wrapped his free hand around her; he pulled her close to him so she wouldn’t fall. Fiona pushed her head back onto his chest and moved it from side to side very slowly. Asher realized Fiona was in the mood, and he could be right there with her.

  “Where do you want to go?” He whispered in her ear

  “I have a roommate,” she told him

  “I don’t” He replied. Fiona pressed her back to his front.

  “Uhmmm Fiona, you said no earlier.”

  “I said I wasn’t sleeping with you.”

  “O-Kay” Asher answered her confused.

  “I didn’t say anything about you fucking me” Asher froze for a minute. Fiona rubbed her ass against Asher’s now hardening cock.

  “Let’s go,” He told her pulling his truck keys out of his pocket. Fiona laughed at him as he almost dragged her to his truck. Asher held the door open for her, and gently rubbed her ass when he helped her into the cab. Fiona was surprised when she saw the plush interior of the truck. The seats were white and black leather the dash was all chromed out including the gearshift and the steering wheel. The ceiling was some black furry stuff that matched the floors. Asher started the truck, and it roared loudly. He couldn’t think of anything but getting Fiona bare ass on his bed. She watched him the whole ride home and Asher was praying she wasn’t changing her mind. He had to have this girl, and if she turned him down, he knew he would end up with a hole in his wall. Asher hadn’t been with a girl this hot in years. His last sleepovers were butterfacers. That’s the nickname Asher had given the girls with decent bodies but ugly faces. Fiona had the whole package and then some. Asher pulled into the oversize one car garage. He noticed Fiona eyed his two pristine bikes. Ashe opened his door and almost ran over to get Fiona’s door. She had barely opened it by the time he got over to her side. He held her hand for support when she stepped out. He turned, and they were going through a door before she knew it. He turned to face her, and he pressed her against the wall on the other side of the now closed door. He pressed his lips against hers, and she let him take full advantage of her lips. His breathing got sharp and quick, and Fiona felt the bulge in his jeans growing bigger and bigger. Asher gripped his hard dick and growled in Fiona’s ear.

  “There are fifteen stairs up there so be careful in those shoes.” She nodded at him. She was a little terrified but more excited than anything. Fiona thought about her abrupt actions with Asher.

  “Where do you work?” She asked him trying to get some info so she could text one of her friends, where he stayed and worked. She knew she was in the downtown area, but she wasn’t sure exactly where. Asher looked over at her and then he cocked his head. He gave her a cocky smile, and Fiona couldn’t read it.

  “Come on” Asher started walking back towards the door.

  “Wait, are we not doing this?” She asked.

  “The sooner I show you where I work the faster we can get upstairs. Come on” She nodded. Asher bypassed the door and walked down a hidden hallway. They got to another door; Asher unlocked it, and they were now in a deli shop. Fiona saw all the chrome out machines. From meat cutters and meat grinders, she knew this was a butcher shop. Everything smelt like bleach and cleaner. Asher turned on a dim light and Fiona could see everything. Asher held Fiona’s hand and walked behind the pristine counter. She looked out the big windows and saw cleaners and a coffee shop across the stre
et. She’d heard of the famous Tooth Ache Bakery, and she now knew exactly where she was. Asher turns and then pressed Fiona into the Steele table behind her.

  “I would never dream of hurting such a beautiful girl. Text Waverly and let her know exactly where you are. The Butcher Shop is called Chop Shop, and we’re right across from Tooth Ache Bakery.” Fiona nodded back at him. Asher traced kisses down the side of her neck. Fiona closed her eyes and slid up and back on the cold table. Asher shook his head at her.

  “No beautiful girl, Ill have you in my bed.” He pulled both of Fiona’s hands, and she slid back on the table. He turned and walked towards the door they came through.

  “Text her.” He called back over his shoulder. Fiona took her phone out and texted Waverly where she was and that she would be home late. When she finished her text, they were back at the door about to step up those fifteen stairs he promised her. They went up and then there was another door. Asher pulled his keys back out. He pushed open a big sliding iron door. Fiona followed behind him, and soft lights greeted them. Asher shut the door behind them noisily. There were at least three latches, which clanked and clacked. Asher pulled Fiona’s clutch from her hands and laid it on the diner style table. He put his cell, wallet, and keys on it as well. She looked across the big room and saw a bed in the far-right corner. Asher’s bed was on a four-stepped platform. Fiona turned around to face Asher; he yanked his shirt off in that sexy man’s way. He pulled the back-neck part over his head first, exposing his rippled stomach. Fiona looked closer and in the dim light, his stomach and chest looked darker than the rest of his body. She soon realized he was covered in tatts. His whole front was covered with colorful tattoos. Fiona touched his chest, thinking it would somehow be rough. It wasn’t rough at all; it was smooth and soft. Fiona looked down towards his belt buckle and buttoned jeans. She leaned over towards him and looked down; she looked as though she was looking over a cliff.

  “Are there more?” Asher chuckled then he grinned at her.

  “Yes, there is much more.” Asher turned around from her and dropped his head. His entire back was covered in tatts as well. She traced his back with her fingers; she stood on her tiptoes and kissed the top of his back. She wrapped her arms around the front of his chest. She leaned over him trying to get a glimpse of his face. She reached down below and gripped his cock, massaging it and trying to squeeze it through the rough jeans.

  “I’m sure every single one of these tatts has a fascinating story, but I won’t hear them tonight.” Asher turned to face her. He cupped her ass with both of hands.

  “Up!” He demanded in a growl. Fiona jumped, and Asher cupped her ass, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Fiona wrapped both of her arms around his neck for security.

  “I got you” He assured her. He walked them over to the bed and gently laid her down, and he climbed on top of her. Asher bent down to kiss Fiona, and she turned away from him. He started trailing kisses down her neck, and she went for his belt buckle. She tugged and yanked on it so hard it popped loose. She started tugging at his pants button, and Asher stopped kissing her neck. He pulled off her a little so he could better see her. She wouldn’t meet his eyes, and she frowned as if she was angry about something. Asher wasn’t sure what was going on in her head, but he knew at this rate, Fiona was seeking a one nighter. Asher didn’t want this to be a one nighter with her. Asher pulled at her for her to sit up and she did.

  “Let me help you out of that skirt.”

  “Why?” She asked annoyed.

  “Why do you want to keep it on?”

  “I can just take off my panties.”

  “O-kay” Asher responded to her. He didn’t understand why she didn’t want to take off her clothes. He had already seen most of her in the Fashion Show. Fiona stood and tugged out of her panties. Asher dropped to his knees in front of her and tried to put his face between her legs, but Fiona stopped him.

  “No!” She yelled at him

  “What? He asked confused.

  “I don’t do that!’ She bit out at him.

  “You don’t have to do it to me, I want to do it to you” Asher was trying to make her feel more comfortable, and he knew her out would do the trick.

  “I don’t like that.”

  “Trust me; I know what I’m doing” He assured her with a smirk” She yanked her skirt up and flopped back onto the bed. She laid there like a log. Fiona just wanted Asher to plow into her as hard as he could so she could get her rocks off. Asher wanted this to mean something to the both of them. They were clearly not on the same page here. Asher bent down underneath the bed and dug into a small box he kept there for these types of situations. He pulled out a single condom and sat on the bed. He stood and took off his jeans and boxers. Fiona didn’t even look at him. He climbed back on top of her, and he tried to kiss her mouth, but she turned away from him again.

  “You don’t kiss either?” He asked, and she shook her head staring up at the ceiling.

  “What the fuck?” Asher asked her.

  “That’s just it, can you fuck me already?” She snapped.

  “You want me to fuck you like some whore?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do!” Asher rolled over off her on his back.

  “I can’t do this,” He told her shaking his head.

  “You can’t get it up?”

  “What?” He asked annoyed

  “Do you need help getting it up?”

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? I need you to loosen up.”

  “Why do you have to make a meal out of this? Can’t we just fuck and move on?” Asher looked over at Fiona and shook his head. She sighed loudly and climbed over on top of him. She pulled her blouse over her head and unsnapped her bra exposing her breast. Asher watched her carefully, but Fiona never met his eyes. She reached around and stroked his dick like a pro. On her fourth stroke, Asher bowed his back off the bed. He grunted and hissed at her, but Fiona didn’t act fazed by him at all. She rubbed her breast all over his chest, and he reached up to them. Fiona pushed out a hard breath and then she rolled her eyes at him. Asher watched her, and he didn’t understand.

  “Is it me?” He asked her.

  “What are talking about?” She asked him looking anywhere but at him.

  “Am I the first white guy you’ve been with?”

  “No” she snorted

  “Am I the smallest or something?” She stopped stroking him and then their eyes met.

  “No,” She told him with a soothing voice. He nodded back at her silently. Fiona realized Asher needed to feel something with her. He wasn’t like the others she normally banged he wanted some relationship with her. She wasn’t sure what kind but she knew he longed for it, and that tugged at her heart.

  “I like you, Fiona,” He told her staring up at the ceiling. He didn’t meet her eyes now.

  “Scoot up towards the headboard,” she told him. He obeyed her, and he climbed over, and she straddled him again. Fiona unzipped her skirt and pulled it over her head as well. Asher watched her as she threw it on the floor. They were almost the same height this way. She leaned over and licked his lips; he opened them immediately. Fiona slid her tongue into his mouth, and Asher massaged it with his. Fiona pressed her palms to face down on the headboard. She could feel Asher’s dick growing, and it was bumping the seam of her ass. Asher rubbed Fiona’s back up and down with his fingers tips. She reached around to stroke him again, but Asher was ready. Fiona reached back and grabbed the condom from the side of the bed she handed it to Asher, and he ripped it open. He slid it on and then he looked at Fiona.

  “Is like this okay?” She asked him about their current position, and he nodded back to her. She adjusted herself over him and then she carefully slid onto his cock. She winced from the stinging of his unfamiliar intruder. He threw his head back on the headboard and sucked in a deep breath. He couldn’t believe the overwhelming tightness he felt from her snug pussy. Fiona gripped the back of Asher’s neck, and he held her even tighter.
She moved up and down on him slowly, and he was appreciative. Fiona was extremely surprised with Asher’s width and length. She had smaller, and she’s had bigger, thinking of dick reminded her of Goldie Locks. Fiona felt as though Asher’s dick was made for her and it was just right. Asher grunted and buried his face in Fiona’s neck and hair. Her cluster of curls buried her face as she rode him.

  “Talk to me” He begged.

  “What do you want me to say?” She breathed out.

  “Tell me how you feel” He grunted.

  “About what? She painted throwing her head back.

  “This!” He choked out. Fiona knew this would be her last time fucking with Asher. He was too fucking needy for her, and she didn’t like that shit. She was used to guys bending her over and banging the living shit out of her. Asher was different he wanted to feel something. He had to have that connection of some sort. Fiona didn’t work like that she’d say fuck that shit to another person. She liked Asher; she felt safe with him, and she hasn't felt this safe since her father passed away. Thinking of her father made Fiona sad, and she hated thinking about him. Right now was not the time. She couldn’t help it her eyes started watering, and she knew she was about to cry. She leaned over onto Asher’s shoulder and let the tears fall where they may. Asher felt her tears, and he stopped abruptly.

  “Fiona?” He gasped out.

  “Don’t fucking stop!” She demanded with a crackled voice.


  Don’t ever fucking call me that. I’m Fi or Fiona! And don’t stop fucking me!” She demanded with full force in her tone now. Asher nodded and started back meeting her pelvis. He held on to her a little bit tighter, and she didn’t seem to notice. Asher knew this girl was damaged, but he didn’t care. He’d never met anyone like her, and he was almost certain he never would. During Fiona’s first orgasm, she screamed fuck, on her second she screamed bastard. Asher took over after that because Fiona was just about as strong as a wet noodle. Asher laid her down on her back and plowed into her. On her third and his first, she crooned his name unthinkingly. At the same moment, Asher told himself I love this woman.


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