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Bassist Instinct (The Rocker Series #2)

Page 24

by Vanessa Lennox

  “Beautiful and brave, what’s not to want?”

  “Damn, I was thinking the exact same thing,” he smiled and stood up. “I’ll see you later, Tess Du Pre.”

  “Take care, Sam Gooding.”


  “When I realized I could be stuck here for God knows how long, and I didn’t have a piano, I thought I’d go crazy.” Fiona was making lazy circles on Tate’s nipple with a finger as she licked the curve of his ear with her tongue.

  “You’re killing me, love. That tongue of yours should be dipped in gold and preserved for all time in a museum.” Fiona laughed. “Sit on my cock again and put me out of this delicious misery.”

  “I’d like to, Tate, but I have a lonely piano downstairs waiting for me to tickle its ivories. But I have to say, that was wonderful.”

  “Never better, Fi,” his eyes popped open from their heavy lidded position and he went completely still.

  “What’s wrong?” Fiona looked at him and then around the room, then back at him. “Tate, tell me.”

  “Nothing, love. I just realized something, that’s all.”

  “You have my undivided attention,” he looked at her, she was flushed and beautiful from giving herself to him over and over. He smiled at her.

  “I realized that it really has never been better. You’re the finest lover I’ve ever known, Fi. I am honored by your attentions.” She laughed and gave him a wry look. “What is so funny?”

  “I’m no great lover, Tate, but thank you for your kind words.” She sat up in bed and looked for her clothes.

  “Do you think I’m making this up?”

  “I think you’re being kind, you can’t help yourself.”

  “Kind? Are you mad? My darling, Fiona, do you not see your own worth? The golden tongue not convincing enough?” She smiled at him.

  “Let’s go put that keyboard together, I’m getting restless,” she leaned back and kissed him.

  “I’m not done with this conversation, but I’ll set the wee keyboard up for you because you please me.” She rolled her eyes on the way into the bathroom.

  Piano music filled the house and Fiona stopped mid-step.

  “Ah, the piano is no longer lonely, come back to me, my beauty,” Tate said and she laughed.

  “Clair de Lune,” Fiona said and went into the bathroom.

  They descended the stairs together a few minutes later, hand in hand. Tess sat at the piano playing Debussy on the new keyboard.

  “You put the stand together?” Tate said and Tess glared at him.

  “Don’t be so shocked, I’m a woman, not an invalid. It took one Phillips head screwdriver, I can manage that much, and Agent McBride helped me lift it.”

  “I just didn’t know you could read, love,” Tate said with a grin.

  “Ha, ha. I thought it was men who didn’t read instructions,” Tess said.

  “That’s ask for directions,” Tate said and they chuckled.

  “Where’s Sam?” Fiona asked.

  “He’s been reassigned,” Liam said from the door to the kitchen.

  “I thought we were getting him back with Tess here. I like Sam,” Fiona said to an uncomfortable silence.

  “Are you going to play for us?” Tess said standing up from the keyboard.

  One of the other agents signaled to Liam and he went to another room. A few minutes later Genna and Connor walked in and Tess met them half way across the room. Genna wept, hugging her as they fell on the couch together.

  “I was so worried. Lally insisted you were fine, but I had to come. I know you think I’m crazy, but I had to see you.” Genna spoke quickly. “Your poor eyes!” Connor knelt in front of them both and touched their heads and kissed each of them and stood.

  “They still sting from the tear gas. My throat hurts, too, but I’m fine, Mom, really.”

  “Tate, Fiona,” he said. “You’re well?”

  “Yes, thank you,” Fiona said and Tate and Connor touched hands. It was something they’d done for decades.

  “Have you spoken to Christie?” Connor asked Tate.

  “No, they took our phones. What’s up with Christie?” Tate was concerned about Connor’s seriousness.

  “She’s fine. It’s your mam, Tate, she’s not well.”

  “Not well? McBride! I need a bloody phone,” he bellowed into the other room. “How not well, Con, what’s wrong?” Liam came in with a phone and tossed it to him and Tate dialed his sister’s number and walked into the other room without waiting for Connor’s answer. Fiona didn’t know what to do, should she go with him, or wait? She looked at Connor.

  “She’s been diagnosed with lung cancer. She went to see the doctor because of the pain in her hip, so I’m afraid it’s at a late stage.”

  “Poor Tate,” Tess said from the couch. “And poor Christie. How long, Connor?”

  “A few months they say,” they heard a crash from the other room and Fiona went to the door and stepped in. Tate stood with his back to her and his hand on the bookshelf.

  “Three bloody months at best. And that’s with her being in pain the whole bloody time,” he spoke softly.

  Fiona touched his shoulder and he turned and pulled her to him, burying his face in her hair.

  “I’m so sorry, Tate,” she whispered back, holding on to him and crying with him. “You must go to her.” He pulled away from her and shook his head.

  “Not yet, Fi.”

  “Tate, you must go to her. I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to my mother. This extra time is a gift. Take it,” she touched his face and he leaned into her hand and closed his eyes.

  “I can’t leave you like this, Fi.” He sounded tortured and Fiona didn’t know what to say to make it all better. There was nothing she could say.

  “My heart is breaking for you, Tate,” she whispered and he kissed her on the temple and sucked in her scent and closed his eyes.

  “Christ, I don’t deserve you. I’ll make plans in the morning,” he said into her hair. He looked at Fiona’s hands. “Will you come with me? To Ireland?” He looked up at her surprised face.

  “I…you need this time with your family, Tate. They don’t need me there,” she began.

  “Fi, I’m not asking for them, I’m asking for me,” he looked like a kid. Uncertain and afraid.

  “Of course I’ll go, but think about it tonight, and you can decide in the morning when you’ve had more time to digest all this.” He nodded, she was right, it was impulsive for him to ask; he just knew he’d rather face hell with Fiona’s hand in his. “Come on, let’s find something to fix for everyone to eat.”

  He took her hand and kissed it. “I’d be lost without you, Fi.” Tears slipped out of her eyes and she shook her head.

  “Well, if we’re keeping score, I’d be in a bad way if it weren’t for you, so let’s not keep score.”

  “Fi,” he felt like there was more to say. Someone who was more accustomed to having a girlfriend would know what to say, but he was at a loss. If he could have said it out loud he would have told her he loved her, but he didn’t say it, didn’t even know what it was. “Thank you.” She touched her lips to his very lightly. He shuddered with need and belonging.

  “Shall we get bunco?” She asked and he chuckled.

  “Berco lass, and no, I think once a month is enough for that.” He pulled her out of the room and into the living room. Genna stood and hugged him.

  “Tate, I’m so sorry about Maggie. Whatever you need from us, it’s yours; you know that.”

  “I know love, and I thank you. Right now I need to eat.”

  “That’s easy,” Connor said. “Amelia is catering this evening’s meal, complete with several bottles of fine French wine, two for every course.”

  “I love your mam, Genna, she understands what to do in a crisis,” Tate said. “Let’s eat.”

  At 10:00 pm the phone with the number Tate gave the Russians rang. Fiona abruptly stopped playing the piano as there was a flurry of activity in the house and T
ate was given the sign to answer.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “You have something you want to be rid of in exchange for sudden lack of interest in you and your friends, correct?” The heavily accented Russian man said into the phone.

  “Yes,” Tate said again. “I’m not going to be dragged into this, though, I just want a simple exchange, I don’t need to see anyone. You’re as motivated as I am, if you get me.”

  “I understand. There is place called Washington Circle near where you are staying. Do you know it?”

  “No, but I’ll find it, go on.”

  “There is bench south of circle on 23rd and I street just outside hospital.”

  “Wait, what hospital?”

  “George Washington Hospital. There will be instructions taped to underside of bench. They will tell you where to go next.”

  “Absolutely not. I’ll tape this bloody great stone to the underside of the bench and walk away. What you do next is up to you, if you want it, get it. I’m done with this shite.”

  “Amateur. Eight am, do not be late.”

  “That’s it then? You’ll leave us be?” Tate heard the man chuckle humorlessly.

  “As amusing as you have been, it is past time we parted ways. As you said, I am as motivated as you. Alone, eight am tomorrow or we redouble our efforts with pretty blonde girl.”

  “I’ll be there, you fecker,” Tate said.

  “I know,” the Russian said and hung up.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Be careful, Tate,” Fiona said to him as he climbed into the cab.

  “I will, love. I’ll see you at the airport, aye?” She nodded, her stomach churning at the danger he was putting himself in for her.

  The night before, everyone in the safe house but Genna had something to say about Tate’s going, but he wouldn’t hear their arguments. Fiona could feel Connor’s disapproval like it was another person in the room and Liam was no help to her at all, insisting that the Russian expected Tate, and Tate alone.

  “My men are going to be everywhere, Fifi, we’ll keep him safe, I promise.”

  “Would you be this serene if it were me going?” Liam’s face betrayed him for a split second. “Then don’t give me your empty promises. It should be me going, this is my fault.”

  “This is that bastard Dean’s fault, and this is the last of it. Tomorrow you’ll be rid of him completely. This guy just wants his stone, he has no reason to want me dead,” Tate said to her.

  “Just retribution,” Fiona whispered and Tate touched her face.

  “They brought that on themselves. I’m through with the arguing. Come to bed, love.” He took her hand and led her away.

  He shut the door behind them and put her against it. Leaning into her he inhaled her and put his mouth to her lovely throat. She tasted like everything good in the world and he couldn’t get enough of her. Was he bringing her to Dublin just so he could have his fix at the ready? Maybe. His mother was dying, he was putting himself in a potentially life threatening situation in a matter of hours, and all he could think about was the woman in his arms. Somewhere the gods were laughing at him.


  They stood shivering outside the safe house, huddled around the taxi. Connor looked at Sam, who would be driving the cab. He was wearing dreadlocks and looked completely different.

  “I wish I had more time to thank you for getting Tess through the attack in one piece. She told us everything last night,” Connor said to Sam, who couldn’t help but think she hadn’t told him everything, or the man would have his fingers around his throat instead of clasping his hand. Sam nodded his head at Connor and Connor put his arm around Genna. “You have our deepest thanks.”

  “You should be very proud of your daughter, she’s a warrior,” Sam looked at Tess and smiled at her. Tess couldn’t help but smile back.

  “Keep Tate safe, okay?” She touched Sam’s arm. Genna’s eyebrow raised slightly and she looked at Connor who grinned at her. Tess sometimes hated how they read each other’s minds.

  “I’ll do my best,” he said and Tate kissed Fiona, nodded at Connor, climbed into the cab and they drove away.

  “That’s a good look for you,” Tate said and Sam chuckled. “I couldn’t help but notice our Tess has got a little hero worship happening,” Tate said and their eyes met in the rear view mirror.

  “A certain amount of bonding comes with the kind of situation we were in together, that’s all.”

  “Just don’t break her heart, aye?” Tate said and to his surprise, Sam chuckled again, Tate liked the sound of it.

  “Are you kidding? She’s going to break mine.” They drove the rest of the way in silence.

  Sam drove around Washington Circle and turned south on 23rd. He knew every third person he saw was an agent, but even with his trained eye he saw nothing irregular. He couldn’t help but be proud of his team. He stopped the cab and Tate started to get out.

  “Wait man, they’re watching, you gotta pay me,” Sam said.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, aren’t my tax dollars enough?” Tate said pulling out his wallet.

  “Tax dollars? You’re not even an American,” he said taking the money.

  “That doesn’t mean anything.” Tate climbed out of the cab and walked to the bench and sat. Looking at his watch he inhaled and exhaled deeply.

  Leaning down to tie his boot, bugger, no laces, he realized, he reached under the bench and taped the bag with the stone to the underside of the seat. It wasn’t as straightforward as he had hoped it would be. The tape got folded over and stuck to itself, and it was harder to reach the underside of the seat than he thought.

  When it was finally done he sat up, looked at his watch again. Eight on the dot. He looked around to see if anyone thought his behavior suspicious, but nobody seemed to be watching him. To hear Liam talk, everyone around him was State Department anyway. After a second or two he stood and briskly walked to the next cab he saw and hailed it. Martinez was behind the wheel. Tate sat down and realized he was shaking.

  “Clover is secure,” Martinez said into his radio and drove off in the direction of the airport.

  “Clover? It’s clover, is it?” Tate said.

  “Yeah, we thought it would be lucky. McBride suggested Harp, but that sounded too much like meeting Saint Peter at the pearly gates. Not terribly auspicious.” Martinez chuckled. “You did great, by the way.”

  “Thanks. Can I have my phone back?” Martinez nodded.

  “It’s in the pocket of the seat,” he said and Tate fished it out and phoned Fiona to tell her they were on their way to the airport.


  It was Fiona’s third time flying into Dublin International Airport, and each time it had been raining. She didn’t mind the rain, but she was chilled and couldn’t seem to get warm. Ever since Tate left on his mission to get rid of the diamond, she shivered. When Liam called her to say he was out of danger, when Tate called her with the same message, even when they stood holding on to each other in the airport’s VIP lounge, she couldn’t stop her shaking. She thought she might have broken; something deep inside her must have snapped. No one, especially Tate, should ever have to risk their life for her.

  She was outraged that Tate and Liam steamrolled her into letting Tate risk his life so that she didn’t have to. Even now, hours later as they pulled up to Tate’s townhouse in Dublin, she was having a hard time letting it go.

  Fiona had been maneuvered and manipulated since her mother died when she was four years old. Always trying not to be conspicuous, she somehow got recognized as a rare thing, and was put on stage at every opportunity. Inciting distain and jealousy in her sister and step mother, and apathy and envy in her father. Liam, by virtue of being her only ally, became her keeper somehow, and she suddenly resented him for it.

  “Fiona,” she looked up from her hands. Tate was out of the cab, the bags were lined on the sidewalk, and he held a hand out to her. He had clearly been there, standing in the rain, for a while. “
Are you tired, lass?” She hardly said a word to him as they crossed the Atlantic as she hunched over her laptop with her earphones on. He understood she needed to get her grading done, but he felt her anger underneath the silence.

  “Just still angry,” she said and got out of the cab. “You must never risk your life for me again.” He only just kept from rolling his eyes at her, but he knew that would make her furious.

  “I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I’m fine love, it’s over. Give it a rest, now, aye? Please.” He kissed the side of her head gently. “Come in out of the rain.” He jerked his head toward the building.

  A stout woman stood waiting at the open door to Tate’s townhouse. They walked up the steps. There was graffiti on the steps and the lower walls and the front door. These places had layers of paint on them from years of covering the mess.

  “I’m sorry, sir, Ewing hasn’t had a chance to clean up for the rain,” the woman said noticing Tate and Fiona eyeing the graffiti as they walked toward the door.

  “Not a priority. Mrs. O’Neill, this is Dr. Fiona Brooks,” Fiona smiled and nodded at Mrs. O’Neill who smiled and nodded back.

  “Welcome to Dublin, Dr. Brooks,” she said.

  “Thank you very much,” Fiona said.

  They stepped into the house and Tate tried to help Fiona off with her coat.

  “Actually Tate, I’m freezing,” Fiona said. Mrs. O’Neill made a tsk sound.

  “Can’t you see the lassie’s near frozen to the bone? Off to the parlor with you, Ewing’s started the fire, I’ll bring the tea.” She bustled off before Tate could tell her to bring it to the bed room. He sighed. He took Fiona’s hand, which was indeed frozen, and they walked through a few rooms and then through a door which led to the next townhouse over. Tate closed that door and locked it.

  “I know it seems extravagant, but I was being hounded mercilessly in that one,” he pointed at the door to the townhouse they entered. “And bought this one and the next one over when they came up for sale. It gives me a little bit of privacy when I’m in town. People tend to focus on that one.” Fiona nodded, surprised at the depth of Tate’s fame.


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