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The Engagement - Regency Brides 02

Page 9

by Kimberley Comeaux

  "Hmm." Thomas barely heard what his brother was saying since he was so intent on turning to page four. "McInnes seemed quite insistent I read something . .. . " His voice drifted off as he read the small item in the center of the paper.

  "What are you both doing on the thirteenth of June?" he murmured, a little perplexed and just a little pleased by the turn of events.

  Nicholas appeared curious. "Why do you ask? What is on page four that has your butler so interested?"

  "The engagement has already been published in the Times, and it seems the date is only four weeks away on June thirteenth."

  "Who is responsible for this?" Nicholas asked.

  Thomas stared at the paper without seeing it as his mind pondered the news. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, then brought his gaze over to his brother. "f believe I shall pay a visit to Ravenhurst Castle to find out."


  "I'm sorry, sir, but Lady Katherine is unavailable," the Montbattens' butler told Thomas, the same thing he'd been telling him for three days. "Perhaps if you'd like to leave your card or a note?"

  Thomas stared at the tall, solemn man and contemplated that the man might possess no personality whatsoever. If Ambrose, as he was called, had one, he'd surely never shown it to him. He'd been to the castle a few times and had surely known of the engagement, and still he treated Thomas as if he were an ordinary caller.

  "What of her parents? Are they at home?" he persisted, tired of whatever game was being played at his expense.

  "They are in London, sir. I believe they left two days ago."

  Thomas thought something was significant in that piece of news. ' And Miss Vine? Is she available?"

  "Yes, she is."

  Thomas stood staring at Ambrose, who merely stared back at him, expressionless as usual. "Ambrose," he finally said, his voice strained with ire. "Can you please let me come in to speak with Miss Vine?"

  The butler nodded regally. "Of course, sir.” Ambrose backed up from the threshold and motioned Thomas inside.

  He had to wait only a few minutes in a small sitting room before Theodora came unhurriedly into the room. It was odd watching the woman because her eyes and her expression and tone did not match. It was as if she were a walking contradiction from what she was saying and what she felt.

  Thomas had the uncanny feeling that Theodora despised him; yet she always seemed to smile at him, and he knew she urged Katherine his way by her insistent whispers and unsubtle hints.

  Why? Why was she anxious for Katherine and him to make a match? What would she gain from it?

  Something had to be motivating her, he realized. Perhaps God was leading him to find out or maybe even help the woman. He did not want to judge her, so perhaps if be tried to befriend her, he could understand her more.

  The thin woman curtsied, and Thomas nodded his head respectfully her way. "Mr. Thornton," she began. "I was surprised you wanted to see me. Is something amiss?"

  Thomas watched as she walked to a chair and sat down upon it. It was the largest chair in the room, and when she looked up at him, it appeared as though she were sitting on a throne holding court. Shaking the absurd thought from his mind, he smiled at her, then took the chair next to her. "I came to inquire after Katherine. I've tried to see her but have only been told she is not available. Frankly, Miss Vine, I was wondering if she might be ill or something similar to that."

  The woman's lips pursed, and Thomas thought if it were possible, steam would be coming from her ears for how upset she seemed. "I'm afraid I do not understand, Mr. Thornton. I was under the impression Katherine was riding with you every day since your engagement."

  Thomas sat back on his seat, dumbfounded by this information.

  "I have not seen her since the day I asked her to marry me."

  Theodora startled him by quickly standing and walking to the window. He turned in his chair to see what she was doing.

  "I hope I didn't upset you, Miss Vine. It's just that I'd like to know why Katherine is lying to you about seeing me, then ignoring me when I call."

  Thomas saw her bony shoulders lift and go back down in an apparent sigh. Slowly, she turned and faced him, all traces of anger gone from her face. "I believe Katherine must be experiencing pre-wedding jitters."

  That did make sense, but Thomas could not get rid of the feeling there was more to it. "I suppose so, but that would explain only why she has been hiding from me. Why would she lie to you?"

  She shrugged as she came and sat back down in the chair.

  "I must confess, I have encouraged a relationship between you both all along."

  "Did you?" he murmured.

  "Yes, because I had heard you were a good man and someone who would disregard the gossip that has been spoken of her."

  Thomas nodded. "I appreciate your confidence in me."

  For a moment, he thought the woman grimaced, but when he blinked, a pleasant expression was clearly shown on her face. Perhaps he had only … imagined it.

  "I am on your side, Mr. Thornton, and will do everything I can to calm her fears so she will speak to you." She stood, and Thomas deduced their little tête-à-tête was over.

  He stood. "I thank you, Miss Vine. I shall call again tomorrow."

  He started to go, but she stopped him. .

  "Wait!" He turned, and she motioned toward the window.

  "The moat-or the ditch, rather. I saw her in there by the rear bridge when I glanced out of the window a few moments ago."

  Thomas blinked with bemusement. "I'm sorry-did you say


  Theodora sighed with an expression of long-suffering.

  "Unfortunately, yes. She likes to go and sit at the bottom and … well…

  I don't know what she does. Thinks or something."

  Thomas smiled at the odd woman. "Excellent. Again you have my thanks."

  He didn't wait for a response as he hurried from the castle and walked around until he came to the rear bridge. As Theodora had told him, Katherine was there, lying with her back propped against the incline, strutting off in front of her.

  He was halfway down when she saw him. "What are you doing here?" she asked in a panicked voice, scrambling to her feet.

  "I'm here to find out why you have been avoiding me."

  Thomas came to stand in front of her. "Are you having regrets?" he added quietly.

  Katherine began studying the ground as she folded her arms at her waist in a defensive move. "I don't know what you-"

  "Look at me, Katherine!" he demanded softly as he took her arms and brought himself closer to her. "First I find that you or someone has published our wedding date without consulting me, and now you are ignoring me. If you did not want to marry me, why did you set the date for the thirteenth of June?"

  "I didn't!" she cried, her expression surprisingly defiant.

  "My mother did that."

  Thomas stared at her for a moment, trying to understand the emotions whirling about in her eyes. "Are you doing this for your mother? Because that is no reason to go into marriage.


  "No. I'm not doing this for my mother." She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she gazed directly into his.

  "I'm just scared, Thomas. I'm scared of-" She stopped, as if she were unable to find the right words.

  Thomas thought he knew the answer. "You're scared I'm going to leave you as Nicholas did."

  She frowned and started to say something, then stopped.

  She chewed at her bottom lip as he waited for her to respond.

  "I-yes-yes, you are right. I'm scared of being hurt."

  Thomas smiled, relieved. "My darling, don't be scared. You must realize I lov--"

  "No! Do not say it! Please!" she cried, breaking his hold on her and putting her hands over her mouth in an appearance of fear.

  "Katherine, why should I not say it? If it is because you are not sure of your own feelings, then I am content to wait until you can say the words. But there is no reason not to expre
ss my own."

  She was the picture of misery, staring back at him with a stark expression that tore at his heart. "I do have feelings for you, Thomas. I am just afraid, as you said."

  "My sweet Katherine," he called out softly, closing the space between them again. "I would not have asked you to marry me if I believed otherwise."

  They stood so close, not touching, but he could feel her breath and smell the sweet fragrance of the roses she had pinned in her golden hair; and he imagined he could hear the rapid beating of her heart--or was it his own?

  "Thomas," she whispered, her voice sounding as if she were perplexed, unsure of how she was feeling with him so near . .

  "Katherine," he answered her, and he finally did what he had most wanted to do since he gazed at her across that crowded ballroom. He took her face into his large palms and lowered his lips to hers. He could hear her quick intake of breath, then the soft sigh as she pressed in to kiss him back.

  Tenderly, he kissed her mouth, delighting in the poignant connection so evident between them. It was a sense of belonging, a sense of knowing they were meant to be. Thomas felt her tremble, and sensing she must be frightened by the emotions of such an ardent and loving connection, he left her mouth to plant a kiss on her cheek, then her ear before folding her into his arms.

  His heart ached that so many problems seemed to plague their relationship, and as they embraced, he sent a silent petition up to God to give Katherine peace and assurance.

  After a moment, she stepped away from him, but he moved to take her hand, unwilling to sever their poignant encounter.

  "We should not have-" she began in a shaky voice.

  "Do not say it, Katherine. You are going to be my wife! It's perfectly acceptable for us to have moments alone together and even share a simple kiss." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "I pray you will have no more doubts or fears about us, Katherine. I love you," he stated emphatically, and-this time she did not stop him, only stared at him with an indecipherable expression. "Let that be your comfort. Let that be your assurance."

  She didn't say anything for a few moments as her gaze lowered to their clasped hands. "I don't think I've ever met a man like you, Thomas. You seem too good to be true--everything that is good and kind." She shook her head as if confused.

  "Katherine, do not put me on a pedestal. I have faults like any other man. If Anne were here, I'm sure she'd give you a long list of complaints against me as a husband." He reached out and lifted her chin so she was looking at him. "Will you come to Rosehaven tomorrow? I have decided the manor needs a little sprucing up and want your input since you shall be mistress there," he told her, changing the subject.

  She paused as if grappling with her answer. "I will come, though I am not very talented in the art of decoration," she answered finally.

  He brought her hand up and caressed her bare knuckles with a soft kiss. "It does not matter. It will be your home, and you should have a say on how it should be styled."

  He had a moment of foreboding as one of those fearful expressions crossed her pretty features. But when she nodded, he put it out of his head, intent on enjoying every second with his soon-to-be wife.

  "What game are you playing, Katherine!" Theodora snapped as soon as she entered her bedroom.

  "What are you doing in my room, Theodora?" she countered, not in the· mood to deal with her overbearing cousin.

  "Don't be coy with me, Kate! Why have you been lying to me, and why did you give instructions to Ambrose to say you were unavailable?"

  Katherine walked to her dressing table and began taking down her hair since it had become loose from the wind. "I don't want to go through with this anymore, Dora. I wonder why I agreed in the first place!" She all but threw the hairpins on her oak dressing table as she spoke.

  She heard Theodora sigh and come walking up behind her where her cousin could see her in the large round mirror.

  "Because you wanted to right a wrong, Kate. A wrong Nicholas Thornton wants to forget," Theodora added quietly.

  Katherine's head snapped up, and she stared searchingly at her cousin through the mirror. "What have you heard?"

  Theodora turned away with a shrug and with a show of nonchalance picked up a comb from the dressing table, pretending to study it. "It's only servants' talk, you understand.

  But it's been told to me the earl was heard trying to talk Thomas out of marrying you, that he didn't trust you or something like that." Her eyes slowly rose to Kate's. "He even threatened Thomas. That is why Thomas ran over here in such a hurry to ask you to marry him, dear. He was merely defying his older brother." She put the comb down, bending 94

  closer to Katherine's ear. "It makes you wonder if he wanted to propose or was doing it to spite Nicholas Thornton."

  Katherine frowned as she looked down at her dressing table, breaking the intense stare. She tried to remember the kiss and the lovely words Thomas poured out to her just moments before, but her bitterness toward Nicholas rose up, making it hard to remember anything but the hurt he'd caused her.

  She had been so sure of Thomas's feelings. But now, in light of this news, she had to wonder if he had other motives.

  And Nicholas. How dare he try to dissuade his brother against seeing her! He was the one who ruined her good name and made her the subject of ridicule. Why would he not want her to have some sort of happiness in life even if it was with his brother?

  The moment she thought that, she felt hypocritical. She wasn't being sincere with Thomas. Did Nicholas suspect she might be using his brother for revenge?

  "Oh, what a horrible quandary we find ourselves in, Theodora. God will surely punish us for our deceit!" she cried, throwing her hands over her face.

  "Stop the dramatics, Kate. You are beginning to sound like your mother," Theodora said ill her practical way. "We must continue to advance our plan." She pulled Kate's hands away from her face. "You must not ignore Thomas any longer. In fact, you must do all you can to reassure him of your feelings-or rather your supposed feelings," she amended.

  Katherine thought about that. Not about deceiving Thomas but about how lovely it would be to allow herself to act like his true fiancée-to pretend they would truly be getting married and setting up a household. She could help him with the decorations to his house and get to spend time with him-even if it was only for four weeks.

  Katherine felt like a different woman the next day when she met Thomas at his manor. Though Rosehaven was a smaller estate than his brother's Kenswick Hall or any of her family's many properties, the three-hundred-year-old manor had seven bedrooms, a large foyer with an appealing double curved stairway, and a lovely sitting room with a full wall of windows that looked out over the garden. Thomas mentioned this room could be exclusively her own since it adjoined his study and small library.

  And for a moment, Katherine let herself dream of painting the room a muted shade of blue so it would appear to be an extension of the sky outside the windows. She could imagine herself sitting on a plush sofa with needlepoint or perhaps reading a book. Thomas would come in often, because he did not want to be without her too long, and when they would have children, there would be blocks and dolls strewn about and perhaps a rocking horse in the corner ....

  "So what do you think?"

  Katherine started as she realized he must have been talking to her and she'd not heard a thing he had said as she studied the room. "I beg your pardon?"

  Thomas smiled as he walked over to her and behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders, and began to speak softly into her ear. "I know that look. It is the look all women get when they see a room they'd like to change."

  Katherine boldly reached up and put one of her hands over his. "You are right. It is such a lovely room, but-"

  "But you can improve it," he finished for her.

  She laughed softly. "Perhaps."

  He turned her around so she was facing him, and his striking blue eyes studied her. "There is something different about you today. You seem more
at ease, happier."

  It was so bittersweet to see the relief in his eyes, knowing that in four weeks he would despise her very existence. "I've just decided to enjoy our time together," she told him evasively, not wanting to lie anymore. "And I am quite anxious to help you decorate your lovely manor." .

  He chuckled as he took her hand and walked her out of the room. "Good, because I have arranged a meeting with merchants for fabrics and furniture and also a seamstress with different patterns for draperies you can choose from!"


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