Scarlet Unleashed

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Scarlet Unleashed Page 9

by Krihstin Zink

  “You’re all right. I’m here now. Kate can’t hurt you anymore,” she repeats until I’m finally able to drift into a dreamless sleep.

  “Scarlet? Scarlet! Can. You. Hear. Me?” Dr. Blantz’s frantic pleas, combined with shoulder shakes, fail to wake me. A light singes my corneas, and my body feels dense against my DLC hospital bed. Drool escapes from the corners of my lips. I’m aware of myself, but have no control over my body.

  “Oh. My. God. Scarlet. Please wake up,” Olive shouts as I feel someone lift me from my bed. My eyelids feel too heavy to stay open, but once they open, my gaze fixates on Dr. Blantz. I observe her every facial expression while she attempts to free me from my catatonic state. Now what?

  “What did you give her, Olive?” Dr. Blantz squawks as the hallway lights rush above me. The moment I’m heaved into the ambulance, my neck jerks to the right. My shrieks explode and quake within my head, but not a peep escapes my lips. A darkness hazes over my sight, and my hearing goes blank as I catapult into an unknown space.

  Deep-burgundy roses bloom around me, and then the sky blinks from dusk to twilight. I hover over an endless body of water while needle prick sensations pierce my arms. In this unknown place, my screams shatter the atmosphere before darkness engulfs me. At first, I float in nothingness. But then, my speed accelerates as a dense sensation pierces my chest cavity. An electric force fires throughout my system, before I gasp for air and stare in disbelief at the unknown ceiling.

  “She’s awake,” an unfamiliar voice announces.

  Disorientation leaves me confused and unable to form a sentence. “Wh-wh-where?” I mumble.

  “Stay calm, miss,” someone soothes from a distance. An ice-cold liquid flows through my veins as my surroundings fade to nothing.


  A harsh slap shocks me awake. My bowels feel as if they’re laced with acid, and my withdrawal sweats have drenched my clothing. I’m weak and restrained to an uncomfortable metal chair.

  “He’s awake.” Gloria grabs my hair and forces me to look at her.

  “Good,” Ivy responds from a distance.

  “You sure about this, Iv?” Gloria questions before I hear Ivy’s exaggerated heels click in my direction.

  “Yes,” Ivy answers as she attaches clamps to my nipples. I howl in pain before she slaps me again.

  “Absolutely, positive,” Ivy taunts right as an intense electric current shocks me into submission.

  “Pleeease,” I shriek for my torture to end, but she doesn’t stop. Instead, she slaps my other cheek and then cranks up the current. My restraints tighten as I fail to elude Ivy. I grit my teeth and glare at Ivy while her stare threatens from above.

  “Ivy, stop…If you kill him—I’m not fucking doing time for you, bitch! Your pussy ain’t that good,” Gloria shouts over Ivy’s incoherent ramblings. “Bitch, I think you’ve done too much coke. Look what you’re doing,” Gloria yells before the electric shock ceases.

  “You’re fucking lucky that I hate orange clothing,” Ivy snaps before she sucker-punches my nose. After several hits to my nose, left eye, and dick, I push against my restraints until I tumble over to my side.

  “Now what?” Gloria shouts.

  “I don’t know… Let that fucker rot,” Ivy shrieks before she grabs Gloria’s hand to abandon me in this strange windowless room. I lie on my side and watch them leave. What the fuck did I get myself into?

  Scarlet’s dream-form rushes into my mind, and I’m reminded of our time on that grassy hilltop. Her skin felt smooth against mine, and the memory of our love making keeps me from losing my shit. I will survive this—somehow.

  I search the room or what I’m able to see. A single lightbulb hangs from the ceiling. It’s just me and this damn metal chair that occupy the space in this windowless room.

  With effort, I struggle to see what my exact restraints are. Dread torrents through me as I see several leather belts that are buckled backwards. What the fuck is that?

  After several unsuccessful jerks to free myself, I finally manage to push myself from my side to my back. If only I were the strong, muscular person I was before this fucked up hell; then I could just stand and free myself.

  What feels like hours creep by, and I’ve begun to lose all feeling in my legs and feet. My hands and arms are swollen from lack of proper circulation combined with these suffocating restraints. Queasiness threatens to empty out my bowels, while withdrawal grips and stabs at my insides. Flu-like sweats and aches intensify my hell. I need a fix like a nympho needs a dick.

  The heavy set bolt on the only door of this windowless room turns before the door swings open. I seal my eyes tight and prepare myself for more torture from Ivy. No matter what, I’ll never hit a female, but I sure as fuck would shake her if I could.

  “Fuck. Dude, chill,” Gloria exclaims as she scuffles to lift me and the heavy-set, metal chair. The moment I’m upright, Gloria exhales and gives my shoulder a pat.

  “You know? Ivy has lost her shit. When we met—years ago—she wasn’t like this. That’s why I only fuck with the green; all that coke has her fucking crazy,” Gloria rambles on while she unbuckles each leather belt.

  My freedom produces relief as my fears decrease when the thought of surviving this hell encourages a pint of optimism. However, my legs and feet are numb from extended restraint, and as I rise to stand, my legs collapse, and I slam back into the metal chair.

  “Now what? If you plan to further my torture, just fucking kill me,” I growl at her but my threats are empty. Gloria is as lean and feminine as Ivy, and yet, as weak as I am, she could lay me flat with one kick. My lack of proper nutrition, combined with my need for a fix, makes me a weak link to this scantily-dressed dealer in stacks.

  She glares at me, and then suddenly, her face relaxes. Her eyes roll to one side as her lips crease into a deviant smirk.

  “Look, dude. I just shot Ivy with a tranq gun. Now, I freed yo’ ass, so fucking be thankful,” she demands as she helps me out of the cumbersome chair. An infinity lapses during our ascent up a steep, dark hallway. Step after step I thank Gloria for aiding me up the stairs. We hobble with caution past Ivy’s sated form. She’s spread-eagle with her twat out, ready to be plugged.

  I force us to stop and search for anything familiar, but this place is new to me. “Where are we?” I probe while Gloria yanks my shirt for me to continue. From the dimly-lit kitchen, through an empty dark hallway, and then out the backdoor—we finally erupt from the strange country home that’s in the middle of what appears to be a swamp.

  “The fuck?” I gasp as my shoes stick into the gunk-like mud beneath my soles. Gloria guides me to her car.

  “Where’s Ivy’s car?” I mumble as I search our obscure environment. Gloria pushes me into her car and then fastens my seatbelt. She pats my dick, then scurries toward the driver’s side of her Lexus SUV. Her door swings open, she hops in, then she slides out of her mud-covered heels and sets them behind my chair. She’s silent and ignores my question as she starts the car. An abrupt bang alarms from the backdoor of Ivy’s swamp house, and with a hell-like fury, Ivy charges through the door. Her movements are sluggish, but her stare is violent.

  “Fuck,” Gloria yells, before she slams her foot on the accelerator. We scream in unison when she almost takes out a tree. With a flash reaction, she changes gears, and we blast away from Ivy, leaving her in the rearview mirror.

  According to Gloria’s dashboard clock, thirty minutes pass before we’re finally on a highway. The March sky lacks the luster of stars, and is honestly far from exciting. Nonetheless, I mentally engrave every cloud that looms above and cherish this moment as the instant that I renew myself and return to the David that Scarlet grew to love. We’ll be together again.

  An image of Scarlet’s charismatic smile brightens my mind and prompts optimism to pulsate through me. But then, panic shocks me awake when I remember that all my earthly possessions are with Ivy, and then gloom deflates me into the seat.

  “My bag!”
I protest as I dig my nails into my knees. “Hurry, we need to go back,” I demand and then jerk my gaze to Gloria.

  “Dude, chill. I grabbed your bag when I grabbed mine.” She hitches her thumb over her shoulder. The sight of my backpack outpours tranquility to pacify my anxious mind.

  “Why?” I shake my head in contempt against this entire experience. Ivy and Gloria have been more of a nightmare. And to think, any other male would be ecstatic over a three-way. But not under these circumstances. Euphoric bliss has brought me to the brink of insanity.

  “Look, dude, I need my drugs, and fuck—I can’t live without a good nut. But! What Ivy had planned to do…with you… Nope. I’m not down with all that shit.” She nips at her bottom lip and continues to focus on our drive.

  Signs for Naples appear in the distance. We drive in silence, until at 1:00 AM we’re in the center of Naples and paused at a light.

  “Where do you want to go?” she interrogates with a rush to her tone.

  “I’m not sure. Ivy convinced me to purge myself of all that I own except for what’s in that backpack.” Our gaze links on my full backpack that sits next to Gloria’s designer bag.

  The car behind us honks, so we jerk forward and then brake quickly at the next red light.

  “Fucker,” Gloria spits out as she sticks her hand out of the window to stick her manicured finger nail in the air—like a badass chick.

  With no destination, we drive until finally we reach Collier Urgent Care on Tamiami Trail.

  “Look…I’m gonna leave yo’ ass here. You and I will part ways as the strangers that we are. I did this good deed, and that’s all. If you want to press charges, don’t drag my name into it. Got it?” We come to a brisk halt, and she glares at me while she waits for my response. Like a serpent, she strikes my package and then digs her nails into my sac.

  Before I can react, she growls, “Scream, and I’ll make you wish you would have overdosed. You hear me?” Not a sign of kindness shows on her face. A brusque nod of defeat shakes from my head. She reaches back, collects my bag, then drops it on my dick.

  “Bye, stranger,” she wails before she pushes me out of her Lexus. The street lights’ beams glisten against her new exterior opal paint. Is this real? Paranoia and withdrawal pulsate through me as I stride toward Collier’s Urgent Care’s entrance.

  “Can I help you?” a female offers from behind me. My accelerated adrenaline drops due to my injuries, and terror-fueled scenes remind me of my hellish experience.

  “Sir, are you all right?” another voice questions. The sky spins into a kaleidoscope of shapes and colors until I collapse onto the pavement.


  The beeps of a heart monitor confirm that I’m in a hospital and far from Ivy. Withdrawal is a vicious sickness. As much as I want to become clean—and stay clean for Scarlet—my body needs another fix. Sweat pours from my pores, and my hospital mattress requires new sheets. My abdominal pains escalate and become relentless.

  “Sup, brah?” a young, male custodian nods in my direction. He’s a janitorial commander with the mop. I notice that Collier Urgent Care reads from the pain scale on the wall.

  “Would you happen to know how long I’ve been here?” I croak out.

  “Nah, brah. You don’t see what I’m doing? I’m no doctor.” He gives me dubious glare then pushes his mop a few more times before he nods and leaves my room.

  My tongue is engorged and dry. Next to my bed is a portable table with a necessary source to quench my need—a pitcher paired with disposable cups. Annoyance pours from the pitcher when I note that it’s ice chips and not water. My teeth ache while I crunch on the first meal I’ve had in days. Days… What’s today’s date?

  I ring for a medical attendant and wait while I stare at the wall clock. What the fuck? There isn’t even a fucking television to keep me distracted? A sigh of aggravation exudes from me as I take in this one-stop care center’s lack of appeasing patient amenities.

  “Not every facility can be as luxurious as your birthing facility, David.” Kate’s voice is like a shard of glass scratching at my eardrums.

  “Whaaat…The. Fuck? Nooo. No. You’re dead. You’re fucking dead, and I’m having withdrawal hallucinations…” I cling to my knees with terror as I watch her pass through the wall with ease. She’s a demonic form of Stephen King’s Carrie—caked and covered in blood that glistens on her skin under the clinic’s florescent lights.

  “Don’t you remember from medical school? Drugs make you weak; they let the darkness in. And demons like me are able to creep into those once guarded crevices that no one ever speaks of.” Bright crimson footprints shine from the hospital’s tile as she strides toward me. My withdrawal symptoms subside due to the fucked up terror that threatens to implode my heart.

  Kate is unrecognizable; her gait is pure sexuality. I feel an arousal toward her that I haven’t felt in years. I’m aware that I should be repulsed by all the blood, but the opaque sheen causes the illusion of a kinky body suit. What the fuck is she doing to me?

  Blood prints soak the sheet as she crawls to then straddle me. What were once eyes are now flames that cavort in an erotic dance. Her gruesome tail cracks in the air and then, like a tendril, it meanders in my direction. I’m disgusted at myself, but the way her tail slithers arouses me: It was inevitable.

  She’s the lighter, and I’m a candle. Kate triggered her heat, and I melted into the bed. Her seduction was swift, and I couldn’t deny her. Her strange and demonic appearance does more than seduce me; I’m a puppet and she is my master.

  Abruptly, a med tech knocks and then enters the room, and I’m left alone. Kate?

  “Sir, who were you speaking to, and what is going on in here? Your monitor is… Are you all right?” His heavy-set form and apparent exhaustion reveals that he rushed to my aid.

  “I-I must have had a nightmare,” I explain to myself out loud. A gulp of saliva soothes down my arid throat.

  The med tech’s eyebrows slant into an inquisitive glare as he says, “Hmm… Well, we’ll be right out there if you need us.” A head nod is a sufficient response to make him leave. Kate blinks into the room, and again all of the blood smears and prints return with her. And with her reappearance, my insatiable lust for her also returns.

  “Mmm. I sure have missed you, Davey-Pooh. We would have made one killer threesome with Scarlet.” Her voice hits me like waves of ecstasy. Scarlet?

  Kate’s glamour fades, and the thought of Scarlet flashes me into the present. I’m here, in a hospital, hallucinating of Kate when I have no idea where my beloved Scarlet could be. Kate’s induced lust diminished my withdrawal symptoms, but my despair from missing Scarlet reminds me of the cause of my hospitalization.

  “Then…You…Ohhh...” Scarlet’s terror-filled, possessed eyes flash in my mind. I don’t deserve her. Why didn’t I believe her?

  “But Scarlet isn’t the only person I’ve had fun with. While I possessed Scarlet, I had a good old time in her vessel, especially with your ‘ready to fuck’ intern, what’s-his-face. My hunger was mildly quenched by him.” Kate crawls toward me until she’s straddling me. The sheets lift from me then wrap and restrain me to the bed. A corner of the cloth stuffs into my mouth. Then, the hospital door glides shut. Somehow, my hospital gown tears away, and I’m left exposed.

  “I always get what I want,” she pants before she subjects me to the most grotesque sexual experience I have ever survived. Again, my damn dick betrayed me for a dank cunt. Her nails dig into my chest while her volcanic twat bangs against my victimized cock. She hums a satanic-like chant. And at some point, I brace myself as the bed tremors beneath us.

  Kate’s body inflames like Ghost Rider, and my attempt to scream causes me to choke on the hospital sheet. Each of her thrusts induces a louder, demonic growl that gurgles in her throat. I’m a horrified victim beneath her as objects within the room begin to float around us. Her moans are horrendous, and I’m dumbfounded as to how no one has come in to check on me.

  The foul odor of scorched skin fills the room. Relief calms my distress when I glance and note that my skin is safe from Kate’s inflamed form. Finally, her demonic roars peak, her flamed form fizzles out, and she, as well as all the objects levitating, collapse against the tile.

  Gasps and pants rise from the area where she reposes. Her blood-caked head appears in my sight, and my chest begins to ache. I need a damn fix.

  In a burst of surprise, the same med tech from earlier charges into the room. Similar to Kate’s previous disappearance, I’m left in a room that returns to how it was before she appeared.

  “Sir, your monitor is… You seem to be fine. Your monitor must be malfunctioning."

  The med tech has a conversation with himself while he unplugs and departs with the monitor. I’m glued in utter disbelief. Did I even cum? A glance at my cock confirms that it’s as asleep as I should be. But then, the horrible gut cramps begin. And the fearful withdrawal shits threaten to embarrass me. So, I use the IV stand to aid my journey to the restroom. I peer my head out of the door to see that I’m a reasonable distance to the restroom. After a short but strenuous walk, I make it just in time to clench to the toilet while my withdrawal fumes suffocate me. This is worse than the flu.

  I linger on the toilet because I’m too fatigued to lift myself. A hemorrhoid threatens to form, so I’m forced to complete my task. With medical-grade soap, I cleanse my cracked and tired hands. The sweats combined with arthritic shivers tremor throughout me, and I begin to perceive that I will fail to make the less than two-minute walk to my hospital bed.


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