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Stormy Waters (Oceans of Love Book 2)

Page 9

by Nia Arthurs

  His irritation faded. “Oh, it’s you.”

  “Sorry, sir,” Errol said and walked off. He heard the man muttering: ‘why is he blocking the trail?’ as he stalked up the hill.

  Benjamin chuckled, but it was a humorless sound. These people were driving him crazy and not even the fantastic spread of nature could calm him down.

  “Benjamin!” He heard Ricky’s cheerful voice and spun to find Renesha and Kelly nearing him. “Where’s your shadow?”

  Not amused by his teasing, Benjamin cleared his throat. “Are you okay, Kel?”

  She stiffened and he realized too late that he had used her nickname in public. A quick glance around revealed that the rest of the D&T crew was far from earshot. Still, Benjamin had to be more careful.

  “Why wouldn’t I be okay?” Kelly asked stiffly.

  He frowned at her tone. Had he upset her? He hadn’t looked her way—at least not obviously—since they’d arrived at the resort so it couldn’t be anything he had done.

  “She just had a little fall. Nothing to worry about,” Ricky said, rubbing the back of his neck. “You should have warned me to wear sunscreen, Benji. It’s scorching out here.”

  “Benjamin!” Harley cooed from the distance. She appeared on top of the hill and scrambled down the dirt trail until she had joined their tense group. “You disappeared all of a sudden.”

  “Why did you come back?” Kelly folded her arms across her chest and shot him a hard stare. “Can’t make it without your buddy?”

  “Yes.” Harley stepped toward him and leaned her head against his forearm. Her hair scratched against his skin. “We’re on this trip to get closer, aren’t we?”

  Benjamin slid his hand out of her hold and slipped it into his pocket. “We should catch up with the rest of the group. Wouldn’t want to get lost out here.”

  “Good idea.” Ricky nodded and gestured with his hand. “After you, ladies.”

  Benjamin scoffed and looked away.

  “Is there a problem?” Harley asked, her hand tugging on his shirt. “You look like you’re ready to beat someone up.”

  “No,” he said gruffly. “I’m just… tired.”

  “We’ll arrive at the caves soon.”

  Harley’s prediction came true and in a little while Benjamin and the rest of the team descended a set of roughly hewn concrete stairs that led to the river mouth. Large black tubes that looked like oversized car tires waited on the pebbly shore.

  “Alright, here we are!” Stuart yelled. He backed up until everyone could see him. The clear water lapped at his ankles and the wind tugged his white T-shirt. “We’re going into the caves now. There are some sections where the water is shallow so when I yell ‘bottom’s up’ raise your bums a bit.”

  “Got it!” Harley clapped. The rest of the team murmured their understanding.

  Benjamin lifted his shades to the top of his head as he stared at the rocky outcroppings in awe. The side of the mountain was carved out as if a hand had descended from the sky and plucked its body like play dough.

  The water was a striking blue that shifted to navy and finally pure black as it disappeared into the cave’s large mouth. He gulped, wondering if any dangerous fish inhabited the darker stream.

  Stuart led the huge grey tubes—connected by strong rope—into the water and beckoned them in. Harley rushed to claim the tube beside his. Ricky and Kelly took the floats directly in front of them.

  While Benjamin should have been enjoying the spectacular underground stalagmites jutting from the river and the stalactites looming from the cave roof like a tiger’s smile, he was distracted by Ricky and Kelly’s increasing friendliness.

  Their constant chatter and soft laughter echoed off the yawning cave walls and came flying at him like a rain of fisted punches. His headlamp bounced off their faces, drawing attention to his perusal.

  Instead of turning around and acknowledging him, Ricky and Kelly pretended that the searing yellow beam on their cheeks was as insignificant as a fly and continued to enjoy the tour and the company.

  “This is nice, isn’t it?” Harley asked, dipping her fingers into the still water. “Did you know the Mayans consider these caves the door to the underworld? Being in here… it’s like stepping into their sacred space.”

  “Fascinating,” he said dryly.

  Why is Rick sprinkling her with water? Am I paying him to do that? Should I spray him and let him see how it feels?

  “It’s kind of romantic,” Harley said in his ear. “It almost feels like we’re the only two people in the world.”

  Benjamin’s frown deepened. Did Kelly feel that way? Was Ricky the only person in her world right now? Should he just upend the entire float and swim away with her—King Kong style?

  He sulked for the rest of the ride. When at last they had freed themselves from the dark caves and sailed into the bright sunshine, Benjamin had come to a decision. He could no longer hide his feelings behind professionalism and fear.

  The sunshine warmed his chest and he narrowed his eyes at the woman soaking in the rays like a glowing angel.

  Kelly Banner, I’m coming for you.

  The Best Kind Of Crazy

  What started as a ploy to make Benjamin jealous transformed into a truly engaging adventure. Ricky lightly flirted with her and she returned his attention, but Kelly got the sense that there was nothing serious behind his charm.

  Despite the lack of sparks between them, she was thoroughly enjoying herself. Kelly could see many of the traits that drew her to Benjamin reflected in Ricky’s affable character—his patience, his kindness, his strength, and his ability to command a room, or a river (as it may be).

  Ricky’s attentive care helped to combat her annoyance at Harley’s behavior. After all, letting that octopus rob her of an enjoyable weekend did not appeal. And, despite all Harley’s efforts, it was turning out to be one heck of a weekend.

  Still gushing from their incredible underground tour, the group huddled around Stuart as the passionate guide explained the procedures involved in zip lining. Her co-workers hung on his every word, their eyes glued to the halter that Stuart wore.

  Kelly was not impressed.

  She had enjoyed every activity of the trip so far. The hike to the cave mouth was refreshing, the cave tours were breathtaking, and the food at lunch was to die for, but Kelly drew the line at flinging herself off a ridiculously high tower for fun.

  “I’ll stay right here on the ground,” Kelly said as she watched the other tourists ahead of D&T zip above the trees on nothing but a halter, gloves and a strong line.

  Errol frowned at her. “This is a group effort, Ms. Banner. If one goes, we all go.”

  Benjamin stepped forward, looking deliciously handsome in his shades. The sun was kinder to him than it was to Ricky. Instead of reddening, his tan skin darkened, giving the illusion that he had been made for the tropics.

  “I’ll stay with her,” Benjamin said, his tone firm. “The rest of you can go.”

  Errol pasted a smile on his face. “Well, we shouldn’t force anyone to do something they’re not comfortable with. Let’s move on, people!”

  “We’re going to have a un-Belize-able time!” Stuart gestured for the crowd to follow him up the stairs to the first platform.

  As the team cleared out, Ricky and Rene strode closer. Her best friend stared at her with worried eyes.

  “I’ll be fine,” Kelly said before Rene could ask. “Go ahead.”

  “I can stay with you too, if you like.”

  “What? And make me feel guilty? You wanted to try zip lining more than I did. I’ll cheer you on from here.” She dangled her phone in Rene’s face. “I’ll even take pictures.”

  “Do you want me to stay down as well?” Ricky asked, but he wasn’t looking at her. Instead the question had been directed to her boss.

  Benjamin cleared his throat. “Go on. Enjoy yourself.”


  “We won’t wonder off, Rick. There’s nothing
to worry about. We’ll stay in the public eye at all times.”

  Kelly’s brow furrowed as she listened to their conversation. What did Benjamin mean by ‘staying in the public eye’? Did it have anything to do with his caution to Rene a few weeks ago? Was he really in danger? Was she?

  “Benjamin!” A voice cooed, causing a flock of birds to suddenly take flight.

  Kelly, Rene, and Benjamin groaned in tandem. Harley’s ability to annoy her and cling to their boss like a squid all at the same time deserved some kind of medal. She admired the woman’s determination, but not when that persistence was aimed at someone she had her eyes on.

  “Aren’t you coming up?” Harley asked, her brown eyes trained on Benjamin. She’d ignored everyone else for most of the trip and seemed to have only one goal in mind—sticking to Benjamin Levy like glue.

  Kelly clenched her jaw, but remained silent. She wouldn’t stoop to fighting over a man. Benjamin had no commitment to her, at least not officially. If he was interested in Harley, she wouldn’t plead with him to reconsider.

  Wasn’t her style.

  “It’s alright, Harley,” Benjamin said, his face expressionless. “Enjoy zip lining with the rest of the team.”

  “Nah.” Harley pulled her hair out of her ponytail and allowed it to flow around her shoulders. “I’ve gone zip lining twice now. I don’t need to do it again. I’ll just stay down here with you.”

  Kelly’s eyes narrowed to slits while Benjamin coughed into his fisted hand. An awkward silence descended on the group, though it was covered by the jubilant whoops and cheerful laughter of the team on the platform.

  Kelly huffed. Flinging herself off stilted towers to plummet to her doom in the Belize River appealed far more than watching Harley moon over Benjamin. In fact, she would throw herself off the platform without a harness if she had to.

  “I’ve changed my mind,” Kelly said. Everyone stared at her, their expressions scrunched in various shades of confusion. Kelly arched an eyebrow at Benjamin. “I want to try zip lining at least once. You two can stay here.”

  She took two steps toward the stairs of the platform when she felt a hand on her arm. Even before she threw the glare over her shoulder, she knew who was holding her.

  The hair on the back of her neck stood to attention, but she threw her attraction down and held it in a choke stance. Now wasn’t the time to melt like a puddle of goo before him. Benjamin wanted two women at the same time? Fine. But she was done with that life, done with sharing her man, and Kelly wasn’t going to wail over it either.

  “You should stay on the ground if you’re uncomfortable. I’ll go.”

  She brushed his hand off and eyed him. “You don’t think I can do it?”

  He leaned in. “You’re the one who said it, not me.”

  Kelly let out a humorless laugh. “You’re really getting on my nerves, Benjamin Levy.”

  Harley gasped and came between the couple, lightly pushing them apart. “Kelly, how dare you talk to Mr. Levy like that? Have some respect.”

  Kelly licked her lips and shot Benjamin a death stare. “Rick, would you help me put on the harness?”

  He coughed. “There are people for that…”


  “Uh, sure.”

  She saw Benjamin’s answering glower when she turned away and walked off with Rick and Rene. Together, they dressed in the harness that reminded her of iron pampers and walked up the platform as the last D&T member jumped off the line.

  Kelly’s courage seeped out of her when she saw how high the platform had been built. This was only the first step. The other platforms would be much higher than this and the drop would be far more deadly.

  See where your pride landed you, Kel? You’re going to die.

  Her fingers shook and she tapped them against her thigh, hanging back as Ricky, Rene and finally Harley got their turns.

  “Who’s next?” the conductor asked.

  Benjamin raised both eyebrows. She couldn’t see his eyes behind his shades, but she could feel him watching her. Her throat dried and her feet scrambled away from the hook on the line.

  “I told you not to push yourself,” Benjamin said smugly. “I guess there are just some things that you can’t do.”

  He was intentionally ribbing her. Kelly knew it and yet her competitive spirit refused to let her back off. She would wipe that sexy little smirk from Benjamin’s face if it killed her.

  Kelly walked to the edge of the platform and threw her arms wide. “Hook me!”

  The attendant grinned. “You need to jump.”

  Kelly awkwardly hopped until the attendant was able to hook the clamp to her harness. The underwear portion of her safety gear pulled at her thighs and she squirmed in discomfort and fear.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Wait! Wait!” she cried and pulled on the hook. “Is this thing solid? How new is it? How many people use this hook per day?”

  The attendant’s mouth fell open and his expression wavered somewhere between shock and nervousness.

  “Relax, Kel.” Benjamin approached her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. Slowly, he ran his hands down the sides of her harness, his touch causing explosions over every portion of her that he accidentally brushed.

  “What are you doing?” she wheezed. All the breath had been crushed out of her body and every molecule tingled.

  “It will hold.” Benjamin pulled on the hook, dipping close to her shoulder so that his lips brushed her cheek. “You’ll live.”

  Her heart thudded in her chest and she struggled to reclaim the focus that had led her to stupidly attempt the zip line. This was her finger to Benjamin, her chest-pounding, I-can-make-it-without-you stand.

  So why was he distracting her with his big hands and his intoxicating fragrance and his overwhelming presence?

  She struggled to form a cohesive sentence. “P-people are watching,” she said, gesturing to the group on the platform across the way.

  “Let them,” he whispered.

  Her heart pounded a warning.

  Get out. Get out. Get out.

  “I’m ready!” Kelly yelled on impulse.

  The attendant was barely prepared, but Kelly wasn’t waiting around. She went sailing through the air, screaming her head off. Benjamin Levy was killing her softly. She might as well throw caution to the wind.

  I Want To Be With You


  He felt like the dorky high school kid crushing on the most popular cheerleader in school. Kelly was running from him with such nervous persistence that she tripped all over herself when he even neared her.

  If she thought her adorable attempts at circumventing him would dampen his interest, she was very wrong. On the contrary, Kelly was awakening the hunter locked inside. She presented the best kind of challenge and he found it amusing to shake her up.

  Now if only he could shake Harley off…

  “Benjamin!” The brunette waved her arms and pointed to the chair beside her. Her smile was bright and her attire just as eye-catching. “Why don’t you sit here?”

  Benjamin hesitated, his gaze skimming the beautifully set dinner table until it landed on Kelly. The sun had just descended and the dining hall was decorated with orange bulbs that highlighted her creamy brown skin and white dress.

  She threw her head back and laughed at something that Renesha said, exposing the flawless expanse of her neck. He loved it when she wore her hair up. The woman’s neck alone could drive him crazy.

  Kelly was a vision and the very last thing that Benjamin wanted to do was sit all the way across from her.

  He clutched his tie and pulled it down as he wavered. The longer he hesitated, the more stares he drew. Harley’s smile drooped a little. Her brown eyes filled with discomfort and she patted the seat next to her.

  “Come on,” she urged, her voice acquiring a shrieking tinge.

  Benjamin winced, but took a determined step toward Harley. To ignore her now would be callous on his par
t and embarrassing on hers. Whether or not her attentions annoyed the life out of him, Harley deserved to be acknowledged.

  He had taken only three steps when Ricky smoothly slid into the seat that Harley had pulled out for him. His friend offered the architect a charming smile and yanked on the collar of his blue polo shirt.

  “You don’t mind if I sit here, right, Benji?”

  “Not at all!” Benjamin waved his friend on before Harley could thrust him from the seat. “I’ll just sit somewhere else.”

  Thank you, Ricky.

  “No, but…” Harley looked like she was about to cry. Benjamin, unfortunately, could not sum up the energy to feel sorry for her. He sprinted to the other side of the table and snagged the empty seat beside Kelly.

  The girls stopped mid-sentence when he dropped in. Kelly turned around and frowned at him. He smiled in return, taking the time to admire her deep brown eyes and downturned red lips. The woman was giving him attitude. She had no right to be so beautiful.

  “Why are you sitting there?” Kelly hissed beneath her breath.

  “Can’t I sit here?”


  He rose and checked the cushion. “Does it have someone else’s name stitched on the bottom?”

  “Very funny.” Kelly tipped her head. “Isn’t your name stitched on the seat beside Harley’s?”

  “You know, Kel,” he said softly, “it sounds like you’re jealous.”

  “Me?” She sputtered. “Jealous? Rene, can you Belize—I mean believe this man?”

  “Leave me out of it. I’m not here.” Renesha turned to the woman on her other side and engaged her in conversation, effectively blocking Kelly’s complaints.

  Kelly straightened her shoulders and stared at the post directly in front of them. He enjoyed watching her struggle to ignore him, enjoyed the opportunity of having his fill of her face without interruption.

  He found, as he observed her, that he loved the color of her skin. It was warm and rich, like hot chocolate. He loved the curve of her shoulder, as it loped so elegantly down to her wrist. Would she make a scene if he reached out and held her hand right now?


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