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Stormy Waters (Oceans of Love Book 2)

Page 11

by Nia Arthurs

  Sleeping with her was what he wanted. Would stripping her and flinging her to the ground the way she seemed to expect him to do show her that he cared for her? Would it hammer in that she was priceless or that she deserved commitment and respect with or without sex?

  He drew her to his chest again and groaned. “You’re driving me crazy, sweetie.”

  She pushed him. “Exactly! Why are you doing this to yourself? I can make you happy.”

  “I am happy.” He refused to let go of her and brought her closer again. “I told you. I’m not a gentleman, but you’re more than just any woman to me. Having you like this… it’s enough for now.”

  “You’re the strangest man I’ve ever met, Benjamin Levy.”

  “You know you love it.”

  He could feel her grinning. “I think you might have gotten something mixed up. I love you for your sexy body. I came here to hit it and quit it. Nothing else.”

  The little minx…

  “You shouldn’t be so honest, Kelly.” He ran his hands down her arm and growled. “I might just let you have your way.”

  “That would be a first.”

  “You’re the one making it difficult. I asked you to date me months ago.”

  “I thought you were dating me anyway.”

  He chuckled. “You caught on to that?”

  “Make it official if you want.” She sighed against his chest. “And make sure you explain that you’re mine in ways that Harley can understand? I don’t want to lose it at work because she’s rubbing herself all over you.”

  “I’ll talk to her.”

  “Good. And let me know if she doesn’t listen. I’ll rough her up a little.”


  “Nothing too bad. There won’t be any bruises.”

  He chuckled and kissed her neck. “What have I gotten myself into?”

  “That’s what I should be saying.”

  Thrown aback by the gravity in her voice, he asked. “Why is that?”

  “When the team finds out, they’ll say I seduced you, that I only want you for your money.” She shuddered in his arms. “They’ll say I’m trying to ‘level up’ and ‘lighten my skin color’. This is exactly why I didn’t want to date anyone from work. People will be all up in my business.”

  “I don’t think the kids will react that way. Don’t worry. If I hear statements like that, I’ll correct it.”

  “You’re the boss, so they wouldn’t dare say anything to your face.”

  “Report anyone who badmouths you. I’ll fire them right away.”

  “Oh, you will?”

  He rocked her. “Of course. Without a second thought.”

  “Yeah, right. You’re all bark and no bite.”

  He nipped her ear. “Try me.”

  “I will.”

  Benjamin inhaled her scent and breathed out, completely at peace. In the quiet moment that followed, he thought of his father. Dad would have loved Kelly. She had grit and the courage to speak her mind—quirks his father appreciated in those around him.

  Benjamin wasn’t at all deterred by Kelly’s past and doubted his father would have been either. It was easy to see that Kelly was a strong, beautiful, intelligent woman. The poor decisions she had made didn’t change that. They never would.

  Thoughts of his father led to thoughts of his biological mother. She hadn’t contacted him in months, but that hadn’t stopped her from making an obnoxious withdrawal from the account his father had set up for her living expenses.

  He hadn’t shared much about his bio mother to Kelly because it was one facet of his life that he wanted to forget about. The more serious they became, however, the more he would have to reveal.

  I can’t even tell her about Kat. How am I going to bring up Mary?

  “This is nice,” Kelly said, breaking into his thoughts.

  “What?” he asked, securing his arm more firmly over her chest.

  “Just being here with you. It’s nice.”

  Before he could answer with a similar sentiment, his cell rang. Benjamin absently fished in his pockets while Kelly stepped out of his hold and glared at him.

  “Who is calling so late at night? Is it Harley? I knew she was going to try and make a booty call. She had that look in her eye during training tonight.”

  He chuckled and glanced at the screen.

  Private number

  Benjamin stiffened. His head whipped up and he put Kelly behind him. She stumbled as he wildly swung her around.

  “Benjamin, what are you doing?”

  He answered the call, his eyes shifting through the darkness. “Who are you?”

  “You disappointed me, Benjamin. The only reason I haven’t made a move yet was because I was enjoying watching your woman. I thought things would get a little more… interesting.”

  His skin crawled with disgust and he perused their dark surroundings with desperate care. All that Benjamin could see was the outline of the shrubbery illuminated in the moonlight. Hibiscus flowers waved in the breeze and shot its fragrance across the tiny clearing.

  “Benjamin,” Kelly slapped his back, “what are you doing?”

  He spit into the phone. “You psycho. When I get my hands on you—”

  “What will you do? You couldn’t get anything going with the black beauty you’re hiding from me.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Enjoy all your moments with your woman, Benjamin. She won’t be around much longer.” The phone clicked and a dial tone sounded in his ear.

  Two Hunks In My Bedroom

  Twigs reached out to scratch her as Benjamin dragged Kelly by her arm. They crashed through the foliage with the desperation of a couple fleeing a hideous beast straight out of a B-rated monster movie.

  Benjamin had ignored most of her questions and she was no closer to figuring out what they were running from since they’d started. Who had been on the other end of that phone call? What had they said to make the blood had drain from Benjamin’s face?

  The sound of footsteps coming their way caused Benjamin to skid to a stop. He situated her behind him and glanced down, his expression fierce. Crystal blue eyes had darkened to a murky black and his clenched jaw seemed tense enough to crack cement.

  “Benjamin…” she frowned. “Talk to me.”

  “Sh.” He put his finger over his lips and turned back around, keeping his body between Kelly and the man charging toward them.

  Benjamin slightly crouched, gearing to tackle the guy when he stepped into the light. The silvery beams of the moon revealed his blonde face and attractive features. Ricky’s brown eyes zoomed in on them.

  “I was coming to check on you. I heard you shouting.”

  “He called again,” Benjamin said, hauling Kelly forward.

  She understood that Benjamin was dealing with something very important, but she wasn’t a rag doll. Kelly slapped his hand until his grip loosened and he released her.

  “Could someone explain what the heck is going on here?” Kelly exploded.

  Benjamin and Rick exchanged glances. Kelly knew they were going to keep her in the dark when both men remained silent. She folded her arms over her chest, annoyed by Benjamin’s reticence.

  “Forget it. I’m going back to my room.”

  “Wait!” Benjamin jogged to stand in front of her. “Don’t go yet. It might not be safe.”

  “What do you mean it won’t be safe? Rene’s in there! If we’re in some sort of danger, I deserve to know!”

  Benjamin placed his hands on her shoulders to calm her down. “Rene, is fine.” He swallowed. “She’s not the target here.”

  Her jaw dropped. “What do you mean?”

  “Ben, did he call again?” Rick asked.

  Benjamin shook his head as if to clear it from a haze. “Yeah, he did. We need to check the guest list. See if there’s a Clifford Border in the system. It’s a long shot, but we have to try.”

  “Of course.” Ricky nodded and sprinted toward the main cabana that
held the administration desk.

  “Is he going to wake up the manager?”

  “He just needs access to the computer,” Benjamin said stiffly.

  Her jaw dropped. “He’s going to break in?”

  “Yes,” Benjamin nodded. “And then we’re going to call the police. This is getting out of hand.”

  “The police?” She reeled back as understanding slammed into her. “Someone is threatening you—using me.”

  Benjamin stiffened, but did not reject her conclusion. Of course! The mysterious phone call in the park, his warning to Rene, and now this… it made perfect sense.

  “Who? Why?”

  “I don’t know and… it’s a long story.” He led her up the stairs to her room and stepped carefully. “I’m going to confirm that no one is hiding in here. When I’m sure its safe, I need you to lock the doors tight and keep your cell phone close. Call me if you hear anything.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to find the punk.”

  “He’s here?” She shivered. “Is it dangerous?”

  Instead of answering, he gestured for her to open her door. Kelly’s fingers trembled, but she managed to fit the key in the lock and turned the knob. The room was dark and Rene was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

  Benjamin strode with purpose to the bathroom and rattled around. Through it all, Rene snored with the force of a train coming down a track. Her best friend could sleep through a hurricane. Probably not the best partner to have in a situation like this.

  “It’s clear,” Benjamin said after searching every corner of their modest room. “You know what you have to do.”

  She nodded.

  “I’ll send Rick to watch over you.”

  “What do you mean? Like outside?”

  “No.” Benjamin looked at her as if it were obvious. “In here.”


  “I trust him with my life. He’ll protect you.”

  “I mean… he’s still a random stranger that I met today.”

  “You’re choosing now to be picky?”

  “Excuse me?” Kelly’s eyebrows rose. She didn’t appreciate the implication in his tone.

  Benjamin rubbed his face. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.” He brought her close and softly kissed her temple. Kelly was still annoyed, but she decided to let the slight insult go, writing it up to temporary insanity and frustration.

  “Just… be safe. You can make it up to me later,” she said.

  “I will. I promise.”

  Benjamin slipped out of her room like a ghost and Kelly sank onto her bed. She rolled on her side and stared at Rene. Her best friend slept soundly, completely dead to the world and to the excitement that was taking place right outside her front door.

  What kind of trouble was Benjamin in? She recalled his expression when he pushed her behind him. He’d been ready to knock some heads together and that spark reminded her of his temper.

  When he found this guy, whoever he was and whatever he was after, what kind of response would Benjamin choose?

  “Ah!” She hissed and rubbed her forehead. “This is so annoying. How did I get myself into a Lifetime movie?”

  Kelly was tossing and turning ten minutes later when she heard a knock on her door.

  “It’s me,” Ricky whispered loudly enough that she could hear him from her bed.

  Kelly rose and stuffed her feet into slippers. With frantic movements, she tiptoed to the window and slipped the curtain aside. Looking both ways, she made sure that Rick was alone before unlocking the door and letting him in.

  He grinned at her, his eyes betraying nothing of his illegal crimes. Kelly was struck by the thought that nobody on earth could be trusted. She would never have pinned the friendly and sociable man as a hacker.

  “Did you really steal the resort’s information?” she asked.

  “It’s super easy. I can teach you if you want.” Ricky looked over at Rene who snorted in her sleep. “She’s cute.”

  “She’s taken.”

  “It was just an observation.”

  “Keep your eyes to yourself.”

  He grinned and took a seat in the ottoman. “You’re a grouchy mama bear. Does Benjamin know?”

  “I would hope so.” She drew the chair from the desk in the center of the room and set it next to him. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going through the security tapes. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any leads in the guest list so I’m hoping something will pop up on the tapes.”

  “Ricky,” Kelly crooned and ran her finger lightly over his chair.

  He slid his eyes up to hers and screwed his lips in suspicion. “What?”

  “What’s going on?”

  “That’s Benjamin’s secret to share.”

  “Benjamin won’t tell me anything?” She slapped her knees. “The man is like an impenetrable bank vault.”

  “So you want me to betray my best friend and spill privileged client information?”

  She snapped her fingers. “That’s it.”

  Ricky brightened and opened his mouth as if he was about to spill the entire story. His expression fell flat at the last minute and he arched an eyebrow. “No.”

  “Fine.” Kelly gave in for now. “How about I ask something else?”

  “Like what?” Ricky asked, his eyes glued to the black and white footage on his tablet screen.

  “What’s Benjamin’s relationship with his biological mother.”

  Ricky paused the video and whipped his head to look at her. “Why are you asking that?”

  “Well, I’ve met Bianca. She’s a delight. And Benjamin tells me she takes after her mother, so I’m assuming the woman who raised him is a gem. I’ve heard about Brandon and of course, he can’t stop gushing about his father—”

  “Benji adored that man.”

  She nodded in agreement. “The few times he does talk about his bio-mother, he gets this sad look in his eyes, like he’s never really gotten over her abandoning him.”

  “I don’t think that’s it,” Ricky said hesitantly.

  “Do you know if they still keep in touch?”

  Ricky sighed. “Benjamin should really by the one to tell you this.”

  “I just want to understand him better,” Kelly said. “He keeps that part of himself locked off.”

  Ricky cleared his throat and played the security footage. “When Benjamin’s mother learned that he had been adopted by a rich family, she decided that neglecting him had been a mistake. She pushed to co-parent.”

  “That’s great, right? Means he had a lot of love growing up?”

  “His mother wasn’t in it for the love.” He squirmed. “Because she was Benjamin’s biological mother, Mr. Levy took her in as part of the family and even set up an account for her living expenses that he donated generously to.”

  “That’s not so bad.”

  “Benjamin found out about the account when he was in college. That was right around the time…” Rick’s voice faded. “Have I answered your question?”

  “Not really.”

  “Too bad. Get some sleep, Kelly. I have work to do. The Citrus Stalker won’t get his justice if I can’t focus.”

  “Citrus Stalker?”

  “It’s a silly name I came up with when I was exhausted. He uses expensive cologne with a unique citrus smell.”

  “Really? What else?”

  “Good night, Kelly.

  She stared at the side of Rick’s face, realizing that his tap was dry. She could probably drag a little more intel from him, but it wouldn’t be a fun process for either of them.

  Kelly climbed into her bed and huddled under the covers, imagining a broken hearted little boy and a mother who had to be paid to show him love. In her heart, Kelly determined to shower Benjamin with all the love that she could.

  Her man would never feel abandoned again.

  From the Depths To The Surface

  Benjamin glowered at his girlfriend as she
waded in the lake water, her pretty ankles disappearing beneath the clear stream. In her white crop top bikini and boarding shorts, Kelly looked ready for a Belizean calendar photo shoot, but Benjamin couldn’t even appreciate the view.

  Not with the threat that hung over their heads.

  Kelly caught his eye and sent him a big grin. Her cheerfulness only put him in a fouler mood. Why hadn’t she heeded his warning to stay back at the hotel with the police officers?

  The argument they’d had before they’d boarded the bus to visit the site of the Big Rock Waterfall echoed in his mind.

  “I’m not going to put my life on pause because of some coward who won’t even show his face.”

  “Kel, you don’t understand. This guy is dangerous. He… He hurt someone I was very close to.”

  “Who?” She’d tapped her legs and waited all of five seconds before she dismissed the question. “It doesn’t matter. I’m going and I’m having fun. You can do what you want.”

  So Benjamin came, albeit grudgingly, because there was no way he was letting her out of his sight for a minute.

  Ricky was somewhere around, going through the remainder of the footage from last night and keeping his eye out for suspicious lurkers, but Benjamin doubted the culprit would be stupid enough to draw attention to himself. He’d managed to elude all the security cameras at the resort after all.

  The sound of tinkling laughter drew him out of his funk. Benjamin glanced up, his vision quickly filling with the sight of Kelly spraying water in Rene’s face. The women wrestled and both fell into the water with happy shrieks.

  The corner of Benjamin’s lip curved upward, but he shook the expression. There was a crazed lunatic with his sights on Kelly wandering around them. He didn’t have time to admire his girlfriend’s waterlogged hair, her perfect hips, or that blessed backside.

  “You look hot,” someone whispered and Benjamin jumped, wondering if his thoughts had been obvious to the naked eye.

  Way to drool over Kelly in public, buddy.

  “Oh, Harley.” He shifted nervously. “It’s you.”

  She grinned and sat close to him on the rocky cliff. Her hair was curly and flowed around her shoulders. Frank brown eyes and tan cheeks freckled by her time in the sun caught his gaze. She truly was a stunning woman.


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