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The Summer I Said Yes

Page 21

by Tess Harper

  My lips parted.

  He leaned closer. “So if you don’t want me to kiss you, you should push me away.”

  Push me away. That last comment brought some semblance of sanity to all the parts of my brain that had been addled by the Jack drug. But instead of pushing him away, my stupid, rebellious hands fisted his jacket and pulled him into me.

  Jack made a surprised sound in the back of his throat as our lips crashed together. It wasn’t the kind of soft, sensuous kiss every girl dreams about receiving from a man as hot as Jack. It was…it was…well, as Bret would have put it, ‘raw.’ This kiss offered commitments. It offered nothing, really, but an unforgettable, sweaty, needy, end to a primal, uncontrollable desire. But unfortunately, it wasn’t Jack that ‘doing raw,’ but me. Because I wasn’t kissing Jack. I was mouth-fucking him.

  My tongue thrust into his mouth as my nails scraped his skin. My hands clamped into his shirt. My body crashed into his, smothering him, conquering him, demanding pleasure even as I took it. When he tried to pull back to soften the kiss I pushed into him deeper—so deep, in fact, that my bottom lip was scraped by his teeth. I didn’t care. I pressed into him more, molding my body to his, my mouth opening over his as if I wanted to devour him. He’d once called me an octopus. Well, I’ll show him an octopus, I thought as I jumped up, wrapping my long legs around his body, squeezing him.

  I bit his bottom lip. Jack made a low growl and slammed me into the window, cupping my ass, losing control as he gave me back whatever I gave him times ten. I thrust my hips into him, feeling his long, rock-hard cock through his pants right below my throbbing center.

  I’d forgotten what it was like between us. Wild. Uncontrollable. Dangerously addictive. That kind of mindless passion should have sent me running, but instead I sank into it. My body remembered the feel of him between my thighs, the sweet pleasure in teasing us both as I rode that long, hard cock, the lust in his dark eyes that matched and maybe even surpassed my own.

  I craved it. Needed it.

  “Fuck,” he whispered, pulling away. His erection pushed into my stomach. Slowly, he unwound my legs form his sides and stepped back, panting, his dark eyes staring into me with an intensity that should have frightened me, that would have frightened me, if I wasn’t feeling the exact same things as him.

  “Goddamn, I can’t think when I’m with you.” Jack grabbed my hand. “We need to finish this somewhere else.”

  Yes! My foggy mind screamed. I felt cold and achy everywhere. Fuck the consequences. I wanted to finish what we’d started. I’d go crazy if I didn’t. I nodded, stepping forward, and then noticed something.

  Jack’s golden locks were illuminated, almost like he wore a halo. But he was no angel, and as good as that kiss was, I had not just died and gone to heaven. I was still on earth, outside a bar in the middle of a crowded city.

  And I was about to go to hell.

  Slowly I turned to check out the origin of the light, right into eight pairs of very wide, very shocked eyes.

  The slice of pizza Donny was chewing slipped from his hands onto the floor. Molly’s bottom lip wiggled like a worm being stabbed onto a fishing hook. Sarah’s eyes were tearing up—and not in a Notebook way, but in a oh-my-god-how-can-I-unseen-what-I’ve-just-seen way. And Bret…Bret’s mouth was open. I saw him mouth “Fuck yeah!” And slap Donny on the back. Donny pitched forward, then turned to Bret, and screamed “DUDE!” so loud I could hear it through the window as he high-fived Bret.

  I couldn’t move. This couldn’t possibly get any worse. I’d just mauled a barely legal student in front of two of his innocent, female peers, and two of his jock buddies just high-fived each other. They fucking high-fived each other.

  I spun. “What the hell was that?”

  Jack rubbed his chin. “Shit.”

  “Shit?” It was hard to keep my voice down. “Shit?”

  “That maybe wasn’t the best time—”

  “Maybe not the best time,” I repeated slowly. “Do you understand what you just did? My career is ruined. I no longer have an academic scholarship. I no longer have a job.”

  “Hey, hey, it will be fine,” he whispered, stepping closer.

  “Don’t.” I shot him a glare. “Don’t you dare come closer.”


  “No. It’s not Emily. It’s never again Emily. And thanks to you, it isn’t even Miss Vaughn anymore.”

  “It’s alright. They won’t say anything.”

  You don’t know that, I wanted to scream at him, but I wasn’t going to do this anymore. I didn’t want to see him ever again. I pushed his shoulder. I had to get out of there.

  “Hey, you can’t just leave after—”

  “Yes I can, and I will.”

  “No.” Jack grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. I felt my back hit the window. The window Molly, Bret, Sarah and Donny were behind. I heard another “FUCK YEAH!” and a muffled snap that was probably another high five.

  Jack seemed oblivious to all this. “You can’t tell me that you didn’t want that.”

  I ground my teeth. No, I couldn’t tell him that, but that didn’t change the fact that it was wrong. “Let go.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You can’t tell me that you wouldn’t do it again, right now, even after what just happened.”

  Oh, the nerve! Who the fuck did this guy think he was? I pulled back my hand and slapped him.

  Jack barely blinked. “Look, I’m sorry, alright? I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I know it feels like the end of the world now, and you’re angry, but Emily…”

  I didn’t hear what came next. My dreams just died. What the hell could this kid do to make it up to me? Kiss me again in front of more of his friends? Bend me over on Hepburn’s desk in the middle of class and fuck me? Make promises he had no way of keeping? Damn right I was pissed! “Don’t call me Emily,” I spat. If a slap didn’t deliver a strong enough message to this guy, I’d just have to take more drastic measures. I pulled back my fist.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, voice and face softening. “I just…so damn much…I love—”

  I shoved his shoulder. He wasn’t expecting it. “Shit!” He yelled, and his grip on me faltered just a tad. It was all I needed. I did what I should have done the second I left the pizza shop. I took off down the street, running.

  I heard footsteps crashing behind me and glanced over my shoulder.

  Jack was gunning for me, eyes determined.

  I ran faster. Most guys I could outrun easily, but Jack was on the hockey team. After what went down at the beach this summer, I couldn’t underestimate him.

  A taxi stopped just up the street.


  I ran for that yellow and black checkered car with everything I had. My shoes skid as I threw open the door without even looking to see if there was anyone inside.

  “Hey,” the man groaned. The taxi smelled like an ash tray. “Where are you…?”

  “Lock the doors and drive.”

  He sat up in his seat. “What?”

  “Do it!” I screamed, looking out the window. Jack was almost here. And oh my fucking god he looked pissed. “Just drive! Now!”

  The car lurched forward. “Alright, alright…”

  “Faster!” I screamed, clutching the front seat.


  “I’m trying to get away from that guy! He’s almost here!” The taxi driver looked over his shoulder, took one look at Jack and muttered, “Shit!” right before gunning it.

  Jack kept running.

  “Faster! He’s gaining on us!”

  “Lady, I can only go 15 mph on this street—”

  “I’ll pay you extra! Now!”

  “Alright, alright!” He yelled. “Where are we going?”

  “Up that hill!” I pointed as the driver took off. Jack continued running about a quarter of the way up before throwing his hands in the air and shaking his head. Then he stood in the middle of the road and watched me disappear i
nto the night.

  Chapter 19

  I slammed our apartment door.

  Sophie popped her head out from the kitchen, “What up chica?” She had flour on her cheeks and her pink apron on.

  “What nerve?!” I yelled.

  Sophie came out into the living room.

  “Holy shit Em, you look like you’re about to punch something.”

  “Errrrghh!!” I fumed throwing my messenger bag on the floor.

  Sophie looked at me. “Wine or whiskey?” she asked.

  “Vodka,” I grunted.

  “Err, we’re out of vodka…tequila?”

  “Lots and lots of tequila.” I whined falling onto the couch.

  Sophie poured two shots of Cuervo. “Here’s to you babe,” she said holding hers up.

  We toasted and I threw back my shot. “Lime?” I croaked.

  Sophie handed me a lime. I bit it and felt the bitter citrus twinge the back of my tongue. The tequila burned hot in my throat and chest, but it still couldn’t smother the taste of Jack on my lips.

  “Hit me again.” I cried, slamming down my empty glass.

  “Ai yi yi yi!!!” Sophie sang out, laughing. “Watch out Boston, here we come!”

  She poured two more shots.

  “Fuck the assholes and screw the hotties!” I yelled.

  “You know it!” Sophie called back.

  We clicked our glasses once more.

  “Woo! That’s good,” Sophie said licking the salt off her hand.

  “Tonight we are going out, because we are sexy-ass women who know how to have a good time!” I said to Sophie. “I am sick and tired of all of the shitty men in this city and the even shittier stalkers that won’t leave me the fuck alone.” I finished and slammed down my empty shot on the coffee table. “I want to go out and dance and forget about everything.”

  “Let’s do it babe Put on your sexiest shit because tonight it’s all about us.”

  She ran to the speakers. “I think we need some Ke$ha,” she laughed.

  I smiled. I don’t know what I’d do without Sophie. I know that going out and drinking is not the best solution to my problem, but it’s what I needed tonight and Sophie understood. No questions, no hesitations, she was there for me. Tomorrow was the time for explanations and analyzing the situation, but tonight was about forgetting.

  Sophie got up on the coffee table. The pink heels that matched her pink apron tipped over my empty shot glass as she danced and belted the lyrics to Tick Tock.

  I laughed and I poured us two more shots. “I love you Soph!”

  “Don’t you dare get all sentimental on me now Vaughn, the night has just begun, woooh!!” she whooped.


  I had on my 4 1/2” Manolo Blahniks and little black sequins dress, and Sophie was wearing her blue tube dress and five inch spiked heels. We were ready.

  Sophie hailed a cab.

  “Eastern Standard,” she told the driver, “on Commonwealth Ave.”

  It didn’t take long to get to the bar. “Not bad for a Tuesday night,” I giggled.

  Sophie paid the cabby and the two of us got out. I hugged myself and rubbed my arms as we made our way to the front of the line. The bouncer ushered us in. The DJ was blasting Icona Pop’s I Love It. Sophie squeezed my hand as we strutted up to the bar.

  “What’ll it be ladies?” a cute bartender asked with a smile.

  “Dang, Em,” Sophie said under her breath. “He is like really cute.”

  “You should totally ask for his number.”

  “Isn’t that skanky?” She giggled.

  “It would only be skanky if you were a skank Sophie, duh.” I laughed

  “Chelsea Sidecar, up,” I told the cute bartender.

  “And I’ll have a Dirty Goose, extra dirty,” Sophie winked, “with three olives.”

  The bartender flashed a seductive grin. “Coming right up ladies.”

  “Soph, he’s totally hitting on you!” I giggled as he turned away. “Ooh and he’s got a really hot ass!”

  “I’m going for it!” Sophie grinned. “Hey!” she called down the bar.

  The bartender turned toward us.

  “You gotta pen?” she asked, smiling.

  “What are you doing Sophie?” I whispered, elbowing her side.

  She smiled coyly. “I’m just leaving my number.” She grabbed a napkin and wrote down her number and the message: Call Me Maybe? XO, Sophie.

  I looked down at her napkin. “Call me maybe? Are you serious Soph?”

  She laughed. “Hey it worked for Carly Rae Jepson.”

  The bartender brought us our cocktails.

  I reached for my drink. “Thanks.”

  “These are on the house,” he said, flashing another breathtaking smile.

  “Wow.” Sophie stared into his bright green eyes. “Thank you.”

  “I’m Todd,” he said, holding his hand out to Sophie.

  “I’m Sophie,” she replied in her most seductive voice. She handed him the napkin she’d written her number on with a smile. “It’s very nice to meet you Todd.”

  “Likewise,” he said, star struck.

  Sophie giggled and nodded toward the dance floor. “C’mon, let’s go dance!”

  We grabbed our drinks. “Goodbye Todd!” she called over her shoulder.

  I turned my head as we got to the dance floor. Todd was holding her napkin.

  “He is so into you!” I squealed. “And he is so totally hot!”

  Sophie just smiled and kept dancing.

  I looked back at the bar. Todd was looking at Sophie out of the corner of his eye.

  “You are the master, and such a little tease!” I laughed. “You totally came out here knowing that he’d be looking at your ass and checking you out!”

  Sophie laughed again. “You gotta make em want it!”

  I laughed and started to dance. Damn, Todd makes a good drink, I thought as I took a sip. The lightly sugared rim was rough on my lips and sweet on my tongue…like Jack’s scruff and the taste of his lips on mine…

  Woah! Snap out of it Emily. What the hell was I thinking? I closed my eyes trying to erase the memory of the kiss outside the pizza parlor, his passionate lips pushing into mine, the warms of his breath when he spoke into my ear, the feeling of his hands on my hips. It felt so real, like he was standing right behind me. My neck was seriously hot like his breath was fanning over it… wait, what? I opened my eyes, remembering where I was. Sophie was dancing with a tall, Italian-looking guy with jet black hair, and I was dancing with…wait, who am I dancing with?

  I quickly spun around to see a very handsome man holding my hips and dancing with me. I pushed him off. “Woah buddy, I’m dancing alone tonight.” I said, forcefully stepping back.

  “It didn’t feel that way a moment ago,” he replied with a grin.

  “Sorry, but no thanks.”

  I turned to Sophie and gave her the ‘ew get this creeper off of me’ eyes. She stepped away from her dark Italian stallion and grabbed my hand, pulling me close to her.

  “Sorry boys,” she said with a wink.

  The hot Italian who was dancing with Sophie turned to his friend and gave him dirty look for being a shitty wingman.

  I turned to Sophie. Thank you! I mouthed.

  Sophie laughed and kept dancing.

  “What happened?” she asked. “One minute you were totally into that guy and the next you tossed him off. He was actually kinda cute.”

  “Yeah he’s cute, but I’m maybe with Peter, remember?”

  Sophie nodded. “So why did you want to come out tonight?”

  “I don’t know.” I tried to cover up my nerves with a smile. “I think I just need a break from men.”

  “I thought you were maybe with Peter.”

  “I know, I mean I am, it’s just…” I cringed. “God Soph, I have no idea what I’m doing.”

  She paused. “It’s Jack again, isn’t it?”

  I laughed once. “God, that obvious?”

bsp; “You never did tell me about what went down earlier. I was going to wait until later to ask, but maybe we should talk about it now.”

  I gulped down the last of my drink, “I can’t even talk about it. Sophie, it was a disaster. He kissed me, like, outside of The Upper Crust in front of my students!”


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