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The Summer I Said Yes

Page 24

by Tess Harper

  Jack knew exactly what I wanted him to do. His hands touched my upper thighs, sending shivers up my spine. He slid his hands up my sides, over my hips and stomach, lifting my dress. His hands paused to cup my breasts before he pulled it over my head, exposing me to him completely.

  My nipples were hard. His warm chest crashed into mine, covered with the scent of sandalwood soap. I tilted my head up and my lips grazed his stubble. Every hair on my body was on end. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I didn’t want to. This felt so right, like I’d been waiting for it my entire life. I pushed my breasts into Jack’s chest.

  He let out a low moan as he hoisted me up, pushing me against the wall as his hips hit mine. His erect cock slid between my thighs. My entire body quivered as it grazed my lower lips, teasing me.

  I looked into his eyes. Now that he was holding me up we were the same height, but I still felt so small in his arms…so small when he devoured me with his dark gaze.

  I wanted him inside me. I wanted to feel his thick, hard cock thrusting in and out of my wet passage. I wanted to watch his hips pistoning in the mirror as he fucked me against the wall. I wanted to bite his neck and scream as he held my legs apart, holding me up, as he conquered me. I shivered as I realized he was looking at me with the same hungry expression.

  I pushed my hips forward until they hit his stomach. Jack squeezed my butt harder as I wrapped my legs around his back. My lower lips slide over his rock hard abs as his erection grazed my ass. I moaned as I our mouths locked.

  His kiss was aggressive and rough. I felt his hunger spill out over me, igniting my own. My hands ran through his sandy blonde hair until I finally grabbed it, tightening my legs around his hips. He pushed me deeper into the wall. The cold tiles sent chills up my hot skin. I moaned louder.

  Jack went still.

  My fingers dug into his back. No. No. No. Don’t stop. You can’t stop now. I cried out as he pulled me from the wall into the shower. He pulled the shower curtain closed as the bathroom door flew open.

  “What’s going on in here?” boomed a male voice.

  I screamed. Jack put his hand over my mouth.

  “Is that you Jackiboy?” came a second voice.

  My body shook from head to toe. Jack looked me in the eyes and whispered, “don’t worry, everything is going to be fine.”

  Fine? What the fuck? There were guys in here, and we were naked! My head was spinning. What the hell had I been thinking? I’d been one thrust away from having sex with Jack right here in the bathroom. The bathroom of a college dorm. In the university I was currently teaching at. With one of my freaking students.

  I couldn’t keep my thoughts straight. There was no way I could explain this. I wasn’t talking about explaining my way out of this, which would have been impossible and irresponsible. No, I couldn’t explain what the fuck I’d been thinking and how I could have let this happen.

  I looked frantically into Jack’s cool gaze. “Hey!” he shouted, “can’t a guy have some privacy?”

  “Who is she J-man? That redhead from Latin? Is that you sweetheart?” The boys laughed.

  I wanted to throw up. Were all men pigs?

  Jack tensed, also disturbed by what he’d just heard. “GET OUT!”

  I froze. And by the sound of it, the other two boys had too. I’d never heard Jack yell like that. It would have frightened me, but it didn’t because I knew he’d done it to protect me.

  We heard the door shut. The boys had left.

  Jack set me down on the tub. Suddenly, the bathroom felt unnaturally small, like I’d somehow been teleported into a doll house. “How am I going to get out of here?” I blurted frantically.

  Jack rubbed my arms gently. “Are you okay?”

  “Am I okay?!” I burst, throwing my arms up like a crazy person. “Are you kidding me? Who gives a shit about feelings and Kumbaya at a time like this? I need to get out of here now!”

  Jack stepped back. “Woah there Vaughn, don’t get hostile.”

  “Hostile? Oh, I’ll show you hostile.” I glared at him as I stepped forward. “I’m cold and wet and naked and in a boy’s dormitory shower with one of my students. The only reason why I’m not screaming right now is because if I do they’ll call security, and I’ll be cuffed—naked—and dragged across that cigarette-butt-covered lawn—naked—in front of everyone—NAKED!”

  “Alright. Let’s get you dressed first.”

  “Yeah, because that hoochie dress I wore last night just reeks of class.”

  “It reeks of something.”

  I grabbed his arm. “What was that?”

  “Nothing.” Jack pulled back the curtain as I shivered, rubbing my arms. Then he closed it. “Shit.”


  Jack bit his lip and wouldn’t meet my eyes. “You weren’t too attached to that dress, were you?”

  My heart started to race. “Why are you asking me that?”

  “Nothing. It’s just…uh…”

  “Jack, hand me my dress.”

  He gulped. “About that…”

  “This isn’t funny.”

  “I’m not laughing.”

  Before he could stop me, I threw open the shower curtain. “SHIT!”

  “Emily, it’s not that bad.”

  “Not that bad? NOT THAT BAD? Those bastards took my dress!” I glanced around, spotting my cell in the far corner. At least they hadn’t gotten that! I dashed over and snatched it. “Oh no! There aren’t even any towels in here. And where are your clothes?”

  Jack shrugged. “Didn’t bring them. I walk around here naked all the time.”

  “Ok, gross.”

  Jack laughed. “No, not gross, manly. I don’t have anything to hide. Besides, we’re hockey players. We’re naked all the time.”

  What? “Ok, seriously, not helping.”

  “Look, I have an idea,” he began.

  “Oh thank God,” I breathed

  “You’re a really fast runner. If you sprint, they might not see you.”

  I stared at him. This guy is an idiot.

  “What?” Jack asked.

  “Nothing. It’s a great idea. I’ll just close my eyes and pretend like my tits aren’t bouncing around as I streak down your hall in front of all those guys who are probably waiting outside with their phones to take pictures. No one will notice.”

  “Right,” Jack muttered. “We’re gonna need a plan-b.”

  “A plan-b? No, we’re gonna need a miracle.”

  We both stood there for another minute thinking about all zero of my possible options.

  “Wait,” Jack spoke up, “I think I have an idea.”

  A glimmer of hope fluttered through me.

  Jack stared at the shower curtain with a weird glint in his eye.

  “What if you…” He grabbed the curtain and draped it over his right shoulder, covering his body like a toga.

  Three words went through my head: oh hell no. “Are you high? There’s no way I’m running down the hall in some moldy, jizz-stained shower curtain.”

  Jack smiled and wiggled the curtain optimistically.


  He wiggled the curtain again with even more optimism.

  “No. Way. And stop touching that thing. It’s super gross.”

  “Come on Emily. We don’t have any other options.”

  I started at him, arms crossed, and pouting. I hated to admit it, but he was right. We, or more accurately, I, didn’t have another option. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I looked up, Jack was flashing his most convincing smile, trying to calm my fears.

  “Fine,” I said even though I knew it wasn’t going to work, “but we still have a problem.”

  Jack raised his eyebrows.

  “How are we going to get the curtain off the rod? It looks like the rings have been welded to the rod, and the rod has been welded to the wall. It’s like they expected someone to try to pull it off.”

  Jack laughed. “Emily, that’s the easy part.” He grabbed the
top of the curtain. “We’ll just…”

  He yanked on the curtain with one swift, clean pull. I heard a ripping sound as the plaster around the rod buckled, and then a large crack as the curtain, still attached to the rod, came crashing down on Jack.

  “Jack! Oh my god! Are you okay?”

  I ran to him. He was trying to find his way out of the curtain/rod hurricane that had just raged full force on his head. Oh my god! What if he has a concussion? I grabbed the rod and tried to lift it off of his shoulders.

  “Oh, shit,” I coughed, staggering backwards. “This thing’s heavy!”

  Jack laughed, and I couldn’t help but laugh too.

  My laughter started to sound a little hysterical. “Oh my god, this is totally not going to work,” I cried as I tried to regain my balance. “Jack, this thing weighs like twenty-five pounds.”

  Jack emerged from under the white curtain grinning.

  “I will be the complete opposite of ‘stealth operation’ if I clamor down the hall carrying this ridiculous thing. And if I do that, I will not be able to move fast.”

  Jack tried to rip the curtain from the rod a few times. “Unfortunately it’s attached to your get-away disguise, so it’s exiting the building with you whether you like it or not.”

  I imagined myself weaving back and forth as I tried to carry the rod, shower curtain draped over me like the worst, stickiest, most disgusting ghost disguise ever.

  We both laughed.

  “God, I am so screwed,” I whimpered. “I should not be laughing right now.”

  Jack picked up the shower rod as I started wrapping myself up in the curtain.

  “Ew, this thing is so gross. It’s sticky and it smells like mold,” I whined.

  “Stop being such a baby. It’s not that bad.”

  “No,” I said wrapping the last corner in, like I was wearing it as a towel, “It really is.”

  I turned and looked at myself in the mirror.

  “Oh my god, this was the worst idea ever. I smell bad and I look ridiculous!” I paused, horrified. “And this thing doesn’t hide me at all! Everyone is going to see me!”

  Jack just stared at me.

  “How are you not grasping the severity of this situation?” I asked.

  Jack didn’t say anything.

  “Uhh!” I exhaled, frustrated as I tried to lift the rod. “Errrg!” I grunted as I got it into my arms. I held it for less than five seconds before it dropped to the floor with a loud thud.

  “Fuck.” I looked up at Jack, defeated.

  He walked over to me with a cocky grin on his face. Before I could bitch about his swagger, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulders, curtain and rod included, like a sack of potatoes.

  “Ahhh!” I squealed. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m helping. You do want help, right?”

  “I did, I mean, I do.”

  “Good.” Jack patted my ass. “Now stop flailing and flip your hair over your head.”

  I stopped kicking my legs and tried to breath evenly. Ok, this is going to be okay. I made sure my hair was covering the sides of my face as best as I could. I looked down and tried not to think of how uncomfortable Jack’s shoulder was as it dug into my stomach.

  “Ready?” Jack asked, taking a step toward the door.

  “No.” I whined truthfully.

  Jack took another step forward.

  OMG. It hit me like a bag of ten-pound bricks. Jack’s not wearing any clothes!! I suddenly became acutely aware of the fact that Jack’s perfect ass was inches from my face.

  “Oh my god!” I shrieked.

  “Shhhh!” Jack’s butt cheeks tightened as he shushed me. “I thought you wanted to be stealthy.”

  “Yeah, because carrying your teacher down the hall in a dormitory shower curtain is super stealthy,” I shot back sarcastically.

  “Funny one, Vaughn. What’s the screaming about?”

  “You’re not wearing any clothes!” I whispered urgently.


  “So that means we look even more sketchy trying to escape. What the hell are we gonna do when we get out of the building Jack? Oh my god! What the fuck are we going to do when we get to your car? How am I supposed to get home? A school bus?”

  “Jeez, Emily, breathe. You are freaking out a little right now.”

  “Freaking out?!” I screamed, “How the hell am I supposed to be reacting Jack? Calmly? You’re about to run me down the hall over your shoulder while you’re butt-ass naked!”

  “Chill, you’re over thinking it,” Jack said, trying to soothe me. “You have nothing to worry about. Just close your eyes and cover your face. Someone might see us, but you’re face is hidden and we just need to get to the end of the hall. As for me being naked, that’s my problem to worry about, which I’m not, so you don’t need to do that for me.”

  I grimaced, shutting my eyes. “Car, Jack. How the hell am I getting home?”

  “Keys are in it.”

  “Are you serious?” I answered, in a slightly louder than normal volume. “God, how dumb are you? You parked your one hundred and thirty thousand dollar G63 AMG Mercedes in downtown unlocked with the keys in it?”

  “It’s insured.”

  “Ughh! You are so ridiculous.”

  “So, are you ready?”

  This couldn’t end well. He was too impulsive. He expected everything in life to fall into place. Life had never bitten that perfect, tight ass of his. Maybe his luck would wear off on me this time.

  I took a deep breath. Was I ready? “As ready as I’ll ever be,” I answered.

  Chapter 22

  Jack opened the bathroom door.

  Fuck, I can’t believe this is happening.

  The first thing I heard as we rounded the corner was: “Oh shit! Donnie, get out here! You’ve gotta see this dude!”

  I felt my face go pink against Jack’s lower back. OMG. OMG. OMG. Kill me now!

  I knew Jack was running but it felt like we were moving in slow motion.

  “Duuuuuuude! Thaaaatssss aaawwweeeesommmmmme!” Donnie’s voice stretched out low like a DJ warping a track.

  Other guys started in on the chanting. “Geeeeeet ittttttt Jaaaaackiboyyyyyyy!”

  Fuck, why are they yelling in slow motion.

  Then, like I was jerked out of a dream, someone’s hand slapped my ass.

  Instinctively, I kicked my leg out, trying to beat down whoever had the wandering hands. The back of my knee collided with something sharp and Jack groaned.

  Oh shit! I just kicked my escape ride!

  In the time it takes to wink an eye, everything roared back to full volume. Suddenly, I was aware of the laughs and Ow-Ow baby girl’s that were ricocheting off the narrow walls around me.

  Jack’s feet pounded on the sticky linoleum floor and my head bobbed up-and-down, my cheeks repeatedly hitting his lower back. Thank god I’m not facing the other way around. I thought to myself.

  “Who’s the babe in the shower toga J-man?” A low voice called from down the hall. “Damn, that girl’s so hot that you’re hard again already, bro!”

  Dammit Jack, why aren’t you covering your…parts?

  As mortifying as the situation was, I was impressed by Jack’s cool demeanor. He wasn’t giving in to their calls or shouting back other obscene remarks. He was protecting me and completely focused on hiding me from their leering stares.

  Why aren’t we in the stairwell yet? My mind raced. I already knew the answer to my question because I’ve seen Mean Girls a hundred times and know how everything takes longer when you’re embarrassed and start to feel like the world is caving in on you, but seriously, it felt like Jack was running a mile, not a fifty-yard-dash.

  “I knew it wasn’t the red-head from Latin!” A guy called out.

  “Dude, no you didn’t,” his friend retorted defiantly.

  My heart ached for the red-headed girl from Latin. And then I realized something: they don’t know it’s me.
r />   As soon as that observation hit me, Jack’s body slammed into the door to the back stairwell. My body jolted forward. “Ahhh!” I squeaked as my hands instinctively stretched out to catch something so I wouldn’t fall.


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