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Mysty McPartland

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by The Rake's Substitute Bride

  It was hard to control his annoyance. Not even married half an hour and they were already bickering. It didn’t make the future years with this woman look an inviting prospect, however, it wasn’t going to change anything. “I suggest we put the rest of this conversation aside until after the wedding breakfast and we are alone.” Nathan suggested tightly.

  “Fine with me, but I can’t think of anything else that needs to be said on the matter.” Sheldon could see by the narrowing of his eyes that he was fighting to control his temper. She turned away and fiddled with her oversize wedding gown. The man was just too handsome for his own good she reluctantly admitted to herself. She also couldn’t help remembering when she stumbled across him in the whore house, naked and in bed with a woman.

  Even now she grew breathless picturing him in all his glory, such a magnificent physic. He had a strong, broad chest that was scattered with a swirl of dark hair. The hair tapered in a thin line down a flat stomach and muscled ribs. She could feel her face growing warm and tried to shut off her thoughts, but they wouldn’t be ignored and she couldn’t stop remembering the power of what stood out so proudly between his strong thighs. Oh, she’d seen naked men before and she didn’t know why this one affected her differently.

  Since the night she spied him naked, she hadn’t been able to forget him or the beauty of his body. Much to her annoyance, he also had a face to match the rest of him. Now truly miffed at herself, she determinedly shut her mind off and was relieved when the carriage pulled up in front of his mansion.

  Nathan studied the woman through narrowed eyes. She wasn’t what people would call the usual beauty. Not with those big purple eyes, the little snub nose, her lips though were full and pouting, lush and red. He shifted. He became uncomfortable thinking how they would taste. He gave his head a shake as he continued to appraise her. Long think black lashes and brows, a small pointed chin and there was no mistaking her stubbornness.

  He reluctantly admitted he liked what he saw, in fact her features fascinated him. It was a good thing he supposed, that at least he found her attractive since they were married. She was so different from her sister and remembering that woman he grew angry all over again. When the carriage came to a stop, he grasped her arm and waited impatiently for her to acknowledge him. “Where is your sister? And explain to me why she ran away?”

  “I don’t know where Bethany is or why she left. One can only assume she abhorred the thought of marrying you.” Sheldon could tell that her explanation set his temper off once again. Well she didn’t care. She wasn’t taking the blame for her sisters selfishness, not after being forced into a marriage with a renowned womanizing rake.

  His jaw clenched, Nathan fought down his anger. The little hellion certainly knew who to spike a man’s displeasure. Especially his. His jaw clenched as he remembered the night she caught him naked and fully aroused. He’d been livid at the time, yet she stood facing him with utter contempt in her eyes. His annoyance rose up several degrees, wondering just how many other men she caught in such a compromising situation. It would be another thing they would have to discuss later, because it was damn sure not going to happen again. He intended to put a stop to her visiting whore houses, or any other undesirable establishments.

  Sheldon stood up and shrugged in unconcern, but inside she quivered in trepidation. “I know we’ll talk about this later.” Lord, the man was maddening.

  Nathan also rose to his feet and clasped her elbow. “Damn right we will.” He snarled out the side of his mouth as he alighted from the carriage and helped her down. “For the time being though, I recommend you portray the happy bride.”

  Her eyes rolling, Sheldon was tempted to give a scathing reply, but the unbridled warning and anger in his eyes made her decide to keep her remark to herself. The argument between them wasn’t over by a long shot, and she knew the next few hours were going to be nerve racking as it was.

  While they strode together up the steps, Nathan was preoccupied. His thoughts were on how he was going to explain the change in brides. It was damn humiliating, but what could he have done about it other than what he did. His wife’s sister was what everyone called a true beauty, tall, willowy and blonde hair. The complete opposite to the woman he married as night and day. Bethany, though lovely to look upon, didn’t have a sensible or intelligent thought in her head.

  Which suited him just fine. He didn’t want a wife to have an opinion on matters that didn’t have anything to do with a woman. He only wanted a wife that would satisfy him occasionally in bed and give birth to his children. Other than that, he wanted nothing else from her. He knew though that the woman walking beside him would be none of those things. She would be argumentative on just about everything. She was quite adamant that she wasn’t going to satisfy him in bed or have his children.

  So just what he was going to do about the situation he wasn’t quite certain? Although, he did know for a certainty that they would stay married. He definitely wasn’t going to go through this nightmare again. Well, that only left one alternative, he would have to charm the damn little spitfire and seduce her into bed. How hard could it be? After all, no woman ever denied him before, so he didn’t see any problem with his plan. Just because he’d never needed to do it before didn’t mean he couldn’t.

  Chapter Three

  Across the room, Nathan observed his wife and was surprised to see her smiling and looking so animated while she conversed with the other two women. He could feel the desire start to stir within his body, and shifted uncomfortably on his feet before it became out of control. He let out a relieved breath when his friend Phillip cut into his vision.

  “What happened Nath? I thought you were marrying Bethany Sharp?” Phillip stood beside his friend and frowned as he studied Nathan’s bride. There was something very familiar about her, but he couldn’t remember where he’d seen her before.

  Nathan snorted. “The damn woman ran off just before the ceremony. So there wasn’t anything else I could do but marry her sister instead.”

  Phillip’s head swiveled to look at his friend and he grinned, “Well at least she had a sister to take her place. Do you have any idea why she ran off?”

  “No, but I intend to find out.” Nathan was about to say more, but before he could his wife joined them.

  “It’s a pleasure to see you again Lord Mountford. Especially now that you are wearing your clothes.” Sheldon teased the man and swallowed her giggle when his face turned red.

  Phillip’s eyes rounded and his face burned with humiliation. Now he remembered where he’d seen this woman before. He would never forget such an embarrassing moment as that night when this woman caught him naked in bed with a whore.

  A scowl on his brow, Nathan’s watched the mortification come over his friend’s face and grew suspicious over his wife’s disclosure. Was what he thinking possibly true, his blood stirred with indignation? “Are you telling us wife, that you saw Phillip naked?”

  The hissing angry words from her husband made her smile and Sheldon shrugged her shoulders, “Well besides seeing the both of you that night, I did see a half a dozen other men in ah…delicate situations. And I must say there was one particular gentlemen that certainly piqued my curiosity.”

  Nathan also felt the heat crawl up the back of his neck, he was likewise furious at his wife. “You will cease going to such places. I forbid it.”

  “You can forbid all you want, but let me tell you I have no intentions of obeying you.” Her smile dying, Sheldon lifted her chin and narrowed her eyes.

  “Don’t you dare defy me in this wife? Surely you must realize the danger you are putting yourself in?” The warning was given in a low, harsh tone. He wanted to shake her silly, his hands clenched and unclenched as he fought the need to make her see sense.

  “Of course I know the danger. What do you take me for, a complete imbecile? I have been attacked before and only a few weeks ago I suffered a black eye. I know the risks and take precautions.” Sheldon was furious over
his demand that she stop trying to help those poor women, besides the insufferable brute practically called her stupid.

  Horrified over her admission of being attacked, Nathan was ready to kill someone. What proper gentleman would lay a violent hand on this small delicate woman or any woman for that matter? “I order you, tell me their names.”

  Sheldon rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Now why would I do something so foolish as to tell you who they are? If I do you’ll probably go out and fight a duel with each and every one of them.”

  “Damn right I would. Now tell me who they are.” Nathan grasped her arm, he had no intention of letting her go until she told him. It was only his friend’s warning voice that cut through the rage clouding his thoughts.

  “Ah hum, I would advise you to calm down Nath. You don’t want to cause a scene.” Phillip intervened, even though he was still embarrassed, was also fascinated with the conversation between his friend and his bride. However, he could see Nathan getting himself worked up.

  For some reason Sheldon was unafraid of her husband and when Lord Phillip spoke up she gave him a wink, “I’m sure this will be another subject we will discuss later. I’m certain by the time we finish our talk it will be a new day.”

  Surprised when the anger drained out of him, Nathan found himself fascinated when he spied the dimple on her left cheek. Her eyes were dancing brightly with amusement and her smile lit up her face. His wife looked stunningly beautiful and desire for her hit him low in the belly. The flaccid flesh between his thighs was starting to rise and thicken in anticipation.

  Phillip chuckled. “I gather my lady that you and Nathan have a few things to discuss.”

  “Oh yes we have plenty to say to each other and do call me Sheldon since we know each other so intimately.” She teased him and watched Lord Phillip’s face go red again.

  Wanting to die with shame, Phillip cleared his throat.

  Nathan stepped in and saved his friend from further humiliation from his wife. “I think you should refrain mentioning that night again.”

  “If you wish.” Giving a slight shrug of her shoulders, Sheldon gave Lord Phillip a warm smile.

  A dark brow arching in surprise Nathan eyed his wife suspiciously. “I don’t believe it. Are you actually agreeing to something I’ve asked of you?” He almost groaned when her light tinkling laughter sent another a sharp blade of desire ripping through him.

  Finding his remark funny, Sheldon laughed. “Oh I assure you sir, I can be quite agreeable when I choose to be.”

  With a snort of disbelief, Nathan couldn’t help grinning back at her. “And no doubt that isn’t very often. Now come along. I’ve had enough of this wedding breakfast. It’s time we said goodbye to our guests and have our conversation. Phillip, I’ll see you soon.” With that, he clasped his wife’s hand, placed it on his arm and walked away.

  Sheldon managed another wink at Lord Phillip before her husband dragged her off. She definitely wasn’t looking forward to her talk with her husband, but she wasn’t going to back down either. There was no way on earth she was going to just fall into bed with him and he better understand the fact right from the beginning.

  Nathan made it half way across the ballroom when he was stopped by his latest mistress. Damn it to hell. What in tarnation’s was she doing here? He eyed his wife out of the corner of his eye and nearly groaned knowing that there probably would be an ugly scene about to erupt. He could only hope that he would be able to head it off before it happened.

  “Nathan, darling could you steal yourself away for a few minutes? I need to speak to you on a matter of some urgency.” Lidia reached out and stroked her fingers down his chest while she fluttered her lashes at him. Inside though, she was infuriated that he actually went through with his plan to marry another woman. She had schemed from the beginning of their affair to have him propose to her. Instead, he turns around and marries someone else.

  “I’m afraid I’m rather busy at the moment Lidia. After all, I only married a few hours ago.” Nathan removed her hand and made sure she saw the warning in his eyes. The woman was acting foolishly and she was going to pay dearly for it. He took another sneak peek at his wife and couldn’t believe she was looking so serene. Perhaps she hadn’t realized who Lidia was and hopefully he could keep it that way.

  Sheldon stood beside her husband and frowned at the woman’s display of intimacy with him. She could tell by the sound of her husband’s voice that he was angry, and she was surprised the other woman didn’t notice it. She watched in fascination when the brazen lady sidled closer to Nathan, almost rubbing herself against him.

  “But Nathan, my love, it will only take a few minutes. Surely you can spare that for me? After all, I’m sure you little wife won’t mind.” Lidia swept a quick glance at Nathan’s wife and smiled confidently knowing she would have little to worry about from the other woman.

  Nathan took a quick step back, putting a small distance between him and his mistress. “Go home Lidia. I’m sure whatever problem you have you can sort out yourself.”

  Wide eyed in curiosity, Sheldon watched her husband and his mistress. Maybe she thought she could delay the coming confrontation just a little bit longer. Tugging on her husband’s sleeve to gain his attention, she waited for him to acknowledge her. When he turned to frown at her, she smiled sweetly at him. “Oh I don’t mind if you talk to her. If she has a problem I’m sure she will most happily benefit from your help.”

  The very second he spotted the mischievous light in his wife’s eyes, Nathan knew she was up to something. And he knew he was right the moment she finished speaking and why, he glared hotly at her. “Well I do mind and Lidia can sort out her problem on her own.” He swung back to his mistress. “Goodbye Lidia.” He stepped around her and with his wife practically running beside, him strode out of the ballroom.

  Chapter Four

  Breathless Sheldon stood in the middle of her bedroom, and eyed her husband warily knowing that things were about to become more than heated. Well so be it, in this she was going to be adamant. He could bellow and threaten all he liked, but she wasn’t going to change her mind.

  “Did you really think you could put this conversation off?” Nathan wasn’t surprised when she shrugged her delicate shoulders.

  Nervously clearing her throat, she decided to just get the whole thing over with. “Well I thought you would appreciate spending some time alone with your mistress. After all you won’t be sharing my bed.”

  Nathan sucked in his breath, it surprised him a little that she knew all along who Lidia was, but he shook it away. He had more important matters to deal with beside her knowledge of his mistress and that was his wife’s refusal to consummate their marriage. “You are my wife and it is your duty to supply me with heirs and that means sharing your bed with me.”

  Her head shaking in refusal, Sheldon ignored the fear that was making her body tremble. “I am your substitute wife. I was forced to marry you and you know it. I sent a message to you through my father specifically telling you I was not going to be your substitute bedmate.”

  His jaw clenched, Nathan tried to keep hold of his rising temper knowing that if he lost it, things would only turn even more difficult. “Well let me assure you, I never received the message. Besides you promised to honor and obey me or have you forgotten?”

  “I only pretended.”

  Lord, give him strength, he was going to have to hit her where she was most vulnerable, her pride. “Whether you pretended or not, you did give your oath or are you as deceitful as the rest of your family?” Nathan threw at her and saw by the stunned hurt look on her face, he scored a blow to her pride which he knew he would. Yet he was surprised at the twinge of guilt that swept through him, but he wasn’t going to apologize. Be damned if he would.

  The attack on her integrity wounded her, Sheldon turned away so he wouldn’t see it. “I always honor my word. However, can’t you understand that I find it quite impossible for me to jump into bed with you?
We’re strangers for goodness sakes, and besides we don’t even like each other.” Hopefully, he would consider her argument as a valid one.

  Nathan wasn’t sure about not liking each other, but he could understand her reluctance, and he only admitted it grudgingly though. He lifted his head back and stared up at the ceiling as he tried to come to a reasonable arrangement. Time was running out and he needed to father a child, but perhaps give or take a few weeks he could put off bedding his wife until she was more comfortable with him and the situation.

  Wisely deciding that it was the perfect solution, he turned his attention back to his wife. “Perhaps you are right and we both need time to acquaint ourselves with each other.” He could see he’d stunned her with his consideration and he forced himself not to grin.

  Her eyes widening over his acceptance, Sheldon couldn’t help her relieved smile. “Thank you. I appreciate your understanding and thoughtfulness. I would also like to mention I do not mind if you continue seeing your mistress. However, I would be very disappointed and unhappy if you continue to seek your pleasure at the brothels. You must know a lot of those poor women don’t have any other choice, or that some of them are forced into such a degrading life.”

  To say he was shocked was putting it mildly. Nathan could only stare at the women in stunned disbelief. He gave a rough shake of his head so he could clear his jumbled brain. Even though he had every intention of continuing to see his mistress, for his wife to actually give him permission was unbelievable. He almost smiled, well he had planned to keep seeing Lidia, but after her little show down stairs, he decided their affair was over. However, he did intend to find another woman to take her place. Now though, after his wife giving him her consent, it just didn’t feel right.

  He rolled his shoulders and sent his wife a humorless grin. “Well I must say that is very accommodating and decent of you. However, I don’t have a mistress and as for visiting the brothels, I’ll refrain from doing so from now on.” He wanted to laugh at seeing the disbelief sweep over her lovely face, but her come back surprised him once more.


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