Mysty McPartland

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Mysty McPartland Page 6

by The Rake's Substitute Bride

  Her mistrust growing, Sheldon eyed him suspiciously. “Perhaps you should reconsider my father’s suggestion and annul the marriage. After all you only married to beget heirs and we both know I will not be your substitute bedmate or mother of said children.”

  Infuriated over her comment, Nathan curled his fingers into fists. “You are the most damnedest, stubborn wench. How many times do I have to tell you there is nothing substitute about you or our relationship?”

  Sheldon couldn’t help but wince over his outraged tone. She was grateful when the carriage stopped outside his townhouse.

  Without another word, Nathan disembarked from the coach when the door was opened. He stepped down, and scowled when he noticed half a dozen women standing on his front stoop. Now what, he thought with growing annoyance. Turning away from them, he helped his wife out of the vehicle and was surprised when he saw her wide smile.

  “Oh I’m so pleased to see you all.” Sheldon ignored her husband, hurried forward and up the steps. “Ladies we have much to discuss.” She knocked on the door and waited for it to be opened, when it was she brushed past the curious, annoying butler and led the women into the parlor.

  Slowly, Nathan followed his wife inside. “I suggest you fetch some tea for the ladies.” He addressed his butler before he spun on his heels and headed for his study. He might be curious about why those females were here, but he wasn’t going to be caught in the same room with a mob of gabbing women.

  Once seated, Sheldon waited for everyone else to sit down. “Now ladies, my husband has pointed out to me, after this morning’s events that it has become quite dangerous for us to keep breaking into the brothels. So do any of you have any suggestions what we can do for those poor unfortunate women? If you do, please feel free to voice them.”

  Jenny quickly took a swift peek at the other women, saw the stunned looks on their faces and let out a sigh. “Sheldon dear, don’t tell us you’re already letting your husband dictate to you and walk all over you. Why you have been married less than a week. Surely you have enough gumption to stand up to him?”

  The softly spoken attack stunned her. Sheldon quickly rallied from the blow and stiffened in her chair. “This has nothing to do with my husband dictating to me. The threats to our safety are becoming increasingly higher. I just thought there might be a better solution. One that will prevent any of us from getting hurt.”

  “We all knew the danger when we joined up. If you prefer not to continue Sheldon we will understand.”

  Sheldon wanted to scream in frustration when all the other women nodded in agreement. She battled with her conscience. If she continued working with these women, she would be going against her promise to Nathan. And if she kept her to oath to him, the women would think she was a coward and a woman without a backbone who let her husband walk all over her. Her word of honor and her pride were at stake, she was unable to choose. “You’ve put me in a predicament I’m afraid ladies.”

  “Well take your time deciding what matters most to you Sheldon. Now ladies shall she discuss why we are here?”

  Only half listening, Sheldon pondered the situation. She wanted to keep helping the poor women, but she didn’t want to drag Nathan in to danger or go against her word. Surely, she could work something out that would work for everyone.

  Chapter Ten

  The sound of the front door closing, Nathan checked his watched and raised a brow. Three hours, what in tarnation would a gaggle of females find to discuss for so long? He shook his head, returned his watch to the pocket of his vest and left the study. The sight of his butler leaning back against the front door looking frayed around the edges made him grin. “You look about done in Wallace.”

  At the sound of his lordship’s voice Wallace quickly straightened up and fussed with his jacket. “I can assure you I am quite fine my lord.”

  Chuckling softly, Nathan watched his butler scamper down the hallway towards the kitchen. He strode forward and entered the parlor, he was unprepared for the picture of his wife sitting on the brocade sofa looking so dejected. Annoyance blossomed in his chest and he wanted to find out what those women said to make her feel so unhappy. “How did the visit with your friends go?” He asked as he strolled forward and sat down beside her.

  Sheldon’s head shot up at the sound of Nathan’s voice and she forced a bright smile on her face. “Oh it went fine.”

  “Mmm, have you come up with any ideas how to help the women?” When she avoided his eyes, he grew suspicious. “So what has been decided?”

  “Um… nothing as yet we’re still in the early stages of planning. I think I’ll go up and change for supper.” Sheldon couldn’t meet his eyes. She was feeling guilty even though she’d done nothing wrong. Jumping to her feet, she hurried across the room and reached the doorway when Nathan’s softly spoken words reached her.

  “You made a promise to me Sheldon and I expect you to keep it.”

  Her shoulders drooping, she nodded. “I know Nathan and I will keep my word.” When he never spoke again, she left the room and climbed the stairs. She needed time alone to consider how she could keep her word to Nathan and keep her pride intact.

  Nathan leaned back against the sofa and stretched out his legs. Something was bothering his wife and she acted as guilty as hell. He was going to have to keep a close eye on her so she wouldn’t find herself in another dangerous situation as she had done earlier today. He would also be greatly disappointed if she broke her promise to him.

  It also wouldn’t bode well for their marriage if she went against her word. It was the one thing he wouldn’t put up with, dishonesty. He hoped and prayed she wouldn’t do anything so foolish. Letting out a heavy sigh, he considered the matter and after a few minutes decided that if he kept her occupied for the next few weeks she would keep out of trouble.

  Tomorrow, a ride in the park and a picnic. Somewhere quiet. The day after, a visit to the dressmakers. Other ideas came to him and he gave a satisfied sigh that he had everything planned to keep his wife out of mischief for the next week. Hopefully, by then she would have too many other things to think about besides helping those women in the brothels. And with any luck, he would be successful and would have already seduced her into his arms.

  A smile tugged at his lips just thinking about making love to her, he’d bet his last shilling that she would a lusty, giving lover. Just the thought about being naked in bed with her made the flesh between his thighs stand up and pulse with anticipation. He shook his head and grimaced in frustration, hell he doubted any other man had to seduce his wife so he could make love to her. It was probably the only reason he couldn’t stop thinking about it, much to his great annoyance.

  What was it about her he wondered, not for the first time, that made her so different to all the other women he’d bedded? Why did he have this unquenchable craving for her? Was it because she was the first woman to ever refuse him? No, he shook his head, there was just something about Sheldon that made him want to possess her mind, body and soul. To own her completely.

  He wanted to be the center of her universe, to know that no other man could measure up to him. He truly wanted to watch her body as it ripened with his seed and knowing that she was nurturing a part of him inside her. All these crazy emotions were so new to him that he was still trying to deal with them.

  Cowardly, though it was, he wished he could dismiss them or preferably pretend they didn’t exist. Well coward he wasn’t, so he was just going to have to face the fact that he just might be falling in love with his wife. He thought the admission would horrify him or make him feel weak and foolish, but in actual fact he felt neither of those things. Truth be told, he felt invincible and so damn happy.

  His only problem now was getting his wife to fall head over heels for him. Surely it couldn’t be too hard? After all, for most of his life he had women swooning over him. Declaring their undying love, oh he wasn’t so egotistical that he didn’t know most of the declarations were as false as the women themselves.
It was his position in society, his money and his good looks that had the women falling at his feet.

  Sheldon though was unique, she didn’t give a fig for any of those things. In fact, she didn’t give a toss about him, or did she? He remembered the look of happiness on her face when he refused to end their marriage. Hope rose up in his chest and he knew that tonight he was going to start his seduction. Nothing too drastic mind you, he didn’t want her to build up her defenses. No, a light touch here, a warm breath against a particular sensitive part of her skin, perhaps a slide of his lips along the column of her neck. His mind made up he was feeling quite pleased with himself. “If I’m going to have to suffer this love thing, well it’s only fair that Sheldon does as well,” he grumbled in annoyance.


  Sheldon eyed her husband warily as she stepped out from behind the screen. He was already lying in bed with his hands stacked behind his head. Unable to stop herself, her gaze lowered to his naked chest. Breathlessly she noticed his firm wide shoulders, thick arms, and the matt of dark hair that tapered downwards. His ribs defined, and the picture of him completely naked swirled around her head. How could she ever forget how magnificent this man looked in all his glory?

  She forced herself to turn around and with a trembling sigh gathered up the bolsters that had been placed on the chaise lounge by one of the maids earlier. Mumbling to herself, she told herself not to be a weak kneed ninny and fall for his evident seduction. This was just another maneuver, and she wasn’t going to succumb to it, but still she couldn’t forget earlier this evening how his light caresses on her arm or how his warm breath just under her ear sent a spear of longing in the pit of her stomach.

  The brush of his mouth against the nape of her neck almost made her moan and drop her glass. She shook her head, the man was a practiced seducer and she couldn’t let herself forget it. With a determined grunt and her willpower back in place, she spun around and without glancing his way she marched to the bed and placed the bolsters down the middle.

  Though he thought it was ridiculous, Nathan was amused over his wife’s obvious ploy to keep them apart. “A brilliant idea my love. With those separating us you won’t be clinging to me all night.” He swallowed his laughter when her face turned red and she shot him a glare of irritation.

  Her face on fire, Sheldon sputtered in annoyance. “Why you…”

  “I know, I know. I’m insufferable and annoying.”

  “Humph, you certainly are that sir.” Sheldon groused and turning out the lamp, removed her dressing gown and slip beneath the covers. Her body and her mind unable to relax, she lay stiffly and craved for her heart to stop racing. “I wish you would wear a nightshirt. It is most disconcerting and uncomfortable lying here knowing you are naked beneath the covers.”

  Nathan had to clench his jaw so he wouldn’t laugh. He managed to clear his throat before he answered her in a careless tone. “Haven’t worn one since I was a youngster. And besides, my dear wife, you have already seen me in all my manly splendor.”

  Sheldon gritted her teeth at the reminder, and how she longed to forget that particular picture, but it was branded into her brain for eternity. “Well I’m sorry to burst your bubble. You must not have made a worthy impression in all your glory, as you put it, because alas I cannot recall the episode at all.”

  Oh the lying little imp. “Perhaps one day soon I’ll have to jog your memory.” He grinned when she gasped.

  She refused to reply to his outrageous threat.

  When she never answered, Nathan waited a few minutes before he spoke again, his tone series this time. “Sheldon is there something bothering you?”

  Only wanting to sink further into the mattress, Sheldon bit her bottom lip feeling guilty because she knew she was about to lie. “No, nothing is bothering me.”

  “Are you sure sweetheart? Because if there is you know you can come to me if anything is troubling you and we can work it out together.” He was disappointed that she wasn’t willing to confide him.

  His consideration made her feel even guiltier and she wanted to weep, instead she swallowed back her tears. “If I have problem I’ve always worked them out myself and I will continue to do so. But I thank you for your offer.” She knew she sounded petty and mean hearted, it was the only way though that she could keep the distance between them.

  Not at all surprised that she rejected his help, Nathan though was disappointed. He had hoped she would have unburdened herself to him, he let out a frustrated breath and decided not to pursue the subject for the moment. However, he intended to bring it up again and again until he found out what was troubling her.

  In the dark, Sheldon battled with her conscious, she waited for Nathan to say something. When he didn’t speak, she was relieved that he wasn’t going to continue the discussion. She hated lying but until she made up her mind about what she was going to do, she didn’t have any other choice. She just hoped what she decided in the end wouldn’t cause any trouble, and that no one would be hurt. Especially Nathan.

  She couldn’t bear to imagine him having to fight a duel because of her. She knew she couldn’t live with the guilt if something ever happened to him. She might not want this marriage, but she would be mortified if Nathan was hurt. Why was everything becoming so hard now, she silently bemoaned? Could it only be less than a week that she’d been quite content with her life?

  Now everything was so mixed up and she didn’t know what she should do about the situation. Was her pride so important that she could put Nathan’s life at stake? No it definitely wasn’t. However, she was going to take her time and think things through before she made any decisions. Perhaps something could be worked out and her husband wouldn’t be blamed for any of her actions. However, she did promise him that she wouldn’t return to the brothels and she couldn’t break her word to him.

  Heaven help her, she was just going to have to find a way to keep her promise to him and her pride intact. Surely she was intelligent enough to come up with a solution that would keep everyone happy?

  Chapter Eleven

  Nathan stretched awake and chuckled when his wife grumbled. She would probably be mortified when she woke and found herself wrapped around him again. Letting out a contented sigh, he wondered what time it was. He couldn’t even hear the servants moving about downstairs. Hell, he’d never been to bed so early in years. Unless it was when he was making love to a woman, and he was most assuredly not sleeping then.

  It had taken him a long time though to fall asleep last night, his disappointment had kept him awake. Even if he knew that it was too early in their relationship for his wife to completely trust him. Yet, he had held out hope that she would have confided in him. Without realizing what he was doing his hand lightly stroked up and down her back while he pondered the problem.

  His contemplation vanished though when his wife once more stirred and her covered breasts rubbed against his chest. He bit back a groan when his morning arousal pulsed with eagerness. Clenching his jaw, when she did it again he hissed out a breath and arched a brow when noticing her suddenly sit up. He watched her blinking the sleep from her eyes and let out a moan of despair when she focused on him grinning in devilish amusement. “Good morning sweetheart.”

  Horrified to find herself lying all over Nathan, Sheldon wanted to cringe in shame, but seeing the laughter in his eyes, she became annoyed.

  “It seems that your plan to stay on your side of the bed was most ineffective. I think you owe me a boon for taking advantage of me while I slept.” He teased her.

  Her eyes narrowing, Sheldon tried to move away, but the arm wrapped around her waist prevented her. Nervously she licked her lips. “And what sort of token of payment are you asking for sir?”

  His eyes drawn to her mouth, Nathan knew exactly what he wanted. He drew her back down and lifting his hand, he cupped the back of her head as his gaze held hers. “A morning kiss should suffice.” When she opened her mouth to protest, his lips whispered over hers and it wasn’t
long before the stiffness left her body and she relaxed against him. Unable to help himself, he increased the pressure of his mouth upon hers.

  The moment he declared what he wanted, Sheldon’s heart raced and she couldn’t stop the excitement pouring through her. The meeting of their mouths was as light as a feather, yet it made her hunger for more. She moaned softly and parted her lips and she let out a sigh of pleasure when his tongue slipped inside. It seemed so natural to let her own caress his, the first slide of her tongue against his set off an explosion in the pit of her stomach.

  Her breasts grew heavy and the tips tingled. She couldn’t stop herself from rubbing them against his chest. Her hand came up and her fingers tangled in his hair when the kisses became more potent and aggressive. All the fight against the attraction she felt for him was being drained out of her and at the moment, she just didn’t care.

  Taken aback at the lightning speed in which a caress of the lips could jump so fast to an all-out frenzy of heated passion was beyond him. However, Nathan wasn’t complaining. No, he was more than satisfied with his wife’s reaction. It proved to him that she did desire him. Kissing her deeply one last time, he gently lifted her away and grinned. “Now that is what I call a very satisfying payment.” He stroked his knuckles down her cheek when she blushed and he saw the shame in her eyes. “There’s nothing to be upset about sweetheart.”

  Humiliated, Sheldon only wanted to slap his grinning face. “I can assure you I am not upset.” She hissed out a breath when he chuckled. “You needn’t look so cocky. I’ve kissed other men you know and yours was nothing special I can assure you.”

  His enjoyment vanishing Nathan scowled. “Is that so?”

  “Yes.” Seeing the flinty determination in his eyes, she swallowed nervously and tried to move away. However, before she could remove his arm he’d rolled her over and now lay half over her.


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