Mysty McPartland

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Mysty McPartland Page 7

by The Rake's Substitute Bride

  Nathan didn’t for a second believe her, but it still jabbed at his pride, gazing down into her eyes his thumb caressed over her bottom lip. “Then I’ll just have to make sure that my kisses are more memorable.”

  “Please Nathan.”

  “Please what? Kiss you? Please Nathan don’t?” His thumb continued to tease her mouth and he was greatly pleased to see the desire in hers and feel her panting little breaths feathering against his chin.

  Sheldon found it impossible to fight her own need and his overwhelming nearness. “Kiss me.” She whispered in surrender.

  Nathan’s heart leaped and so did another part of his body. It would be so easy to have her yielding to her passion and no matter how much he wanted too, he wouldn’t. Instead, his mouth claimed hers in a long drugging kiss, then another and another. He plundered the sweetness with greed. The little mewling sounds she made and her body moving restlessly under his, told him how much she was enjoying herself.

  However, since he wasn’t going to make love to her, he wanted something else from her. The kisses became more demanding, more thorough and more intoxicating. Only when he knew he was close to losing his self-control did he lift away from her. When she slowly lifted her lashes and he saw her glazed eyes he was more than satisfied for the moment.

  Sheldon lay limp on the mattress, yet her body was screaming with need. Her heart was beating so fast she thought it might break free. There was a dampness between her thighs and her breasts felt heavy and sensitive. When she found the courage to open her eyes she saw Nathan staring down at her with a softness she’d never seen there before.

  Nathan moved off her and leaving the bed, he reached for his dressing gown. After shrugging it on, he tied it at the waist and turned around to face her. “Come along Sheldon. I have an outing planned for us today.”

  Confused and yet relieved, Sheldon refused to watch Nathan leave the bed, but at his words her head swiveled towards him and frowned. “I was going to go to the hospital this morning.”

  “I’m sure they won’t miss you for a few days sweetheart.”

  She wasn’t sure if it would be wise to spend any time with him especially after the kisses they just shared. “I don’t know Nathan.”

  He was expecting her refusal however, he wasn’t accepting it. Striding around the bed, he sat down on the edge of the mattress, picked up her hand and laced their fingers together. When her gaze met his, he smiled. “I thought we would go for a ride in the park and then find somewhere quiet to have a picnic. Surely you can spare sometime to spend with your husband?”

  Darn him, he was such a smooth operator and at the moment he was looking altogether too attractive. A little irritated with herself, she wasn’t a fool and it was clear to her that he knew all the right buttons to push to get what he wanted. It was darn irritating, but to her annoyance she was unable to resist him, especially after those devastating kisses. “Oh all right. I’ll go on the blasted ride and picnic.”

  Not the most gracious acceptance he’d ever received, but Nathan was willing to take anything just as long as it meant spending more time alone with his wife. “Thank you sweetheart.” He bent over, brushed his mouth lightly over hers before rising to his feet and sauntering behind the screen.

  Sheldon let out a heartfelt sigh when Nathan left, even though she knew it was very unwise to give in to him, and it would most likely be dangerous to have agreed. But after the kisses they just shared she was unable to say no to him. Oh, she knew exactly what he was doing, he was seducing her a little at a time and for the life of her she couldn’t stop herself from succumbing to the temptation he was offering her.

  No matter how high she built her walls of resistance the darn man found a way to scale them. It was exasperating yet, at the same time a little exciting to pit her strength of will against his. The trouble was though, hers seemed to be crumbling while his was growing. Hopefully, by the time they went on their outing she would have defenses re-erected and her resolve firmly in place. She let out a low groan when Nathan called out to her.

  “Sweetheart I’ve been thinking. Next week we might visit one of my country estates for a few weeks and while we are away, I’ll have our rooms renovated. I thought since you’re sharing my chamber from now on, that we turn yours into some dressing rooms and a bathing room. What do you think?”

  Just the thought of spending weeks alone in the country with Nathan made her sink further into the mattress. However, it surprised her considerably that he would even ask her opinion. Glancing around the huge bedroom, she thought it was an excellent idea. At least they would each have a little more privacy. “I think it’s a splendid idea but why bother going to the country? Surely while the work is being done we can use one of the other bedrooms?”

  Not one to underestimate how clever his wife was, Nathan grinned. “No, too much dust and noise. Strangers will be running in and out. It would drive a man crazy. Going to the country would be much more preferable.” And I can have you all to myself, without you running off somewhere or having your lady friends drop by and upsetting you.

  It would also mean he could keep her out of trouble and perhaps stop her from breaking her promise. He wanted to make sure she didn’t destroy their marriage before it even began. Nevertheless, he knew if she broke her word that he would find it difficult or nearly impossible to forgive her for it. He would never accept dishonesty in anyone and especially his wife.

  For a brief moment, he closed his eyes and prayed that she wouldn’t let him down. However, if she did, all his hopes for a true marriage would be destroyed because he would never be able to trust her again. He shook himself out of his dark thoughts when he heard her moving around on the other side of the screen. He decided not to think on the black side of things and concentrate on keeping his wife so occupied with him that she would have little or no time to think of the women working in the brothels.

  Chapter Twelve

  A bright smile on her face, Sheldon entered the townhouse beside Nathan. It had been a glorious day, and he had been so sweet and considerate the whole time. She gazed up at his handsome face from beneath her lashes, and could no longer deny her defenses were rapidly crumbling to dust. She deplored how easily she was succumbing to his seduction, yet at the same time she was incapable of resisting.

  She just handed her hat over to the butler when the sound of her sister’s screeching voice came from the parlor doorway. Groaning, she spun to face Bethany, the rage and contempt on her sister’s face was enough to make her stomach sink. She’d seen that expression too many times and knew it would only mean trouble for anyone who stood in the way of Bethany getting what she wanted. Quickly she took a peek at Nathan from beneath her lashes and noticed the dark frown on his brow and knew beyond doubt he wasn’t pleased at finding her sister waiting for them.

  Nathan had been more than ecstatic with how the day went with his wife. He was about to bend down and kiss her cheek when some woman’s shrieking voice called his wife’s name. It only took a second to find out who it was, and recognition made the corner of his mouth turn up in scorn. However, when the infernal woman started ranting loudly, he stiffened in outrage.

  “Sheldon. Sheldon, you thieving little strumpet. How dare you steal my fiancé? You are a despicable little creature and you have no right to defy father when he demanded you leave my fiancé. Now go and pack your things you’ll be returning home with me.” Bethany stormed over to the couple and stopped in front of them. She glared hatefully at her sister warning her silently to obey.

  Every protective instinct rose up inside him. Nathan slipped his arm around his wife’s waist and drew her up against him. He sneered his loathing at the other woman. “You gave up the right to being my fiancé the moment you ran off. And Sheldon didn’t steal me. It was I who stole her. And as for her leaving with you believe me that is never going to happen.”

  Her jawed dropped open in disbelief, Bethany shook her head not wanting to believe what he was suggesting. “I didn’t re
ally run away. I left you a note explaining. You were meant to come after me. I had hoped that you loved me enough to follow me.”

  “Ah yes. Well I never read that part I’m afraid. Besides, even if I had I wouldn’t have gone chasing after you. I have never chased after a woman in my life and I can assure you that you weren’t going to be the first one. And where in the hell did you get the idea that I loved you. It was a financial arrangement and nothing more.” Nathan’s tone was whiplash cruel.

  Bethany sucked in her breath at the insult. “You’re lying. You do love me and you’re doing this to punish me. You’re a fool. You lowered yourself when you married this bedraggled little baggage. You substituted her for me. You must surely hourly be regretting your decision.”

  His temper soaring at the insults to his wife, Nathan lashed back. “Get it through your head woman. Believe me when I say my wife is no replacement for you. And I doubt any woman would be a match for your greedy, cold heart and vindictive nature. Now, I would suggest you remove yourself from my premises and don’t think about ever returning.”

  “This isn’t over yet. I am meant to be your duchess and you are an imbecilic Sheldon if you think for one moment he cares about you. All he wants is an heir and as soon as you’re carrying one he’ll be busy amusing himself in some other woman’s bed.”

  “Get the hell out of my house now woman before I throw you out.” Nathan warned her in a cold harsh voice. When she stormed past and only when the door closed loudly behind her did he dare turn his attention to his wife. He wanted to curse and hit something. The devastation on her face broke his heart. What he saw in her lifeless eyes told him that whatever feelings she was starting to have for him were now destroyed.

  Sheldon wanted the floor to open up and swallow her, she closed her eyes and prayed for the whole ugly scene to end. When the sound of the door slamming echoed throughout the house did she raise her lashes and avoided her husband’s eyes. “If you don’t mind, I have a headache and would like to lie down.” She whispered and breaking free of Nathan’s hold she slowly climbed the stairs. She had been foolish to let down her guard. How could she have forgotten so easily that she had only been a substitute bride and as Nathan just kindly reminded her? She could never measure up to her sister’s beauty or any other woman’s for that matter.

  Sadden and frustrated as hell, Nathan watched his wife walk away, when she disappeared he caught his butler’s words.

  “I am sorry my lord but the woman refused to leave.”

  “It’s not your fault Wallace.” Nathan left the man standing in the foyer and strode into his study and quietly closed the door. He moved over to the fireplace and rested an elbow on the mantle, his thoughts were on how he was going to repair the damage done to his wife’s feeling and pride. He wanted to strangle the vindictive witch for destroying everything that had been building between him and Sheldon.

  He would give her time to calm down and hopefully she would recover from the upset. If not, he would try and charm her into a better frame of mind. Furious and disappointed, he wiped a hand over his face and let out a heavy sigh. He had been so close to winning her affections today, but in a mere minute it had been cruelly and vindictively snatched away from him. Well hell, he wasn’t about to give up, his whole marriage and future was at stake here, and he wasn’t going to let anything or anyone destroy the hopefully loving life they could have together.

  He only waited fifteen minutes, he didn’t dare put it off any longer. It would only give her more time to build up her defenses. He stepped into the bedroom and silently closed the door. His gaze went to the bed and when he didn’t find her there his eyes swept around the room and muttered a curse when he found it empty. He strode over the adjacent door and pulling it open found her lying on the covers.

  His mouth set in a grim line, he walked the short distance and sat down on the mattress. He caught her chin before she could turn away, he swore silently when he noticed the tear stains on her cheeks. “Why are you in here? I thought we’d already came to an understanding about where you would sleep?”

  “Yes we did. However, I have now changed my mind and I would prefer to have my own room and bed.” Sheldon had hoped that Nathan wouldn’t come upstairs until much later, but knew it was pointless trying to put the confrontation off now that he was here.

  “Is that so? Well I hate to disappoint you sweetheart but you’ll still be sharing my bed.” Pain and disappointment snapped at his heels, but he ignored it. Letting go of her chin, he swept her up in his arms and standing up, he carried her back into his bedroom. Placing her down on the mattress, he joined her on the bed keeping his arms around her. “Listen to me Sheldon, whatever hurt or anger we feel towards each other it stays on the other side of the door. In here there will be no ill feelings or bitterness between us.”

  “Surely you’re jesting. No one can turn their emotions off and on.”

  Her sarcastic tone made him grimace, but he didn’t dare take his eyes off hers. “We can if we want to sleep peacefully beside each other or would you prefer that we come to bed unhappy or angry? Our bed is for joy, for peace and loving and I will not allow any emotionally bad baggage into it.”

  Sheldon could only stare at him as if he had suddenly grown two heads.

  He blew out a breath in mounting irritation. “Look I know the ugly scene with your sister upset you and I can understand that, but it has nothing to do with what is between you and me.”

  Her mind was still trying to get around his little speech of joy and loving, of bad baggage that it took her a few moments to respond. “If you really think about it Nathan, there isn’t much between us. After all I’m only your substitute wife and I don’t come close to replacing my sister or any other woman for that matter.”

  “For God sakes woman, how many times do I have to say it? You are not my substitute wife, you are my wife. And if you think I would want to replace you with your damn vindictive sister, you’re crazy. As for other women, what in the blazes are you talking about?”

  His aggressive tone and the aggravation on his face almost convinced her, almost. “Look Nathan we both know I’m no beauty.” She shrugged dismissively. “And I’m definitely not duchess material. I would understand if you want an annulment, truly I would.”

  “Dear God in heaven give me strength.” He hissed out. “Listen you stubborn little witch. We’re married and we’re staying married. We will remain husband and wife until one of us dies and that I’m ordering you not to do it until I’m so old and have one foot in the grave and even then I forbid it. I won’t let you get away from me that easily.”

  If she hadn’t been floored by his demands she would have laughed herself silly. “You can’t demand that someone not die.”

  “Of course I can. I’m a duke and can demand anything I like.”

  “Why you egoistical…”

  “I know, I know, a domineering brute.”

  Unable to help herself Sheldon laughed.

  Nathan grinned, relieved to have put the ugly incident behind them. “Now my sweet I think it’s time we had a little joy in our bed, don’t you?” He drew her closer and before he lowered his mouth to hers, he noticed the excitement and desire light up her eyes.

  It was a hell of a fight but he managed to keep a tight hold on his hunger, and kept the kisses light and undemanding. Every time they started to grow into something more, he pulled back. For now, he only wanted to reassure her that he wanted her for his wife. Every whispering kiss and light tangle of tongues he tried to convey the message of how much he cared for her.

  Even though she knew she should resist, Sheldon wanted his kiss more. The longer the meeting of their mouths continued, her heart started to beat a little faster, her body grew warm and a restlessness started to invade her limbs. The tips of her breasts were sensitive and her nipples hard little points, an ache grew in the pit of her stomach and she knew that if she didn’t stop this soon she would be completely lost.

  With her resolv
e back in place she decided one more kiss. When Nathan’s mouth covered hers again, she let her tongue slide and curl around his, her fingers buried in his hair and she pressed herself more firmly against him. When he finally lifted his lips from hers, she drew in a long ragged breath. “Are you perhaps trying to seduce me Nathan?”

  Nathan grinned down at her. “Is it working sweetheart?”


  A laugh rumbled in his chest and his knuckles glided lightly down her cheek. “Liar.”

  Sheldon snorted and gave him a withering glare.

  Unperturbed by her annoyance, Nathan rolled off her and lay on his back, he shut his eyes and was quite pleased with what he had accomplished. It was a good start, a very good start he decided.

  Out the corner of her eyes Sheldon watched her husband’s face and wasn’t surprised to see his self-satisfied smile. She couldn’t blame him, he had every right to feel smug with himself, and she frowned wondering why she wasn’t angry over the fact. But she asked herself how could she after sharing those wonderful kisses, it was impossible to be annoyed with him or herself.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sheldon came awake, lifted her lashes and scowled when she became aware that Nathan was lying beside her staring at her. “I find it most disconcerting and irritating that you have been watching me while I sleep.”

  A wide grin split his face. “I can’t help myself. You’re beautiful and I love looking at you.” His grin widened even more when he watched the light blush cover her cheeks.

  Her loud snort of disbelief filled the room. “You are either blind or a liar. We both know how untrue that is.” All her life she’d been told how unattractive she was, so she found herself a unsettled over her husband’s flattery.

  Nathan leaned up on his elbow and stared at his wife in annoyance. “I am neither. Why can’t you believe that I find you beautiful? Your eyes fascinate me. Your smile lights up your face. Your bone structure is amazing and the dimple in the side of your cheek drives me crazy.” He reached out and let his finger trail lightly down the side of her face, his heart raced and desire rushed through his veins when he saw her eyes grow warm with passion. It was an effort to ignore it, but for the moment he pushed the temptation away. Soon though, he wasn’t going to deny himself.


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