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Ruler of the Realm fw-3

Page 30

by Herbie Brennan

  ‘You must have thought the demons would tear you limb from limb – you and Henry.’


  ‘Why didn’t they?’ Fogarty asked curiously.

  ‘It’s their custom to accept any new leader strong enough to kill the old one. Beleth ate his father to accede to the throne.’

  ‘Strange creatures,’ Fogarty said. ‘Are you going to leave the portal open?’

  ‘It’s not a portal,’ Blue said. ‘It’s old magic from the time before the faerie. I don’t know how Beleth got hold of it. But no, I’m not going to leave it open, not if I can find out how to close it down.’

  Fogarty pushed himself out of his chair. ‘Feel strong enough to get up yet?’

  ‘I think so. Why?’

  ‘The others are waiting. We need you to talk to the Generals.’

  ‘Hand me that dressing gown, Mr Fogarty,’ Blue said.

  One hundred and ten

  General Creerful bowed mutely as they entered the Situation Room. He nodded briefly to Pyrgus, ignored Mr Fogarty and Madame Cardui completely, and said, wooden-faced, to Blue, ‘Lord Hairstreak’s main forces are in retreat, Ma’am. There was some opposition, but we have now penetrated deeply into the Cretch and are approaching Yammeth City. I anticipate we will have captured it within hours.’

  There was no protecting Yammeth City now, Blue saw at once. One of the largest globes showed the entire city from an elevated perspective. For a capital at war the place looked tranquil, its streets largely deserted. Until, that is, you looked towards the eastern sector where Nighter troops and engines of war were concentrated in vast numbers. Clearly her uncle still had not realised the demon forces in the desert were an illusion. It occurred to her suddenly that Beleth must have murdered Burgundy because he had found out.

  She said bluntly, ‘We must withdraw.’

  Creerful’s shock was palpable. ‘Withdraw, Majesty?’


  ‘Queen Blue, the Faeries of the Night are at our mercy. We may never have this opportunity again.’

  Blue said tiredly, ‘The Faeries of the Night are our cousins, not our enemy. Our real enemy has already been defeated.’ She glanced at the globe again. ‘Are we in communication with Lord Hairstreak?’

  A wary look sprang into Creerful’s eyes. ‘No, Majesty.’

  ‘How long before we can contact him?’

  ‘Perhaps an hour with runners – the CC network is closed down. It will depend where he is.’

  Madame Cardui asked quickly, ‘What’s happened to the CC network?’

  General Creerful was joined by General Vanelke, who fielded the question: ‘We suspect sabotage. There have been several acts of rebellion by Faeries of the Night living in the capital. We’re working to repair the damage, but it may be some time before we’re operational again. Runners might be faster at this stage.’

  Blue said, ‘Dispatch runners then, General. Coded message, of course. Inform my uncle of our withdrawal. Tell him his offer of an alliance is accepted.’


  They were walking together in the gardens of the Purple Palace. It was evening and pinpoints of light were just beginning to flare in the distant city streets. Night stocks were releasing their scents, an alien medley that had now become familiar.

  Blue asked, ‘What’s wrong, Henry?’

  What was wrong was that he’d soon have to go back. He’d have to explain to his mother where he’d been. He’d have to explain to Anais how he’d managed to disappear before her very eyes. He’d have to live with the guilt about what he’d done to Blue. She was being very nice, but he was certain she could never forgive him.

  He shrugged. ‘Oh, you know… going home,’ he mumbled. He didn’t want to go.

  Unexpectedly, Blue said, ‘I’d like to meet your family.’

  Henry glanced at her in surprise, then suppressed a lunatic urge to giggle. He thought of his mother and her lesbian lover. He thought of his father, now living with a girl young enough to be his daughter. He thought of Aisling, his selfish brat of a sister.

  ‘Oh no, you wouldn’t,’ he said with heartfelt emphasis. ‘Take my word for it, you wouldn’t!’

  ‘Don’t you like them?’ Blue asked.

  ‘Not very much. Dad’s all right, I suppose. But Mum -’ He hesitated. Actually he didn’t know what to say about his mum. After a moment he went on, ‘Mum sort of tells you what to do all the time. She knows better than everyone else about everything.’ Then he added sourly, ‘But she’s still managed to make a mess of her marriage. She chucked Dad out and made him think it was for the best.’

  ‘So you really don’t want to go back?’

  ‘Not even slightly,’ Henry said, then grinned to try to lighten the conversation.

  Blue looked away from him. He couldn’t be sure in the half light, but something made him think she might be blushing.

  ‘Why don’t you stay here?’ Blue asked.

  Henry stared at her in astonishment.

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