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The Highlander Who Loved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 4)

Page 17

by Allie Palomino

  Tears streamed down her face as she panted in panic. Her lungs were not filling properly with air, and she found it difficult to breath.

  Blood covered her face.

  Kerr had hit her with the hand bearing his large ring.

  “The marriage will be no more.”

  Sword in hand, Kerr began walking towards Katie.


  The gravelly roar that erupted from James’ soul caused his capturers to look at one another in alarm.

  Katie looked at James, horrified, with mouth agape and hands over her belly. Tears streamed down her cheeks as her worry over their bairn consumed her.

  The impotence James felt for not having prevented her fall, and not being able to comfort her, reared up in him.

  His eyes were enraged- blazing golden nuggets of wild fury.

  The veins in his neck strained and bulged.

  The muscles in his legs and arms were outlined underneath his skin as he fought the chains.

  It was if all before him had slowed. He saw some men with eagerness in their eyes as they looked upon Kerr moving towards his Katie with sword in hand, his intent clear.

  Sick bastards.

  James saw the determination and hatred in Kerr’s eyes.

  Kerr would kill the light of this earth to force marriage upon him.

  He was intent on killing his sun, his stòr.

  James’ mind split and it was as if he saw what would occur moments ahead.

  Kerr taking his sword and thrusting it first through her belly and then her chest, through her beautiful, kind, and generous heart. The last of her cries fading as the life flowed out of her like her blood was.

  The pain of losing her lanced him as if he had been the one Kerr’s sword had run through.

  James inhaled loudly, lungs starved for air, realizing he’d stopped breathing.

  Kerr was nearing Katie as she pleaded with him while cradling her belly.

  “Please,” her painful, tear ridden pleas tore at James.

  She believed Kerr would kill her.

  James shook his head.

  Not while he had breath in his body.

  James roared again, flexing his arms, and the shackles encircling them broke.


  Katie watched as her husband looked like the prince from her favorite fairytale, having the strength of twenty men.

  The hall erupted in chaos.

  It all happened in quick succession, too fast for any of his kidnappers to react.

  Seeing that his abductors remained holding the chains that were attached to his arm shackles, James grabbed the other ends that had been attached to him, and swung his arms as he moved towards them, looping the chains around their necks. James tightened his hold and pulled until their necks cracked.


  The remaining abductors stared horrified and began retreating from him. James took the swords and daggers from the two he had killed and swung both arms in an arc and then sideways, killing four more at once.

  The five remaining backed away and melted into the crowd that looked upon the spectacle before them. Before two of them could fully retreat, James had sheathed the swords in the scabbards left dangling at his sides, and gripped the daggers. With a flick of his wrist, he hit the two men in the back of their necks. They stumbled and fell to the floor, causing a few women to shriek.

  James hastily took the swords to the chains, shortening their length so as to not impede his movements. He turned.


  To his credit, Kerr looked afraid. He was not as slow of wit as James believed him to be.

  “If ye so much as take one step closer to me, Menzies, I will kill her!”

  “Yer death willna be swift, Kerr. Ye will suffer by my hands until the last breath leaves ye!”

  James’ eyes were wild again. He was breathing through his mouth like an animal. James stood, his gaze rapt upon Kerr. Eyes never wavering, they reflected a predatory savagery none of them had ever seen before in a man.

  Katie whimpered, drawing James’ attention.

  “I willna allow anyone to harm ye again, mo stòr.”

  Katie nodded her head and watched her husband with fascination. His eyes had been feral the moment before he spoke to her. As he’d turned his golden gaze on her, they had softened and reflected his love. Now that his eyes were once again fixed on Kerr, they reflected merciless barbarism.

  Yet she was not afraid.

  Indeed, she now fully understood how he’d come to be known as the Marbhaiche.

  A cacophony of metal swords, yells, and grunts reached him. James spared a look over his shoulder, and saw his and Connor’s men making haste inside.


  That one word coming from the woman who held his heart in her hands began a ripple of cold terror from his stomach to his chest as he turned.


  James lunged forward, fear like no other gripping him, a clasp of horror seizing his heart.


  He wouldn’t reach them in time. Kerr was arching his sword downwards to Katie.

  His Katie.

  His beloved.

  His stòr.

  Their bairn.


  James bellow was gravelly, echoing around them.

  Just as Kerr’s sword point nearly made contact with Katie’s belly, she rolled to the side and stuck a dagger into Kerr’s right calf.


  Kerr’s yell of pain rose above the other grunts and shrieks. Connor’s and Douglas’ men were advancing and making quick work of Kerr’s men.

  “Ye will nay take another breath!!”

  Kerr limped and just as he raised his sword again to run it through Katie, his head jerked back. The sword fell from his grip as he howled in pain as James grabbed a handful of his greasy hair and hauled him away from Katie. The two adversaries faced one another again.

  James’ eyes never strayed from Kerr when he asked Katie, “Lass, are ye well?”

  James heard her breathing harshly.

  “Aye, I am.”

  “Yer brother and my father are-”


  James spared a look at Connor, who stood next to Douglas. Connor walked towards his sister and was dumbfounded when he saw her hands over her small belly.


  His voice was throaty and a mere whisper. It was one thing to be told his baby sister was carrying, and quite another to see her belly with his own eyes. It made him emotional. She managed a shy smile at him.

  “Uncle Connor.”

  He assisted her to her feet, kissed her head affectionately, and carefully led her away. He glanced briefly at James, who didn’t turn to him but nodded his head.

  “A fight for honor.”

  James snorted at Kerr’s words.

  “Ye have none. ‘Twill be a fight till death.”

  The hall had been filled mostly by Connor’s and Douglas’ men. Few of Kerr’s remained, who gasped in the next instance. Kerr looked at them and then around to see what had his men in a state of surprise.


  Kerr’s eyes widened when his gaze shifted.

  “My lost son returns home. ‘Tis a might too late for apologies.”

  Athyn’s features hardened.

  “I amna here to apologize.”

  Kerr’s eyes looked further behind and saw all the men who’d gone when Athyn had decided to leave the clan.

  “What then?”

  “I am here to take my rightful place as the next Kerr laird.”

  Kerr laughed as he looked around. Those few men who remained standing snickered with Kerr.

  “That is a bit of an issue, Son. I have no intent of abandoning my lairdship.”

  Kerr looked at the men behind him, who nodded.

  “Ye willna be abandoning.”

  It was James who spoke. Now that his stòr and bairn were safe with Connor, his attention was sharp
and intent on Kerr.

  “Truly? Ye wish to fight? Ye won, Menzies. Ye are married and I canna force ye to wed Fiona.”

  James’ scoff was one of incredulity.

  “Ye are truly mad.” He paused for a moment staring at Kerr. “Ye caused a Highland war, forced me to run with my wife to protect her, kidnapped her, and attempted to kill her several times. For the first offense, yer death was already decided, and for every additional one, yer torture before death mounted.”

  Kerr grew serious and he looked around, finally understanding the gravity of his situation.

  “The only words we want from yer mouth are those that tell us who has been aiding ye.”

  Kerr moved his head back in mocked innocence.

  “No one aided me.”

  Having had enough, James punched him.

  “Connor, please take my wife outside. I doona wish for her to see the horrors that will befall this dishonorable horse’s ass.”


  Her voice always ebbed the tension in him, and he wanted to melt into the solace she always gave him.

  But not now.

  Kerr had dared threaten his world, his stòr, and he wanted nothing around him that would calm the rage and fury burning in his stomach.

  It sought revenge, and revenge it would have.

  But first he needed to know that his stòr would not be a spectator to it.


  James looked at his father. “Keep watchful.”

  Douglas nodded as James turned and walked to Katie. He stood before her and they stared at one another. He opened his arms and she flew to him.

  “Sweet James.”

  Her tremulously-stared words nearly broke something within him.

  “Please. I canna lose ye.”

  His fingers combed through her hair as he inhaled its sweet scent. Even after all that she had experienced, she smelled like a fresh meadow and felt like Heaven.

  “Ye willna, mo stòr.” He kissed the top of her head before she looked up at him.

  “I love ye. We will leave here together. I wish not for ye to see what will be done. Those horrors are not fit for these beautiful eyes to witness.”

  She brought her hands up and gently placed them on his cheeks.

  “I love ye, James Rhiseart Menzies.”

  “And I, ye, Katherynne Eleanor Menzies.”

  His lips and a few smaller areas of his face were the only places he had not covered with the blood of his enemies. They shared a tender kiss before James kissed her head, and said goodbye.

  Connor stood watching, eyes wide, but he only said, “I’d trust these men with Maddie. They will protect Katie until we are done.”

  James’ eyes were hard as his stare travelled from Connor to the other men who would guard his world and keep her safe. All of them nodded at him and finally, James nodded his consent.

  “I will soon come for ye, mo stòr.”

  She nodded, touched her heart, and kissed her fingers. James mirrored her actions before she was led away. James continued to stare after her, and Katie turned around twice more before she was out of his sight.

  “I would never have believed that the legendary Marbhaiche would be as enamored of a woman as ye are of my sister were it not witnessed by my own verra eyes.”

  Connor watched as the love that was visible in James’ eyes was replaced by light humor as James turned to him. He pushed Connor’s shoulder.

  “Tell anyone about this, and ruin my hard-won repute, and I’ll knock yer bollocks about.”

  Connor laughed and stood amazed again, as James’ eyes transformed from humorous to hard fury as he turned to Kerr.

  “Ye intend to murder me without cause? Expect the remaining clans to unite against ye for fear of yer bloodthirsty ambitions.”

  “The causes abound, Kerr, and the most egregious was kidnapping my wife who is expecting my bairn, and then attempting to kill her.”

  James’ hands fisted at his sides, the anger churning within him was unrelenting. He was not a patient man, and he yearned to kill the bastard and return to his wife.

  Kerr focused on his son.

  “And ye will allow this to happen and do nothing in my defense?”

  Athyn’s gaze hardened.

  “I learned long ago that I canna save ye from yerself. Ye demonstrated for me, the dishonorable man that ye are.”

  “Honor flows through my veins. I wanted ye to marry better than the whore ye were set in wedding.”

  Athyn’s face became a mask of rage.

  “‘Twas never yer decision. I wished to marry her, and ye made it so that she despised me. Because of yer lies! Ye doona know any truth, and ye canna speak it either.”

  Kerr snorted. “Delusional.”


  Their audience inhaled at Athyn’s last words.”

  “Ye would stand by and witness the murder of yer father and nay intervene? Purgatory, Athyn. That is where ye will be after death.”

  The hatred in Athyn’s hard eyes was cold. “Then I shall see ye there.”

  “Who has given ye aid?”

  Impatient to return to his wife, James asked the question. Kerr displayed a smile as he turned to James.

  “I know not of what ye speak.”

  James’ nostrils flared and he clenched his jaw.

  “One last opportunity to confess, and rather than prolong yer death as I yearn to, I will make yer death quick.”

  Kerr snorted. “Yer belief in yer ability is rather high, Menzies. I have always been my clan’s best warrior.”

  “Who. Is. Aiding. Ye?”

  Kerr laughed and grabbed his sword, standing at the ready.

  “Let us move on, then, for ‘tis obvious we willna gain the truth today.” James growled his words.

  Without warning, James swung his sword and in one blow, he quickly divested Kerr of his sword.

  Surprise lit Kerr’s eyes.

  James tossed his sword on the floor and leapt towards Kerr, startling him as they plunged to the floor. The speed in which James moved dismayed those around them.

  “Fearful that ye’re nay as skillful in swordplay?” Kerr gasped.

  James’ hands were around Kerr’s throat, squeezing. The fury ignited in the golden depths of James’ eyes was molten. James reared his fist backwards and punched Kerr in quick succession.

  “Let this…be a message…for all. Ye touch…my wife…” He paused a moment as he brought Kerr upwards several inches from his face and roared.

  “YE. WILL. DIE!”

  Eyes wide with the knowledge that he would die, Kerr helplessly watched as James wrapped his hands around Kerr’s neck. Kerr tried to move backwards but was unsuccessful. He tried to form words but James twisted his hands, causing a low crunching noise. James let Kerr go, and the body fell backwards to the ground, lifeless.

  James stood and faced Kerr’s men.

  “Any of ye wish to avenge his death, step forward now and fight me.”

  James waited, muscles engaged. No one breathed.

  “If ye ever attempt to take my wife or seek retribution for yer laird’s justified killing, ye will all meet similar fates.”

  James turned, and before he could leave, Athyn stayed him.

  “There will never be such retribution, for the man who does so will die by my hand.”

  James’ hard eyes were focused on Athyn, and after taking a moment to gauge his sincerity, James nodded. He looked at Connor and Douglas.

  “I am returning to my wife and at long last taking her to her new home.”

  Connor inclined his head.

  “I will follow shortly, Son. I wish to further question these men for any information as to who assisted Kerr.”

  “Until then, Father.”

  Without further comment, James felt the rage and fury recede with each step he took to his beloved.

  Most knew of the Marbhaiche’s fighting prowess.

  Few had witnessed it.

  The tale of t
he Marbhaiche would continue to awe and live on through the tongues of those who witnessed such a legend that night.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Six months later

  “He’s beautiful.”

  Katie had been unable to move her eyes away from the baby in her arms.

  “He looks just like his papa,” she whispered.

  James, holding her from behind, kissed her head. He watched as Katie stroked the baby’s nose and forehead.

  “Like his mother.”

  Katie looked up at James and they shared a tender kiss. Looking back down, Katie laughed when the baby yawned.

  “Callum Rhiseart Menzies. He looks like a Callum Rhiseart. Strong names.”

  James kissed her head. “My grandsire was a fierce, strong man. Loyal and loving, too. A fine relative to take a name from. He was a tall and large man. I canna believe this large bairn came from my petite wife.”

  Katie chuckled.

  “My body can believe it. ‘Twas nay easy birthing yer son, James.” James squeezed her gently.

  “Well I know, mo stòr. Watching ye bring our son into this world as ye did humbled me as it made me crazed. Ye brought our son here valiantly with pain that I cannot ever fathom, like a true warrior.” He nuzzled her head. “And for the verra first occasion in my life, I understood what it felt like to be impotent- unable to assist ye through the ordeal and pain.”

  His arms around her squeezed her gently again as he inhaled her hair. He kissed her and rested his chin on her head.

  “It is the most powerless I have ever felt, mo stòr. It was maddening to watch ye so pained and nay have the ability to help ye. But it was also the most wondrous occurrence of my life.”

  She felt James take a shuddering breath behind her and turned her head to kiss his arm. Katie realized, not for the first time, that she had the most remarkable husband. He was strong and powerful, and gentle and thoughtful.

  He was perfect.

  She was blessed.

  “Did my family leave?”

  James laughed. “My sister is cunning. Glad I am that ye are nay similar. Connor has the patience of a saint.”

  Katie laughed.

  “We have many a thing in common, but aye, I understand yer meaning. When they arrived, she hurried to me and begged me to feign tears. She said the only reason she was able to convince Connor to make the journey here with her being with child, was that I was in tears needing my sister’s support. He’d relented.”


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