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Brailynn (A Rogue Enforcers Novel)

Page 10

by Samantha McCoy

  Brailynn nearly collapsed.


  She felt warm arms wrap around her as she looked into the bluest eyes she had ever seen. She was in control again. She was back. Relief washed through her. Thank you, Goddess, she said to herself.

  “You’re welcome,” she heard Gaia whisper in the back of her mind.

  Brailynn stiffened.

  “No worries,” Gaia laughed. “I am only here for guidance.”

  She wanted to believe her but found it extremely difficult with the goddess so close.

  “Barriers, Brailynn,” Boanna reminded.

  She took a deep breath and slowly released it.

  “Brailynn? Are you okay?”

  She opened her eyes to see Andrej staring at her with concern. Raising her hand, she reached for his face but hesitated slightly. He must have noticed because his eyes shifted from her hand to her face before he leaned into her palm. The warmth of his skin was again a welcoming surprise.

  She sighed in relief.

  “What in the hell happened?” Andrej mumbled.

  “I have no clue, but I’d rather not relive it.”

  “You and me both, moje láska.” Andrej pulled her into his arms.

  Maybe she should have pushed him away. Maybe she should have put distance between them since she knew literally nothing about him, but she didn’t. After everything that she’d been through lately – losing her home and her people, the journey to get there, finding her mate, finding out her parents' death was a lie, and then the possession – Brailynn was drained. Mentally, emotionally, and physically, there was just nothing left. And truthfully, she just needed comfort. She needed to let her guard down for just a moment and know that someone else was there to take point and carry the burden. That they would watch over her while she took a moment to reset all her internal buttons.

  Please don’t let me down, she pleaded in her mind as she put her trust in a man she just met. Please be the man I need you to be.

  Brailynn felt exhaustion begin to pull at her and she closed her eyes. She had nothing left. “I’m tired,” she mumbled.

  “Come.” Andrej lifted her into his arms. “Let’s get you in bed.”

  The moment she decided to let go, was the moment the world went black. And as sleep finally pulled her under its spell, she sent out one last prayer…

  Please don’t let me regret this…

  Chapter Eight


  Her body went completely lax in his arms. For a split second, panic gripped him. He thought he’d lost her. But her heartbeat broke through the fog in his brain. It was still there, beating strong. It played out the most beautiful rhythm he’d ever heard.

  Andrej looked down at his mate.

  He sighed heavily.

  He should have noticed it before, and he mentally kicked himself for not. Under her eyes, dark circles marred her skin. Worried lines creased between her brows. His mate had been running on fumes. He carried her over to the bed, laid her down, and gently pulled the blanket up to her chin.

  This isn’t how it was supposed to be, he told himself, still staring down at her. But how would he know?

  While most mates felt that instant connection one minute and were naked the next, not every couple was the same. Some were more damaged than others and it took a bit more time to get there. Andrej didn’t mind putting in the work. Whatever Brailynn needed, he would provide. Because that was his job. To give his mate stability. To ensure she always felt cared for. To give of himself and provide.

  He just prayed he was man enough for the job. And that his demon wouldn’t pop out and cause Brailynn to regret ever coming to him.

  He brushes a few strands of hair from her face.

  When Gaia had taken over her body, Andrej had felt lost. And then the anger came. Inside, the demon had ripped at him to be let loose. It begged and pleaded to unleash its wrath upon the one who dared to touch what was his.

  And Andrej couldn’t help but think of his old friend. An image of Vlad had flashed through his mind. His friend kneeling in the sun, begging for a love that would never come. Gaia’s had been everything to him. She had cast a spell over Vlad that had followed him to his death. Nothing Andrej could have said would have pulled him from his course. Vlad loved Gaia with every fiber of his being and without her, there would be no him.

  He felt that same way and it scared the shit out of him. If he were willing to walk into the sun after only knowing his mate for minutes, how much stronger would the feeling get after years?

  Mate. Claim. Ours.

  He prayed he would never have to find out.

  “We need to talk.”

  Andrej jumped at the sound of the voice. His demon lunged to the surface. “How dare you?”

  “Calm yourself, my old friend.”

  “You possessed my mate.”

  “I do apologize,” Gaia replied, her spirit floating across the room. “That was a bit drastic of me.”

  “You think?” Andrej snarled.

  “Please, put the beast away,” Gaia placed her hands behind her back. “I mean no harm. What I have to say is important. Something is coming…”

  A soft knock on the door interrupted them.

  He blinked.

  Gaia was gone.

  Shaking his head of the cobwebs that seemed to manifest he turned and walked over to the door. “Yes?” he asked, as he opened it.

  “Is everything okay?” Harriet asked. “Does she need anything?”

  He sighed. “Harriet, she is fine. And no, she doesn’t need anything.” He wanted to add, especially from you, but he didn’t. Brailynn’s feelings were her own and she needed to be the one to express them.

  “Well.” The older woman wrung her hands. “I…”

  Andrej signed.

  He knew she loved Brailynn, in her own way. He knew the woman had missed her daughter greatly and if given the chance, there was so much that Harriet would change.

  Too bad, time travel wasn’t a thing, he thought.

  Harriet cleared her throat and quickly swiped at both eyes. “If there’s anything you need…”

  “Actually.” He suddenly had an idea. “I need to speak with Gaia.”

  “Who?” Harriet asked,

  “Mother Earth?” Andrej’s brows reach toward his hairline.

  Harriet’s dropped low in confusion. “The spirit of Mother Earth is all that remains.” She shrugged. “I can look for a spell that might help you, but…”

  “No.” Andrej shook his head.

  Behind him, Brailynn groaned in her sleep.

  He turned back to watch her for a moment, ready to rush to her side if she needed him, but she instantly settled down and nestled deeper beneath the blanket that he had draped over her. Not wanting to wake her, Andrej stepped out into the hall and closed the door.

  “What if I told you,” Andrej explained, “that there was a way to summon Gaia to the present?”

  “What? How?”


  “Possession?” Harriet shook her head. “No. That is dark magic and dangerous, Andrej,” she whispered. “You cannot be messing with the dark arts. It’s not safe.”

  “Calm down,” Andrej told her. “It’s not like that.” He didn’t know how to explain it. But unlike summoning the dead, he could call Gaia to the present without sacrificing a thing.

  “I will not calm down!” she hissed. “That type of magic could get you killed. Or my daughter!”

  Andrej rolled his eyes. “Not a chance.”


  “Harriet, hush,” he ordered. “Just stand there and shut up for two seconds.”

  Harriet’s eyes widened in disbelieve. It wasn’t normal practice for him to be so rude to others. But what he needed was important. He needed to talk to Gaia to find out what was happening, what was coming. He couldn’t trust that she would come back on her own. Or that she wouldn’t use Brailynn as a conductor.

  With quick hands, he
grabbed Harriet’s face and forced her to stare into his eyes. He could see her fear as she tried to struggle to break free.


  “Gaia. Goddess Mother of Earth. Spirit of all things living. I summon thee.”

  Harriet’s body jerk.

  He released her and stepped away.

  She jerked again and grimaced. She bent over, holding her stomach as she moaned in pain. But then, she stood up, the twitching gone.

  Andrej grinned as he stared into eyes the same color as the planet. Swirls of brown, green, and blue. She moved her head from side to side as if stretching out the kinks. She wiggled around, uncomfortable in her own skin.

  “Hello again, Gaia.” He smiled.

  “Hello, Andrej.” Gaia rubbed her lower back. “Goddess Mother of hell. Could you have picked a worse body? Why does everything hurt?”

  Andrej chuckled. “Harriet never complaints.”

  Gaia huffed. “I don’t see how she doesn’t. Wow.”

  He rolled his eyes and made a mental note to help Harriet with her pain. “I didn’t call you here to listen to complaints,” he said out loud.

  “I’m very well aware of that.” Gaia crossed her arms.

  “What’s going on?” Andrej got right to the point. “Why did you lead her here?”

  “She needs you,” Gaia explained. The serious look on her face told him just how important her information truly was. “Derrick Petrova is a traitor. Not only to his coven but to the entire supernatural world. He is working with Hunters to eradicate all supers. He must be stopped.”

  “What does that have to do with Brailynn?” he asked. “Or me?”

  “She is the one who is destined to end him.”

  His words were like a shot to the heart. How in the hell would his mate stop one of the most powerful wizards in the world?

  “She is more powerful than you think,” Gaia answered his unspoken question. “At least she will be, after you and she mate.”


  “The only way for Brailynn’s true powers to be unleashed is by completely the mating bond,” Gaia explained. “Only then will she take my place as the rightful guardian of the land.”

  “What?” he repeated. No. She couldn’t. Panic gripped him.

  Mate. Claim. Ours. Kill.

  It didn’t make any sense. Rightful guardian of the lands? Where was Gaia going?

  Gaia sighed.

  Her sadness was evident in her posture, but no matter how much Andrej tried to understand what she was telling him, he couldn’t. He hated that she always seemed to talk in riddles. “Just spit it out, Gaia. What the hell is going on?”

  “Brailynn Wallachia is destined to become me,” the woman said. “She is the next Goddess of Earth. But she can only become so, if and when, the mating bond is complete. That bond must be complete before Derrick finds her. If not, she will lose. We all will.”

  Andrej was still confused. Where was she going? And what did their bond have to do with anything? he wondered.

  “During the bond, she will be turned.” Again, Gaia answered his unspoken question. “However, while she will become like you, Brailynn will possess the power to walk in daylight, unscathed.”

  “A daywalker?” Andrej had heard of such a person, but only in lore.

  “Exactly.” Gaia smiled. “Imagine it. An elemental goddess with the speed and strength of a vampire. She will be the most powerful being on the planet. As she rightfully should be.”

  Andrej was stunned speechless. “What about you?” he finally asked out loud.

  “I am tired, old friend,” Gaia sighed, slumping against the wall. “It’s time for me to rest and allow someone else to take over the watch. Many years ago, I saw the sweetest child rescue a bird with a hurt wing. She nurtured it. Loved it. Helped it until it could fend for itself. Then she set it free. That same child did the same thing for a fox and even a barn owl. She did her part to keep the water and forest clean. She put her heart into the planet and for that, she shall be rewarded. Brailynn is that child, Andrej. Your mate. Her grace and love for all things have ensured that she would become the next Goddess Mother. To her, I shall give unto my powers. To her, I shall call upon to take my place until she too is ready for rest.”

  The weight of her words caused Andrej to stumble. He pressed his back against the wall opposite to keep himself upright. He scrubbed his hands down his face. How would he protect her? If her life turned out to be anything life Gaia’s, Andrej couldn’t see the brightness.

  “Rest easy, Andrej.” Gaia smiled sadly. “Brailynn’s rule will be far more beautiful than mine. I wish I had half the heart of your beloved. She is grace where I was vengeance. Where she is heart, I was hatred. You see, I was never meant for this job. But your Brailynn, she most definitely is. You and she will lead this world into a sunnier existence. Together.”

  “I…” He still didn’t know what to say.

  “I will miss you,” Gaia said. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his middle. “Thank you for your friendship, Andrej. It wasn’t nearly long enough, but please understand. I’ve grown so weary.”

  His eyes filled with moisture. For nearly six hundred years, he’d had watched all the people he once loved die. One by one, they’d all left him. His mother and father. His friends. The only one who was left – would now be leaving him too. “I will miss you, too,” he barely choked out.

  Stepping away, she wiped the tears from her own face. “Now, go,” she told him. “Remember me fondly.” And with those last parting words, Gaia left Harriet’s body.

  Andrej stood there, silently mourning the loss of his friend.

  “Oh, my goodness,” Harriet gasped as she came to. “I’m so sorry, Andrej.”

  She, too, hugged him tightly. But he pushed the motherly comfort away. He didn’t want it. It felt as if a heavy weight was crashing down on his chest. So many things had come and gone in his life. Everything he knew had changed at one point or another. But throughout all his years, there were only a couple of things that kept him on level ground – Gaia and the knowledge that one day, he would find his mate and they would live happily ever after. He knew it was a stupid cliche, but it was the truth. And now, in one fell swoop, he would lose them both.

  He felt like he couldn’t breathe.

  Andrej pushed past Harriet and with his vampiric speed, he rushed down the stairs, out of the house, and into the night. He ran until he couldn’t run anymore. Putting thousands of miles between himself and home. Why did the Fates hate him? What had he done to deserve this? Was this his karma? Why? Who had he hurt?

  As he finally started to run out of steam, he found himself right back where he started – in the woods outside of his property. Even in his own despair, he could stay away from her. Now that she was in his life, he couldn’t.

  But what was the point? He would never be able to sit there and watch Brailynn intentionally destroy herself as Vlad had done with Gaia. Andrej knew he would die a hundred deaths to be by her side. But even then, where she would go, he could not follow.

  Why open himself to that type of pain? he wondered. Why not just end his misery now?

  Andrej fell to his knees. He hung his head as every last bit of hope drained out of him. The feel of the sun’s rays on his flesh started to burn. But its pain didn’t even begin to compare to the pain that lashed through his heart.

  “Why?” His voice bellowed, echoing through the forest.

  Around him, the birds took flight in fear. The rodents scurried into their nests. And even the other predators took cover. Silence fell all around him.

  In the distance, in the direction of his home, he heard his name being called, but he chose to ignore it. They would never understand.

  A cold chill swirled in his gut. This was why he had cut himself off from others, centuries ago. The pain was unbearable. He felt as if it was stealing his breath. His lungs refused to work. Luckily, he really didn’t need air.

  The pain intensified
. Small blisters began to pop up on his skin.

  I can’t do this anymore, he told himself. He closed and with a picture of her in his mind, he whispered, “Miluje té, moje láska.”

  “Brailynn….” he whispered her name, as soft as a breath of air. “Be strong… Be the light.”

  Chapter Nine


  Her eyes shot open and she sat straight up in bed.

  A wave of nausea nearly took her breath. Something was wrong.

  “Andrej?” She blinked several times to try to clear the sleep from her eyes. “Andrej?” she repeated. But there was no answer.

  With shaky hands, she flung the cover off and sat on the edge of the bed. “Andrej?” she called his name a bit louder. But still, there was no answer.

  The nausea was getting worse.

  She blinked her eyes to try to rid them of the sleep that kept trying to pull her under. She stretched her neck out from side to side as she slowly stood. Brailynn looked around the room, but Andrej was nowhere to be found.

  Her arms started to burn. She looked down, but there was nothing there. She tried to rub the hurt away, but even that didn’t work.

  She walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door. “Andrej?”

  Again, no answer.

  At the realization that she was alone, panic seemed to settle in her heart. It beat against her breastbone to the point that she wondered if it was possible for it to break. If she didn’t know any better, Brailynn would have sworn that the organ was trying to beat its way out of her chest.

  A noise from the hall grabbed her attention.

  She quickly stumbled over to the door and yanked it open to discover a house in complete chaos. People were running here and there. Frantically shouting words like crazy, burn, and death. She had no idea what was going on.

  “What’s happening?” she asked, but nobody paid her any mind.

  She maneuvered herself downstairs, careful not to fall to her death, only to find even more turmoil. In the foyer, she saw Wallace and several of the others that had helped her off the mountain standing at the door as if they were about the leave. Brailynn pushed her way through the crowd and as she reached Wallace, and grabbed his arm, a pain shot through her mind and Andrej’s voice fluttered through her mind.


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