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Brailynn (A Rogue Enforcers Novel)

Page 18

by Samantha McCoy

  At first, he froze.

  Then, she gently bit down and that was it.

  Andrej tightened his grip on her hair and yanked her mouth back to his cock. He fucked her face with everything he had. And she greedily took all he had to give.

  She moaned around him. The vibration urging him on.

  Her hands wrapped around him again. She squeezed him a bit tighter as she pumped up and down.

  His hips moved faster.

  Andrej felt his orgasm as his nuts tightened, almost painful.

  “That’s it, baby,” he moaned. “Fuck, I’m gonna come.”

  He slammed himself down her throat. A shot of electricity zipped up his spine and like a bolt of lightning, it fired every nerve ending as it traveled back down and right into his balls.

  Andrej slammed her head down onto his shaft one final time before he unloaded himself into the warmth of her welcoming mouth.

  Brailynn jerked him off faster. Draining him over every drop. And when her hand slid over the sensitive head of his cock, he jerked back and pulled her out from under his desk.

  “You’re a kicky little mate,” he said, pulling her into his lap. “Where did you learn such a thing?”

  “Porn.” She deadpanned.

  “What?” He nearly choked out.

  Brailynn shrugged again. “I have to learn new things somewhere.”

  “Why didn’t you just ask me?”

  “Have you sucked a dick before?” she asked, seriously.

  “Wait? What? No!” Andrej shook his head.

  “Then how could you tell me if you’ve never done it?” she asked.

  “Alright, point taken.”

  A commotion outside had them both jumping to their feet. Brailynn hurried over to the door as Andrej pulled himself together. When he was presentable, he rushed out into the hallway to find that the entire place was in complete chaos.

  All hell had broken loose. People were running here and there. Shouting and screaming was coming from every direction. He could feel the panic and fear.

  He grabbed Brailynn’s hand and squeezed, knowing what was coming.

  “What’s happening?” Brailynn yelled.

  Tabatha rushed over and grabbed her hands. “They’re here!” she explained. “Derrick and the Hunter were just spotted crossing the river.”

  “Fuck!” Andrej cursed.

  If they were crossing the river, it would only be a matter of minutes before they reached the top of the hill that overlooked the valley, and his home.

  He quickly pulled Brailynn into his arms. “We don’t have a lot of time. Listen to me, I love you,” he told her for the first time. “This isn’t how I wanted to say that, but just in case….”

  “I love you, too,” she interrupted. “But…”

  “No, buts,” he told her. Kissing her softly to prevent any other words. If the last thing he heard from her lips was, I love you, then if the Fates decided to take him tonight, he would go willingly. He smiled at her. Mentally, he mapped every detail of her. He didn’t want to forget a thing.

  “Stop it.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed him soundly. “We will be fine.”

  “Guys!” Tabatha grabbed her arm. “We have to go. If Derrick or the Hunters breach the complex…”

  Tabatha didn’t need to finish her sentence. They all knew what would happen. So, with another kiss, Andrej and Brailynn followed the others out of the house and into the war of all wars.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  She couldn’t believe the time had finally come. The moment she had been waiting for. But now that it was there, all Brailynn wanted to do was take her people and run. So many of them, in a matter of days, had become like family to her. She looked around as they all rushed to defend themselves, and their home.

  “Remember,” Andrej shouted, “If they start to overrun, head to the bunker.”

  “That’s right,” Tabatha joined. “Do not try to push them back alone. We can always live to fight another day, but if we die, all fighting is done.”

  Brailynn looked around at all the gloomy faces. This wasn’t how she wanted it to be. This wasn’t how she wanted this to start. She knew she had to do something, if not, the war was already lost.

  “Please!” she called out. “Do not go into this battle already defeated. We have a chance to make history. To ensure that our kind has a future. This is the battle for our life. For our home. For our place in this world. Do not let them win it by getting into your heads. This is our fight! This is our win!” she shouted. “They are not as strong as we are. Remember that. We fight for all supers. They fight for themselves. Together, we can win this!”

  She lit a fireball in one hand and a water one in the other. She stood in front of her people with a confidence she didn’t know she had. She made eye contact with as many as she could before smiling, and saying, “Now, let’s kick their asses!”

  The crowd let out a loud “Whoop!”

  “Nice pep-talk,” Malcom joked.

  “Hey.” She grinned. “I’m new here.”

  Malcom chuckled as he stepped off the porch. “Change it up, boys and girl,” he told the group. “It’s party time.”

  She watched as everyone began to shift. Where Malcom once stood only seconds ago, a white lion with eyes of fire stood. He roared and it seemed to vibrate the ground beneath her feet and trigger the call of others just like him. Off in the distance, the sound of a cougar rent through the sky followed quickly was the screech of an old black raven. The roar of several bears brought a smile to her face and then there was the shrilled roar of a dozen dragons that caused her to gasp.

  Brailynn, Tabatha, and Andrej watched as they took flight and circled the sky above them. Fire shot from one and the others followed. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. And then, the oddest thing happened…

  Malcom roared out an alpha call and shot fire from his mouth.

  “What the…” Brailynn blinked, unable to believe what she saw.

  “He’s part dragon,” Tabatha explained, smiling proudly. “His mother was the last crystal dragon in the world before she was murder by Hunters right in front of him.”

  “I…” Andrej stuttered.

  Brailynn gasped in horror as Tabatha’s words sunk into her heart like a speeding arrow. So many lives had been taken by these vile people. Children now without parents. Parents now without their children. Husband and wives without mates.

  And for what? she wondered. Because people are afraid of what they don’t know or understand. Was learning a hard concept? How could they choose to eradicate another living soul? Was fear really that strong?

  She heard a cry of surprise off to her left. Looking out over the lawn, she saw what had caused the stir. There, burning brightly was an arrow.

  “They’re here!” Someone yelled.

  Her head snapped toward the ridge and there they were. Standing on top of the hill as if they were sentinel guards.

  “Son of a bitch,” Tabatha said through gritted teeth.

  Brailynn knew what the Supreme One was referring to. There, in the center of all the Hunters, stood a smug-looking warlock. One that Brailynn and Tabatha were both looking to destroy – Derrick.

  Brailynn’s blood began to boil.

  “This is it,” she said to those standing nearby. “Time to end this, once and for all.”

  “Time to end him,” Tabatha added, her voice no longer filled with its normal joy. This time, it almost sounded demonic.

  Brailynn glanced around but it seemed as if everyone were looking to her for leadership. She didn’t know if she was the leading type, but she knew for the sake of her people, she had to do something. So, bolstering up what confidence she did have, Brailynn flicked both of her wrists and smiled a bit arrogantly when a ball of electrical magic instantly formed in each hand.

  She stepped a couple of yards away from everyone and with Andrej, Tabatha, and Malcom by her sides, she called out, “It doesn’t have to
be like this Derrick. We can all live peacefully, as we once did.”

  “There is nothing peaceful about our existence, Great One,” Derrick sneered. “We live as captives to our own minds. We are the superior race! We deserve to rule the world!”

  “That’s not how it’s supposed to be,” she responded. “We live the way we do for safety.”

  “From what?” Derrick laughed. “We are far more powerful than stupid humans. Oh, I’m sorry.” Derrick put his hand over his heart. “I forgot, to people like you, humans are the superior race.”

  There would be no reasoning with him. Derrick was beyond that point. His mental health had been derailed months ago. Maybe even years. She had run out of ideas. Turning to Tabatha, she looked for help.

  “Brother,” Tabatha called. “You don’t want to do this.”

  “You have no idea what I want, Traitor,” he spat.

  “If you choose to wage a war with us, we will not stop until you and your Hunters are all dead.”

  “Then so be it, sister.” He spat the last word.

  Tabatha didn’t even give Brailynn time to deescalate the situation or try anything else. Tabatha simply unleashed a magical storm that caused all hell to rain down from the sky.

  The battle had already begun.

  Mankind and the supernatural would collide in a war of epic proportions. The entire concept left her feeling empty. But Brailynn knew, after today, everything would change – and when it was finally over, there would only be one winner.

  Or maybe, there would be no winner, at all.

  Either way, life as they knew it – was over.

  The two sides clashed.

  Like a tidal wave reaching for the shore, the impact sent people and debris scattering. There were roars of beasts followed by screams of pain. Loud thunderous screeches that nearly brought her to her knees.

  Fire. Water. Claws. Fur. Feathers.

  It was everywhere.

  Brailynn shot out a blast of water toward a group of Hunters that were trying to circle a lion. When the blast hit them, they all stumbled back – stunned.

  The place was in complete chaos.

  Vampires dashed here and there. Slicing through targets and drinking them dry.

  She’d lost track of Andrej in the chaos but felt reassured when she felt him through their link.

  I am fine, moje láska, he told her. Focus on you.

  The dragons above laid out lines of fire, scorching the earth and whoever was in their paths. Brailynn hoped it was none of her people. She watched as the larger predators cut through Hunters like knives through butter.

  Everywhere she looked, there was blood, sweat, tears, and death. It soaked into the earth, and into her. Her heart pounded in her chest.

  So much death. And while she knew it was necessary, it hurt her soul.

  For reasons unknown to her, when the battle started, Brailynn instantly developed a connection to all of those around her. She could tell where her people were and hope they were doing. But with that gift, also came the knowledge of the ones she lost. Each one was like a cut to her heart. It stole her breath like a kick to the gut.

  “We have to get to him!” Brailynn called out, tears flowing down her cheeks. “They’re dying!”

  She didn’t know how much more she could take.

  Tabatha nodded.

  The two witches sent out blast after blast. Hunters flew through the air as they were pelted with magic. And even though they were on opposite sides of the battle, Brailynn felt their loss just the same. Her stomach rolled as wave after wave of nausea hit her.

  She tried to breathe through it as she released another blast, but this time, it missed its mark. All the death and destruction were starting to get to her.

  You got this, moje láska, she heard Andrej say through their link.

  I don’t think I do, she answered him honestly. I can’t take much more of this. It… It hurts.

  I believe in you, Brailynn, he replied. We all do.

  Off to her right, she heard Tabatha scream, while simultaneously a lion roared so loud that Brailynn had to cover her ears.

  Fearful, she turned to see what could have caused such a reaction and her heart nearly stop. Tabatha was bent over, clutching her arm to her stomach, and all Brailynn could think of was the baby.

  “What happened?” Brailynn rushed to her side.

  Blood covered the front of her friends' shirt. Oh, no. Please no!

  “Stupid arrow grazed my arm.” Tabatha pointed to the ground.

  Brailynn blinked as she let the words sink in. Relief rushed through her. Placing her hand on Tabatha’s back and using herself as a shield, she quickly hurried them behind a car. “Let me see.”

  Tabatha removed her hand and Brailynn winced. The cut looked painful.

  “I’ll be alright,” Tabatha tried to say, but Brailynn wasn’t so sure.

  “Go into the tunnels,” Brailynn told her.

  “I will not!” Tabatha looked offended. “It’s a scratch. I’m fine.” She stood to move and nearly fell.

  “You’re fine, huh?” Brailynn asked. “Because you don’t look fine.”

  “I tripped.”

  Brailynn knew it was a lie. But she didn’t call her out on it. “You stick to me.”

  “Like glue,” Tabatha retorted.

  Brailynn stood and pulled Tabatha along with her. She could understand the woman’s need to see this battle to the end. Derrick had gotten away from her once already. She knew Tabatha didn’t want to take a chance and allow that to happen again.

  They peeked out and searched for their target. But they couldn’t find him. They looked left and right. Scanned over the massive swarm of people but didn’t see him anywhere. The smoke was so thick that even with her improved sight, Brailynn was finding it hard to see.

  “Brailynn!” Andrej called.

  She turned to see him pointing toward the hill. There, barely visible, was Derrick, running away from the storm. Coward! she thought to herself. He had led these people to war and then abandoned them. What kind of leader was he?

  “He’s running!” Tabatha pointed toward their target. “We can’t let him get away.”

  “Okay, I have a plan,” Brailynn said, “But I need your help. Think you can manage?”

  “If it finally brings him to justice…” Tabatha nodded. “Absolutely.”

  “Good, let’s go.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  He reached for the man in front of him, grabbed his head, and sank his teeth into the artery. There were death and mayhem everywhere he turned. Blood dripped from his lips and down his fancy shirt.


  Shifter, vamps, and Wiccan all worked together for a common goal – to have a future. He didn’t understand Derrick’s hatred for others or why the Hunters simply couldn’t just allow them to live in peace. It was all just below his brain's comprehension level.


  He watched as Brailynn and Tabatha ran after Derrick as the coward disappeared over the hill.

  Slaughter him.

  “He’s running,” Andrej called out. “Leaving his followers to die.”

  A Hunter hissed at him.

  Andrej punched the man in the face, ripped his gun from his hand, and then hit him with it. The guy dropped like a sack of potatoes. He took that moment to make sure the man would never be a problem again.


  Over the hill, a boom hit the ground so hard that it sent shockwaves out for miles. The earth beneath his feet rippled. The sky turned a deep purple and lightning flashed repeatedly.

  Hunters scrambled.

  Chase. Hunt. Kill.

  Fear filled their eyes as the dragons circled back around and laid out another trail of fire. But one dragon broke away from the pack. It circled on the other side of the hill as if it were watching, waiting, protecting.

  Protects mate.

  There was another loud explosion and suddenly, the dragon let out a loud shri
ek. The sound was enough to momentarily stop everyone. He covered his ear after that the decibels would cause his eardrum to burst.

  The dragon circled once more and then to the horror of many, it started to fall from the sky. Andrej couldn’t look. And while he might have been able to flash himself underneath it, there was no way he could withstand the weight of a dragon falling on top of him.

  Overhead, the other dragons let out a roar that could be heard for miles, if not farther. While he didn’t know who it was that fell, Andrej recognized Colton’s dragon as it laid down a long fire breath that turned everything in its path to ash, including some of Andrej’s property and outbuildings.

  Kill. Destroy.

  “Run!” Malcom said, back in human form.

  Andrej turned to see the other dragons following suit. No longer playing around, fire was sprayed everywhere. He watched in horror as his home and everything around him that he’d worked so hard to building, went up in flames.


  Malcom shoved him out of the way, moments before a flame hit the ground where he would have been standing.

  “My home,” he whispered.

  “I know,” Malcom said quietly. “We can rebuild it for you, Brother. I promise.”

  But rebuilding wouldn’t bring back the memories that wandered the halls. Or the secret calendar of events that he’d kept in his desk drawer that marked everything that had happened to him and the world in the last five hundred and eighty years. Or the pictures that dated back as far in the past as time itself.

  Sadness engulfed him. He’d lost everything.

  Out. The beasts inside demanded to be released. It pushed at its boundaries. Rattled the cage that Andrej kept it locked in. Pay. Kill. Destroy.

  His anger began to bubble over. Everything was gone. These Hunters had taken everything from him.

  Out. Kill. Destroy.

  And so, that’s exactly what Andrej did. He embraced the hunger. He mentally stuck the key in the lock and flung open the door, letting it take control and as he set his sights on his latest target.


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