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Myra Nour - As You Wish (Ellora's Cave)

Page 10

by james

  Aggravation shot through him at that thought. It wasn’t fair that a lovely girl like Amira had to suffer for centuries, waiting on lustful old men. Nick swallowed a gulp of orange juice. He wasn’t old, but she still served him. And as much as the idea of her being a servant bothered him, he had to be truthful—he wasn’t ready to give up those luscious wishes, even if that meant Amira wouldn’t be a servant any longer.

  Stabbing a sausage, he plunked it down on her plate. “Try one of these.” He watched her daintily taste each item, trying to distract his mind from unpleasant thoughts.

  “I thought we could go rambling through this huge flea market today. You never know what antique you might stumble across.”

  Amira glanced around his apartment. “But all your furniture is modern. I know we discussed your grandmother’s antiques…”

  He shrugged. “I do like them. It’s fun to treasure hunt, even if I don’t buy.”

  She smiled. “It sounds like fun, but I can’t go.”

  “Even if I pack your lamp in my backpack?”

  She stared at him. “Only if you ask me for a wish while we’re there.”

  “Oh.” He frowned. “That’s not what I had in mind.” He waved at their plates. “Let’s finish, I’ll think of something.”

  Afterward, they took their coffee to the balcony, watching the traffic increase and feeling the day warm up swiftly. “Amira, I was remembering what you said about Ali and how you lived with his family…how you even helped herd goats.”

  She nodded.

  “Well, taking care of goats would fall outside of a sexual wish.”

  “It was on Ali’s land. I was on his domain.”

  Her eyes were curious, probably wondering where he was going with this.

  “I live in an apartment. Technically, the whole building is within my home territory. I can’t go into other people’s apartments, but there is the lobby, a gym, a clubhouse, and a café.”

  He placed his cup down and pointed. “Look down there, see that pool? It’s within my domain too.”

  Amira’s gaze flicked over the pool and came back to his face. “You are right.”

  Picking his cup back up, he took a sip. “So, how about spending the day with me exploring my world here?”

  She took a deep breath. “I’d love to.”

  “Great. How do you feel about working out at the gym?”


  Were those tears in her eyes? Pleasure flushed through him. He was making Amira happy, very happy.

  They spent another hour chatting, letting their breakfast settle, then he changed into his gym clothes. Amira had to simply wave one hand to change into black gym tights and a matching top that left her abdomen bare.

  Nick swallowed, hard. He was going to have a difficult time concentrating on working out. Amira was hesitant about leaving his apartment, glancing upward like she expected to be struck by lightning. But once out the door, she relaxed.

  He’d never thought a hallway would be exciting, but Amira exclaimed over the interesting design of the carpet and the landscape pictures on the walls. She definitely needed to get out more.

  The gym was a whole new experience for her. She kept running from machine to machine, so that he didn’t really get much of a workout. But that was okay. Although the gym was not crowded, the few guys pumping weights couldn’t take their eyes off Amira. He couldn’t blame them, but at the same time, stayed by her side to ward off any flirtations. She was his.

  After their workout, it was lunchtime and he took her to the café. Amira was delighted with the light entrees and chose a chef salad. She also thought the café interior was charming, with its tiny tables and cute chairs to match. He’d never thought about it, but the café was cozy. He usually was too busy to bother stopping there, but maybe he’d have to make more of an effort. The food wasn’t bad and neither were the prices.

  When they got back to his apartment, Nick suggested they watch a movie. They selected You’ve Got Mail. He’d already seen it, and in spite of it being a chick flick, he really liked it. But Amira had not, and Tom Hanks was one of her favorite modern actors.

  Amira was wiping her eyes at the end scene. Maybe watching this particular movie hadn’t been such a good idea. Not because it made her cry, but its romantic theme spoke to the heart. It made him feel a little sad. He and Amira could never get together, working out their differences as had Tom and Meg. Their dissimilarity spanned millennia and took huge culture leaps.

  Nick clenched his jaw. Why am I getting maudlin? It’s not like I want to marry her. Warmth flashed through him at that thought. Nick was worried. He seemed to be getting way too involved for his own good.

  He jumped up. Action was good at distracting one from getting too sentimental. “I thought we could go to the pool for the afternoon.”

  Amira smiled, but then looked worried. “Outside?”

  He nodded, “Remember, it’s still within my domain. I pay rent here, expensive at that, and use of the pool is part of that payment.”

  “Okay.” She stood, looking uncertain.

  He pointed. “I’m going to my bedroom to change.” He picked up a magazine and handed it to her. “Why don’t you find a bathing suit you like?” Nick wished he’d chosen more carefully as he eyed the slick cover. Victoria’s Secret. If he remembered correctly, it was filled with sexy swimsuits.

  When he returned, his stomach felt like it sank all the way to his feet. Amira had chosen a black bikini with gold edging. The tiny triangles barely covered her breasts and the bottom tied at the sides.

  “Do you like it?” she asked anxiously.

  “The gold matches your eyes,” he muttered, trying to recover from his shock. He’d not answered her directly, but she seemed to accept his statement as such.

  “You look nice.” She smiled sweetly.

  Nick had his swim trunks beneath the shorts and shirt he wore. The apartment manager didn’t like people traipsing around in bathing suits through the halls. Not that he could blame him, with some of the bodies around here. Of course Amira could give a man a heart attack.

  “You need a covering.”

  Amira didn’t question, simply waved and a floor length, see-through black sarong appeared around her hips. Damn. Didn’t cover much, but would ward off the manager.

  The walk down to the pool seemed much longer than the one to the lobby had been. He tried his best to keep his eyes off his genie’s lush figure but he couldn’t. He used conversation as his excuse, running his eyes over her curves while they chatted.

  She seemed to be oblivious to his attention. Nick smiled. He knew that was because at heart Amira was an innocent. It wasn’t that she hadn’t experienced physical love. She had told him of her passion for her long dead lover. But she had a freshness to her nature, in spite of her mythical age. A naiveté.

  The pool was crowded, as it always was on the weekend. It was one cool spot where you could pass the time pleasantly in the sweltering heat. A buzz of whispers erupted as they entered. Nick knew he created a stir among the females whenever he went to the pool, but he’d never worked up this kind of attention. Necks craned, both men and women, for a look at Amira as they passed by.

  Nick was pleased when a couple left a pair of lounging chairs. He flung their towels over them just as the pair was leaving.

  “Sit.” He waved at her chair, relaxing in his. He stripped the shirt off, and then eased the shorts down.

  Amira untied the sarong before sitting down. Beautiful beyond words. Those long legs were curved just right, her abs firm, while her waist dipped in deliciously. Her breasts and hips were womanly and made for a man to ride.

  She had piled her hair on top of her head. It gave her a regal air, especially with the long neck that was exposed. How he wished he could kiss that long stretch of flesh.

  His cock was rock hard. Glancing around, he saw all eyes were on Amira. Picking up the backpack, he placed it over his lap and fished for the sun tan oil. Next, his s
unglasses were found and put on. Then he pulled out the water bottle and offered her a drink.

  Amira waved away the bottle, but Nick took a deep swig. He had to distract his thoughts or he’d never be able to come from under the cover of his backpack.

  A neighbor, an old fart of a pervert, came to a stop at the end of Amira’s chair for the sole purpose of leering at her.

  “Nick, who is this lovely young thing?”

  “My distant cousin.” he snapped. It took some minutes to get rid of the old man. By that time, his cock was flaccid.

  Nick spread sun tan oil over his body, then glanced at his companion. She couldn’t die, so probably didn’t need to worry about cancer. But then, maybe she could burn.

  “Here, Amira, you’d better put this on.“

  She spread it over her face, then her arms. His eyes followed every route. When she palmed it over her legs, his cock came to attention again.

  Nick turned away. It was one of the most difficult tasks he’d ever set himself. He stared across the pool at three young women. Denise, Susan, and Teresa. He’d dated all of them. When they noticed his attention, they giggled and waved. He returned the wave.

  “Who are they?”

  He shrugged. “Just some neighbors I know.”

  She giggled. “Not like your other neighbor.”

  Nick groaned. “Thankfully, we don’t have too many like him here.”

  The sun beat down on them unmercifully. It felt too hot to talk. Nick lay back, closing his eyes beneath the glasses, so he wouldn’t be tempted to look at Amira. She did the same.

  Waking from a half-snooze, he realized they’d been lying there for some time. His skin felt on fire. Damn, it was hot.

  “Want to go for a swim?”

  Amira nodded. He followed behind her, but her backside was as delicious as her front. Taking a few big steps, he passed her and jumped into the cool water. Okay, cock, you can do whatever you please now.

  As Amira eased backward down the ladder, he watched the gentle sway of her round hips. His cock did indeed do as it wished—became hard as a rock.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Amira was thoroughly enjoying her time with Nick. Who would have thought a simple day by a pool would be so exciting? Of course any adventure outside her lamp would be thrilling, but still, the cool water and hot sun seemed to fit her needs more than adequately.

  Nick was being so attentive, offering her water periodically so she wouldn’t dehydrate. Once, he ran to the changing area where a vending machine stood and brought her back a coke, because she mentioned how nice one would be. He was making a point of talking about subjects they both enjoyed, and steering clear of those he knew upset her.

  Just the fact that he thought of bringing her poolside showed his consideration. Was he beginning to care for her, or did he feel sorry for her? Normally, she would have seen right through any insincerity, but with her emotions so involved, she was having a hard time being clear about anything.

  Amira shrugged. Why question his behavior—she just needed to enjoy the beautiful day and the handsome man who kept her company.

  They spent several hours splashing and playing in the water, interspersed with swimming. Nick had a powerful stroke and she had trouble keeping up with him, but it was fun. They raced back and forth across the pool during the break periods when children had to sit out. Her Master seemed reluctant to exit the pool and she knew why.

  Nick’s arousal had not gone unnoticed by her. His cock had been hard almost the whole time just before they jumped in the pool. If nothing else, he clearly found her attractive. She slid her eyes sideways, noting his broad, muscular chest. They were hanging onto the edge of the pool, chatting, only she couldn’t seem to keep her mind on the conversation. His hard masculine body called to her. How she wished she could make hot, passionate love to Nick.

  “Hey kids,” he waved across the pool, jarring her from steamy thoughts. “Be back in a minute,” he said to her quickly.

  She watched him swim up to a boy and girl, youngsters about eight years old. Squeals erupted from the children as Nick grabbed each in turn and pitched them in the air. This rough water play went on for long minutes. Amira was glowing inside by the time Nick started back toward her. He loved children.

  “Who are they?”

  “Neighbors. Sweet kids.” He glanced back across the pool “Their mom is super, but she has to work long hours sometimes.”

  “Don’t tell me you babysit?” She couldn’t keep the astonishment from her voice.

  He chuckled. “No, but those evenings, Becky and Brad spend a lot of time here at the pool.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “I try to take a dip after work, when I can. I enjoy playing with them. They’re nice kids.”

  Amira had it now. Nick spent time with the children during those times. “You like children?”

  He nodded, turned to her and grinned. “Their mom too.”

  She snorted and slapped his shoulder lightly. While she was sure Nick did date the mother from his statement, he also wished to change the conversation. She was as sure as Hadji was her King, that Nick loved children. It was a nice quality she wouldn’t have thought to attribute to his playboy behavior.

  Amira wasn’t quite ready to let it go that easily. “Do you want kids one day?”

  “Sure, when the right woman comes along.”

  That was a surprising bit of information. Did that mean Nick was waiting, looking for that special woman?

  “What about you?” He turned and watched her face.

  “I wanted at least ten.”


  At his shocked look, she had to smile. “Remember, people had many children long ago…so many died at birth or at a young age.”

  “That’s true.” Nick placed one hand over her hand gripping the poolside and squeezed gently. “I’m sorry.”

  She stared at his large hand. She looked so frail beneath its strength. Tears threatened to spill and she dipped water with her other hand, washing her face with the cool water.

  “Are you ready to get some more sun?” She had to change the subject quickly.

  Nick glanced around the pool, then nodded, following behind her as she got out.

  Many people had left already, mostly leaving children who were being watched closely by a few lifeguards.

  “Where did everyone go?” She stretched out, wiggling her hips to find just the right comfortable spot. Nick’s eyes flashed to her upper thighs, his look molten. She hadn’t meant to stir his senses, but couldn’t say it was such a bad feeling either.

  “Getting late.” His voice was slightly gruff. “Some have places to go.”

  “Dates?” She stared sharply at her Master. “Am I keeping you from anything?”

  He laughed. “Not anything I wish to do.” He purposely turned the heat of his dark eyes upon her, letting her know without words he desired her and being here with her was what he wanted.

  Amira flipped to her stomach, unable to take her Master’s intense interest. Her pussy was moist just from his look.

  “Let me oil up your back.” Nick leaned over her, waiting for her to nod.

  When he untied the bra top and pushed the strings to the side, her nipples tingled. Those strong hands spread the tanning oil over her back, giving her shoulders a soothing massage before moving lower. She sighed, unable to stop it from escaping.

  “Feels good, huh?”

  “Yes.” That’s all the answer she could manage. Nick’s touch was stirring up sensations she thought long dead. Of course she could pleasure herself anytime she wished, but it just wasn’t the same.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Nick’s hands caressed the small of her back, making shivers run all the way up to her neck. They slid, one to each side, smoothing the oil over every little niche. Her breasts ached for his touch.

  He paused and her breath hitched as warm oil splattered the length of her legs. Quickly, he spread it up and down before it ran off, then taking his time, bega
n massaging it into her skin. Starting at her heels, he worked his way up, until his hands stroked the flesh at her bikini line.

  “Ooh.” Amira bit her lip.

  “Very nice,” he said softly.

  Whether Nick meant her feeling or his own, she didn’t know and didn’t care. She was living the moment.

  His fingers teased the edge of her bikini and her clit throbbed. She pictured those long fingers slipping beneath the fabric and sliding along her slick folds. Gripping the towel beneath her, Amira unconsciously clenched her buttocks. A light slap to her ass made her jump and her clit beat erratically.

  He efficiently tied her bra straps. “Turn over.”

  When she flipped over, she kept her eyes closed. Seeing Nick’s desire would push her over the edge. His hands touched her cheeks as he smoothed the coconut-scented oil gently on her face, his hand gliding down to cover her neck.

  “Smells nice.” A nervous quiver thrummed in her voice.


  Nick continued with his attention, rubbing the oil on her upper chest, his fingers flirting with the bra fabric. Amira held her breath when one finger slipped inside the bra, as if by accident. She didn’t say a word when that finger flicked over her nipple, causing it to pebble more. But she had a hard time keeping a groan inside.

  As if sensing her tortured state, he picked up her closest hand, rubbing the oil on it, then working his way up her arm. He paused to squeeze more oil on his hands, and then gave her other arm the same treatment.

  The hot sun, warm oil, coconut scent, and the strong hands stroking her body, were making her insides go mushy. Her pussy felt like the sun licked it with special attention, setting it on fire. Her clit throbbed and moistness gathered in her folds.

  Amira’s stomach quivered when Nick’s hands glided over her abdomen, sliding around her waist, then up to her ribcage. His caresses slid downward and she held her breath when his fingers plucked at the tiny strings on the side. Those marvelous fingers slipped across her lower abdomen, rubbing a little deeper under the material with each stroke.


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