Myra Nour - As You Wish (Ellora's Cave)

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Myra Nour - As You Wish (Ellora's Cave) Page 11

by james

  Her hips arched slightly upward as his fingers played briefly with her pubic hair. Her hands were clutched tight next to her body, gripping the towel tightly. She let out her breath in one long sigh as his hands slid away from her bikini to her legs.

  Like he had when she lay on her stomach, he started with her feet, massaging the oil into them, then sliding up her legs gradually. By the time he reached her thighs, she was panting and her stomach trembled.

  It was both frightening and wondrous to be under his control this much. She knew he could make her climax with a few well-placed strokes of his fingers. She was that close.

  Amira opened her eyes, startled. She had forgotten the djinn rules in the space of so many minutes. Glorious minutes she didn’t regret. But she must stop any further encroachment.

  Her head seemed to take forever to turn toward her Master. She was held spellbound for long seconds at the lust in his eyes as he glanced at her. Then his eyes followed the path his hands made as they moved upon her. She swallowed, not able to stop him yet.

  One hand stroked her upper thigh, while the other edged under the bikini, caressing so near her lower lips, a mere movement toward him would plunge his fingers into her hot folds. Her clit throbbed madly. Hadji, she was on the verge of orgasm.

  Placing her hand desperately over his hand, she cried, “Stop.”

  Nick’s fingers stilled, but he looked at her in confusion. “What?”

  “You must stop.” Amira bit her bottom lip, shoving his hand into his lap. Her eyelids fluttered down for a second, then she gazed at him. “I cannot be brought to satisfaction by my Master’s hand.”

  Nick’s neck flushed red and his eyes turned hard. “Damn your genie rules! Are you sure?”

  She nodded. It was too painful to talk.

  He lay down on his chair, exhaling a breath laden with frustration. Amira peeked beneath her half-shuttered eyelids. He was staring at the sky, hands behind his head, his cock pointing straight upward.

  “I’m glad no one is sitting close to us,” she giggled.

  Nick turned to her, frowning, completely ignoring his raging erection. “Yes, otherwise you probably wouldn’t have let me massage the oil on you so long.”

  She flushed. Poor Nick, he was frustrated and angry. She couldn’t blame him. She had passed anger many centuries ago, but exasperation still sat in her stomach like a sour piece of fruit. How lovely it would have felt if she could have allowed Nick’s skilled fingers to bring her to orgasm.

  “I’m sorry.” She offered what she could, her words.

  He turned on his side, then let out a long breath. “No, it’s me who should be apologizing. I never start anything I can’t finish.” A large grin flashed across his face.

  She knew he was trying to turn the situation humorous. He knew it was not her fault.

  “Hey, are you getting hungry?”

  She nodded, glad Nick had come to grip with his frustrated senses.

  “Let’s rinse off in the changing area, then go grab a bite at the café. Is that okay?” He jumped up and held out one hand.

  “That would be wonderful.”

  It didn’t take long for them to get clean and change. Amira blinked up shorts and a shirt. Nick wore what he came to the pool in. Dinner was fun, especially interjected with the silly jokes he kept telling her. She knew her Master was trying to lighten the mood, and it worked.

  By the time they returned to his apartment, they both were in high spirits, and nothing would suffice except a comedy movie. After that, they watched a campy horror movie that had them laughing more than the funny one. Popcorn was scattered on the floor and coke cans littered the coffee table by the time they called it quits.

  Amira quickly made the mess disappear. When she glanced at Nick, he looked content and tired. Her eyes were drooping too. He held out one arm and she sat down tentatively, then shrugging, cuddled against his chest.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Nick stroked Amira’s hair gently, listening to her breathing. She had fallen asleep but moments ago. He would never forget their day together. It had been one of the most wondrous and most frustrating in his memory. He smiled softly. That’s the way his genie made him feel half the time—horny as hell and not able to do a thing about it, and charmed by her very presence at the same time.

  What am I going to do with you? Keep her, his mind replied.

  What else? Nick tried to shove that thought aside, but it kept edging back, demanding attention. Finally, he quit trying to fight his growing feelings. He stared at the magical woman resting on his chest. Do I love her?

  His chest felt tight at that thought. He had the same joyful emotions he’d experienced as a youth around Sharon. And that scared him.

  He stroked her hair slowly. Would anything come of pursuing such a wondrous being? He didn’t know, but every feeling he’d buried as a youth fought for life. Nick wanted to love again, to be immersed in those crazy, drunken sensations.

  Could Amira ever have a normal life? Would she ever be able to make love…to him? His hand tightened unconsciously on her shoulder. She mumbled in her sleep and he lightened his grip. He’d never been one to turn down a challenge or tuck his tail in defeat.

  Nick smiled grimly. So, he had thrown down the gauntlet. Impish thoughts kept invading his warm feelings and he became frustrated at his warring mind. If he did figure out a way for Amira to be normal, then that meant losing her genie abilities, which meant no more sexual wishes.

  The selfish thoughts were shoved to the back of his mind. In his head, he pictured pushing a little man dressed in a red devil suit into a closet and slamming the door.

  Shaking his head at himself, Nick didn’t know how effective his method would be, but at least it was a start. If he was going to figure out how to help Amira and ultimately himself, he had to control the id side of his nature that wanted everything for itself.

  In spite of his disturbing thoughts, he was drowsy. The sun zapped the strength right out of you. He felt like a big lazy cat, with no desire but to rest.

  When Amira had settled into his arms, Nick thought to spend the rest of the evening in relaxation. This evening had been pure fun.

  But when she wiggled in her sleep, readjusting against his chest, his wayward mind latched onto the sensual experience they’d exchanged poolside. His breathing increased as he recalled the velvety softness of her skin beneath his fingers. Remembered how Amira had responded. In fact, as his fingers had edged near her bikini bottom, she’d looked ready to explode.

  His cock rose beneath his shorts. Amira chose that moment to awaken and stretch her arms wide, and then turned toward the television. He hoped she wouldn’t notice his arousal. He didn’t want her to think him some randy young man who couldn’t control his urges for one night.

  He stroked her arm gently. Nick knew he was closer to that uncontrollable, horny image than he cared to admit. Amira’s soft laugh thrummed through his chest. She was watching TV while he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  Her long legs were visible in this position, plus one breast and the top of her head. But that was more than enough to kindle his interest further.

  It’d been those beautiful legs that he’d stroked earlier, his oil slicked hands easing slowly toward her groin. Nick groaned and shifted his body slightly.

  “Are you all right?” Amira sat up and turned toward him.

  Nick stared at her angelic face and sinfully lovely body. “Yes—no.”

  Her brow creased, then she grinned. “Which is it?”

  Letting out a deep exhalation, he ran one hand down the side of her head, and then grasped her chin. “I’m fine. I had a wonderful day. Yet, I’m in agony.”

  “Agony?” She flicked her eyes over his face. “Can I help?”

  “Yes,” he whispered huskily. “More than you could ever know.”

  With that statement, he leaned over her and placed the merest kiss to her full lips. Bending her backwards, so she was sprawled across his lap, he
stroked her lower lip with his tongue.

  Amira remained close-mouthed, her brilliant golden eyes staring at him in alarm.

  “Master?” she whispered against his mouth.

  “Open for me.” He kissed the corner of her mouth, and then latched onto her lips. His cock throbbed as Amira’s sweet lips parted.

  Their kiss was lingering, their tongues engaging in a dance as elaborate as any he’d performed on a dance floor. He gently caressed the delicate skin on her neck while they kissed, then slid down, palming one breast. He wanted to feel her heart beat while they kissed, to gauge the extent of her feelings. Her rapid heartbeat pleased him.

  Amira withdrew and said, “Nick.”

  “Shhh.” He placed one finger over her lips. “It is enough—for now.”

  Turning her body, he settled onto the couch, pulling Amira deeper into his arms. It took a bit, but finally his cock calmed down and he relaxed with Amira snuggled against his chest.

  * * * * *

  The next morning he awoke to lovely Amira curled in his arms. He was so happy it didn’t seem real. Do I deserve this? Do I deserve her? Nick snorted at his silly thoughts. Amira stretched and gazed up at him sleepily. Those amber eyes could draw a man in, to get lost in their beauty.

  “You hungry?” he asked to cover the shakiness inside.

  “Mmm.” She yawned widely, then covered her mouth quickly. “First, I’d like to shower.”

  Nick jumped up and pulled her to stand beside him. “Can I join you?” His voice went deep with lust as an image of them soaping each other shot into his mind.

  Amira looked startled, but then her face shuttered down and became expressionless. “I can’t…it would be dangerous.”

  He gripped her face gently and placed a quick kiss to her full lips. “That’s okay.” It really wasn’t okay with him, but it wasn’t her fault. It was those damn genie rules. “You go first then, and I’ll gather the breakfast items.”

  She disappeared in a super flash of blue energy. Nick stretched one arm out, but it was too late to stop her. He had meant for her to use his shower. For some reason that seemed important.

  As he prepared the ingredients for an omelet, he analyzed his own mind. Did he want Amira using his shower…marking her territory, laying claim to his male domain? He smiled. That thought had a warm, fuzzy feeling attached to it.

  Images of a gloriously nude Amira showering entered his mind. Strolling to the bathroom, Nick managed to clear his mind and calm his cock to half-staff. He showered quickly, thrusting away intrusive thoughts of rubbing a slick, wet Amira. He heard her moving about the living room, and finished his morning routine super fast.

  “You look lovely.” He was pleased with the simple white sundress she wore. It made her look more innocent than ever. He walked over and tugged one braid. “Cute.” She had a long braid hanging over each breast, lending more to the naive image.

  He took a deep breath in, she smelled as delicious as she looked. “What is that fragrance?”


  Smiling, he took her hand and seated her at the bar. “How do you like your omelets?”

  “Surprise me.”

  Nick whistled happily as he whipped up their breakfast. They finished their last cup of coffee outside, enjoying the morning air and each other’s company.

  “I’m sorry Amira, but I’ve got some paperwork to do—a new client tomorrow.”

  “You don’t have to apologize, I have loved every minute of our weekend.”

  Her words made his stomach warm. She’d used the word our, but he was sure it was unconsciously done. Amira always seemed to hold herself from him. Could he blame her? After so many centuries and Masters, what hope did she have of gaining normalcy?

  “It’s not over yet.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  She cocked her head at his statement, but then strolled into the living room and picked up a magazine.

  By lunchtime, Nick had his work in order. Amira fixed them sandwiches and he told her about his client as they ate.

  “You’ve got a little mayonnaise on your mouth.” He dabbed at the corner of her lip.

  Her tongue came out to lick the spot he’d just cleaned. His cock jumped at the sight of her pink flesh. Jumping up he headed for the living room. “I’ve got to run to the store.” He received a nod and sweet smile from Amira.

  It took him some time to find all the items he wanted. His genie was lounging on the couch, reading a romance book, when he returned. It would be hours to dinnertime, and Nick knew how he wanted to fill them.

  “Have you ever played Monopoly?”

  She shook her head. “What is it?”

  “A game.” Nick took down the box from the closet, then spread everything on the coffee table.

  “I would never have guessed you like to play children’s games.” Amira giggled.

  He grinned. “My niece and nephew got me hooked on it.”

  “Where are they?” She picked up the tiny dog, then each piece in turn.

  “Dallas. They visit several times a year, and they usually beat the pants off me in Monopoly.”

  “How delightful.” She smiled at him, her eyes brilliant yellow diamonds. “You love them.”

  “Yes, yes I do.” He nodded, arranging the cards. Amira was a quick study, and it didn’t take but a few games before he was struggling to keep ahead of her. He could tell by her smiling face she loved the game. He was surprised when glancing at the clock later. It was getting close to dinnertime.

  Slapping the table lightly, he said, “I’ve got to fix dinner. Why don’t you finish that book?”

  “Need any help?”

  “No. This is my treat for you.” He didn’t want to share that he was preparing her a gourmet meal, not until she set eyes on his masterpiece.

  Amira strolled to the archway between the living room and kitchen periodically, watching him prepare, then returning to the living room. He was glad—her presence would have been distracting while he was cooking.

  After everything was ready, he set the table, using his good china, then lit the tall candles resting in the two brass candlesticks. Everything looked perfect.

  “Damn,” he muttered. He was still dressed casually. Running into the bedroom, he got changed in record time, putting on a pair of slacks, shirt, and dinner jacket. Coming back into the living room, he met Amira’s curious eyes.

  “I want tonight to be special.” He ran one hand down a lapel. “Could you change into something that you’d wear to a romantic dinner?”

  Amira jumped up, her gold eyes aflame with excitement. With a wave, her appearance changed dramatically. A simple black dress molded to her curves, set off with a string of pearls. Her hair was swept up, leaving her elegant neck exposed. Tiny pearl earrings in her earlobes matched the necklace. She was gorgeous, everything he could have wished or desired.

  “Dinner is served.” Nick held out an elbow and Amira slid her hand through his arm.

  Nick looked so handsome and was so gallant, she was overwhelmed for a few seconds. When Amira saw the lovely china and candlelit table, she knew she was in for a romantic evening. Her stomach fluttered in excitement.

  After pulling her seat out, Nick placed two oysters on each of their plates.

  “Our appetizer, smoked oysters.” He poured wine into their glasses. “And this is Chardonnay.” He glanced at her. “Ever tried it?”

  She shook her head and took a sip. “Mmm, wonderful.” Following Nick’s example, she let the oyster slide down her throat. She hadn’t wanted to tell him she’d never tried the shellfish either. The oyster’s appearance had always kept her from tasting it. But she didn’t want to hurt Nick’s feelings after he went to so much trouble. It didn’t taste bad, but neither was she crazy about it.


  “Delish.” She took another sip of wine. Finishing off the other oyster wasn’t that bad, especially after more wine.

  Jumping up, Nick cleared the small plates and bowl
that had held the oysters. He set a fresh salad in front of her, then sat and dug his fork into his bowl.

  “I love salad,” Amira stabbed a large mouthful of lettuce and tomato.

  “Me too. But save room, there’s lots more.”

  When they finished, Nick brought over a pot and spooned a wonderful smelling meat mixture onto their plates.

  “Beef bourguignon.”

  Then he set a large bowl between them and served them both portions. “Angel hair pasta with gingered beef flavoring.”

  To her surprise, he poured a different kind of wine into another wine glass. “Burgundy.”

  “Oh, Nick, you’re going to spoil me.”

  “Don’t say that until you’ve sampled.” He grinned and pointed to her plate.

  Amira rolled her eyes dramatically after taking a big bite of the beef, then again after tasting the pasta.

  Laughing, he dug into his food with gusto. After they started slowing down, she rubbed her stomach. “You should have been a chef.”

  Nick paused midway to his mouth with a forkful of beef. “I thought about it.”

  She was so full she didn’t think she could take another bite. Amira was fearful Nick was bringing on another entrée when he got up, but he returned with a delicious looking dessert. Mousse. One of her favorites.

  “You shouldn’t have.” She moaned in exaggeration.

  “I told you to save room,” he chuckled, picking up her dessert spoon and placing it in her hand.

  She placed the luscious chocolate in her mouth and closed her eyes. It was to-die-for delicious.

  When the last spoonful was consumed, Nick pulled her chair back and escorted her to the couch. He brought a bottle of champagne with him.

  “What are we celebrating?” Was this part of the gourmet meal?

  “Us.” He kissed the end of her nose. “Life.” He placed a deeper kiss to her mouth.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Amira was dumbstruck. Just what was Nick up to? He strolled into the kitchen and returned with two tall, slim wine glasses. After he popped the cork, he poured the glasses full and handed her one.


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