Myra Nour - As You Wish (Ellora's Cave)

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Myra Nour - As You Wish (Ellora's Cave) Page 12

by james

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?” she teased, already halfway there.

  “Maybe.” His dark eyes bored into hers over the glass rim, unclothing her with his look.

  Nick proposed a toast and they clinked glasses. By the time she’d sipped her way through the champagne, she was giggling a lot and feeling very pleasant.

  “Come here, beautiful.” He set his glass down and placed one hand around the back of her neck, bringing her forward. She half fell onto his chest, propping herself above his face.

  “Kiss me.” His eyes demanded more than he was saying.

  “Why?” She couldn’t still the giggle that escaped.

  “Because I wish it.” Nick’s voice was gruff and she knew he no longer played a game.

  She should have slipped out of his arms and sat on the end of the couch—out of reach. But she didn’t want to. She wanted to kiss him too. Leaning down, she brought her mouth to his. He tasted of champagne and chocolate.

  Opening her mouth, she had no other thought than to taste more of his hot mouth. His tongue stroked hers with little flicks, inviting her to do the same. Her heart seemed to be running away, it beat so swiftly.

  Nick slipped one hand to the pins in her hair and slid them out. Her hair fell around her shoulders, and he gently smoothed down the mass.

  Amira licked Nick’s lower lip, then sucked it into her mouth. His hand ran up through her hair and he pulled her mouth forward for deeper contact. They were one. One breath, one life. His strong heart beneath her hand and she circled her fingers on his muscular chest.

  Nick left her mouth and licked her earlobe. Her pussy lips were moist and craved something. It took a second to realize she wanted his touch, a dangerous wish.

  “Amira,” he whispered in her ear, his tone throaty.

  Her neck felt weak, her body boneless. His kiss dipped down and she felt his warm tongue on her throat. Her breath hitched as he hit a particularly sensitive spot.

  “Oh,” she groaned.

  His hands slipped to the tiny straps of the dress, pushing them down until the material barely clung to her breasts. She arched backward as Nick palmed each breast, kneading gently. His lips continued kissing her overheated flesh as he went downward.

  Her chest quivered when she felt his lips softly kiss her cleavage. She pressed her head back into the couch and kept her eyes closed. A sharp gasp escaped her when wet warmth stroked across her breasts, a mere inch above her nipples.

  She had to look. When she saw Nick lapping at her skin, it made her clit throb as if he caressed it instead. Pushing her breasts up with both hands, he moved his mouth over her beaded nipples, rubbing his closed mouth back and forth across the material. Her hands moved up his arms to his head and she twined her fingers in his hair, wanting to push him into her flesh, but not daring to be so bold.

  Amira moaned when he opened his mouth and sucked on her nipple through the silky cloth. Releasing her flesh, he brought his face level with hers and stared into her eyes. He wanted her to see the lust in his eyes, and something else, a depth of emotion she had thought never to see again.

  A shiver ran through her body. She had to be either mistaken or mad. That could not be love she saw. Nick’s hands squeezed her breasts gently, and then he worked her dress lower, caressing her exposed nipples with his thumbs.

  “Stop!” She shoved his fingers off her breasts.

  Nick sat back, his look surprised and confused. “What happened? Did I hurt you?”

  “No…please, we have to stop. It is forbidden.” She sniffed back a tear. In reality, what she thought she saw reflected in his eyes hurt more than any physical pain he could choose to inflict on her.

  Nick folded his arms, his jaw clenched. “You know, I’m really sick of those stupid genie rules of yours.”

  Amira sat up straight, pulling her dress back up. “They’re not my rules,” she spat.

  He sighed and ran one hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault.”

  “That’s right, Master.” She made her voice sarcastic but firm. “No one can give me satisfaction. You might as well get that through your head.”

  “Uh, you forgot to add thick head.” Nick chuckled.

  She took a deep breath. While she normally appreciated his humor, now was not the time. She suddenly felt so sad and defeated. “May I go?”

  He stared at her for a few seconds, then nodded.

  She dared a last glance at Nick as she dissolved. He looked frustrated, but thoughtful.

  * * * * *

  Nick called to her the next morning. He was going to work late that night, and the next evening he had a business meeting. Of course he told her to come and go as she pleased.

  Amira chose to stay inside her lamp while he was at work. Memories of last night haunted her throughout the day. Her breathing increased each time she recalled their heated kisses and Nick’s sensual stroking of her breasts. Finally, in frustration, she’d brought herself to an orgasm. She’d thought of their embrace as she caressed her clit, and was surprised by the power of her climax.

  Fortunately, her Master came in so late—he didn’t call to her. He walked quietly, as if trying not to disturb her. The next day she spent in his living room, watching TV and flipping through every magazine in his rack. He came in at bedtime and seemed pleased to see her. They talked for a few minutes, and then he excused himself for the night.

  Amira watched his broad back disappear through the bedroom door. Restless and lonely, she watched old horror movies until after midnight. The thought of being by herself in her lamp did not appeal to her, so she cuddled up on Nick’s couch.

  He was surprised to see her sprawled on the couch the next morning, but gave her a quick kiss on the way out. Better than that, he told her he’d be home straight after work. Amira hugged a pillow to her chest. That was special.

  In spite of the sexual wishes he chose to use on weekends, Nick still liked to go out on Wednesday nights. He had told her he went to bars or nightclubs to meet women. Tonight he’d chosen to forgo his regular night out—he was staying at home with her.

  The dinner date with Amira had gone spectacularly, until she became fearful as he kissed her. Nick was determined to break down her reluctance. He knew he couldn’t make love to her, but he could push it to the limit of her rules and he intended to do just that. What that would accomplish besides leaving him extremely frustrated, he didn’t know—but something inside him whispered he must pursue not only Amira’s character but also her lustful side. Push her to her boundaries as well.

  Was there a secret to breaking her genie bondage? Nick didn’t have a clue, but being with her felt right. Maybe he could get her to tell him more about the conditions, help him figure out a way to work around the rules—that is, if she wanted to make love as badly as he did.

  And did he really want to break the curse that held Amira to him in servitude? He stared at the busy street. He’d stopped for a cup of coffee and to think before he returned home. People bustled back and forth, busy with their lives. One couple strolled by, arms draped around each other’s waist. They were young and it was very apparent they were in love—the way they gazed at one another.

  Is that what I want? Yes, a tiny voice whispered in the deepest recesses of his heart. Another couple walking by grabbed his attention. They were at least in their sixties, and held hands like newlyweds. The couple paused to stare into the window of a shop next to his table, and Nick got a good look at them. They talked like old friends and the look in their eyes, while not lust-filled like the young people, was brimming with love that came from a lifetime of living together.

  That’s what he wanted—what both couples had. The lust and physical attraction that came with newfound love, and then the deep, committed love that came from living with your loved one for years.

  He swirled the cold coffee in his cup and held it up for the waitress to refill.

  That was it then. To allow his love for Amira to blossom, and hopefully
hers in return, the genie bonds would somehow have to be broken. No more sexual wishes. Nick grinned. Why did that thought bring such joy to him? Because you’re in love, he answered himself.

  But did Amira love him? Taking a sip, he went over her behavior with him and the way her eyes softened when they were together. He’d had plenty of women who gazed at him with lust, even one with an obsessive love, but none with true committed love. Bringing Sharon’s image to mind, he thought about how her eyes had looked and how she’d acted, before she fell out of love with him. It was very similar to the look in Amira’s eyes.

  A shiver ran down his back. Was that true love then? If Sharon could fall out of love so easily, would Amira too? Would she leave him if he found a way to free her?

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Anger lanced through his fear. No. Amira was not like that. Amira wasn’t Sharon. Besides, he would give her no reason to leave him, but so many splendid ones to stay.

  Nick stared at a fancy shop across the street. It was filled with expensive clothes and the accessories women loved. Amira could wish up anything in that shop. She could live a lifestyle many people would envy. Except for her freedom, she had so many wondrous things at her command.

  Would she give all that up for him? In frustration, he slammed his cup down, sloshing the coffee onto the table. Mopping the spill up with a napkin, he crumbled the paper in his hand.

  An image of Amira’s sweet face floated before him. How could he forget the look of sadness, lust, and disappointment on her face when she conjured his wishes? She might be pleased with her ability to wish up anything she desired, but she was not happy having to watch her Master’s fulfilled sexual wishes, while she remained chaste. She certainly hadn’t been happy watching him.

  He took a calming breath of relief. He knew women. And he knew as sure as he had an Italian name, Amira was saddened by the parade of women he wished up. She did have feelings for him. It was also clear that she did not like the servitude and lack of freedom the curse placed upon her. Her story about Ali had made it crystal clear what her feelings were on the matter.

  Nick jumped up, ready now to face his genie and his destiny. Somehow, he had to convince her they belonged together.

  When he got home, the sight of Amira fixing supper for him pleasantly surprised him. He always hated anyone else messing around his kitchen. But not Amira. Nick had enjoyed teaching her how to make a few dishes and right now she was putting the finishing touches on pasta and marinated chicken. She looked so right in his home.

  They chatted throughout the meal, their conversation flowing easily, which was nice since the night before had ended on an uncomfortable note. Afterwards, they followed what was quickly becoming a nightly routine—popcorn and watching a movie.

  Sleeping With The Enemy was on and though they’d both seen it, Nick watched it again with interest. He had concentrated before on the more chilling elements, but now he watched the developing relationship between the hero and heroine with interest.

  “I’d do that for you.” he stated out of the blue.

  Amira turned and eyed him quizzically. “What?”

  “Fight for you.” He stroked her hair gently.


  “Because a man in love will do anything for his girl.” His pulse leaped in his neck. Would Amira believe him?

  “Wha…what are you saying, Nick?” Her look had shifted from curious to frightened.

  “That I’m madly, completely head-over-heels in love with you.” He took her face between his hands so she had to gaze into his eyes.

  “Are you?” she whispered. Those amber orbs glowed and shimmered with held-in tears.

  Drawing her toward him, he kissed her, urging her mouth open with his tongue. Somewhere in the back of his mind a niggling thought fought for attention. And it burst upon him as their kiss deepened and changed what started as a chaste kiss into burning lust. He had thought that perhaps proclaiming his love would end her curse. But no magic had ripped through the room, and Amira seemed the same.

  Nick pushed her gently back and examined her face. She looked flushed and happy. “Do you feel any different?”

  “What do you mean?” She stared at his lips, clearly wishing to continue.

  “I thought if I said I loved you, it would put an end to your genie days.”

  Her eyes dipped downward, then returned to his, sadness now flushing through their depths. “No,” she whispered. “That is not the key.”

  “Then, what is?” He hated the way his voice came out so demanding, but he couldn’t stop himself.

  Amira shook her head. “Remember…I cannot tell you. It would negate the result.”

  “So—I have to keep trying until I hit it correctly?”

  She nodded, staring at him uncertainly. Did she think he’d give up?

  “I’ve always gotten what I set my heart on.” He gave her a reassuring stare, the kind he used with clients during meetings. He wanted her to believe in him.

  A tear slipped down one satiny cheek, and he wiped it gently away.

  “And you? How do you feel about me, Amira?” His voice caught in his throat. He felt like a kid in the throes of a first crush.

  “Oh, Nick,” she sighed. “I loved the way you looked when I first saw you. How could I not?”

  “Omar.” He clenched his jaw.

  “Yes. But you are not he.” She laid one hand along the side of his face. “You are your own man. Unique. You are intelligent, sweet, funny, and caring.”

  “Me?” He couldn’t keep a chuckle from erupting. He’d never thought of himself in those terms, except maybe for the intelligence.

  “Yes, you.” She smiled sweetly, her eyes glowing. “I admit, at first it was hard to see many of those qualities beneath your playboy exterior.”

  Nick swallowed hard. That was a mouthful. How close had he come to losing her, or never gaining her love in the first place?

  “But, gradually your good qualities shone through. I…wasn’t sure if you loved me until you declared it just now. I did feel you cared for me, what I think, how I feel about things. That you worried about my imprisonment as a djinn.” She gazed into his eyes. “How could I not love you?”

  “Cara,” he kissed her softly. “Well, I do love you. You are sweet, kind, smart, a fine conversationalist, and we share many of the same interests.”

  “That’s quite a list.” Her eyes looked worried. “ But, we cannot make love.”

  “Not for now, but there are other things we can do. Besides, we’re going to get rid of that damn genie curse.”

  She cocked her head. “What other things?”

  He placed one hand over her left breast and gently circled her nipple through the cloth covering it. “Touching, kissing, licking.”

  Her eyes closed as he rubbed her beaded flesh. She reopened them and stared at him, her look tortured. “But these things will only cause us…discomfort. We cannot consummate our physical love.”

  “You know, I’ve been wondering about some of those genie rules. What exactly do they say about climaxing?”

  Amira blushed. “That I cannot be brought to fulfillment by a Master, nor he be brought to pleasure by his djinn.”

  “How long has it been since you’ve read these edicts?” He removed his hand from her breast and massaged her neck, hoping to relax her.

  Her brow wrinkled in thought. “I…I don’t remember reading them since I was first cursed.”

  “It’s been centuries!” Nick sure couldn’t rely on his memory if it’d been that long.

  “Try millennia,” she frowned.

  “We need to take a look at these rules. Might be some loopholes we can use.”

  “Loopholes?” She looked confused.

  “A lawyer term. Meaning, we might find a way around those laws.”

  When Amira continued to stare at him, uncertainty stamped on her face, he urged gently, “Can we see those rules?”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Nodding, sh
e snapped her fingers and a beige-yellow roll of parchment appeared in one hand. She unrolled it carefully, ignoring the faint crackling of its weathered texture.

  “Read it aloud.”

  “Kul djinn ismaou hazehee alkalimat aldiniyah allazena koutebou beyad Hadji alkawee.”

  Nick chuckled. “No, in English.”

  “Oh, sorry,” Amira flashed him a quick glance. Her eyes were focused as if her attention was centered on something faraway—which it was.

  Clearing her throat, she read, “All djinn heed these sacred words, those set down by the all-powerful Hadji.”

  Nick listened for a minute then touched her arm. “Cut to the good stuff.”

  “Huh?” Amira’s porcelain skin was pale, her thoughts clearly elsewhere.

  “The part that pertains to you not being able to satisfy a Master or reach orgasm with him.”

  Amira nodded absentmindedly, and then ran one finger down the scroll. Taking a deep breath, she read, “The djinn known as Amira shall never gain sexual release by iro.”

  “What is that?”

  Blushing, she said, “Her Master’s cock.”

  “Continue,” he waved toward the ancient paper.

  “Nor shall a Master’s cock enter into the djinn Amira to give her ultimate pleasure. Nor shall a Master’s hand or tongue be used to give Amira release. Neither shall Amira bring a Master to sexual release by kittah…the djinn’s vagina, her tongue, or her hands. All these acts are forbidden.”

  “Anything else?”

  “What do you mean?” Amira gave him a puzzled look.

  “Anything about kissing, fondling, or licking?” He stroked her hair. “You know…foreplay.”

  Her eyes widened and she stared down at the scroll clutched in her hands. “Nothing.” Her voice was a mere whisper.

  “Then, we can play all we wish—as long as my cock doesn’t make you climax, or my tongue and hands. And the same applies to you—not bringing me to orgasm by using your tongue, hands, or vagina.”


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