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Rahab's Domination (Demons on Wheels MC Book 5)

Page 12

by Ravenna Tate

“If none of the women were here and they had to hire outside help to cook and clean, they’d still run Scotty’s Place just as well. Look, it’s none of my business, and I don’t know where you and Rahab are headed. All I can tell you is that none of us have ever seen him act this way over a woman, and I know for a fact he would never ask you to give up your dreams for him. He might ask you to share them with him, but he’d never ask you to choose one or the other.”

  “Thank you, Rai. That’s exactly what I needed to hear.”

  “You’re welcome.” Rai eyed the tray. “You going to eat the rest of that?”

  “No.” Liz stood. “I’m going to find Rahab.”

  “He’s in his room, I think. Club is closed tonight, and he said he was tired.”

  “Thanks.” Liz stopped after taking a few steps, and turned around. “You want me to take that back downstairs?”

  “Nope. I’ve got it.” Rai winked as she passed Liz. “Have fun.”

  As Liz made her way down to Rahab’s room, she felt as if a huge weight had lifted from her mind. How foolish she’d been to assume that because he was an alpha male, all the way, he’d demand she give up her plans. She’d never given any guy a chance because of her belief that she couldn’t have both an intimate, meaningful relationship, and a career.

  But if she had, she’d never have become involved with Rahab. With the new light Rai had shed on their ways here, she was now free to enjoy Rahab and see where this might lead, without holding back out of fear that she’d lose her sense of direction.

  She almost opened the door without knocking, but that would be rude. Plus, if he was in there with someone else, she’d be embarrassed and look foolish. They weren’t exclusive, after all. He was free to fuck anyone here that he wanted to.

  “What?” he called.

  “It’s Liz. Can I come in?”

  She listened for a second, straining to hear whether he was moving in there, and then the door opened so quickly she took a step back. Her heart skipped a beat at the cautious expression on his face. What the hell had she done to hurt him? Whatever it was, it hadn’t been intentional.

  “May I come in?”

  “Missed you at dinner. We thought you’d come down.”

  That’s not what Rai had told her, but if she betrayed that confidence, she’d undermine Rai. “I fell asleep. Didn’t mean to. Rai was just up there with a tray for me. We had a nice long talk.”

  His expression never changed. “And now you’re here to talk to me?”

  She pushed past him and stepped inside. “No. I’m here to fuck you.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Fuck! How in the hell was he supposed to ignore that? “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah.” She peeled off her top. Rahab had spent the last few hours convincing himself to let this go before he got in any deeper and made an ass of himself. Now here she was, undressing in his fucking bedroom!

  “You gonna close the door?” she asked.


  As she unhooked her bra, she laughed. “Okay by me.” She dropped the bra on the floor.

  As if he’d let anyone get a look at those tits. He’d never have her to himself again if he did. Rahab slammed the door closed and then pinned his arms to his side. Sweat broke out along his hairline. She’d see that.

  “You said something earlier about paddling me until I cried.”

  Oh, fuck me sideways. “That was if you didn’t stop asking me what was wrong.” Goddamn. He wanted to do it anyway. Would she actually let him? His dick twitched to the point of pain.

  She unzipped her pants. It suddenly hit him that she was still dressed in the clothes she’d worn to work. Sitting in that conference room now felt like it had happened weeks ago, not mere hours ago.

  “You still look upset.” She let the pants slide down and stepped out of them, kicking them aside with a bare foot. Her toenails were painted a pretty shade of red. Had he noticed that before now? Who the fuck knew? There was no blood left in his brain.

  “I hope it wasn’t something I said or did.” She slid her panties down and stepped out of those, too.

  “No. You’ve done nothing to upset me.” It was true. This was all in his fucked-up brain. All she’d done was show up here Friday night with contracts for Donny to look over. And since then, she’d smiled at him, and fucked him, and given him every consideration.

  So much for letting this go so he wouldn’t end up making an ass of himself. She was living here now. Granted, that had more to do with the break-ins than anything else, but here she was, regardless. He could tell her he wasn’t interested in fucking her raw right now, and then jerk himself off until he finally fell asleep. but it was a goddamn lie.

  He was toast. Burnt to a fucking crisp and stinking up the whole goddamn building toast.

  “Then I’ll stop asking.” She took a step closer and he let out a grunt. “But you can still paddle me again if you want to.”

  “Your ass is pretty damn bruised. It’s gonna really hurt.” This way, she couldn’t say he hadn’t warned her.

  “I know.”

  Oh, fuck it all to hell and back.

  His cock ached to be free of the sweats he’d put on after dinner, and it was fucking rock hard and throbbing. Rahab grabbed her roughly and pulled her close, clamping his mouth on hers. She moaned and wrapped her arms around him, but he caught her wrists and pulled her arms behind her back while he shoved his tongue into her mouth. If she wanted to be punished and hurt, he was the guy to give her that wish.

  After he released the kiss, he picked her up and carried her across the room, dumping her onto his bed. He reached into the nightstand and pulled out the box of condoms, dumping most of them on the floor.

  She laughed. “Slow down!”

  “No fucking way.” Rahab managed to get one on, and then he pushed her onto her back and lay on top of her, grasping her tits and rolling the nipples with his thumbs and forefingers. She gasped and moaned again, reaching for his hair, but he sat back on his heels before she could grab it.

  “I’m going to fuck you until you beg me to stop.” He shoved his dick into her pussy, groaning loudly when he realized how fucking wet she was. She opened her mouth but said nothing, merely stared at him with wide, lust-filled eyes. He slammed into her deep and rough, still holding onto her fabulous tits.

  This was a fuck. Nothing more. He was giving her what she wanted. What she’d come here for. When his climax drew close, he pulled out and flipped her over. “Don’t move.”

  Rahab crossed the room and pulled out leather cuffs plus a paddle he rarely used. This one was wooden and had tiny holes in it. It hurt like a motherfucker, and he doubted she could take more than a dozen swats at most with it, especially on her bruised ass cheeks. He’d find out soon enough.

  As he turned and approached the bed, she was sitting up, grinning at him.

  “I told you not to move!”

  “Sorry.” She lay on her stomach again, giggling, but when he reached her, he moved her to the edge of the bed so her torso was bent at the waist, and her feet were on the floor. “Arms behind your back.”

  She did as he asked. His dick throbbed again, and he made sure there were more condoms within reach just in case. He also grabbed the lube and put it next to the condoms. Then he fit the cuffs around her wrists and secured the strap between them so it was tight, but not so much it would cause her discomfort.

  “This is fun,” she said.

  “You won’t think so in a minute.” Rahab reached underneath and slid two fingers into her pussy. “Nice and wet still.” She moaned and arched her hips, but he wasn’t in the mood to play or coax her along. He withdrew his fingers and sank his cock into that wet hole again, grasping her hips this time so he could ram it in there nice and hard.

  He showed her no mercy at all, slapping her bruised ass cheeks to get them ready for the paddle, as he fucked her rough and deep. She cried out as she came, and he gritted his teeth to keep going. This would end when he said so.
  “Oh, God! Rahab … please…”’

  “Please what?” He released one hip to grab her hair and tug hard. “What do you want, Liz?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You know what I want?”

  “No. What?” Her voice was all breathy.

  After pulling out of her pussy, he turned her over and sat her up, cupping her face. “To possess you. All of you. Every square inch of your curvy, lush body. I want to fuck every hole until you’re on your knees, begging me to stop. I want to see you cry.”

  She sucked in a halting breath and nodded several times. “Okay.”

  Goddamn. This girl was every fucking fantasy he’d ever had, all wrapped up in a gorgeous package and the heart of an angel. What the hell was he fighting? She was fucking perfect for him.

  Rahab tore off the condom and grabbed her face again. “Open your mouth.” Her hands were tied behind her back. She had zero control, but he needed to do this. After a split-second hesitation, she did as he asked. Rahab slid his dick inside, knowing it wouldn’t take long.

  He held her head still so he could thrust in and out with the right speed and pressure he needed. She made noises in the back of her throat, but they didn’t sound like distress sounds, so he kept going until finally his orgasm let go. Rahab kept pushing in and out, still holding her head so he had all the control, until the last drop of his jizz was inside her mouth.

  When he pulled out, he watched her face carefully. She was still swallowing. He opened a bottle of water and held it to her lips. “Careful.”

  She drank, and then nodded when she was done. “That was fucking amazing.”

  “Yes. I loved it.”

  “Good, because we’re not done. Do you have to pee?”


  Rahab positioned her again as he’d done before. Face down on the bed, bent at the waist, and feet on the floor. He sat next to her so he could reach underneath, and also maintain a tight swing with the paddle.

  He brushed the wood against her ass cheeks, forcing soft moans from her. “This is gonna hurt, Liz.”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  Using one hand to pull her left cheek over, he brushed the edge of the paddle down her ass crack. “Wonder if you’re still just as tight?’ He put the paddle down and grabbed the lube, spreading a generous amount on two fingers. When he slid them inside her asshole, she moaned loudly.

  “Yep. Just as fucking tight.” His dick was growing hard again. Rahab donned a condom and put the lube within reach, then picked up the paddle and placed one hand on her lower back. “Don’t try to get up, or kick me. If you do, I’ll paddle your tits with this. Got it?”


  He swatted each ass cheek quickly, one after the other, not surprised when she yelled. “Oh my God! Fuck!”

  “Told you it would hurt, Liz.”

  Rahab stood and lathered his sheathed cock with lube, then slipped it into her ass. He fucked her for about thirty seconds, deep and slow. She moaned and writhed, bucking her hips, but he didn’t reach underneath to caress her pussy.

  When he pulled out, he sat next to her again and this time swatted each ass cheek three times in a row, harder than he had earlier. She swore like a sailor, which only made him chuckle. As he shoved his dick into her ass again, she cried out in pleasure. “I’m so close! Please!”

  “You’ll come when I’m ready to let you.”

  It was hard as hell to pull out this time, but he did. Her cries of pleasure turned to whimpers as he sat down once more and placed his hand on her lower back. “How many more?” she asked.

  Rahab leaned close to her ear, brushing his lips against her neck, and whispered, “As many as I say.” When he straightened up, he gave her three on each side again. Her skin was purple now, and very puffy. One more round and that was it or he risked breaking it.

  Her choked sobs told him she was crying. Rahab turned her face toward his and kissed her, gently. “That’s what I wanted to see.”

  “Please fuck me. Please let me come.”

  “Only if you let me give you three more on each side.”


  He reached under her groin and rubbed her clit, slowly. “That’s my price, Liz. Take it or leave it.”

  “Oh, please!” She ground her pussy against his fingers, but he slid them out from under her and brushed the paddle across her tender ass cheeks again.

  “What’s your answer, Liz?”

  “Okay. Fine. Yes.”

  “That’s my girl.” He struck her again, not quite as hard as before because the tears and her cries of pain were real. When he finished, Rahab slid his swollen cock into her ass, but this time he reached underneath and rubbed her clit the way he knew she needed to come.

  Her climax exploded in seconds. He felt it inside her ass as he fucked her, and it didn’t take him long to reach his own. Once he finished and her contractions stopped, he pulled out and uncuffed her wrists.

  After making sure he hadn’t inadvertently hurt them, he went into the bathroom to get a warm washcloth. She was still lying there when returned. He cleaned her up and then moved her onto the bed so he could gather her in his arms.

  Now more than confused than ever about his feelings for this woman, one thing was crystal clear. He wouldn’t be able to simply let her go and move on. Not in a million fucking years. Which meant he’d have to bite the bullet and tell her how he felt, no matter the consequences.

  For the first time in his life, Rahab was about to tell a woman he was falling in love with her.

  Chapter Nineteen

  For Liz, the next few days were filled with new adventures and a chance to rethink everything she’d ever assumed about life in this building. To get her work done, she used the same office as Rai did, when she did her work for Donny.

  Donny called her two days after the break-ins at her apartment building to let her know that, as far as he could tell from his contacts, those acts of vandalism had nothing to do with Roberto di Stefano. Liz was very relieved.

  During the time she worked side-by-side with Rai in the same office, Liz realized that Rai was a smart, professional woman, who just happened to be old lady to a biker. But when it came to doing her job, she was as sharp as anyone Liz had met in her current role.

  Rai asked questions about Liz’s role, and they had an in-depth discussion about the different kinds of things Liz could do with a law degree one day. At the end of it, Liz had options to think about she never would have considered before.

  Each morning, Liz helped make breakfast for everyone in the building, alongside Rai, Chloe, Meghan, Connie, Janel, or Natalie. These women weren’t mindless sex toys, waiting around to fuck their men. They were funny, charming, engaging people who kept her laughing with their descriptions of the men and their antics. They asked questions about what she did, and every one of them told her how different Rahab was since he’d met her.

  By the middle of the week, she had stopped looking for apartments online. There was plenty of time for that. She was content to hang out here until she figured out what was going to happen. She hadn’t spent a night alone in the third-floor room yet. Her ass cheeks were too bruised for her and Rahab to engage in impact play for a while, but they fucked every day and slept in each other’s arms every night.

  When the club was open, Liz hung out watching the dancers and talking to Rahab and the other members. She had so much fun that it was easy to forget she’d have to leave this place every day when she returned to working in the law offices next week. There was an energy here that sucked her right in, and made her want to pitch in and make it wonderful.

  As she watched Meghan and the other bartenders, she understood what it was about this club that kept the regulars coming back. The dancers were really good, and she loved it that the women were all shapes and sizes. It was so real and empowering seeing them up there, confident and talented.

  Everyone, from the officers and other patched members circulating each nigh
t to make sure there was no trouble, but also to ensure everyone was having a fabulous time, to their sound engineer whose road name was Jinn, and who the customers never saw, but whose role was vital to their enjoyment, each person here truly cared about this place. They wanted people to have such a great time that they didn’t want to leave, and would definitely return.

  And they cared about each other. She witnessed firsthand what Rai had talked about. Even small things were taken care of quickly and with the idea behind it that because they were a family, they stuck together. And if it was something that needed to be done so the business ran smoothly, it was made top priority.

  Even Gorgon seemed less intimidating now than when she’d first met him. He was gruff and scowled a lot, but it was obvious that everyone respected him and his position as President of the MC. Liz asked Rahab what his official duties as Vice President were, and he told her that besides supporting Gorgon’s decisions and acting on his behalf if necessary, he was in charge of hiring everyone who drew a salary from the club.

  “In other words,” he said, winking, “I hire the dancers.”

  She loved it that he teased her like this. Since Liz had never had a long-term relationship, she’d never developed a jealous streak. It didn’t bother her when a guy she was seeing talked to, flirted with, or saw other women. She learned in a few short days that while Rahab was flirtatious and he loved to tease her, he hadn’t gone near another woman since he’d met her.

  While she tried not to make too much of that, it was impossible not to feel special. It had never happened to her before, and gave her a warm glow inside when she thought about it.


  Friday morning, Rahab drove her back to her apartment to meet with the insurance adjuster. Mastema and Phenex each followed in their pick-up trucks. The adjuster took photos and cut Liz a check right there on the spot for the depreciated value of the contents. It wasn’t nearly enough to replace them at today’s costs, but it was better than nothing.

  After that was taken care of, the three men plus Liz piled the rest of her belongings that she could still use into the three trucks, and then began hauling the trashed items out to the dumpsters on the property. As much as Liz still wanted to leave it all inside the apartment, she’d decided to take the high road.


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