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Hoosier Werewolf 2: Who Let The Wolf Out

Page 4

by Kate Steele

  * * *

  The only thing Dustin had on his mind when he woke sprawled across Chad’s body at four a.m. was sex. His headache was gone. The supple skin and firm muscles he rested against, not to mention the very musky and male scent that wafted in with every indrawn breath, had him horny as hell. Soft yet wiry hairs tickled his cheek and nose. He rubbed against them like a cat, his hips joining the rhythm that ground his growing cock against Chad’s thigh.

  Small sounds of want slipped past his open mouth and were muffled when he lifted his chin and planted his lips against Chad’s throat. His tongue laved small patches of skin before lightly sucking and nibbling them. The hand that rested on Chad’s abdomen slid down over rippled abs to burrow under the waistband of his sleep pants. It found a thick bush of pubic hair which surrounded the near fully erect cock that grew from its center. Dustin’s fingers encircled the massive column while several firmly judicious squeezes brought it to its full rigid glory.

  Chad’s groan and the convulsive uplift of his hips brought a sleepy, satisfied smile to Dustin’s lips. A large hand snaked down his back and grabbed one cheek of his ass, hauling him hard against Chad’s thigh. Dustin grunted and gave his perpendicular prize another squeeze. He was rewarded with another groan and summarily rolled beneath a hard, aroused and very demanding Chad.

  His lips were taken in a kiss that could scorch molten lava. Chad’s tongue invaded his mouth and took up residence, appearing intent on staying until every millimeter was explored, caressed and owned. Dustin pulled his arm from between them and wrapped them both around Chad’s shoulders, his head whirling with the intensity of Chad’s kiss.

  The room was cool, but wrapped in their nest of blankets, a fire was ignited. Sweat formed everywhere, skin touched skin. Moist heat wafted over their bodies bringing with it the pungent aroma of sexually aroused males. Dustin’s nerve endings tingled and burned wherever Chad touched. He wanted, needed those hands and lips on him, growing deeper and more addicted with each passing moment.

  Without thought his thighs spread and knees bent, cradling Chad between them. Sliding his hands down the sleek, sweat-moistened length of Chad’s back, they burrowed under his sleep pants to curve over and clutch his ass. Holding on, Dustin deftly oscillated his hips, driving their erections together. Separated by only a paper-thin layer of fabric, the effect was electrifying.

  Chad growled, released his mouth and instead buried it against Dustin’s throat, biting and licking his skin. Dustin craned his neck, shuddering under the assault while firmly planting his feet against the bed and bucking his hips against Chad. Never, never had anything felt like this. Desperately he clenched his fingers into Chad’s backside, grinding against him while needy, frantic sounds issued from between his parted lips.

  Urgent words began pouring out of Dustin. “Please, oh please. Fuck me. Need you, oh, God, need you so bad.”

  Chad stilled against him for a split second, rose up on one elbow and wound the fingers of his free hand through Dustin’s hair. He held Dustin’s head in place, forcing him to meet his gaze. Dustin blinked at the sudden loss of action.

  “What did you say?” Chad asked, his voice rough and urgent.

  “Fuck me.”

  “You’re offering yourself to me?”

  “Yesss,” Dustin hissed, confused by the out of the blue question.

  God! Wasn’t it obvious he was offering? He was hot, on fire, and needed him so bad he was about to go up in smoke. The feral smile that curved Chad’s lips and the lambent gleam that lit those slate-gray eyes gone nearly black with passion, should have been a warning. Despite the heat between them, Dustin shivered.

  “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  Chad was gone and back so fast his leaving barely registered. Dustin had just enough time to see he carried lube and condoms, when he lost any control he might have had of the situation. Chad took over and there was no stopping him. Dustin was rolled to his belly and forced up on his knees. Before he could protest Chad’s forcible handling, his ass cheeks were parted and a rough tongue slid down the length of that smooth crevice. Dustin clenched his teeth against the wild cry that came bubbling up. Chad was eating him, devouring him and Dustin pushed back into every spine-tingling lick, every stinging bite. The tight ring of muscle Chad worked loosened, allowing him inside, and he took full advantage. First with his tongue, then with lube-slick fingers.

  Dustin pushed back into Chad’s probing fingers, lost to everything but the burning need in his groin and the plunging promise of the slick digits that filled him. He was barely aware when the plump, hot head of Chad’s cock replaced his fingers. Until he started pushing inside. The burning stretch forced a warbling groan from Dustin, his body tightening against the intruder.

  Chad held still, one hand on Dustin’s hip the other moving to where they joined. “Easy, baby, easy,” he crooned. His fingers massaged the distended tissue, soothing the straining flesh.

  “Oh, fuck,” Dustin moaned.

  Shuddering with the sensations Chad’s caress brought, he pushed back, his body opening and accepting the long glide of Chad’s cock until he felt pubic hair tickling his spread entrance. Dustin dropped his forehead against the bed and concentrated on merely breathing. He’d been fucked before, but this? God. Nothing compared to this. Chad’s hand ran down the length of Dustin’s spine and he moaned, arching into the touch. His body was quaking under the lash of his desire. It was as though everything had suddenly wrapped itself into one tightly compressed ball that needed just the right touch to make it explode.

  Chad provided that touch. Slowly at first, then with increasing speed, he pistoned his cock in and out. Dustin moved with him, pushing against every thrust until their bodies were slamming together. Harsh pants and grunts accompanied every stroke. The bed squeaked and shook while the air grew thick with the musk of sex. The endless pumping of hips and the flexing strain of muscles went on and on. Dustin was so close but needed just one little something more to come. He wanted to scream his frustration but there was no air, no voice for more than the eager moans that broadcast his vigorous and impatient participation.

  Chad’s arms wrapped around him and pulled him up until he was seated on Chad’s thighs, his back resting against Chad’s chest. “You’re mine now. You know that don’t you?” Chad growled. His hot breath wafted against Dustin’s skin making him shiver.

  Though still buried deep, the hard thrust of Chad’s cock had halted giving Dustin room to think. Did he want to be Chad’s? The answer came welling up without the need to think or study or agonize over it. At some point from the time he’d first met the man, the choice had been made. “Yes.”

  The harsh sound of triumph that burst from Chad touched some primal nerve. Dustin’s entire body reacted. A sheer wave of molten heat swept over him. His toes and fingers curled, every muscle flexed, his stomach quivered and he slammed back into Chad with a force that almost rocked them over backwards.

  Chad answered Dustin’s sudden aggression with his own attack but there was nothing hostile to it. Every move was harshly, brutally aimed at bringing his mate to climax. Dustin was shoved back into position on his knees. Chad grabbed the nape of his neck in one hand, holding Dustin down while the other reached around to grasp his cock. Using strong, almost bruising strokes, he jacked his lover’s cock while slamming into his body again and again, burying his swollen rod fast and hard.

  Dustin was gasping under the assault. The earlier momentary cessation of movement and Chad’s confusing question was forgotten. His climax came roaring to the fore and Dustin screamed with the first, hot, rushing spray of spunk that wet the sheet beneath him. There was nothing he could do when Chad hauled him upright, buried his mouth against his shoulder and bit down with a strength that almost broke the skin.

  Dustin’s body bucked against the spasm of pain that rode side by side with the bursting pleasure of his orgasm. He was distantly aware of Chad’s hips jerking against him, each move signaling the rhythm
ic spurts of Chad’s release filling the condom deep within his ass. Vaguely, the long, harsh, rumbling growl that sounded against his skin and the sharp teeth that released their hold on the meat of his shoulder, registered. The soothing sweep of Chad’s tongue over his bruised flesh made him shiver and with his eyes closed, he let it all wash over him, fill him then slowly drain away.

  Sated and utterly boneless, Dustin lay quiescent in Chad’s arms, allowing himself to be lowered to the bed and rolled to his back. Long fingers softly caressed his cheek. He managed to blink his eyes open and found Chad hovering over him.

  “Are you all right, baby? I didn’t mean to be so rough. Christ! You were just so fucking hot. I wanted you so bad… fuck. Say something, Dustin.”

  Dustin stared up into Chad’s anxious slate gray eyes. A slow smile curved his lips. “That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt. Are you always so, um, aggressive?”

  Eyes closing, Chad’s head dropped in relief. “Thank God. I was sure I’d just scared you away for good.”

  Dustin reached up and wound his arms around Chad’s neck, pulling him down for a kiss. He let his lips and tongue tenderly persuade Chad of his sincerity before letting him go. “I’m not scared. A little shocked maybe, but not scared. The proper attorney at law in his fine business suits seems to have very little in common with the guy in this bed.”

  Chad shrugged sheepishly. “You need a lot of control to practice law. I guess I let it all go in the bedroom. Is that all right?”

  “Oh, yeah. I think I can live with that.”

  “Good thing, ’cause you’re sleeping in my bed from now on.”

  Dustin nodded. “Yeah. I am.”

  Chapter Four

  “Do you have a dog?”

  Chad eyed Dustin with a little trepidation. “No, why do you ask?”

  The two of them had gone outside. Their aimless wander around the backyard had led them into the small forest that flanked the back of the house. Chad was enjoying watching Dustin’s pleasure in seeing the squirrels, cardinals and other small wildlife that inhabited the place. It was still cold, the smell of snow in the air although the last fall had melted days ago.

  “These tracks,” Dustin answered, squatting down to examine the large paw prints in the dirt. “They’re definitely canine. And look, see this?” He showed Chad a tuft of hair that clung to the bare branch of a nearby bush. “It looks like dog hair.”

  “One of the neighbors has a German Shepard. Could be his.” He knew the hair was really his -- or rather his wolf’s. There were times he craved being in wolf form, and having this small stand of woods near was more than he could resist. Although this place wasn’t the most ideal, it still soothed his inner self. The part that needed to feel four paws against rich, raw earth, grass and leaves. The part that could sift through the night breeze to find the aroma of squirrel, rabbit, pine and leaf mold and a dozen other distinctive scents.

  To a lesser degree it soothed his need for the pack. Lucas Devereau, their pack alpha, arranged for regular meetings where the pack could gather and change. To be in his other form amidst his brothers and sisters, to run and hunt was something Chad hungered for, at times, more than anything in life. How he wanted to share that with Dustin. Since discovering his mate, he was plagued by the question of how to tell him.

  How do you tell the man you love that you’re a werewolf? Hell, how do you just tell the man you love that you love him? He took solace in the fact that although Crewe had confessed his love to Ethan, he still hadn’t revealed the fact that he was a werewolf.

  Both of them were chaffing under this need to disclose all to their mates. The thought that Dustin might be horrified at the knowledge and run from him terrified Chad as nothing in his life ever had. He knew that one day he’d have to risk this newly formed relationship and reveal the full truth about himself. The thought made a knot form in the pit of his stomach. He reached out to sift his fingers through Dustin’s dark hair. It was a gesture meant to reassure himself that Dustin was still here, still within reach. Dustin looked up and Chad’s breath caught in his chest at the sight of those clear, blue eyes and sweet smile.

  Dustin rose to his feet. “Hey, you all right?”

  “I’m fine,” Chad answered.

  The wild need that crashed over him rocked him to the core. He pushed Dustin against a nearby tree and kissed him. Dustin’s mouth opened to him and their tongues met, unhesitant and welcoming. Dustin’s acceptance, so ready and sure, calmed Chad. Breathing hard, he leaned back.

  One hand cupped Dustin’s cheek, the other slid down to cup his mate’s growing erection. “You are so beautiful. Will you do something for me?”

  Shy pleasure radiated from the smile Dustin bestowed on him. “What?”

  “Come in the house with me.”

  “Is that all?”

  “Oh, no, baby, I want more than that.” Chad stepped back and held out his hand, smiling when Dustin twined their fingers together.

  “So what is it you want?” Dustin asked as they strolled through the yard. Reaching the side door, Chad opened it and ushered Dustin into what he referred to as Chad’s family room, the more inviting of the two living rooms.

  “I want you, actually both of us, to get undressed.” Chad unzipped Dustin’s jacket and pushed it off his shoulders. He tossed it on a nearby chair. His own followed.

  “And then what?” Dustin asked. He was already complying with Chad’s request.

  Both of them were peeling out of their clothes at a leisurely pace. Chad felt his heart rate ratchet up a few notches along with the steady increase of his breathing. “We’re going to sit on the sofa. You there.” Chad indicated first one end and then the other. “And me here. I’ll be back in a second.” Chad went into the kitchen and started down the hallway.

  Dustin frowned. “Isn’t that a little far apart? How am I supposed to touch you?” he called after Chad’s retreating back.

  Chad returned with a tube of lube in his hand and settled himself sideways at his end of the sofa, his back against the thick cushioned arm, his legs pointing toward Dustin’s end. “You’re not. You’re going to touch yourself and I’m going to watch.”

  In the act of swinging his legs up on the sofa, Dustin grabbed for the back when he nearly overbalanced. “You want me to… um?”

  “I believe the word you’re searching for is masturbate,” Chad supplied. He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. Dustin’s cheeks were growing rosy.

  “I know what it is,” Dustin returned sourly then bit his full bottom lip. Chad wanted to crawl across the sofa and help him with it. “It’s just that I’ve never done it with someone watching me. Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Very sure. Unless you don’t want to. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

  Dustin sent him a wry smile. “Does it look like the idea turns me off?”

  Chad eyed Dustin’s full erection where it rested against his belly. “Not really. You actually look quite eager.”

  Opening the tube and taking a dollop of lube for himself, he tossed the container to Dustin. The two of them exchanged excited grins. Dustin squeezed some into his right hand and dropped the tube to the thickly carpeted floor. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Chad watched quietly.

  He could see the tension flow out of Dustin as he obviously strove to relax. One hand came up to rest on his hard abs before sliding upward. Long fingers tweaked first one nipple and then the other. Dustin’s lips parted -- he evidently enjoyed the sensation -- while his other hand went to his cock. Chad watched Dustin’s fingers wrap around his length and spread the lube until his cock was slick and shiny. His hand took a firmer grip and he began a steady stroke. Chad left him to it until Dustin was emitting the constant needy whimpers and moans that drove him insane with lust.

  “Dustin,” he quietly commanded. “Look at me, baby.”

  Another soft moan was his answer before Dustin’s eyelids parted, his gaze rising to Chad’s
. “Chad,” he gasped.

  “Does it feel good?”

  “Yes,” Dustin panted. “Is this what you wanted?”

  “Oh, yeah, baby. You look so hot, so sexy.”

  Chad’s words seemed to electrify Dustin. He raised one leg, bending it at the knee and planting his foot on the cushions. Using his free hand he reached down and fondled his balls. Adjusting his stance, he leaned back further, and spreading his legs wider, gave Chad a better view. Chad stared in dazed wonder. Dustin had dropped every inhibition and was putting on a show like it was something he did everyday.

  His own cock was harder than hell and screaming to be touched. Chad took himself in hand. Dustin’s eyes went wide, a desperate moan leaving his mouth. Before Chad could say a word, Dustin turned himself over, draped himself across the sofa arm and levered himself up on his knees. Between his spread thighs, Chad could see him working his cock with long, firm pulls. His free hand reached around, slick fingers going straight to his rosy entrance. Without hesitation Dustin pushed two inside, his tortured groan ripping straight through Chad.

  “Fuck me,” he begged. “Chad, please.”

  There was no resisting. Chad scrambled to his feet, took two paces to Dustin’s end of the sofa then carefully positioned himself on his knees between Dustin’s spread legs. Taking Dustin’s hand he eased Dustin’s fingers out. “I’m here, baby, right here.” Chad replaced Dustin’s fingers with his cock and pushed. He sank into the tight heat with a guttural groan and the knowledge that it wasn’t going to last.

  He was too hot, too turned on and all too ready to shoot. Fortunately Dustin was in the same condition. A half dozen hard and fast thrusts with Chad’s cock sliding over his prostate triggered Dustin’s orgasm. The hard clamp of his body around Chad’s cock was exquisite. Chad managed another half dozen strokes before shooting his load deep into Dustin’s tight, accommodating ass. It was only as they both collapsed against the cushions that Chad remembered the condom.


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