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Incubus Trial

Page 9

by Emma Jaye

  “Silas? Silas is going first?” Ezra blurted out.

  Fabian chuckled. “Do I hear a note of disappointment in your voice or is that longing? But no, Silas is not ‘going first’. As my heir, he has a part to play. Release him.”

  For the first time since the room upstairs, Ezra was free of vampire hands. It wasn’t welcome, or reassuring. The guards, even Fabian, faded back into the gloom. Did they really think that because he couldn’t see them, he’d assume they’d vanished? His skin prickled, feeling the eyes of many on him. The instinct to run warred with the knowledge that they’d catch him easily. That’s what they want, to hunt me down. But I can’t just stand here and wait for them to– His cock lurched, and he winced as a drop of hot fluid ran down his shaft.

  “Hello, Ezra.”

  He whirled to see Silas standing a foot away from him. He hadn’t seen or heard the vampire approach. Swallowing, he forced his feet to remain still and his hands not to cover himself.

  “Not going to run for me now? You tried so many times on the way here.”

  Ezra kept silent, glancing at the shadows, desperate and scared of what they were planning, knowing escape was impossible. The sympathy on Silas’s face made Ezra itch to punch the lying fucker, but the chances of landing a blow were nil, and it’d just entertain these bastards even more.

  “Fine. Let’s proceed. Turn to face the others.”

  Ezra held the vampire’s gaze. There was no glow of compulsion; no threat implied if he disobeyed.

  “I won’t hurt you, now do as I ask.”

  “Why should I believe you?”

  A smile tickled the vampire’s lips. The slight hint of stubble on his chin somehow made him seem more approachable. Ezra wasn’t falling for the honeytrap again.

  “Because you don’t have a choice. Turn. Around.”

  Body stiff, Ezra hesitated a few more seconds, then shuffled in a half circle. His couldn’t prevent his hands covering his groin.

  Giving him plenty of time to move away, Silas inched forward until his shirt and breeches brushed Ezra’s naked skin.

  “Hands by your sides and press back against me.”

  Knowing he was giving Silas exactly what he wanted, and not having a choice about it, he obeyed. Even though Silas was cooler than him, the vampire’s body provided welcome warmth in the freezing room. He relaxed a fraction as Silas didn’t move.

  “Well done, my dear. I know that wasn’t easy,” Silas whispered in his honey voice inches from Ezra’s ear.

  “I’m going to put my arms around you now.”

  Slow enough that Ezra could easily move away, Silas wrapped one arm around his shoulders and one around his lower chest, trapping his arms in the process. Ezra’s breathing went up a notch.

  “Calm now. Here’s what’s going to happen. Firstly, no one is going to bite you, but you do need to share your blood.”

  He couldn’t, didn’t, remain passive. Twisting, he tried to break the demon’s hold on him. Silas held him tight.

  “Shh it’s going to be alright, I’m going to be with you the whole time. My father will use a knife so sharp you’ll barely feel it to draw your blood into a sacred vessel. Each clan member will take but a sip, no more.”

  Ezra’s breath came fast and short.

  “Ezra, Ezra listen to me. If we wanted you dead, you would be. Ingesting someone’s blood ensures we can locate them in a crowd. It’s something our kind evolved just as yours did addiction. Feeding from someone we have before is easier than stalking new prey.”

  “I... I won’t get addicted to all of them?”

  Ezra could hear a smile in Silas’s voice as he replied. “Not in the same way your kind addicts humans, no. But you’re going to be very hungry for a while. And I’ll help with that as much as I can.”

  Closing his eyes, Ezra blew out a trembling breath at the punch of arousal the words and the hard erection up against the top of his cleft caused.

  When he opened them, Fabian stood a few feet away. The golden chalice in his left hand was studded with red stones. The hilt of the small dagger in his right matched it perfectly.

  Eyes wide, Ezra shook his head, and tried to back away, tried to bring his hands up to defend himself.

  “Offer your throat to him. It is a great honour to share with the entire clan.” Silas held him without effort and breathed the words against Ezra’s temple.

  A whimper of fear broke through his lips.

  “Show him how brave you are, that you’re worthy of the attention of the greatest blood demon on the planet. If I have to hold your head, and I will, it’ll hurt more.”

  “I don’t want this,” Ezra managed to say, unable to tear his eyes off the glinting blade.

  “Not now, but you will, and I’ll be here every step of the way.” The arms around him, no longer felt like restraints, they were support, care. Ezra hated himself for falling for the lies, but he needed them.

  To murmurs of encouragement from Silas, Ezra trembled and tilted his chin up, baring it to Fabian. A groan of appreciation came from the darkness.

  “You have skill, son, but you’d better hold his head anyway. We wouldn’t want him to move.”

  Silas’s hand left Ezra’s lower chest. He could now move most of his arms if he wished. Ezra stayed still. The vampire’s arm wrapped around his head, cradling it while holding his jaw.

  Ezra screwed his eyes shut, his body tense. Seconds passed. What is he waiting for? Maybe this is only an obedience test, maybe he isn’t going to– In the instant Ezra relaxed, the vampire struck.

  The pain was momentary, a sharp sting on the side of his neck, and then all he could feel was the cold metal of the chalice against his skin.

  “That’s it, relax, let it flow, so beautiful. Such a good boy,” Silas crooned. Seconds, minutes passed. As his blood left his body, it appeared to carry some of his fear with it.

  “Morvan, the bench,” Fabian’s voice was quiet, but it still drew Ezra’s focus.

  Fabian’s eyes burned like coals.

  “You are here to serve, to provide pleasure. It is what you were made for Ezra, and it’s beautiful. Accept it; revel in it. It is time for you to be what you are, to embrace your instincts. Do you understand?”

  The compulsion took hold, blanketing his emotions, his will. It all sounded so simple, so easy.

  “Yes.” The word fell from his lips without thought.

  Fabian turned his attention to his son, his eyes losing the beautiful glow that has captured Ezra.

  “He’s strong, and he’ll be even stronger when he’s mature, that’s why establishing this first compulsion is important. I could have forced it, but it’s a lot easier, and more effective, to lower their resistance a little first. And the by-product of the process is some of the best blood you’ll ever taste.

  As if this was a dream, Ezra watched Fabian raise a finger covered in blood to his lips and lick it off with relish.

  His eyes fluttered shut. “Perfect,” he purred. “I always did prefer demon blood; it has a spiciness human blandness simply can’t match.” He turned to look behind him. “I think we’re ready. Silas, would you like to close?”

  “Thank you for your trust, my Lord.”

  A smile graced Fabian’s sharp features. “My boy, you’re my heir, and you’re coming along nicely. If I can’t trust you, who can I trust?”

  “Every clan member is loyal to you, father.”

  “Yes, yes of course they are, they wouldn’t be breathing long otherwise. Eh?” He chuckled. “Now close that up, before he passes out. Don’t take any more; I think I may have over done it a little as it is.”

  The now warm metal left his skin. As Fabian stepped back, the room was revealed including a narrow, inclined padded black bench. Multiple leather cuffs hung from it.

  He knew he was frightened, but there was a barrier between him and the fear. He wanted it to stay. Something warm trickled down his chest.

  “Oops, can’t have that, can we?” Silas turned
him in his arms, then dipped and licked up his chest while keeping a steady hold on Ezra’s biceps.

  The next thing Ezra knew, Silas had cradled him in his arms, and was suckling at his throat. Red hot lust shot through him. He moaned. Legs weak, Ezra held onto the vampire, trying to rub his painfully hard erection against him.

  “Silas!” Fabian snapped.

  The dark-haired vampire drew back, breathing hard. “Sorry, he’s–” His voice trailed off, not moving his eyes from Ezra’s face.

  Even though the vampire had blood, his blood, on his lips, Ezra couldn’t stop himself saying, “I need you, please, touch me–”

  Silas gave him a sad smile. “Not yet, my dear, not yet.”

  Ezra gasped as Silas scooped up his knees and carried him across the room.

  He found himself face down on the bench, his chest supported by the bench and his knees on a padded shelf below it. Leather cuffs on his wrists stopped him getting up and straps around his thighs held him open.

  A hand ran down his back, and over his buttock. The brief rest let a little of his will break free of Fabian’s compulsion.

  “Don’t. I don’t want this,” he murmured, even as he tilted his hips up toward the touch.

  Fabian chuckled. “Oh, I don’t think so, toy.”

  A finger stroked his inner thigh, spreading the slick he’d produced a little further. Ezra bit his lip to stop himself verbally begging to be penetrated. The emptiness ached.

  “See how your body needs this? It would be cruel to let such a weak, vulnerable and special being out into the world to fend for yourself. As I created you, the responsibility falls to me to look after you, to train you, and as the leader of this clan, I take my responsibilities seriously. Don’t worry, I– we– will keep you safe.”

  Being safe sounded good. Ezra stayed quiet; no direct question had been asked. Something thin and hard tapped against his buttocks and he stiffened, adrenaline shooting through his system.

  “If you’re wondering what this is, it’s a riding crop,” he said, trailing the tiny piece of hard leather at the tip across Ezra’s exposed genitals. His balls were trying to crawl back inside him, but his dick still throbbed, still begged for attention. Fabian stroked the crop over the curve of Ezra’s backside and gave it a sharp tap. The sting caused a flare of need, and he tilted his hips back again.

  Pain had never given him a thrill before, and the prospect that it now did, scared him. These vampires were so strong, they could rip him apart, without even thinking about it.

  “Can you sense the arousal in the room? They all want your sweet hole, and they’ll get it, every single one of them, but it’s mine first.”

  Ezra didn’t even have time to tense as a whistling noise preceded a sharp sting across his buttocks. Ezra pushed into the padded bench gasping in pain.

  The echo of Silas’s voice whispering, ‘Don’t fight, relax, it’ll be fine,’ came back to him. If I had fought harder, if I’d run when I first saw them, instead of trying to protect the woman who sold me-

  The blows came in a flurry across his back, thighs, and buttocks. If Ezra had possessed the breath to beg the vampire to stop, he would have done. When they eventually stopped, Ezra carried on gasping, traitorous tears soaking the leather where his forehead rested.

  A hand in his hair brought him face to face with Fabian’s intense gaze. Ezra blinked, trying to focus, trying to control his mind and body again.

  “You lied, you said I’d only get five,” fell out of his mouth before he could think about it.

  The vampire’s lips curled in an arrogant smile.

  “You thought I was counting punishment strikes? No, those were extra years. Every time you disobey I’ll reset the count and add another year. The cropping was for pleasure, mine and yours. I thought your backside would look better red, and it does. It’s going to sting so much when I’m fucking you.”

  Lust exploded in his mind, his body, taking every other concern. Ezra’s hips flexed, uselessly trying to gain some friction.


  Ezra’s dick was so hard it ached. The arousal in the room, the bleeding, the compulsion, his physical and mental exhaustion, all combined to destroy his capacity to think. Out of all his senses, only touch and his ability to detect lust remained. His field of vision hadn’t been good in the low light conditions to begin with; now, he didn’t even bother opening his eyes.

  Lust pressed in on him, sunk into his skin, his soul. The many highly aroused demons around him had all tasted his blood, and now they wanted to pay him back with their desire.

  His body craved the energy he could sense around him; he was so very hungry, thirsty, hurt and tired. Fabian’s voice rumbled, but he wasn’t listening, he was concentrating on breaking the hold Fabian had wrapped around his mind. This wasn’t him; wasn’t what he wanted. And yet each time he said it to himself, it became less convincing. Yes, his body was reacting, he couldn’t help that, but here in his mind, he had to be in charge.

  A round of applause rang out. Ezra struggled to open his eyes as the crop tapped his backside again.

  “Should I break you completely, toy?”

  Instead of trying to force his body to do something he might not accomplish, he glared at his tormentor.

  The vampire’s lips quirked. “Glad to see you’re still in there; it’s no fun otherwise.”

  Once he experienced penetrative sex, Ezra knew he’d want these vampires to use him, he’d crave and beg for it, and he’d never realise his dream. Even so, the thought of finally experiencing what he’d denied dreaming about for the last few years was... exciting. Did the fact that it wasn’t his choice, that he wasn’t going back on his altruistic ambitions make it easier?

  Would I stop this now if I could?

  He didn’t answer the vampire, he couldn’t deny what his body craved, but he held Fabian’s gaze, letting him know how much he hated him for making him feel this way.

  Fabian leaned in even closer, showed him his fangs. Ezra flinched.

  “Perfect,” Fabian said and disappeared from Ezra’s narrow field of vision.

  He ‘oofed’ and stuck his backside up as Fabian’s hand closed around his hanging cock. The movement didn’t deter the vampire from stroking Ezra’s dick with his long fingers as if he owned it. No one had ever touched him like this, and Satan help him, it felt good, but he wanted a firmer touch. Without conscious thought, he pressed into the touch. Fabian’s other hand cupped his balls, rolled them gently.

  Hearing his own groan of pleasure, Ezra roused enough to mumble, “Leave me alone,” even as he prayed that Fabian wouldn’t stop.

  The bench creaked. A heavy, warm naked body pressed against his thighs, laid on his back, squeezing the breath, the resistance, out of him. It felt so good, so right, especially the hard, hot flesh against his crack. One twitch, one inch, and it’ll be in me.

  “Stop fighting. Your body is speaking louder than your poor polluted mind. You want this.” The vampire’s breath scorched his temple.

  “No, no I don’t.” But not even Ezra believed his own words.

  A fist closed around his shaft, stroking up and down with a knowing, firm touch. Ezra moaned, ashamed that it felt so good. How could the same hand deliver such pain and humiliation, such pleasure, all within the space of an hour?

  “The defiance is admirable and quite arousing, but we both know how this ends. Let it go; you know you want to.”

  Ezra throbbed, he could feel his pulse in his ears, in his cock. Damn him though it would, he wanted more. His body was ready to receive the food of adult members of his species.

  The voice of his conscience still rang in his mind. He didn’t want to be an incubus; didn’t want sex to consume every moment of his life as it was doing now.

  Even though he was thrusting into Fabian’s fist, trying to angle himself to get the demon inside him, he said, “Don’t, please don’t. I don’t want to be a demon.”

  Fabian whispered in his ear. “But that’
s what you’ve always been. Your body knows that you’re ready, you’re hard as nails and the slick is dripping from you. Don’t worry, we’ll help you; protect you from yourself.”

  Ezra fought a foggy inner battle. He knew this was wrong, it shouldn’t be happening this way, but his body was doing exactly what the vampire wanted. This was going to happen, whether he wanted it to or not. It’s not my fault; no-one is going to blame me... not that anyone cares. Exhausted, confused, scared, beaten, half-drained, and compelled, Ezra surrendered.

  “Do it.”

  Fabian froze. “Pardon?”

  “Do it, fuck me,” he thought for a moment then added, “sir.”

  Fabian’s hand slide to his backside, giving his buttock a rough squeeze. The pleasure/pain combination on flesh still smarting from the crop made him jerk, and it felt fantastic. He let out an unconscious whimper, his forehead dropping forward to rest on the leather, as he focused on pure sensation.

  “There it is. This is the surrender I was waiting for. He fought hard, but they always succumb in the end. The more time you take in the beginning, the more final you make the first surrender, the easier it’ll be from now on.”

  The bloodsucker’s touch, the aching emptiness and the cloying combined lust in the room was too much to deal with. It wasn’t only his own precum and Fabian’s he could smell. Many of the vampires who had tasted his hot, fresh blood, were ready to take Fabian’s place as soon as he spent himself inside Ezra now willing body. But until their Lord ignited his adult nature, the food Ezra could sense in the room would be tantalizingly out of reach.

  Ezra no longer wanted to escape; he just needed to come inside someone else, or with someone else inside him. He groaned, his hips thrusting back seeking what he needed. He was so nearly there, but he couldn’t cross the barrier on his own; he didn’t think he could go back to what he had been either.

  The vampire denied him the penetration he craved by moving his hips back.

  “Please,” Ezra whimpered. The only thing left was instinct and searing, all-encompassing need.

  “I didn't hear you, toy.”

  The hand whistled through the air, striking his taut ass again. The slap of the hand on his flesh rang around the stone walls of the room. Ezra cried out, his body trembling in its need.


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