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Incubus Trial

Page 12

by Emma Jaye

  The image of the brutish vampire fucking into the young boy didn’t reduce his erection; it made it twitch. I am so fucked up.

  Ezra didn’t want to ask the question, but he had to. “He didn’t... hurt him, did he?”

  “No. No, he didn’t. I persuaded him we were short on time to get back for the train. But I’m afraid my father is more than capable of getting that boy, or his younger brother and sister shipped here to keep you in line. I don’t think any of them would do well here.”

  Ezra had seen the two little ones one day when the whole family had been taking a ride on the coal dray. The children had laughed so brightly in the summer sun. Fear for them smothered Ezra’s concern for himself. He glared at the smarmy bastard with undisguised hatred.

  “You touch one hair on any of their heads and I’ll–”

  “You’ll what?” Silas asked, indicating the bare stone room with a sweep of his arm.

  Time stretched as Ezra thought. He couldn’t hurt these bastards physically, and he couldn’t stop himself reacting. He was having trouble controlling his libido just sitting here. However, there was one thing he was sure he could control.

  He looked the vampire in the eye, more than sure that he’d carry out his threat if needed. “If you hurt the coal boy, or any of his family, I’ll kill myself the first opportunity I get.”

  The vampire stared at him for a second then chuckled. “So brave for people who could die from a cold or a cut finger tomorrow. This human who is so important that you’d die for him, did you even bother to ask his name before trying to get your demon hands on his skinny little dick?”

  Frustration boiled over at the vampire’s correct assumption, and Ezra aimed a punch at that oh so superior face.

  Silas caught it, two inches from his face, his eyes glowing with a rosy light. “Don’t push me, my dear. A temper, at the right time, is entertaining. Pick the wrong moment, or the wrong vampire, and it’ll get you a world of pain you cannot possibly conceive even in your foulest nightmares. And you won’t kill yourself, sex demons never do.”

  The vampire didn’t strain as Ezra attempted to free his hand and failed. So he used the other weapon at his disposal.

  “Is this what gets you going, holding hands?”

  Silas released him with a smile. “Oh, you are going to be so popular.”

  “Do we have an agreement? About the coal boy and his family?”

  The vampire sighed. “I don’t have that sort of influence, but my father would only go to that much trouble to persuade you to work harder. The major complaint about your predecessor was that he was passive. Yes, he came, but he never expressed any emotion apart from fear. Keep them on their toes, make life interesting, and they won’t have time to think about hurting others to get you to react. If you please them, they won’t look elsewhere, got it?”

  If they wanted active, they’d get it with both barrels. “I wasn’t planning on letting you fanged fuckers have your own way anyway.”

  “Do you want an appetiser?” Silas’s gaze dropped to Ezra’ groin where it bulged under the blanket.

  The vampire’s tongue ran across his top lip. Ezra nearly let out a groan at the thought of that wet heat around him. Lord help him, he wanted the vampire’s mouth, but he was pretty sure Silas hadn’t been talking about sucking his prisoner’s dick.

  “I’m, erm, still pretty sore.”

  He didn’t think the excuse would change anything, but it was what Silas wanted. How he knew what would please the vampire he wasn’t sure, but judging from the twinkle in the vampire’s dark eyes, he’d been correct.

  Silas smiled. “You really need to work on your lying. You’re not sore. You weren’t straight after the last of the six clan members had you, and they pounded you like there’s no tomorrow. Your poor dick shot so many times that I lost count and trust me, I was paying attention. And although you’re still a little pale, all your bruises and cuts have healed. I checked while you were out; you’re made for this.”

  The fact that Silas had been examining his body, might have seen cum dribbling out of him when he was unconscious should have disgusted him. It didn’t. It made his balls tighten in anticipation.

  “So, me first, or do I open the floodgates?” Silas tilted his chin toward the stairs.

  “Does it make a difference?”

  The slow smile that appeared on Silas’s face turned his belly to jelly. “I hope so. I’ll enjoy doing things that’ll turn you on, rather than doing things just to entertain myself. Make a choice; Morvan and Bones are waiting.”

  If he thinks I’m going to choose my abuser, or act as if this is what I want, he can think again.

  He fixed the grinning vampire with a glare. “Fuck you.”

  The smile broadened. “That’s what I was hoping.”

  The lust the vampire’s words caused precum to flow from the head of his cock and his hips jerked. I really have to come up with some different insults.

  “Listen, you’re clearly uncomfortable, and I’m offering. What’s the harm? You’re a newly adult incubus after all; if you don’t, you’ll be ill.”

  There was no harm in it at all, his entire body screamed for the energy he could sense a few inches away. One touch, and it would flow into him, like a dry sponge sucking up water. That Silas wanted him, was prepared to negotiate, meant he might be able to force a few concessions out of him.

  He plastered on the expression that had often resulted in an extra piece of cake from the cook. “And you won’t hurt me?”

  Silas leaned in, and cupped Ezra’s cheek, the rush of lust caused a moan to escape his lips. “Oh, fuck, that’s–” he managed to say before the door at the top of the stairs banged open.

  “Silas? Lord Fabian says he’s ready for visitors again. Morvan had to go out, so I’m next.” Ezra heard the voice of the vampire he’d tried to punch last night, the one called Bones.

  Silas blew out a breath, hanging his head for a second before meeting Ezra’s gaze. “You’ll have to be faster, my dear. I’ll see you later,” he said before calling out, “Come down,” and walking toward the stairs.

  The spike of fear at what had given Bones his name, faded a little as instead of going up the stairs, Silas picked up the lantern from the hook at the bottom and carried it into the gloom.

  Ezra’s heart stalled as the far wall became visible for the first time. From end to end, it was hung with a myriad of chains, knives, whips, crops and many things Ezra couldn’t identify, even though he’d grown up in a brothel. Each item was designed to produce pain or keep him still while they hurt him.

  The bench he’d been tied to sat next to a large wooden cross in the corner. Although the bench could be used for both fucking and hitting, he couldn’t see the cross could be used for anything except flogging. He pictured himself tied to it, back covered in welts, perhaps bleeding, as a faceless demon sporting a massive erection wielded a whip.

  The thought that he might want them to hurt him if it turned them on made his mind stutter. Were his adult sex demon instincts overriding rational thought already? Whatever the case, he’d had enough of being whipped last night, and most of those things looked worse than Fabian’s riding crop.

  Bones was now standing beside Silas, examining the wall of torture implements with interest. The likelihood of appealing to the better nature of the baby-faced, brown-haired man with the scary name was nil.

  “Erm, Silas? If you feel that strongly about it, I–” He trailed off as Silas selected a key.

  “Thanks to you trying to run off, rules are that you are restrained if you’re on your own or if I might fall asleep. Neither is going to apply for a while, so the chain can come off.”

  Ezra gave him what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “You don’t need to go, do you? I’m still feeling a bit tired, not sure I’m up to much, to be honest.”

  Silas walked over and undid the cuff. “And you’re still terrible at–”

  Ezra sprinted for the stairs. He got to the six
th step, taking them three at a time, before an arm wrapped around his hips and a hand gripped his throat under his jaw.

  His feet left the floor as smooth cotton and heat pressed against his back.

  “Still a naughty, lying boy.” Silas’s breath tickled his ear as his breath came in short, sharp gasps. “Your fear is intoxicating, it was last night, but some of us want it more than others.”

  Ezra’s face hit the mattress before his mind acknowledged he’d moved. Silas was heavy on top of him, his cloth covered, erect cock pressed against Ezra’s crack.

  Before he knew what he was doing, Ezra rolled his hips. Silas groaned and thrust against him, once, twice.

  “So much for trusting you. Give me your wrist, and I’ll give you what you need,” the vampire’s words were muffled by his fangs.

  Ezra pulled his hands from under his undulating body and put them behind his back. The click of steel on his left wrist made him rut against the mattress in anticipation of having his hunger sated.

  “I’ll see you later. Don’t hurt Morvan and keep Bones’ attention away from your hands and feet.”

  “No, no don’t go, I need–” Ezra babbled as Silas got off him.

  “And you’ll get it, probably more than you can handle. Others will enjoy forcing you. I offer, but I’ll never offer twice.”

  Ezra didn’t get a chance to turn before a naked Bones was on him.

  “Thought you could run from me again, did you, rabbit?”

  “No,” he said and tried to throw the other demon off, but even though Bones didn’t outweigh him by much, he maintained his position. “I just thought you could do with the exercise.”

  “Are you saying I’m fat?”

  “If the cap fits–”

  With a roar of rage, Bones shoved himself into Ezra. Despite the slight pain, triumph flowed through the incubus. He’d managed to shift the vampire’s focus from breaking his bones to passion. To speed things up, he pushed his butt up against the vampire’s thrusts and clenched.

  Bones groaned, but it didn’t stop him tensing as he climaxed. The flood of heat inside Ezra caused his own clenching orgasm.

  Panting, Bones growled, “Give me your hand, you little bastard, that was too damn fast.”


  “Gonna teach you a lesson by showing you why they call me Bones.”

  The vampire flipped him onto his back. Holding Ezra’s wrist in a grip as hard as the steel cuff, he grasped Ezra’s little finger.

  “Next,” Ezra shouted at the top of his voice. To his relief, the door to the cellar crashed open.

  “About time too. Cutting the line isn’t polite,” Morvan didn’t sound happy.

  Bones’ eyes narrowed as he glared at Ezra. “Nice save, rabbit.”

  Ezra couldn’t help grinning. “Better luck next time, Boney.”

  The brown-haired vampire snorted. “Oh, I don’t need you to wish me luck. I’m making it my personal goal to snap every one of your fingers and toes.”

  “Wouldn’t that reduce the pleasure I can bring others?”

  “Bones, times up, get out of here before I do some bone cracking of my own. And leave his damn fingers alone.”

  Ezra froze, Morvan’s voice was coming from right next to him. For a big bloke, Morvan moved like a damn cat. Ezra revised his thought, as the cellar door slammed; they all moved like fucking fast cats. He hadn’t seen Bones leave either.

  Morvan’s eyes were red with lust as he leered down at Ezra. The grin was identical to the one the brutish vampire had worn when he’d punched Ezra in front of his mother.

  “Erm, hi. Thanks for the save. Didn’t fancy getting my fingers snapped.”

  Morvan licked his lips. “Do want the chance to get a little revenge, toy, before I fuck you into next week?” The vampire spread his hands, inviting an attack as he took a step back stepped from the bed a pace.

  “I’m not a toy. You may call me Ezra. Being polite and returning a greeting doesn’t hurt.”

  Morvan quirked an eyebrow. “Are you telling me to mind my manners, incubus?”

  The way he said ‘incubus’ sounded like an insult, but it was a hell of a lot better than ‘toy’. But if Morvan wanted him to try for a little revenge, that’s what he was going to get.

  Ezra moved to the edge of the bed and leaned back on his elbows, displaying his body. Morvan’s eyes almost bugged out they were staring at his dick so hard. Ezra, whipped his foot up, hoping to catch his opponent by surprise. The vampire jerked back just in time to stop his head being rocked.

  A broad grin spread across Morvan’s ugly face. “Nice.”

  “You wouldn’t be saying that if I’d got you.”

  A few summer’s ago, before his mother imposed her lockdown, he’d watched a Chinese fighter take on a boxer on Brighton’s West Pier. The diminutive oriental had kept the pugilist off balance and unable to land a blow by using his feet as weapons. The young, impressionable Ezra had practiced alone in the garden and his bedroom, imagining himself an exotic hero using his demonic strength and speed to save innocent people.

  Morvan beckoned again as he stepped back to give both of them more room.

  Ezra stood, the freezing stone bit at his bare feet but he paid it no attention as his eyes fixed on his opponent. He lifted the same leg as if he was going to repeat the same kick. When the vampire flinched in the same direction, he changed to a flying kick and caught the bastard smack in the nose. Morvan’s hand went to his bleeding snout and Ezra followed up with a lightning quick back fist.

  The vampire caught his hand as Silas had done. He grinned evilly at Ezra.

  “My turn, toy.”

  Before he had a chance to react, the vampire’s other fist came up, connecting with the side of his head, knocking him to his belly on the ice-cold stone. A huge hairy forearm went across his throat, cutting off his breath as the vampire’s weight pressed down on his back. He must have weighed over twice what Bones did.

  What had Silas said, ‘don’t hurt Morvan?’ The warning now made perfect sense. Unlike with Bones, he couldn’t shout for help as the air left his lungs. He hoped the collar might protect him a little, but the bastard’s grip was so damn strong. He struggled and twisted, trying to throw the heavy demon off.

  “That’s it, toy, fight me. Show me what you’re made of.”

  Ezra jabbed an elbow back into Morvan’s ribs, and, for an instant, he thought he’d succeeded. The pressure left his throat, but the vampire was merely changing the location of his assault. Ezra found himself face down on the bed, with a cock invading him. Morvan was bigger than both Fabian and Bones, he felt stretched, overly full, but having Morvan in him cooled some of the heat inside him. He craved it, hated it, and hated himself more.

  Dots appeared before his eyes, as Morvan kept up his stranglehold. But Ezra wasn’t fighting to throw him off any more, he was trying to move against the body fucking him, needing the vampire’s climax more than oxygen. He didn’t stop struggling till darkness took him.

  Ezra woke a few bewildering seconds before he erupted in a gasping orgasm. A heavy weight on top of him pushed into him a few more times before pulling out. The hard slap to his backside as Morvan got off the bed brought Ezra back to full consciousness.

  “Good fight boy, no-one’s bloodied my nose in years. A little training and you might provide some decent entertainment as well as being a bloody good fuck. I’ll get some equipment brought down here for you; got to keep those muscles working and not only the ones in your arse.”

  Ezra’ back was cold again, and for a moment, he missed the heat of Morvan’s body. This is what being an incubus is. I’m a demon, a god forsaken, damned for all time, demon.

  He curled up, hugging himself for comfort, trying to hold back the tears prickling his eyes as his body shook with cold, emotion and the need for someone else to fuck him.

  He’d thoroughly enjoyed the climaxes, and he wanted another right away, despite Bones nearly snapping his fingers and Morvan choking him u
nconscious. He wanted them back, or anyone else feeling horny that happened to wander by. It didn’t matter who and he’d do anything to earn their lust. By all the standards he knew, that was just plain wrong. The blanket was thrown over him, and the light departed.

  A voice sounded in the darkness almost immediately.

  “We’ve waited a long time for this. We’ll all going to get payback for all those hours we had to pander to that slack pussied mother of yours.”

  He didn’t get a chance to turn around before another horny, hard body was on top of him, stabbing at his hole. Spreading his legs, he tilted up to make it easier.

  “Hurry up, I’m dying here,” Robert told the unknown vampire fucking him.

  “Hey, you had him last night, back of the queue.”

  “But he wasn’t conscious; I want a turn while he’s awake.”

  Ezra’s world faded into a swirling maelstrom of struggling, pain and pleasure. This time, unlike with Morvan, it didn’t end when his abuser finished groaning and emptied inside him. The vampire in him was replaced by another within seconds.

  The next one snarled, ‘don’t just lay there’ and punched him in the side when he stopped struggling. Time passed, and he stopped counting the different vampires that spent their lust in him. After the first four, they all blended into one in the darkness.

  “Cover his mouth, and get a load of this,” a vaguely familiar voice said. The vampire pumping into him paused, and a calloused hand smothered his nose and mouth. Other hands grabbed his foot. Before he could attempt to pull it away, there was a sharp twist and an audible snap. He bucked, screaming against the hand on his face.

  “Fuck, fuck that’s fantastic,” the vampire in him cried as he rode Ezra’s twisting body. “Do another one.”

  In the end, he just lay there, taking whatever they did without a murmur as his brain shut down. His demon body reacted for a long time after his mind stopped. Each subsequent climax produced less physical evidence, even though the flair of energy as the vampires ‘fed’ him brought him back to consciousness every time.


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