Seeing Red: A New Adult Sports Romance (NE University Book 2)

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Seeing Red: A New Adult Sports Romance (NE University Book 2) Page 25

by Hannah Gray

  Tears pool in my eyes and trickle down my cheeks. “You don’t love me. You’ve never said that before.”

  “I didn’t think I needed to. Besides, I was trying not to move too fast for you. I fucked up last spring by cutting you out of my life. I’m trying to do things the right way this time. But I do love you, Anna. I fucking love you so much. I think deep down, I’ve known for a long time, but it took me a while to get my head out of my ass and figure it out.”

  “But for how long, Mase? Once the new-parent sparkle wears off and you realize you rushed in, then what happens?”

  I’m so, so scared of when that happens. I can’t lose him. It will kill me. I’ve never loved anyone besides our baby more than I love him. Ever since he left me last spring, life has been so colorless and painful.

  “I can promise you, sweetheart, I’ll never tire of you. My feelings aren’t going to change. Maybe I fuck off a lot and joke around, but you are the only thing I want. You and our baby girl, forever. You are the one for me, Anna Eubanks.”

  I’m about to answer, thinking he’s done, when his deep voice breaks as he continues, “I’m so sorry that your parents are shit. Which they are, Anna. They are absolute shit. But their shortcomings and fuckups as parents have nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. I’m not with you for the baby.

  “If fuckface Maverick hadn’t played interference, we would have been together this whole time; I know it. I fucking fell for you in the Hamptons. Right on that beach, watching the sun hit your face and seeing you laugh and be carefree.

  “I know you don’t need saving, Red. You’re stronger than any man or woman I know. But I fucking want to save you the way you save me. I want to be your knight in shining armor or whatever the fuck it’s called. Scratch that. Maybe Superman in a cape or some shit. I want to be the one who saves you. You just have to let me. Please, I’m fucking begging you to let me.”

  I’m sure I look a mess. With my face tear-soaked and my nose runny. But I just can’t help it. To have someone tell you so many kind things is overwhelming. Never mind if the person is the love of your life. He is the only man I have ever let see me as this much of a mess. He just has a way of making me feel comfortable.

  I’m unable to look at him. My face burns, and my throat feels like it’s closing up as I choke on my next words. “How could you love me when nobody else does?”

  He grips my chin, so I’m looking at him. “Red, I don’t give a fuck who loves you. I love you, and you’re mine. And I’m sure as hell yours. You just need to wake up and see it. Can you do that for me? Please?”

  I surprise myself when I nod weakly. Then, I kiss him hard. He deepens it and walks us into his room and into the bathroom. Holding me with one arm, he takes his other and turns the water on in his walk-in shower. A few moments later, he walks us in and sets me down on my feet before stripping my shirt over my head, followed by my leggings. I do the same with his clothes as the water rains down on us, washing everything away. We kiss and explore each other with our hands. Every now and then, our eyes meet, and no words need to be said. The connection, that deep-rooted thing that no words can explain, brings us closer than ever.

  He sits down on the bench in the shower and slowly pulls me onto him, spreading my legs and pushing himself inside of me. A small hiss escapes my mouth by the fullness I feel. Slowly, I start to move up and down on his length. He runs his hands through my wet hair, pulling gently.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” he huffs out.

  Moving his hands from my hair and to my sides, he gently pushes me up and down faster.

  “And you are all mine, Anna. Got it?”

  I nod, a moan escaping my throat.

  “Say it,” he demands.

  “I’m yours.”

  His eyes darken slightly. “Damn right, you are.”

  His next words force me to melt into him.

  “I love you, Anna, so much.”

  “I love you too. So much.”

  As I throw my head back, my body welcomes the tingly feeling filling every single nerve inside of me. And together, we tremble and moan while we get exactly what we were looking for.

  I always just thought sex was sex. But being with Mason, I realize there really is such a thing as making love.



  We beat the Los Angeles Rams thirty-seven to thirty-one. I brought in three of the touchdowns and feel pretty good about it. The last three minutes of the game, I was getting pretty fucking nervous. But we pulled through.

  “My man. Getting it done out there. Mason the tank.” Our quarterback slaps me on the back.

  He’s been fucking awesome to work with. I never thought I’d find someone I clicked with on the field like I had with Trent. But I’ve quickly become his right-hand man. Together, we’re a force. I respect the hell out of him as an athlete. He puts in so much time and effort for this team. And his natural talent is incredible.

  I grin. We needed this win. We’re that much closer now to punching our ticket to the Super Bowl. It’s our year; I just know it.

  After what seems like hours with reporters, I make my way to the car that’s ready for me. I didn’t tell Anna that I was paying Maverick a visit. I didn’t want her to get upset with me. But it’s something I need to do. For myself.

  I pull up to the gated house. It’s nice. I mean, I couldn’t live in California. I’m a sucker for the crappy winters in New York. But I’ll give it to my ass of a brother; it is a pretty sweet place.

  I ring the buzzer.

  After a few moments, Maverick’s voice comes through the speaker. “Mason. What the fuck are you doing here?”

  Pushing my face closer to the camera, I smirk. “My dear brother, I was in the neighborhood. We need to talk. You going to be a little bitch, or are you going to let me in?”

  He doesn’t answer, but after thirty seconds or so, the gate slowly opens. Good. I really didn’t want to have to climb that bitch after just getting the guts kicked out of me on the field. I got sacked hard a few times tonight, and the bruises forming on my body are screaming.

  When I make it in front of the house, Maverick struts out in a pair of Dodger sweatpants and a white T-shirt. Looking like a D-bag, as usual.

  I climb out of the rental SUV and tip my chin at him. “Bet you can guess why I’m here.”

  He shrugs. “I have no fucking clue why you’re here. Feel free to explain though. I have a half-naked chick on my couch, so this’d better be good.”

  I widen my stance. “You fucked with Anna and me. You must have known I’d come for you after pulling shit like that.”

  He laughs. “You think I give a fuck about that trash?”

  I charge him before he can react and land a punch right to his jaw.

  He falls backward but is quick to recover. “What the fuck, Mason? I’ll have you arrested.”

  I laugh. “That would make you a bitch. Which everyone already knows you are. Tell me, why’d you do it?”

  Veins pop out in his forehead. Much like the one I’m sure is popping out in mine.

  He shakes his head. “You have some nerve, giving me shit for that when I saw you guys in the Hamptons.”

  I narrow my eyes, confused. “You didn’t see us; your little bitch friends did. And what the fuck did it matter? You weren’t together then.”

  “Not last spring, dumbass. When we were all there for the funeral. I came back to my house because I felt like an ass for leaving her, and I saw you and her while she was in the hot tub. She was acting like a fucking slut, full tits on display for you. You always want everything I have, don’t you, brother?” His voice is filled with spite and rage. No doubt he’s held anger about this for a long time now.

  My hands rest at my sides. “Look, I don’t know what you thought you saw, but nothing happened. I thought you guys were gone. I went out to the hot tub, and there she was. I’ll admit, I fucking checked her out. Who wouldn’t? But back then, nothing happened.�

  “Oh, fuck off. I’m not stupid.”

  I shrug. “I don’t give a fuck what you believe. Now, last spring in the Hamptons, yeah, I fucked her pretty much everywhere in that house. But not the time you were there. Whether you hate me or not, I wouldn’t have fucked your girl.”

  “So what? Why are you here? It isn’t like you actually care about her, Mason. So, why does it matter if I fucked your plans up?”

  “I blocked her number. I blocked her from every single thing.”

  He holds his arms out, his voice getting more irate. “And?”

  “And she was fucking pregnant with my daughter, you asshole! And she had no way to contact me! She thought I was just choosing to ignore her that whole time.” I try to steady my breathing. Feeling the anger fill my body. “I missed seven months of appointments! Not to mention, I caused her so much hurt. All because what? You wanted to get back at me for something that never happened? What the fuck, dude?”

  His face pales slightly as he shakes his head. “I didn’t know she was pregnant. For that, I am sorry.” A bitter laugh escapes his mouth. “But fuck, man, my whole life, I’ve been in your shadow. Now, you’re what? Starting a family with the girl who was the love of my life? The girl I wanted to marry?”

  “You’re the one who fucked her best friend.”

  Thank God he did. If he didn’t, she and I might have never had a shot.

  He flinches. “Yeah, I did. But only because I thought you had something going on with her behind my back. I wanted to make her look stupid before she did it to me.”

  “Well, we didn’t. And what the fuck do you mean, my shadow? Do you know how painful it has been my whole life, having to come around you and your perfect family after my dad abandoned me and my mom?”

  He looks down at the ground and kicks the dirt. “No, he didn’t. I mean, I guess he did. But only because my grandfather blackmailed him into being with my mom,” he answers quietly.

  “What the fuck do you mean?”

  “My mom and our dad knew each other way before your mom knew him. My grandparents set their sights on him, seeing him as an excellent prospect for their daughter. But before they got to him, you happened.”

  I’m so fucking bewildered. “So what? Why’d he leave?”

  “Because my grandfather is a dangerous man. He threatened to ruin anything and everything our dad knew and loved. He backed him into a corner. And Dad knew my grandfather wasn’t bluffing. No threat of his ever goes undelivered.”

  I’ve heard of Miranda’s father. He’s since passed away, but I’ve heard he was involved in some pretty illegal shit.

  My legs feel shaky. I sit on a bench in front of his house. I rake my hands through my hair. “Fuck!” I yell.

  “Yep. Not everything is as clean-cut as it seems. But do you want to know one thing?”


  “Our dad has loved your mom his entire life. He fucking hates my mom.” He cringes. “Not that I blame him. She’s a drunk and miserable most of the time.”

  We sit in silence for what seems like forever before, finally, I push myself to stand. Walking to my car, I turn and look at my brother. “I’m sorry too. But you shouldn’t have fucked with my relationship with Anna. You fucked up.”

  “Yeah, I can see that now,” he answers somberly.

  I get in my car and head to the airport. Processing how fucked up Anna’s and my families are. I mean, you can’t make this type of shit up. This is some Lifetime channel shit.



  Ilie against Mason’s chest in his—actually, our—bed. He plays with my hair, which is my favorite thing ever. He knows it too.

  His chest rumbles against my ear as he tells me everything about his encounter with Maverick yesterday. I can’t even believe my ears. Just when I thought our family lives couldn’t get more bizarre, I learn that his dad was blackmailed into staying with his mother. Mind blown. Though Mr. King never appeared to be a happy man to me. It actually all makes sense.

  “So, yeah … you aren’t the only one with a fucked up family.” Mason’s deep voice pulls me from my thoughts.

  I gently rub his chest, leaning up and planting a kiss on his jawline. “I’m sorry, babe. But on the bright side, we have each other. We can’t really judge one another because, well”—I laugh—“both of our families are fucked up with a capital F.”

  Another question pops in my mind. I’m sort of nervous to ask it. But I know it’s probably on his mind as well. “Do you think your mom would ever take him back? If he told her the truth about it all?”

  He shakes his head. “No. My mom’s too smart for that. I called her after I left Maverick’s, and she actually already knew it all—or at least thought it. She said my dad took the coward’s way out and that she’ll never forgive him. Even if he did leave Miranda.”

  I nod. “I don’t blame her. Not one bit.”

  He rubs small circles on my back. We’re so relaxed together. Despite both of our lives being completely turned upside down.

  “Have you talked to your family since we went to Maine?” he asks nervously.

  I shake my head. “No. I’m not going to. I did my part. And besides, we don’t need that kind of negativity in our lives. Especially our baby girl’s.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, babe. We have each other. That’s what matters, right?”

  I smile and climb on top of him. “Right.”



  Ipress a kiss to my sexy girlfriend’s lips. “Are you sure you don’t feel any twangs or whatever the fuck those things are?”

  Her lips twitch. “You mean, contractions?”

  I shrug. “Yeah, I guess that’s what those things are. I hear they hurt.” I frown at my words. I’m not ready to see her in pain.

  “No, I don’t. I still have five days till my due date. You can’t miss a game just because you’re worried I’ll go into labor. I’d go and watch if I wasn’t afraid my water would break in front of everyone.”

  I’m bummed she can’t go. She hasn’t missed one home game since Christmas. But I understand; she’s too pregnant to be shuffling around the stadium. But I fucking hate leaving her. She could go into labor any day now. Still, this is the deciding game if we make it to the Super Bowl or not. I’d give anything to have her there.

  “She’ll be fine. I’ll call you if something comes up. Go do what you do, Mason fucking King,” Cameran smart-mouths from the other end of the couch, never glancing up from her book.

  “All right. But one pain, and you call. You got me?” I shift my eyes between both girls. Who both ignore me—Anna looking at her phone and Cameran, her book.

  Anna finally looks up and smiles. Holding her fingers on her forehead, she salutes me. “Yes, master. We know. Go. You don’t want to be late.”

  I press a kiss to her forehead and nod my chin at Cam. “All right, I’ll be back later. Don’t forget to watch the game on TV. I know you love how my ass looks in my uniform.”

  I wink at Anna. She giggles while Cameran pretends to gag.

  As I walk out to my truck, I look up at the gray sky. Snow spits down at me.

  Please, baby girl. Do not try to come out while Daddy isn’t here. I’ve already missed too much.


  Three Days Later

  I glance at the clock and see it reads eleven at night. “Mase?” I nudge him as he sleeps.

  He mumbles something about waffles and then starts snoring again.

  “Mason?” I whisper a little louder. Still nothing.

  “Mason!” I yell into the darkness.

  He sits up. “Shit, shit, yeah?” He rubs his eyes. “Oh fuck, is it time?”

  “I think so. Either I just peed the bed, which I haven’t done since I got blackout drunk freshman year in college, or my water broke.”

  “Ew, you pissed the bed in college?” He looks at me, disgusted.

  “Mason! Focus. I said, my water broke!” I ye

  “Shit. Right, right, my bad.” He jumps out of bed and clicks the light on. Then, he comes around and helps me out.

  I dress quickly, as does he, and then we’re headed out the door. On the way to the hospital, he holds my hand and sends reassuring glances my way.

  Shit, we’re about to be parents.



  Glancing over at Mason rocking our six-hour-old baby girl, I feel like this is an out-of-body experience. How did I get so lucky? He talks to her softly, telling her all kinds of things for only her ears. I never thought I’d see a man like Mason, who is a giant and jokes about everything, cry. Until his daughter was passed to him for the first time and he met her. It was priceless.

  He is over the moon that she was born on his birthday, one day before her due date.

  “Haven. Haven Rose,” I say and wait for his reaction.

  He tears his eyes from our baby girl and tilts his head. “Yeah?”

  I shrug. “I mean, if you like it. These past nine months, she has been my haven. She’s been my safe place, even when I felt at my lowest. And Rose, well, I think you know why I chose that.” I smile, glancing down at my tattoo and thinking back to the roses he sent me. I hope this baby is as strong as a rose. Never letting the weeds pull her down.

  He nods slowly before returning his focus back to her. “I love it. It’s perfect.”

  Cameran was here for the first few hours, and then she left. I think she knew Trent would be showing up at some point, and she didn’t want to have a run-in with him. We don’t talk about Cameran to Trent, and we don’t talk about Trent to Cameran. It’s just an agreement that we have. An unspoken one.

  “Lane will be here soon too,” I say after checking my phone and reading Memphis’s text. Memphis is Lane’s girlfriend.

  “Sweet. Trent will be too.” Then, he talks in a soft voice I’ve never heard, but it just goes to show what our baby is doing to him. “You can’t wait to meet Uncle Trenty, can you, sweet girl? No, you can’t. No, you can’t.” He must realize I’m watching him because he glances up at me. “What? She likes it when I talk like that.”


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