Book Read Free


Page 10

by Nacole Stayton

  A brief relief washes over me. If I’m getting refunded, I’ll be able to get my ring back from the pawnshop. I swallow. It’s a lot to process. Gram’s is here and Niko cares about me. If I didn’t know it for sure, I do now. It’s been confirmed. Only, I wish that I could have heard the words come out of Niko’s mouth, not leaked by his best friend. Nonetheless, feelings stir within me.

  At first, I was angry, needy even. I needed more money to do just this, and now he has gone and done it. Delivered Grams to me on a silver platter with all of the amenities she could ever ask for. Not in my wildest dreams did I ever consider someone doing this, something so amazingly sweet, just because.

  Turning away from Jarod, I head in the opposite direction of Grams’s new room. My feet move, guiding me to another door in the estate. I stand in front of Niko’s door and knock. Knowing that he won’t open it, I kneel down in front of the wooden slab that separates us.

  “Who’s there?” I hear Niko’s soothingly firm voice call out on the other side of the door.

  “It’s Cambree.”

  “Cambree?” he asks, tone softer. I can hear the struggle in his voice. I know he won’t invite me in. Not in the daylight at least. This I’ve come to learn. I’m not asking to come into the room, just his heart.

  “It’s okay. I don’t want to come in. I just wanted to thank you and ask you why you did this?” Faint noises of what sound like him sitting on the floor make me grin. I hold my hand up and press my palm against the door, pretending I’m touching him and knowing it’s likely the only way I can.

  “If we’re being honest, Cambree. You’re in danger because of me and everyone you know is now included in this mess. This was the only way I knew to keep the only person you love safe.”

  As if I just heard the most beautiful poem in the world, I melt. A kindness I never knew possible exists in the loneliest man I’ve ever met.

  “I find it hard to believe that you care enough about me, a paid companion, to do such a thing. You don’t owe my grandmother or me anything. You paid me already, remember? That means you’re financially off the hook.” My eyebrows slant in a frown. I’m pushing him away, making a mockery of his gift. All because I’m so confused by his generosity that I’m blind to his humanity.

  “I don’t know why I care,” he confesses from behind the door. “I, honest to God, don’t know why. It’s like I’m a moth and you’re a light bulb. I know if I get too close, I’ll get burned, scorched to death even, but being close to you is worth the risk.”

  Tongue-tied, I sit with my arms folded over my chest, crisscrossed, pondering his metaphor. I know this is bound to end up in disaster, whatever this thing between us is. I wrinkle my nose and shake my head in disbelief. Not choosing to hear him, and the sincerity in his voice, I joke, “You sound insane, you know that right?”

  A twinge of disappointment flashes across my ivory face when he says, “I’m absolutely insane.” He continues in a calm whisper, “But it’s the truth. Sometimes it cuts us deep. It seeps out of our mouths, fades into the air, and strikes us when we least expect it. That’s what you are, Cambree, my unexpected truth.”

  “The big scary man in the dark has a giant heart. I hope he knows that.” Distant laughter drifts through me. Like a breeze, it makes me shudder.

  “There’s always more to the story than anyone lets on. My depth is deeper than you could even imagine. My pain is excruciating on a daily basis, but when I’m with you, it’s tolerable. That’s why I did this for you. Maybe it’s my way of setting you free, without actually letting you go. I told you before; our kiss sealed your fate.”

  I stare at the door, courage gleaming, fueling me. As I speak, I feel confident and in control. “You can’t free a bird that doesn’t want to leave the nest. I’m here because I want to be. I could have easily run away, fled your estate, and never turned back. I could have taken the money and ran, paid for Grams’s care and traveled the world. Obviously, I didn’t. Do you know why?”

  “I’m afraid I do not.”

  “What’s the use of traveling the world, in seeing so many beautiful places, when the one person you actually want to see them with won’t even show himself to you?”

  “It’s ironic isn’t it? The dreams, hopes, and things you aspire to see and do like traveling aren’t things that I can give you. You know that, yet here we are, sitting on the floor, talking through a door like spouses in prison. I can’t give you the life I want you to have.”

  My temper flares, like a stove burning red and on the verge of scorching. “The life I want, you know nothing about. You barely know me, yet you dictate where I live and now where my grandmother lives. You know what, screw you and your fucking money. I don’t need either, and I sure as hell don’t need some stranger who’s too scared to talk face-to-face to tell me what I want out of life!”

  I toss words at him like they are hot stones meant to scold his skin, meant to cause pain. Standing up, I flee the situation and run down the hall, directly into Jarod’s embrace. I noticed he had been watching me, waiting to comfort me, to hold and console my aching heart. As desperate and lonely as it sounds, I just want to be held right now.

  HER REACTION WAS NOT at all what I expected. Sure, I took her off guard. But I gave her a gift–one of protection, not only for herself, but also for her grandmother. Certainly that had to mean something.

  Bending my knees, I stand up. Running my hands through my hair, I wonder why Cambree is so upset. It all boils down to me. My presence, the disgusting vile man that I am makes her angry. I know it. I wish a time would come where I didn’t feel like I scared people off, but I do and I just did it. I, and my show of benevolence, repulse Cambree. That or she’s just like every other service woman I’ve been with, wanting more. More than I’ve ever been willing to give.

  Although our agreement hasn’t been as clear as I’d like it to be, more has never been in any of my documents. But strangely, since I’ve met Cambree, all I’ve been doing is giving it to her. She was frightened of the dark; I gave her some form of light. She wanted me to kiss her; I broke a rule and gave in to her sweet lips. She longed to be able to take care of her grandmother in more ways than all of her earthly possessions would allow; I made it possible. More was indeed what I was giving, but why?

  Acting on feelings is ultimately going to ruin me. Cambree’s feelings toward me and mine toward her are going to rip me to shreds. In this moment, as her words cut through my already shredded heart, all I hear is a silent plea from her.

  She’s begging for more: time, affection, and touch.

  What I’ve given and offered hasn’t been enough. To me, I feel exhausted mentally from the emotions that even I’ve been hiding. It’s not like I’ve had practice with this shit. It’s been two years since I’ve truly “dated” anyone. Even then, before the attack, I wasn’t one to settle down. I’ve had maybe three steady girlfriends in my entire life. I wasn’t used to more, but I crave it with Cambree. If it will make her happy, and make her smile, I want to give it to her. I want to see her lips curl up on the side because of me.

  Opening the door, my pulse rises. I can feel my throat getting dry. “Cambree,” I yell down the hall, not knowing what I’m fucking doing, and not even caring. I know that I have to give her something, even if it’s just a part of me. I want her to feel like I care. There’s no choice in the matter, because for some reason I feel alive when she is near. Like my old self, and no paperwork, agreement, or small mundane argument is going to extinguish my flame.

  “Cambree,” I call out again only this time my voice is deep, controlling, and unnerving. Small footsteps approach my wide open door.

  “Yes,” she squeaks.

  “Please, come in here. I have something I want to show you.” The room is dark as I step away from the door. I know that I’m not visible where I’m standing. Not with the blackout curtains I have hanging in front of the only windows in the room. The computer screen has not been turned on this morning, and I shut off
the bathroom light after my shower.

  Complete and utter darkness surrounds us. Just like it lives in my soul, it wants to invite Cambree in. I want to corrupt her to a point that the threat of her leaving isn’t possible. I want her body to melt by my touch and her pussy to burn with a passion that makes her never want to leave my bed.

  As soon as Cambree is in the room, I shut the door behind her. Turning the small lock, my cock instantly throbs. This wasn’t my plan. I wanted to bring her grandmother closer to her so she knew she was safe. This morning, I would never have expected her to get so upset, and for myself to feel a longing to calm her down.

  In the pit of my stomach, I know that Cambree wants me, more than my body even. She wants to hold my heart, protect it, and heal it. I just don’t know if I can be healed. But the beast is willing to give the princess a shot. If it means she sticks around longer. I’ll do anything–even seduce her to show her how I feel.

  “I want to show you how it feels when I sink inside you. To mark you and to make you mine. That’s what you want, isn’t it? You want to get to know one another, share secrets and dreams of things we aspire to do in life?” I run my hand through my hair roughly. “All I aspire to do in this very moment is fuck you like there’s no tomorrow and make you forget about the world that’s happening outside of these four walls. Will you let me take you to a place that no man ever has?”

  “Yes,” she purrs.

  Although a tiny tremble is detectable in her soft voice, I don’t allow any doubts to stop me. Without hesitation, I step in front of her, pulling her body as close as possible against mine. I’m somewhat aware that she can feel my aroused girth between us, but I don’t care in the slightest. All I care about is spreading her lips, kissing her, and carrying her to my bed.

  Leaning forward, I press my lips to hers, hard with urgency. My anticipation to bend her over my mattress and slide into her is almost unbearable. I breathe her in as my tongue dances with hers. Cambree’s arms stay straight, at her sides. I can feel them, as my hands roam her body. I don’t like it. It feels foreign.

  “Touch me,” I moan into her mouth unable to hide my want to feel her hands on my body.

  Her movements are slow at first. I can tell she is unsure about it. Once I feel her gently raise her hand, and run her fingertips up my sides, I’m a goner. It feels like a feather lightly brushing my skin, it’s amazing. The touch of a woman has been nonexistent for so long that it causes a shiver to course through me from excitement.

  Seductively, I bite her lower lip. Taking it my mouth, I suck on it. A small groan of pleasure rolls out of her mouth, urging me to continue, and praising me for my efforts.

  My hand slips up her body and tangles in her hair. With one hand around the back of her neck and the other weaved in her locks, I push her mouth closer to mine. My kisses are needy, angry, and passionate all in one. Moving my lips down her cheek, I drag my tongue to her earlobe. I nibble on it and then slide down her neck. Her skin tastes divine as I slowly stroke it, teasing her. Wrapping my arms around her like a warm blanket, I slide one hand down below her kneecaps. Within seconds, she is in the air, held in my arms. Slowly, I glide across the floor toward my bedroom. Bending, I gently place her on the bed.

  Cambree opens her mouth, but I stop her from speaking by putting my finger in the center of her parted lips.

  “Shh. There’s no need for words. Just feel. Close your eyes and let me do all the work. Allow me to rock into your body until your toes curl and heart bursts with contentment.” I watch as she closes her eyes and leans back against the bed, obeying my request. Kneeling on the floor in front of her, I gently unzip her boots, and slowly slide them off and then do the same with her socks. Her small feet are bare when my lips find their instep. Slowly I kiss them, one foot at a time. I can feel her body wiggling with pleasure from my mouth.

  For a moment, I feel like I’m floating on cloud nine.

  “Cambree, I want to taste you. Lick you until the most tantalizing place on your body aches and you beg me to take you, hard and fast.”

  She’s speechless. I can tell when she tilts her hips up in the air and unbuttons her jeans, silently giving me permission. Raising my body up from the floor, my chest hovers over her legs and I reach up and slide her pants down. Cambree’s lace panties cover her core, the most prized part of her body. The image in front of me causes my mouth to salivate. My reaction to seeing her almost nude is dangerous. I want to rip her remaining clothes off and take her. Debating on how to handle the delicate woman in front of me, I opt to give her what she needs.

  Slow, meaningful, make-your-heart-skip-a-beat lovemaking.

  My lips find the area above her navel. Licking and kissing her soft skin, my tongue makes a trail down her torso. Stopping at the hem of her underwear, I kiss her inner thigh. Moving my hand up, I place my index and middle fingers above her opening and rub her clitoris through her panties.

  Small moans and grunts of need fill the air around us. I know she is wet and ready for me. But I want to take my time. I know that Cambree is worth every second of it. She deserves to be cherished, and that’s exactly what I plan to do.

  Sliding her panties over to the side with two fingers, I part my mouth and blow on her exposed skin. A smile crosses my face when I hear her exhale. Using my other two fingers, I spread her apart. Silently, I gasp at the prize inside. Bending my neck, I kiss her right above her clitoris. The area is shaved, well taken care of. Something I’m thankful for, and I adore her even more for now.

  “Niko, please….” Her plea makes me tingle as she calls out my name. It turns me on. A rapid thud of my heart pounding in my chest can be heard half a mile away, I’m certain of it. Opening my mouth, I press against her soft skin and make love to her with my tongue. It’s slow at first, and her sweet taste excites me more, causing me to assault her pussy with my mouth.

  Nipping. Sucking. Licking. Her moans drive me wild.

  Exploding in my pants is not an option. My movements halt and she weeps, missing my mouth’s presence.

  “I want to feel your tits. Take them out for me.”

  Cambree sits up. I can tell she is excited, her fast reaction to my demand tells me so.

  Sliding her shirt over her head, she then unhooks her bra and slips the straps down her slender arms. My eyes rake in her beauty, capturing every inch. She’s perfect in every way a man wants a woman to be. Her arms and waist are slender, but not boney. Her tits are full and perky with large, dark nipples that are just waiting to be sucked, and her pussy is tight and well maintained. Just waiting to be filled with my cock.

  Cambree is exactly what I like in a woman. The only difference is, I don’t just like her. I’m falling for her and I know the minute that I sink my dick into her tiny little opening, I’m going to fall madly in love with her. Stranger or not, I am going to claim her right now. I’m going to make her forget her name and all about the agreement, because as my shaft pulsates in my pants, I know I’ve never been as turned on as I am now. Not once, with any other woman, have I ever felt so completely comfortable just being me.

  Niko Kincaid is about to rock my world. I can feel it in my bones. A tingle travels from the tips of my toes upward to my heart. My pulse increases as I stare into the dark, trying to get a good look at the man hovering before me. Although the darkness casts a shadow all around us, I can see him, somewhat at least. His features are everything I envisioned them to be. His hair is hanging over his forehead; it’s messy and dark. His lips are plump, and very kissable, yet masculine at the same time. His cheeks are covered with stubble, it’s apparent that he was not expecting a guest this morning. A scar covers his entire cheek, and I’m curious if that is from his encounter with Anton.

  I’m thankful that my eyes have become accustomed to the dark. It’s welcomed me with open arms, inviting me into its lair. If only Niko would do the same.

  “Ahh,” I moan aloud, unable to hide the pleasure that his mouth is bringing me.

  “You like
that, don’t you, sweet girl? You like my mouth sucking your nipples.”

  My mind goes blank.

  “The best is yet to come….” His voice trails off.

  Aware of the warmth of Niko’s hands on me, I feel him gripping my waist, and then I he slides into me. Everything feels so tight and snug at first. It takes several long seconds to adjust to his size. It’s been a while since I have had sex with anyone. My head rolls back against the mattress and I’m taken to a place of pure ecstasy.

  Niko slowly pushes into me, over and over. My body graciously accepts him. His needy hands roam my body, rubbing and kneading. Speeding up his rhythm, he pounds deeper inside, opening me up like my body was solely made to please him. My legs are quivering, as he assaults my G-spot. A hot wave of passion rides through us both. My hands needy to touch his body, grab him, hold him, and scratch his naked back.

  Passion pounds in my veins and explodes out of my mouth as Niko leans down and kisses me. A sense of urgency courses through me and I tilt my hips in the air. This allows our bodies to be closer, as we rock back and forth, up and down.

  Hot sweat trickles down Niko’s forehead and lands on my chest, a smile spreads on my face. This man who I so desperately want to help has finally opened up to me. He’s making love to me. Slowly, I’m learning more about him and what makes him tick. Now we are as close as two people can possibly be and it feels amazing.

  My gut leaps with excitement as I find my release. Slowing down his pace, Niko groans, “That’s it, let it go. Come all over my cock. Get it all out, sweet girl.”

  Pants blow out of my parted lips as my chest falls. “That was…amazing,” I say while wheezing, trying to calm my increased breathing. Hair sticks to the sides of my face.

  “That wasn’t all I had in store for you this morning.”

  Pulling out of me, Niko lies on the bed—his erection sticking up in the air. Biting my lip, I wonder what it would be like to sit on him, to ride him, to be in charge. His length is sizeable, much more than I’m used to, but I know I can take it. Other than being curious about the position, I want to claim him like he’s claimed me.


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