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Wolf Games: Severed Fates (The Vampire Games Book 6)

Page 6

by Caroline Peckham

It wasn't the time for that conversation. And he clearly knew it.

  We headed on. My body trembled from adrenaline. I didn't care what else we met with now. I was getting us out of here no matter what. My mind had transitioned into an almost trance-like state. I was strong. And I'd kill anything or anyone that blocked our way out.

  We turned down another path, my hand on the left wall. And there it was, impossibly: a wide, open door at the far end of the corridor.

  Curt pressed a hand to my shoulder and I felt my father brush my arm. Together, we were getting out of here. And we'd deal with whatever came next.

  Nothing halted our way as we reached the door and stepped through into a circular room like the one I'd started in. Curt slammed the door behind us for good measure and heaved a sigh of relief.

  “How did you get here?” I asked, gazing at them as we waited for someone to come and get us. I doubted we'd be left together long, but I prayed my family weren't in any more immediate danger.

  “Woke up here about a month ago.” Curt looked to Dad. “I thought it was just me.”

  “I've been here just as long,” Dad said with a sigh. “Threw up for days. Nearly lost my mind during the withdrawals.”

  Curt pressed a hand to his arm.

  “You too?” I asked my brother.

  He shook his head. “I've been clean for a year.” He gave my dad a guilty glance. “I was at college when I was taken. One minute I was sleeping in my room, the next I work up in a cell.”

  “College? You?” I teased.

  Curt snorted a laugh then his gaze dropped to my stomach again. “I'm guessing that's not because you over-indulged on doughnuts in prison?”

  Dad followed his gaze, breathing in heavily. “Cassandra?”

  I rested a hand on my small bump. “I'm pregnant...”

  “Willingly?” Dad gasped and I couldn't fight a laugh.

  “Yes, Dad. With my...” Werewolf mate? Jameson and I hadn't had time to clarify things between us, but I guessed it was safe to call him mine. “My boyfriend,” I settled on.

  A whirring noise sounded inside my collar and Dad and Curt reached to their throats.

  I felt the pierce of a needle and reached for my dad's hand just as blackness swooped in. The strength in my body depleted. I slumped to the floor, hearing the crash of my family falling down around me. Darkness swallowed me whole and I prayed that I'd be reunited with them soon.


  Watching Cass fight for her life in the maze was about as entertaining as a stab in the neck. I was filled with relief when she finally escaped with her family. I had to bite my tongue on rebuking Rockley for doing such a thing. Did his cruelty know no bounds?

  Death games were never going to be an amusement for me. It was twisted. And especially when the girl at the heart of the sick games was Cass. I knew she hated me. Despised me even. She probably would have happily traded places with me in that maze. But it didn't matter. Because she was important. And as much as I knew I'd broken her heart, I would never have brought her here willingly.

  I couldn't let this madness continue any longer. I had to do something. I had to get her and that baby out of here. Safe in my care again.

  When we exited the viewing box, I left Rockley and Ulvic to it, making my excuses as I headed back to my room. I was staying near the Werewolves. And a part of me was thankful Jameson wouldn't recognise me if I bumped into him, because I was sure he would have ripped me a new one.

  I spotted a guard hauling a thin old man out of a room along the hall. I narrowed my gaze as a crow flew after him and pecked the guard on the head.


  I'd seen the crows in the maze and was certain they were controlled by one. They were an Immortal capable of controlling animals. Usually only one type. And this man evidently had control of crows. With a jolt, I had an idea.

  I jogged after the guard as he hit the old Viden over the head with the butt of his gun. “Tell it to piss off or I'll break its neck,” the man demanded.

  The Viden waved a hand and the crow flew off down the corridor, cawing angrily.

  “That's more than you deserve, you brute. Let me go, I can walk myself,” the Viden snapped.

  Feisty old guy.

  The guard released his collar and the Viden walked obediently at his side. I kept my distance, following them down several flights of stairs and into a corridor. I held back, watching from the stairwell as the guard took a key card from his pocket and pressed it against an electric lock for a metal door. It bleeped as it opened and the guard shoved the old man inside, slamming the door behind him. The guard headed back in my direction and I swore, trying to act casual as he stepped into the stairwell.

  He straightened as he spotted me, his brows raised. “No civilians are allowed down here.”

  I pressed my shoulders back, assuming a position of power. “I'm not a civilian. I'm Rockley's business partner. And he wouldn't be very pleased if you defied me.”

  His gaze narrowed. “What do you want?”

  “I have permission to see the Viden.”

  “Why?” he snarled.

  “That's none of your concern.” I glanced back up the stairs. “I suppose I could get Rockley to confirm it, but I don't think he'll be very happy about you keeping me waiting.”

  I turned as if to leave and the guard called, “Wait.”

  He took out his key card. “Five minutes,” he growled.

  I nodded and relief swept through me as he led me out into the corridor toward the Viden's cell. He opened the door, gesturing for me to enter and moved to follow.

  “Alone, thank you. My work is top secret.”

  The guard sighed. “Fine.” He stepped out of the cell, slamming the door in my face and my shoulders dropped.

  The Viden had a relatively comfortable space with a small bed on one side of the room and a toilet on the other. The smell of peppermints filled the air and I spied him taking one from a packet on his bed. A little crow was hopping up and down on his nightstand.

  “Who are you?” he asked as he popped the mint into his mouth.

  “My name is Silas Madigan.”

  Evidently, that didn't mean anything to him as he simply nodded. “Name's Dresden. And what can I do for you?”

  I glanced at the door, edging closer to the man. “I'd like your help with something.”

  “And why would I do that?” Dresden let out a wheezing laugh which turned into an all-out cough. It sounded like he had a chest infection and I wondered if I might be able to use that to my advantage.

  “I can get you some V blood for that cough,” I said as he crunched down loudly on the peppermint.

  “Can you now...?” he asked, surveying me through watery eyes. I'd guess he was hundreds of years old to look the way he did. Videns weren't entirely immune to the ageing process, but it took a very long time for them to look like that.

  “Yes,” I promised, but I need you to do something for me first.

  I took out a pad of paper and a pen I'd taken from my room. Getting my thoughts down was common practice. And since Rockley had confiscated my iPhone which I used for note-taking, I'd decided to do it the old-fashioned way instead.

  Dresden eyed the pad curiously.

  “And what might that be?” he inquired, stroking the little crow.

  “Can your crows find someone for me?” I asked. I knew a fair bit about Videns from my work. They could use their animals to track people and that was just what I hoped to do.

  “Yes, if you can get my baby out of here...somewhere she can fly,” he said, gesturing to the crow. “But Rockley wouldn't be pleased. I assume this is not on his behalf?”

  “No,” I confirmed. “This is just between you and me.”

  The man's wrinkled face lifted into a smile. “I do like to defy the cocky bugger whenever I can. So I'll do as you ask. So long as the V blood is guaranteed.”

  “It is,” I promised. That shouldn't have been too hard to come by in a place like this.
/>   “So who would you like my bird to find?” he asked.

  I realised I was going to have to smuggle that bird out of there under my suit jacket.

  I took a breath before revealing her name. The one girl Rockley Jones wanted more than Cass. Perhaps more than he wanted anything in the world.

  “Selena Grey.”


  I woke with a jerk, hearing the door open and curled my knees to my chest.

  “Rockley won't care, he likes her being hurt,” a girl's voice cut through the air.

  I glanced up, finding two people approaching me. One was a guard: a girl with a gun in her grip, her eyes dark and her hair fair. The man beside her was dressed in jeans and a shirt, but a lanyard poking out of his pocket told me he was a builder here.

  I scrambled upright, getting to my feet on shaky legs. My skin was etched with Vs again. Apparently someone, most-likely Rockley, had used me as a carving board whilst I'd been unconscious. The cuts were mainly on my arms and legs this time, partly concealed beneath jogging bottoms and a vest I'd been given to wear.

  “We don't have long,” the girl whispered. “Here.” She passed the man a knife.

  “I dunno, Jessie. She looks human to me,” he said, rubbing a hand over his grey-flecked stubble.

  “She ain't, Wyatt,” Jessie hissed.

  “Prove it.” Wyatt folded his arms, surveying me.

  I glanced between them, bracing myself for an attack. Jessie raised her gun, aiming it at me.

  “Show him your fangs,” she demanded.

  I frowned, not responding.

  She snatched the knife from Wyatt, moving closer. Evidently, she didn't want to fire that gun. It was obvious they weren't supposed to be in here. And that gave me a small advantage.

  She pressed the tip of the blade under my chin. “Show. Him,” she growled.

  I peeled my upper lip back on a snarl. Well, if she wanted a monster, I was going to give her one.

  At speed, I grabbed her wrist and snapped it. She wailed and I snatched the gun, diving onto her friend. I dug my teeth into his neck, taking a drink, hungry to my core. He cried out, falling to the floor, struggling uselessly beneath me.

  A harsh kick met my side and I rolled over, snatching Jessie's leg and uprooting her. She crashed to the ground and I stood, wiping the blood from my chin as I aimed the gun at her. I stooped down, snatching a key-card from her pocket with a satisfied smile. She trembled, raising her hands at me. “Don't kill me,” she begged.

  I ignored her, exiting the room and slamming the door. It bleeped as it locked automatically. I ran down the corridor of jagged stones, curving in an arch above me.

  I thought of my family, but I had no idea how I was going to find them. The doors to the cells had no windows, and if I started shouting, a guard would soon come.

  A shadow cast across the corridor ahead of me and I darted into a stairwell to hide. Voices sounded from the corridor I'd vacated and I had no choice but to run on. I headed up several levels, unsure where to go.

  I met a security door and swiped Jessie's key-card against it. A musical noise sounded as it opened.

  I hurried along the corridor of white marble and halogen lights. I met another security door and used my card to open it, stepping into a hall with white carpet. Several doors lined the walls.

  With a jolt, a scent hit me. His scent. Mellow, and fresh.

  “No way,” I breathed, jogging along the corridor, training all of my senses on his smell. Jameson was here. And so, so close.

  My heart thumped against my throat. My hands began to tremble with anticipation.

  I reached a door, certain he was beyond it. I knocked. Once, then twice. Then harder.

  The door swung open and my heart nearly stopped.

  Jameson appeared in his boxers, blurry eyed and obviously confused. With a small squeak, I threw myself at him, wrapping my whole body around him, planting my mouth on his.

  He stumbled back and I clung on tighter. With a grunt of surprise, he prised me off of him and planted me firmly down, his eyes wide. “Woah, woah, woah, who the hell are you?”

  I laughed but Jameson's stumped expression made me pause.

  I raised my brows. “What? Jameson, it's me.”

  “I'm sorry, do I know you?” He scraped a hand through his hair, glancing at the door as if he might call someone.

  “Yes,” I said, my throat barely releasing the word. What the hell was going on?

  He returned his gaze to me, eyeing the bloody Vs scrawled on my chest with a frown. “Did we meet in the V Games?”

  Tears welled, burning my throat, my nose.

  “Yes,” I breathed again, gripping his wrist.

  “My memories were erased,” he said with a sigh.

  I gasped, shaking my head.

  Tears spilled over my cheeks. No. This could not be happening. Too much had been taken from me. He was one of the only things left I had to hold onto.

  I cupped my hand to my mouth, horrified at what had happened. My thoughts wheeled to Silas. He was the only one who had technology like that. How he could this? Did he have no heart?

  “Were we...friends?” Jameson asked then his eyes brightened. “Or did we hook up?”

  I shut my eyes, trying to hold back my rage but it was hot enough to burn down a whole forest.

  “My name's Cass,” I said on a sob. “But you call me Firefly.”

  “Firefly,” he tried out the word. “Are you a guest here?”

  “No,” I whispered. “I'm a prisoner. Rockley's keeping me in a cell.”

  I moved toward him and gently cupped his cheek. I pressed my forehead to his chest, breathing in his comforting scent. He stiffened awkwardly.

  “I'm going to fix this,” I promised.

  He placed a hesitant hand on my shoulder, patting me. It felt like a slap to the face. I reached up, brushing my lips over his. Maybe I could remind him who we were, bring him back.

  He didn't move, but looked confused as hell.

  “I love you, and you love me too. You just don't remember.”

  “I'm sorry I...” He shook his head, at a loss.

  I sighed, dropping my head, my tears dripping between our feet. His hand slid under my chin, tilting my head up, his eyes roaming over my face.

  “Did Ulvic bring you here?” I asked.

  Jameson nodded vaguely, continuing to survey me.

  “Ulvic's the one who did this to you,” I said, my thoughts kicking into gear. “He's been using you for the last few months. He made you kill half of your pack to save himself from the Helsings.”

  Jameson snorted a laugh, shaking his head. “They're back home.”

  I had to bite my lip, not wanting to break his heart all over again. But he had to know the truth. Another useless tear slid down my cheek. “No they're not, Jameson. They're dead. Ulvic killed them.”

  “No,” Jameson growled, suddenly angry. “He wouldn't. Who even are you? What do you want?” His muscles bunched as if he was readying for a fight.

  I raised my palms, stepping back. “I'm not your enemy. I swear.”

  His eyes travelled to the small bump of my rounded belly pressing against my tank top. His Adam's apple bobbed.

  “Is Nadine here? Or Reason, Mekiah?” I asked suddenly, desperate to find someone who knew what was going on.

  Jameson's brow furrowed as he made a decision. “Yeah. I'll go get them, just stay here.” He moved to step past me and I nodded, heart pounding.

  He took hold of the door handle, glancing back at me with a concerned frown before stepping out of the room.

  My breathing grew ragged. I started pacing, clawing a hand into my hair. How could this have happened? How could Silas have done this to him? And how could Ulvic have let him?

  I moved to the door, resting my ear against it, suddenly anxious. Cracking it open, I gazed into the hall, spotting Jameson in a rectangle of light cast from the next room along.

  “I need you to come to my room,” he said. />
  “Uh, how about no?” Nadine replied. “It's the middle the night, Jameson. Are you seriously hitting on me?”

  My tummy clenched into a tight ball.

  He lowered his voice. “No, Dina. I'm not screwing around.”

  I stepped into the hall, hoping she'd spot me, recognise me and be able to explain everything to Jameson. My plan backfired dramatically as Ulvic opened his door beyond hers.

  “What's going on?” he asked groggily.

  His gaze slammed into mine and I gasped in horror. Suddenly I was running, sprinting toward him, ready to rip him to shreds.

  “Stop her!” Ulvic roared and Jameson slammed into me like a freight train.

  “No – let me go!” I clawed at his shoulders, but I knew it was no good. His eyes were full of apology as he locked his arms around me.

  “Guards!” Ulvic roared

  I stilled in Jameson's hold, capturing him in my gaze. “Jameson, contact Selena and Varick. They'll help you. They'll explain everything.”

  “Varick?” Jameson's brows pinched together. He shook his head as if I'd gone insane. My heart constricted. How much had he forgotten?

  In moments, armed men were pouring out of the stairwell, charging toward us. Ulvic pointed a trembling finger at me, his face as white as a sheet. “Seize her!”

  Jameson didn't let me go immediately, gripping my arms as the men roughly dragged me away from him.

  “Hey!” he barked. “Careful - she's pregnant!” Jameson tried to pull them off of me and one of them threw the butt of their machine gun into his face. He stumbled back, his nose bloody as he watched them haul me down the corridor. My eyes never left his and he looked half tempted to wrestle me back into his arms. But it would have been pointless.

  As I was dragged passed Ulvic, I glared at him with venom in my eyes. “Tell him the truth, you monster! Tell him what you did!”

  Jameson wiped his bloody nose, his gaze shifting to Ulvic.

  Ulvic's face turned blotchy. He stormed toward Jameson, shoving him back into his room.

  “Tell him who you really are!” I screamed at Ulvic as the guards lifted me into the air, my legs kicking and wheeling.

  One of them carried me downstairs and I was soon dumped back in my cell, hitting the hard floor with an oomph. They'd taken the key I'd stolen, the gun too. And the two people I'd locked in the cell were gone.


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