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Wolf Games: Severed Fates (The Vampire Games Book 6)

Page 15

by Caroline Peckham

  I hit the floor, finding Lynch on his back, his leg twisted awkwardly beneath him. Did I care? Not one bit.

  Rockley threw a knife into the pit and I scooped it up, weighing it in my palm.

  I crouched down, gripping hold of Lynch's hair.

  “Remember what I said I'd do to that moustache?” I whispered so Ulvic wouldn't hear.

  “No – no please,” Lynch begged, trying to push me away.

  I dropped down over him, gripping his hair tighter to make him look at me. “You sure you don't remember?”

  I dug my blade into his upper lip.

  Lynch screamed, writhing beneath me. But I was stronger. Much stronger. And he was about to find out what happened to people who messed with me and my friends.

  I made short work of the moustache. Blood poured down his upper lip and heat surged along my spine in response.

  I was satisfied with the moustache removal as payback, but then Lynch started spewing poison at me. “You piece of shit. I'll kill you and your filthy pack of mutts. I'll rip out their throats with my bare hands.”

  Time to go wolf.

  I stood, shedding my clothes. Lynch got up, raising one fist, his other hand holding his messed-up face.

  I rolled my neck as pain rippled down my back and my form changed, my bones twisting and elongating until I was nothing but a giant black wolf, gazing at my enemy.

  I peeled my upper lip back on a snarl, launching myself at him.

  He tired to shove me away, but I was stronger, slamming him to the ground. His hand reached for the knife I'd abandoned and I sunk my teeth into it, making him scream.

  “Get off me you freak!” he yelled, rolling beneath my paws.

  I gazed down at him, licking my lips and anger gripped his features. “Disgusting, waste of space animal. I'll gut you like-”

  I didn't let him finish that sentence, biting and ripping into his body until his begging turned to screams. Then I took his neck in my jaws and clamped down hard until his cries were cut-off.

  Rockley was clapping.

  I didn't feel any shame at what I'd done. I was tired of being trodden on by arseholes. And despite the fact Rockley was cheering me on now, that wouldn't last long.

  I returned to my human form, tugging my clothes back on and one of the guards kicked a rope ladder into the pit.

  Rockley rested a hand on Ulvic's shoulder. “Your enemies are my enemies, Ulvic. Remember dat.”

  “Thank you,” Ulvic breathed and for a moment I saw the appeal in his current situation. For a man who'd been trampled on his whole life, it must have felt good to have a powerful friend like Rockley at his side. But I'd always been there. I would have done anything for Ulvic had we still been friends. If he hadn't betrayed me body and soul. He was long past forgiveness, but maybe I understood his actions a little more today.

  “Now,” Rockley said. “We can relax and enjoy our evening. Tell me, Colt, are you well?” He dropped into the seat next to his son.

  “Yes. I'm sorry for coming here, I had nowhere else to go,” Colt said, glancing at Mercy.

  Ulvic seemed a little wary of the guy, not joining in with their conversation. Which was odd considering he was sat next to Colt's murderous father.

  “Not to worry. You're safe here for now. But you will have to leave before my Hunter friends arrive. I will not risk de Watchers being informed of your whereabouts. I am, as you know, supposed to be unaware myself.”

  “Of course,” Colt said.

  “So Mercy.” Rockley turned to her. “Have you seen de error of your ways?”

  She considered that and I wondered if she'd lie. Rockley might have her locked up if she said the wrong thing.

  “If by the error of my ways you mean realising these blood games are twisted and wrong, then yes. I have,” she said, tilting up her chin.

  Had to hand it to her, the girl had balls.

  “Hm,” Rockley growled, glancing at Ulvic. “Dis is uncomfortable for me.”

  “She's no threat, Dad,” Colt said. “The girl's weak. She's not gonna be a problem here, are you?” He gazed at Mercy who glared back at him before shaking her head.

  “Seems you have a fan-base here, Miss Helsing.” Rockley turned to Colt. “You haven't been screwing her have you?”

  “Of course not,” Colt snapped.

  Rockley raised his hands in innocence. “It was a valid question.”

  “I wouldn't screw him if he was the last man on earth,” Mercy muttered.

  “I didn't assume he would have done so with your permission, dear.” Rockley smiled at her.

  “Is that how you got his mother into bed?” Mercy asked coolly.

  Way to poke a tiger, Merce.

  The silence that reigned was painful.

  Colt shut his eyes to hide from it.

  Rockley stiffened in his chair. “Enough of dis. You will stay here as my son's prisoner.”

  Mercy sighed. “Can't I just leave?”

  “Yeah and can I go with?” I asked.

  Rockley tsked in answer.

  “Shut up, Jameson,” Ulvic muttered, but it wasn't a command.

  Mekiah snorted a laugh. He had at some point removed the half-naked girl from his lap.

  “And you,” Ulvic added, glaring at Mekiah.

  I stood. “Well, I'm pooped. Think I'm gonna head to bed.” And stop by Silas's room for a late-night rendezvous with Cass.

  Ulvic's jaw tensed then he nodded. The other wolves stood immediately, evidently wanting out of there as much as I did.

  “Go on then.” Ulvic ushered us away.

  “Can I go too?” Mercy asked.

  “No, you will stay with my son so he can keep an eye on you,” Rockley snarled.

  She threw me a longing glance and I had to fight the urge to return it.

  I'll help you get out of here, don't you worry.

  We headed back upstairs and the smell of that room seemed to linger on me. Wine, sex and blood. Real nice combo.

  I dragged my heels as we moved along the corridor.

  “I don't know why Ulvic sucks up to him,” Mekiah growled, turning to us.

  Reason sighed, flicking a strand of white hair over her shoulder. “He's just lost his way.”

  “Stop defending him,” Nadine snapped. “We need to start thinking about leaving.”

  Mekiah gave me a sweeping glance. “What about his little problem?”

  “Solved.” I beamed. “Got my memories back, didn't I?”

  “So you know the truth?” Mekiah asked in surprise.

  “Sure do. Just leave all of this shit to me.”

  “You are so arrogant sometimes,” Nadine sighed. “We're stronger together.”

  “It's not that,” I breathed. “I just... think it might be best to keep my plans hush hush. Ulvic could order any of you to talk to him, so...” I shrugged. “I'm gonna keep it to myself for now.”

  “Alright,” Nadine agreed, heading into her room. “But you'd better hurry up. I'm hungry for blood.”

  “We all are,” Mekiah said and he and Reason stepped into their rooms.

  I ran my tongue over my teeth. Definitely had pieces of Lynch stuck in them. He tasted like old tuna. Cass probably didn't fancy tasting him in my mouth, so I headed into my room to brush my teeth.

  Gut drop. Chest punch.

  Cass was sitting on my bed, legs folded. She looked up, smiling mischievously as she spotted me. I locked the door behind my back.

  “I couldn't wait to see you again,” she breathed. “Silas was given a security card that opens all the doors in the resort. When he fell asleep I-”

  I didn't let her finish that sentence, rushing toward her and dragging her into my arms. Mouth to mouth. Lynch taste and all.

  “Wait- wait- I gotta brush my teeth.” I stuck out my tongue, heading to the bathroom.

  “Do I wanna know why?” she called.

  “Um...I don't think so,” I answered, before shoving a toothpaste-laden brush into my mouth.

She appeared behind me in the mirror, looking so beautiful that it felt like several drills were burrowing holes into my heart. I kept her in my gaze, scrubbing my teeth before spitting the remains of Lynch into the sink.

  I turned, bearing my pearly whites.

  She laughed and I ran to her, scooping her into my arms.

  “Better keep quiet this time,” I growled, nuzzling her neck as I planted her on the bed.

  “Then we'd better not have sex,” she whispered.

  I pouted and she buried her face in a pillow, smothering a laugh.

  I crawled onto the bed, tugging her into my arms.

  “I have to go back before morning,” she whispered, curling up beside me, her head on my chest.

  I grabbed an alarm clock from the bed-stand, setting it for four am. “Done.”

  She nodded, a grin encompassing her features as she looked up at me. I doubted Rockley would come looking for either of us whilst his party was still going on.

  I drank in her scent, her sweet-smelling hair. She must have washed it since I'd last seen her. And her skin tasted of almonds. I was never going to manage to keep my hands off of her, and the way she was running her fingers all over me made me think she felt the same.

  “I have an idea...” I reached for the TV remote beside me and switched it on, turning it up as an action film played.

  I pressed my tongue into my cheek.

  “You're quite the problem solver,” she teased, crawling up me and sitting with her legs either side of my hips.

  I gripped her waist, fighting a grin. “You know me. Mr Fix-it.”

  “Mr Trouble, more like.” She leant down, her hair falling around us like a curtain as her lips brushed mine.

  “Did you eat someone?” she asked, lifting a brow.

  “Yes, but he was an arsehole, so it's okay.”

  She laughed, tossing her hair back.

  I grew hungry for her skin against mine.

  “This imprisonment thing isn't so bad,” I said, tugging her top over her head.

  Her smile widened. “Not for you anyway.”

  I didn't laugh, frowning as I ran my thumbs up her arms, remembering the marks that had covered her the night she'd found me. “When we get out of here, I want us to start up somewhere fresh.”

  “Where are we going to get the money for that?” she asked, lowering herself over me and running her mouth down my throat.

  I skated my palms across the silky skin of her back, trying to keep my thoughts aligned as her mouth took a trip further south. “I dunno, I'll rob a bank.”

  She glanced up from my abs, her hair a fan crimson around her. “Sounds like something you'd do.” She grinned, kissing my stomach again.

  A niggling feeling of guilt reminded me of when Nadine had done the same thing. I gripped Cass's arm to get her attention. She sat up, awaiting an explanation.

  “Hey, um...back when I lost my memories, Ulvic tried to get Nadine and I together again. It's not her fault, I think he ordered to...”

  “To what?” she asked, a frown forming a little crease between her eyes.

  “She tried to er...come on to me.”

  “Tried to?” She didn't sound angry, in fact, I reckoned she would have accepted it even if we had slept together considering the circumstances. But that would have killed me. I was so glad my body had had some memory of Cass. Of course that was the reason I'd had a major fail. It was obvious now. And I was damn grateful for it.

  “Yeah...I couldn't get things, ya know...working.”

  Cass burst into laughter and I hit her with a pillow.

  “You don't know what that's like for a guy!” I accused.

  She cupped her hands to her mouth, snorting one more laugh.

  I grabbed her, rolling over and pinning her down, keeping my weight off of her belly.

  “Alright, I'm sorry,” she said through a smile.

  She's so adorable, I could eat her up. Not literally like Lynch, but still.

  “My body belongs to you. It knew it even when I didn't.”

  “Oh,” she breathed, pressing a kiss to my lips. Taking my waist, she drew me down, flush against her body. “It's alright,” she promised, biting her lip.

  A lump rose in my throat. “You sure?”

  She nodded, giving me a shy smile. And that was it for me. I unravelled, losing myself in her kisses, her soft, velvet flesh. She was my Goddess, and I had until four am to worship her.


  I woke naked, curled up at Jameson's side, my hand resting on his slowly rising and falling chest. Peace encircled my heart. This was where I was supposed to be in the world: at his side. Every fibre of my being hummed with that truth.

  I blinked, glancing at the time. It was nearly seven.

  “Shit!” I flung back the covers, gathering up my clothes and tugging them on.

  Jameson bolted upright, blurry eyed. “Whasappening?”

  “The alarm didn't go off,” I hissed, dragging on my top.

  Someone hammered on the door and both of us froze.

  “Who is it?” Jameson called, his voice gruff.

  “Your fairy Godmother. Who the hell do you think?” Silas's voice reached us.

  I sagged in relief, hurrying to the door to let him in.

  “What the hell are you playing at?” He stepped into the room, shutting the door sharply behind him. “If Rockley found you two together, I don't know if I could protect you.”

  “I'm sorry. I meant to come back,” I said, exasperated. “The alarm didn't go off.”

  Silas took my arm. “You can't take risks like this, Cass. We have to keep our heads screwed on until your friends come for us.”

  I nodded, knowing he was right. I felt stupid for being so reckless. But Jameson had called to me like a song in my heart last night. I'd simply had to see him. I'd only just gotten him back.

  Jameson stepped out of the bed, butt naked, the quilt pooling at his feet.

  Silas cringed away, lifting a hand to his eyes. “For God's sake.”

  “I know, I know. It's a lot to take in,” Jameson said with a wolfish grin.

  “This is not the time for jokes.” Silas pulled me toward the door. “Come on, we need to get back before someone realises you're here.”

  “Wait-” Jameson jogged toward us, pulling on a pair of boxers.

  He slid a hand around the back of my neck, pulling me into a sweet kiss a couple of inches from Silas's face. He had nowhere to go, stuck between us and the door. And I immediately felt guilty. But was certain Jameson knew what he was doing.

  A blush heated my cheeks and I pulled away.

  Jameson threw me a mischievous wink as Silas tugged me out of the door. I felt like a giddy child.

  That feeling was stolen, drowned and stamped on by the sight of Ulvic in the corridor.

  He looked tired as hell, stepping out of the elevator in a suit as if he hadn't been to bed.

  “Oh shit,” I breathed.

  “Let me do the talking,” Silas muttered.

  Ulvic marched toward us, his eyes honing in on me like a missile locking on a target. “What the hell is this?”

  “She got out of my room,” Silas said, the lie floating easily from his lips. “I caught her before she reached Jameson.”

  Ulvic's shoulders tensed. “That so, huh?”

  “Yes,” Silas said firmly.

  “Well, let's see.” Ulvic walked to Jameson's room, banging his fist on the door. He had to do so twice more before the door opened.

  Jameson yawned broadly. “What's going on? It's so early.”

  “Have you been with that girl again?” Ulvic demanded.

  “What girl?”

  “That one.” Ulvic pointed at me and Jameson's gaze travelled lazily in my direction.

  “Oh the crazy one? Nope. Hasn't been here. Was she trying to break in?”

  Ulvic's mouth pressed into a thin line. He glanced at Silas. “Fine. Go.”

  Silas dragged me along a little roughly, guiding me f
urther down the corridor.

  His jaw was ticking like mad as he led me to his room, releasing a breath of relief as we entered.

  He pressed his back to the door as it shut. “Don't do that again. I can't protect you if you get caught, Cass. Do you understand that?”

  I nodded, guilt twisting my tummy. “I'm sorry. I was an idiot.”

  “It's fine, okay? Just keep it together until your friends show up.”

  “What if they didn't get the message?” I asked. The worry had been floating around in my mind since the moment Silas had told me about it.

  “I don't know...maybe we need a plan B,” Silas said, thoughtful. “We could make a run for it? Maybe if we got a couple of guns...”

  My heart stumbled at the idea. “No way, we'll never get past the guards.”

  “We might, if we caused a distraction.”

  “Like what?” I asked, my hand drifting to my tummy subconsciously.

  “I haven't thought that far ahead.”

  I sighed, moving across the room to the small bed, tiredness tugging at me. “I'm gonna get some sleep.”

  “But you just woke up – oh. Never mind.” He shook his head at me and I couldn't fight a smile as I slid under the covers.

  “I've never met a couple like you two. Bloody obsessed with each other.”

  I yawned broadly, the cool sheets feeling good against my heated skin. “It's called love Silas, you should try it sometime.” I immediately felt bad at the dig, gazing across the room at him.

  His face was dark as he strode into the bathroom and shut the door. The shower started running and I sighed.

  Hard as I tried, I couldn't get to sleep after the remark I'd flung at Silas.

  Bitchy move, Cassandra.

  When he reappeared with a towel around his waist, revealing the rows and rows of neat scars across his body, I sat upright to let him know I was still awake.

  “Hey...sorry for what I said,” I tried.

  He shrugged, turning his back on me as he rifled through a drawer for some clothes.

  “I'm sure you've been in love before. With Emma's mum, right?”

  He turned, a pair of trousers curled in his fist. “Yeah, we were in love once.”

  “What you said about her before...that wasn't true, was it?”


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