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Page 48

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  “So,” he finally said, looking at the clock behind her. “It’s the last ten minutes.”

  She hadn’t even realized how quickly time had gone by. It seemed to fly by whenever Tuck was around. She nodded, gulping.

  “Last night,” he said, arching an eyebrow and cocking his head. She nodded again, looking down.

  “You gonna do it?” he asked, and she looked back up at him, confused. Do what? Sleep with him, is that what he meant? Well, the prospect wasn’t entirely unappealing; in fact, it was pretty damn appealing. But - still, what if this was his long con?

  Even as she told herself that was silly, she couldn’t bear the idea of sleeping with him once and never seeing him again. And though they’d spent a lot of time together that month, she still worried about that broken little girl inside her, that once she really let him in, he’d see it and leave.

  “Do what,” she asked, playing dumb. He scoffed.

  “Come to dinner with me!” he said, slapping his hands against the bar.

  “Oh,” she said, blushing. “I didn’t know that offer was still on the table.”

  “It’s always been on the table,” he said softly, his eyes searching hers. “And you want to take it, don’t you?”

  She didn’t know what she wanted. She did know, better than she knew the names of her employees. She did, she didn’t. She couldn’t lie to him. She nodded.

  “Great. You’re off tomorrow?”

  After a month, he knew her schedule; they were the nights he didn’t come in.

  “You know I am,” she said meekly.

  “I’ll pick you up at eight,” he said, winking. “Text me your address.”

  They’d exchanged numbers midway through the month.

  “Okay,” she said, feeling dizzy and giddy and nervous all at once. The rest of her night, after he left, was sloppy and distracted. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. All that she wanted to do with him…and all she was afraid of, too.

  The next night, Stella spent three hours deciding what to wear, eventually opting for a simple sundress and flats. The dress had built-in pads, so she opted out of a bra. Doing and re-doing her hair and make-up took another hour. When eight o’clock came around, her stomach was doing somersaults like she was a teenager going on her first date. It was her first date in quite a while. And she worried, more than anything, what would happen after.

  The roar of a motorcycle shocked her heart. She looked down; maybe the dress hadn’t been such a good idea. She should’ve known he’d pick her up on his bike. For all she knew, he didn’t even have a car.

  She stepped outside as he pulled up; he removed his helmet as she crossed her front lawn towards him, heart in her throat.

  “I don’t have a helmet or anything,” she said, but before she could finish speaking he’d pulled out the helmet that had been tucked between his legs. Smiling, she took it.

  “What about a jacket?” she asked through the face shield. She couldn’t see his face, his visor down, but he twisted in his seat and opened his saddlebag, pulling out a small, brown leather jacket. She put it on without comment.

  “Ever ridden before?” he asked, and she shook her head no. She could almost see his smile behind his helmet. “Well, you’ll love it. C’mon.”

  Stella climbed awkwardly behind him, well aware of the way her short dress hitched up, and the feel of the leather under her panties. As the bike kicked to life, it sent a thrill straight up her sternum, the rumbling vibration shocking her. It was intense between her legs as Tuck roared off onto the road, and she shifted, leaning forward, thighs tight around his waist, arms across his chest.

  The scenery of their small town seemed to go by faster than she could process, but the feeling was unbelievable. The wind whipped her hair out behind her, but she was warm in the jacket. Too soon, the ride was over, Tuck’s bike coming to a sputtering stop outside a bar Stella had never been to, though she’d passed it often enough.

  “Best burgers in town,” Tuck said with a wink, finally removing his helmet as he helped her dismount. She felt her legs shaking slightly from the adrenaline rush and the tightness with which she’d been clinging to him. “You’re not a vegetarian are you?”

  She laughed and shook her head.

  “Good,” he said, opening the door for her. She entered and was immediately pleased; it was just her type of place. Sawdust on the floor, a live country band on the stage, and a rowdy, happy crowd in every booth. Tuck placed his hand on her lower back, leading her to a table in the back, and the feeling was a new kind of rush. She almost hated when he pulled out her chair, removing that hand.

  The waitress came by and took their orders; they both ordered bacon cheeseburgers with fries, with Stella also ordering a gin and tonic to steel her nerves and Tuck sticking to beer. The light above them made his hair look golden, lit on his green eyes, his strong jaw spread in a smile. She liked looking at him. Hell, she loved it.

  They chatted about nothing for a long while, their conversation easy and flowing, filled with laughter. It was just like talking to an old friend. An old friend that Stella was feeling more and more attracted to every moment that passed.

  The food arrived and disappeared almost as quickly; Tuck was right. The burger was delicious. The best she’d ever had. Or maybe it was just the great company she was eating it with. She was on her third drink, too, and feeling tipsy and open. When his hand snaked under the table, falling on her knee, she shivered, a jolt of energy dancing in her nerves. She could tell her panties were already damp.

  “So,” Tuck said, his eyes growing oddly still and serious. “What are you after, Stella?”

  She cocked her head, wondering if the question was as vague as it sounded, or whether she was just drunker than she thought.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Well, you don’t seem like the type that just wants to manage a titty bar for the rest of your life,” he said, eyes probing.

  “Oh,” she said, flushing and turning to look down at her drink, which was nearly empty. The waitress was just passing by and she raised her finger, calling for another. “Um, I don’t know, really.”

  “Yes, you do,” Tuck probed, leaning in close, making her breath catch in her throat. Stella was grateful that the drink arrived quickly, and she gulped at it.

  “Well,” she said, the last sip going straight to her head. “I want a family. I mean, I want…I want a family eventually.”

  She clasped a hand over her mouth. There was nothing less sexy than talking about wanting a family on the first date, even if there had been about thirty mini-dates before it.

  “I mean…okay, I was an orphan all my life, pretty much,” she said, trying to regain some sort of control. Tuck’s eyes on her never wavered, only deepened. “And I never belonged anywhere, you know? Never had a…had a….”

  “Had a family,” he finished for her, and she nodded, taking another sip and wondering where all this sudden honesty had come from. “I understand.”

  “You do?” she asked, wanting more than anything to look into the future and see herself having a life with this wonderful, funny, dirty biker of a man who made her laugh and looked at her like she was a glass of water on a desert island. She hadn’t known how much she wanted that until right then, and her body responded, leaning in closer to him.

  “I do, believe it or not,” he said. “Life like mine…it gets old; you know? I love my boys, but I want more. I want more for myself.”

  They were inches apart now, and their eyes were locked so tight it would have taken a crowbar to break their gaze.

  “Like what,” she asked, voice a low whisper.

  “Like you,” he said, and closed the distance between them, closing his lips over hers, stealing her breath and making her skin burn, her nipples tightening, her thighs clenching together. No one had ever kissed her like that before, in a way that immediately turned her on, made her crave his cock inside her. When he pulled away, her eyes were half-lidded and lust

  “Let’s go,” she said, voice hoarse. “Let’s go right now.”

  Tuck grabbed her hand, throwing a hundred on the table and pulling her through the now-crowded bar. Outside, the cold air should have brought reality back to Stella’s mind, but it didn’t, because he grabbed her, spinning her around to kiss her again, hungry now, arms closing around her, hands falling to her ass and squeezing as her blood boiled and rushed.

  And then they were on the bike again, Stella pulling her helmet on and closing her legs around his middle, this time feeling the way her clit pressed against his lower back while the bike’s vibrations made her slit buzz and dance in a crazy aching need.

  She moaned, unable to help it, and pressed herself forward as the bike kicked onto the road, grinding her hips down. She savored the way the hot, buzzing leather felt underneath her and slid her hips back, nearly biting her lip when her clit touched the saddle, sending ecstatic shockwaves through her body. Her short dress fluttered behind her, revealing her milky white thighs and the slightest hint of her panties to the whole world, but she didn’t care.

  “Oh, fuck,” she cried out as the bike picked up speed, clutching Tuck tighter and feeling the thrumming engine pleasure her scantily-covered sex, the world’s biggest, hottest, roughest vibrator. Her thighs tightened around him to keep herself steady as pleasure washed through her, her body alive and wanting now, on fire with need. Her nipples tingled, too, the shockwaves riding all the way up through her body.

  Her slit was dripping slightly, the fabric of her panties clinging to her lips. Tuck, feeling his passenger’s tight grip and knowing what was happening, adjusted the bike’s speed, going slower and then faster, the rhythm maddening to Stella, giving her what she needed and then easing off, again and again, until she felt like a Molotov cocktail, moments away from exploding.

  They were in a neighborhood Stella didn’t recognize, not that she could really make sense of much of anything with the way the bike was ravishing her body, but as the bike finally slowed to a stop, she was amazed at the size of the house.

  The Rolling Thunder MC was loaded; they must have been for Tuck to have spent so much on her. But it didn’t really become obvious to Stella until she saw that he lived in a house that was easily twice the size of her own. But she had little time to admire it; before she could process anything, Tuck had pulled her off the bike and picked her up, slinging her over his shoulder like King Kong. She laughed, then, feeling silly about everything, and pounded on his back. She heard the smile in his voice when he spoke.

  “Stop it, woman,” he said. “You’re mine tonight, and don’t you forget it.”

  Mine, the word rang in her head, made her feel creamy and warm inside, something so possessive and sexy about how said it. Mine.

  She didn’t get a chance to see how the house was laid out; he never put her down, carrying her in his impossibly strong arms through room after room until he dropped her, unceremoniously, on a huge king-size bed, standing before her in all his glory. The humor that she’d felt when he’d carried her was gone as he stared down at her, eyes hungry and body firm.

  He ripped the helmet from her head, the jacket from her shoulders. And then he pushed her, hard. She closed her eyes as her back bounced on the mattress, an aching emptiness in her stomach that only he could take away. His palms covered hers, their hands above her head, fingers laced tight together. Her heart raced and she blinked back into awareness, the heat in her body rushing, flames licking at her nerves. Her thighs parted. He pressed into her. Her lower back sank into the mattress.

  And then he kissed her again. Hard, this time, her mouth opening as though to protest but suddenly filled with his tongue as it battled hers and forced her jaw wider, her lips warm under his. It was almost as though he was searching for something and then, as his tongue traced the top of her mouth, he found it, her moan silenced by their kiss.

  When he pulled away, she was breathless, and when his nose traced downwards until his lips met her chin, she squirmed. He nibbled the flesh under her ear and her hips rose against him, a palpable desire blooming in her stomach. Never before had she wanted a man this bad…

  She felt a single drip of her juices down her pussy lips, knowing that there was no stopping now. But then he spoke, and it was like hearing him from some other dimension.

  “Do you want this?” he asked, and she didn’t know how to answer. Yes, yes, I want this so bad it hurts, her body screamed. But her heart; her poor, battered heart, said no. She didn’t want to let him in, didn’t want to take the risk, knew she never deserved a love like this, that it would be over in the morning and then…

  “Tell me you want this,” he whispered, voice demanding, insistent. He wanted to make her beg.

  “Oh,” was all she could saw as his lips and tongue fell over her ear, making her spine go rigid underneath him.

  “Say it,” he growled, thrusting his hips against her. She could feel him through the thin fabric of her panties, which were glued to her slit, like a second skin. She could feel his rough denim grazing her swollen clit, his fingers tightening around hers. “Say it, or I’ll leave you right now.”

  The thought was unbearable.

  “I want it,” she cried out, louder than she’d intended. “I want it so fucking bad, Tuck. I want it, I want it, I want it…”

  “What do you want,” he said, grunting into her flesh, his hand moving to her chin, grabbing her jaw and squeezing it tight while pushing upwards, giving his lips full access to her neck.

  “You,” she moaned as his teeth bared down, grazing her flesh. “I want you, I want all of you, inside me, please…”

  “Then get this fucking thing off of you,” he growled, ripping upwards with his free hand at the base of her dress. She released his hands to yank the dress above her head, naked but for her panties. Desperately, she tried to undress him, but he grabbed her hands once more, pinning her down.

  “We do this my way,” he growled, his face dipping lower along her collarbone. “You’re my woman and we do it my way.”

  “Yours…” she breathed as his lips found her breasts, sucking and lapping at one nipple. He put one hand over her other breast, pulling at the taut bud there, making her back arch in need. “Yours…”

  “Mine,” he growled, closing his teeth around her nipple and pulling back slightly until she yelped a mixture of pleasure and pain. His other hand kneaded her breast, then he switched, lapping and sucking at the other nipple, taking care to pleasure the other with his fingers. Stella let her hand fall to his back, clutching the tense skin there, raking gently with her nails. Their flesh ignited everywhere they touched, and still he pinned her down, owning her, dominating her…

  The hand on her breast plunged downward, down the elastic waistband of her panties, and she cried out again, two fingers sinking into her soaking slit and plunging deep and crooked, directly to that sacred space inside her that needed them most. Stella cried out again, his name on her lips as his fingers pulsed, his thumb finding her clit easily, rolling around it slowly, torturously drawing out her pleasure.

  Her thighs clamped tight together, holding his hand in place, a wave building in her stomach, a knot of pleasure and tension. And as he played with her, using her body as a toy, he began to tug at the string that would make the whole knot come undone.

  His lips followed his hand, licking down her stomach, into the canyon of her bellybutton, his teeth clamping around the top of her panties and yanking downward, the cool air rushing across her pussy like a gale.

  “Tuck,” Stella moaned, her mind blank but for pleasure, as his tongue replaced his thumb, settling its sweet softness around the swollen nub of her clit. His fingers pressed inside her, making her hips buck upward even as his tongue bathed her clit in delicious pleasure. Her hands fell to his hair and roamed through it, pressing his mouth forward, wanting more. As he sucked her clit between his lips she jerked, and the string pulled tighter, unfolding the knot of tension.

more press…one more lap…one more lick…

  His teeth closed down, just grazing her clit, and he pressed hard inside her, and the knot unfurled, a glorious shattering of bliss that radiated pleasure throughout her body, making her vibrate like a violin, her thighs tight around his ears and hips bucking upward, wanting him to swallow her up completely, wanting him there forever. He lapped and drank up her flowing nectar as it dripped over his fingers, riding out every buck and shiver of her climax, until she was spent and limp beneath his hands.

  “Tuck,” she moaned, barely breathing as his body rose and covered hers once more. “Oh, my God, Tuck…”

  “I know, baby,” he growled. “I know.”

  She could feel the head of his cock pressed against her damp slit and she spread her legs wider. She wanted him inside her, filling her. She didn’t even know when he’d pulled his pants down. She only knew that his cock was meant to be inside her.

  “Fuck me,” she whimpered, her hands on his hips, trying to drag him down.

  “I want to hear you beg for it,” he growled. When he leaned down, kissing her lips, she could taste herself on him, and it only reignited the fire inside her.

  “Please,” she whimpered, feeling him press himself every so slightly deeper inside her. “Please, please fuck me…”

  “Now that,” he said, slipping further into her warm cavern, “is a sound I could get used to.”

  With a groan, he lowered himself, his cock halfway buried into her warm cunt. Even with only half of him inside, she could feel herself being filled by him, stretched to her limits.

  “You’re so tight,” he moaned, pulling out slightly only to pulse his hips forward again, burying his cock deeper inside her. She cried out and hugged his hips close, pulling down until, in a moment of utter collapse, he was fully inside her, filling every inch of her starved pussy with his cock, plunged as deep as anyone had ever been. When he thrust forward, she shook, her thighs wrapping around his back, holding him tightly in place.


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