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Page 75

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  Soon their bronzed muscled forms glowed in nature’s brightest spotlight; the moon’s rays likening them to angels sent with the sole mission of pleasing and satisfying her.

  “We offer ourselves to you,” Brett purred, flexing every one of his golden muscles for her viewing pleasure.

  “Take us,” Drake invited on a whisper, parting his strong arms and baring his body for her. “We are here to please you.”

  Embarking in full on this most worthwhile mission, Drake fell to his knees and crawled like a cat in the direction of his watching lover; soon hovering above her as he captured her lips in a heated, passionate kiss.

  Judith sighed, contented as her ebony haired lover plied her mouth with the sweetest of kisses, his hands all the while unbuttoning and peeling away the fabric of her confining dress.

  Soon she herself lay naked in the moonlight, writhing wild in a soft mass of new mown hay as her ardent lover kissed her all over; kissing and suckling her breasts, nipping her neck and laving her belly button.

  Finally, he wrapped an encompassing arm tight around her sturdy shoulders, her buxom breasts crushing his massive hard chest as he again touched her lips with his; his sturdy fingers achieving a more intimate touch as they penetrated her feminine folds and slipped deep inside.

  Gasping against his lips, Judith hoisted her hips upward and leaned into his hand; kissing him senseless as his fingers slipped deep inside of her.

  As his free hand massaged her back and shoulders and the lengths of his dark hair whipped wild across her breasts, his agile fingertip caressed her hungry insides, as he seemed to seek the source of her greatest pleasure.

  Judith shuttered in spite of herself, as her aroused pussy suddenly seemed to catch fire, her lover’s fingertips like tiny lightning bolts that sparked unspeakable sensations in every fiber of her being. Never before had a man touched her this deeply, coaxing from within her an exotic sensation that made her heart pound and her pussy gush.

  The greatest pleasure arrived in grand fashion moments later, as Drake’s magical finger grazed a secret place just inside her soaking wet entry, igniting a tender but powerful place known as her G-spot.

  Swallowing her scream of ecstasy with the kiss of his smiling lips, Drake then watched as her writhing, sweat-lined body wriggled in ecstasy just beneath him; finally rolling into the arms of his waiting brother, who swept her up in a tight embrace as their hips and thighs locked between them.

  Still hungry for the touch of her lovers, Judith wrapped her arms around Brett’s strong shoulders as her legs entangled with his; also savoring the feel of Drake’s nurturing hands as they ran like warm water down the base of her spine.

  Soon his entire hard planed body writhed shameless at her back as he continued his massage; kissing the back of Judith’s neck and stroking her blonde hair as she joined lips with an impassioned Brett.

  The long hard shaft of her golden haired lover surged upward to tease the core of her wet femininity, their hips swaying and gyrating together in sublime time with the rhythmic country tunes that still played from the hall beneath them.

  Then fully and finally the lovers joined as one, their bodies melding as his long hard cock surged wild and deep within her.

  Brett’s hands roamed free across her heaving breasts and down the surface of her rounded stomach, plying her lips with the hottest kisses as he continued to probe and penetrate her.

  As Drake rubbed and cradled her back Brett continued to surge within her, his shaft sliding forth to her very core as his ever attentive hands continued to knead her breasts and tickle her nipples.

  Even as she continued to hold and embrace her golden haired lover, Judith reached a free hand back to caress Drake’s massive chest and tickle the surface of his rock hard abs; finally grabbing a firm but gentle hold on his long stiff cock and caressing its golden skin.

  She savored his moans of deepest ecstasy as she continued to massage his aroused masculinity; all the while spreading her fleshy thighs to accommodate Brett’s own hard length.

  Both brothers continued to kiss and caress her as she wriggled and squirmed between them; purring with contentment as Brett lowered his hand to cup and caress her throbbing nub. Then finally and with a long hard stroke her leonine lover exploded within her, sending them both across the bounds of an incredible mutual climax.

  Even as she clutched Brett’s massive shoulders and threw herself against him, her nub and pussy throbbing in a single pure accord, she continued to stroke and knead her dark haired lover until he too succumbed to the passion.

  Soon the atmosphere of the Happy Trails resort resounded with three resounding cries of “Yee haw!” a sinful chorus that revealed the resort’s proprietors—along with their new manager—to be very happy indeed.



  She witnessed their beauty by the spectacle of moonlight; a vision rivaled only by the rhythm of their song.

  As the co-owner of Cool Beans Café, a small but upscale coffee shop in the heart of Luna Bay, Florida, Simone Norrance had seen more than her share of novel entertainment acts grace her ‘main stage’; or so she liked to call the decidedly compact performance area that stood somewhere between the java bar and the magazine rack.

  She saw earnest college students earn a few extra bucks by performing covers of sixties folk songs; tunes that came to life well before they did, that they nonetheless sang with incredible sincerity and varying levels of talent.

  “I swear, if Michael rows that boat ashore one more time,” she snorted, smirking as she dragged a broom across the surface of her café floor.

  Really, though, she admired anyone who had the gumption to appear before a crowd; and while she enjoyed the performances of everyone on stage—from the afore mentioned soc majors doubling as folk artistes to aging torch singers—she’d never felt so utterly transfixed by any presenting performer—to the point that she had to pause her duties and gape in open admiration at the sirens of the night.

  The two brothers had walked into her café one evening with guitars in hand, seeking a place to perform. And while she asked them to audition, she knew somehow that they already claimed a special place at her café.

  “And if there’s not a special place for them at my café,” she mused with a grin, “Then I’ll make one.”

  As she stood now in a compact, lowly lit coffee house that just barely allowed for the throng of young females that filled its smooth taupe walls, she couldn’t help but share their open admiration for the incredible masculine beauty of the performers before them.

  Both men stood to an impressive height at the center of the stage, boasting muscular forms topped by chiseled faces and radiant falls of silken hair. Both of these wonders glowed with their bronzed skin and flawless, white-toothed smiles; gorgeous grins they often aimed in her direction. And both wore ultra-tight blue jeans and revealing muscle shirts that showed off their chiseled, hard muscled bodies to most impressive effect.

  Yet while Chase Harrington bore locks as dark as midnight and pure crystalline eyes, his younger brother Taylor was a smooth honey blond with cocoa brown gems. Each, she figured, presented their own special image of ethereal radiance; and when they opened their mouths and strummed their guitars, the song that they released supplied the perfect soundtrack to the spectacle of their beauty.

  Much to her amazement the brothers performed original songs; romantic numbers that blended folk and soul to form the basis of their lush romantic melodies.

  And, as had been the case on many evenings before this one, Simone felt moved—no, compelled—to cease with her duties at the coffee shop and just listen.

  She shut her eyes now as her senses were bathed in an incredible melody; one supplied by a chorus of soft, smooth masculine voices that drifted high on the air above them.

  Immediately her tired body relaxed, and her senses reeled beneath the effects of a moonlight serenade, her public surroundings dissolving around her as she lost herself in a ly
rical tale of true but illusive love.

  Then her eyes opened to find that the brothers Harrington sang only for her; their gazes trained on her as they sent those trademark beneficent smiles in her direction—all the while singing lyrics of love and passion that seemed intended only for her.

  Beaming openly in their direction, Simone giggled in spite of herself as she blew kisses in their direction; a gesture that drew a loud, derisive snort from a far corner of the room.

  Simone froze, and her grin dissolved, as she recognized the harsh, rough tone of Harry Stanley, a regular at the café who nonetheless seemed highly irregular in his blatant and frequent displays of rudeness.

  “While you’re standing there getting all warmed up, Simone,” the chubby, grizzled coffee enthusiast made his voice heard above the music that resounded through the walls around them, “The coffee pot in your hand is growing cold.” he paused here, adding as he rolled his eyes heavenward, “So why don’t you get your chunky butt over here and bring me some brew?”

  Immediately the crowd fell silent, and all music subsided, as Simone turned to fix her rude customer with a cold, hard gaze.

  “Well as it turns out, Harry,” she told him finally, tone flat and cool, “The coffee pot in my hand is growing cold—so out and out icy, in fact, that I’m sure you’ll want none of its icky cold contents. So, as a courtesy to you, I shall at this point refuse you service and bid you good evening.”

  A resounding round of applause met these pointed words, an ovation that did not escape the notice of the man who’d just been asked to clear the premises.

  “Go ahead, you politically correct hipsters, speak up for the fat girl because you feel sorry for her,” he scoffed, making a broad and very rude gesture down the length of Simone’s short, rubenesque form. “But you’re not about to embarrass me or drive me out of the place where I spend my good, hard earned money every evening.”

  He fell silent and suddenly two tall muscular men flanked his table; males who had cleared the stage at the center of the room in lightning fast, catlike strides before confronting the heathen who insulted their hostess.

  “You will apologize,” Chase demanded, balling his sturdy fists at his sides as his muscles flexed to daunting effect.

  “And then you will leave,” Taylor growled with a nod, adding with a brief, meaningful look in the direction of a stalwart Simone, “Just as the lady has directed.”

  Harry stared at them a moment, shaking his head from side to side as he rose from the table.

  “Well from what I’ve heard about the two of you,” he said finally, adding over his shoulder as he headed for the door, “I’d better stay on your good side.”

  And with these words, he was gone.

  Simone grinned as the entire coffee house erupted in a second round of applause; this one reserved for the now beaming brothers who bowed low before their adoring public.

  As the patrons of her establishment went back to chatting amongst themselves, Simone addressed her heroes.

  “Thanks, you two,” she told them, linking her hands with theirs as she added, “Rest assured that, in addition to more than earning your artist’s stipend tonight, you’ll also get an extra special bonus for your personal protection services,” she paused here, adding with a shrug and a skittish grin, “A bonus that likely will take the form of a bagel. With cream cheese, if you’re good and fortunate. And perhaps even a choco cinnamon roll, if we have any fresh baked.”

  The brothers laughed.

  “Well actually, darling, as tempting as that sounds, there is another way that you can repay us,” Chase offered, adding with the appealing flash of his deep crystalline eyes, “We’d very much like you to come out with us this evening after the show.” He paused here, adding with a mysterious glance in his brother’s direction, “We know the night life of this town pretty well—and we’d love to take you out and show you a good time.”

  Simone froze, just vaguely wondering if she had lost her powers of hearing and comprehension. Could it be that these two gorgeous, charming young men had just asked her out on a date—with both of them?

  “Jesus,” she said aloud, adding with a blasted weak attempt at a casual laugh, “Listen, you guys don’t have to thank me for this gig. And you don’t have to try to cheer me up; believe me, flagrant public humiliation is just part and parcel of just about any customer service job, mine included….”

  “You mistake our motivation, dear lady,” Taylor interrupted emphasizing his words with the sexy flip of his soft, honey blond hair. “We are not trying to thank you, though we certainly do owe you many thanks for this incredible gig. And we certainly do not pity the strong, intelligent woman who impresses us every evening with her spirit and attitude,” he paused here, adding as he probed her with a penetrating gaze, “It is these very qualities, in fact, that make us like and admire you more each day. And we’d very much like to spend some time with you, to get to know you better.”

  Simone gaped.

  “Get to know me better—as in hanging out?” she asked, passing sure that whoever was currently hosting the perennial television favorite Candid Camera would jump out from behind a conveniently placed potted plant and call her bluff at any given moment.

  Chase pursed his full, moist lips to sexy effect as he replied, “Forgive us, but that sounds a bit too cozy and informal for what we have in mind.”

  “Indeed,” Taylor agreed immediately, adding with a sexy grin that sent chills down her spine. “We’d prefer think of this little get together as something they call a date.”

  Simone had heard enough.

  “OK, on the off chance that you’re serious—which I highly doubt—allow me to remind you that there are two of you and one of me. That is not the usual male to female quotient that one sees as part and parcel of a standard dating experience,” she pointed out with a smirk, adding in a lower, more serious tone, “Also, and as you are well aware, I already have a boyfriend. And that would be Aaron, my co-owner here at Cool Beans.”

  Chase shook his head.

  “Yes, we meet Aaron often around here,” he admitted, adding as he exchanged chagrined looks with his suddenly silent brother, “We’re sorry to say that he does not often treat us with the same degree of kindness and respect as you do.” He paused here, adding with an intense look in her direction, “We also have noticed that he seldom respects the very special young lady in his life. That is why, my lady, we have absolutely no qualms with asking you out for the evening.”

  Taylor nodded.

  “Well that,” he purred, adding as he arched his feathered eyebrows to sensual effect, “And as it happens, Simone, my brother and I are complete and total sluts. If we meet a woman that sparks our interest, we just go after her—regardless of whatever personal connections she may have at that time.”

  Simone let loose with a low nervous laugh; one that just barely covered the lightning bolt of arousal that coursed wild through every inch of her being; making her heart pound and her pulse race as she considered the shocking, seductive words of the beautiful gentlemen before her.

  “If you don’t want this to happen, Simone, then please forget that we issued the invitation. And forgive us if we have caused offense,” Chase told her, tone soft and sultry. “Yet if you want to take a chance, to live dangerously for one night, then we promise to show you the time of your life—a night during which no fantasy will go unfulfilled, no desire unsatisfied.”

  Taylor nodded.

  “We promise to be worth the risk,” he agreed, adding in a sultry whisper, “We’d love to show you the sexiest, most romantic night of your life.”

  Simone said nothing for a moment, just drew a long breath as her being was seized in a wave of pure erotic pleasure; one that sharpened her senses as she stared into the wide, gorgeous eyes of the men who seduced her with such blatant advances.

  They stared back at her with narrow eyed gazes that seemed unnerving in their intensity; ensnaring and hypnotizing her as a wave of
bare, hard desire seized her hard—filling her mind with unbidden fantasies that teased and tempted her.

  Finally, and with a deep, sustaining breath, she tore her gaze from theirs and shook her head.

  “As much as I’d love to go out with you, Gents, and as much as all of my gal pals will question my sanity for saying no, I’m afraid that I’m going to have to do just that,” she advised them, adding as she bit her lip, “I’ve made a firm commitment, to my business and my man, and I have to honor it.”

  Exchanging regretful looks Chase and Taylor nonetheless nodded as they moved toward her in a bold advance.

  “Let us know if you change your mind,” Chase whispered, joining his brother in gracing her cheeks with warm, sweet kisses.

  Simone grinned in spite of herself as both of her friends pressed her flushed face with their soft, moist lips; their mouths rubbing in soft, massaging motions against her skin as the tips of their tongues flicked daringly forward—grazing their cheeks as they added a sinful dimension that nearly made her regret her rejection of them.

  “OK, so I do regret it,” she mused in silence, wrapping her arms around their massive muscled shoulders as their lips continued to stroke her cheeks.

  “Then don’t say no,” Taylor whispered in her ear, his long, wet tongue flicking her earlobe as he added, “Just say yes to us. Then relax and enjoy what comes next.”

  Simone froze.

  “Did you just read my mind?” she said aloud, brows furrowed in a show of shock.

  “Yes,” the brothers answered in unison, drawing back to grace her with mysterious smiles as each fixed a muscular arm around her buxom waist.

  Simone’s eyes flew wide as she stepped gently but firmly away from them; flashing an uneasy smile in their direction as she reached for her nearby coffee pot.

  “Now this stuff is REALLY cold. If Harry was here, he’d have a massive coronary,” she quipped, adding as she made a vague gesture in the direction of the stage, “If you’d like to, Gentlemen, please feel free to go ahead and finish your set. Then feel free to clear your gear, collect your tips and grab some coffee and treats before you go. I think that I smell a fresh batch of cinnamon buns baking from the kitchen—feel free to chow down.”


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