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Page 82

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  Her heart pounded and her body brimmed with hard, raw desire as she contemplated everything Spyder: his beauty, his kisses, his talents—he seemed every inch the perfect man. And, as an added bonus, he seemed to know a good woman when he found one.

  “Oh, I’m sure that many people—including the good ol’ model flock now seated at the table directly behind mine, a fact which does precious little to add to my comfort and enjoyment this evening—would far prefer to see him with a super model,” she mused, adding with an affirming nod, “but they don’t know him like I do.”

  After ordering several Shirley Temples and heaving a sigh of relief when the flock finally flew, apparently giving up on the band and escaping instead with some extremely elated roadies, a suddenly restless Nicole stood from her table and roamed around the club; stopping to talk with other fans of the band and make a few random jukebox selections before finally perusing a row of autographed musician photos that lined the basic wood paneled walls of the Rock Pile.

  “Ah, so the Journey tribute band Long Road Trip played here at one point. How did I miss that?” she mused, all the while sneaking a sideways glance at the backstage door.

  It had been nearly an hour, she mused, since the Lightning Rods had retreated to their dressing room.

  “And since Spyder arrived at the venue already trussed up in ready to go and dressed for his performance, I’m not specifically sure why he needed to go back to a thusly called dressing room in the first place,” she mused, “unless, of course, it was to pack up his equipment and have a convo with his bandmates about upcoming shows.”

  As a last resort, she decided to try a revolutionary method of reaching out and communicating with the man who she wanted back in her presence—pronto!

  She walked up to the dressing room door. And knocked.

  “Wow, what a concept,” she mused, rolling her eyes heavenward as she popped knuckles against wood.

  Her smile of expectation dissolved to a confused frown moments later, as her summons was answered by a short, pudgy, balding man wearing a ketchup splattered T-shirt that read ‘I brake for blondes, booze and boobs.’

  “Well I guess we all have priorities in life,” she mused in silence, adding aloud, “Are you with the band?”

  The man snorted.

  “Yeah, don’t I wish, sweetheart,” as he waved in the direction of the back door, “If I was with the band, then I’d have split with them about half an hour ago, when they bailed to hang out with that pack of models. As it turns out, though, I’m just a lackey here at the club.”

  Nicole started.

  “But the flock flew—that is, those women left with the roadies,” she countered.

  The man shook his head.

  “The boys left at the same time, just out a different exit,” he explained, adding with a shrug, “I think they were going to meet up with the gals at a hotel downtown, where they’re all having a big party.” He paused here, adding with a wistful sigh, “Wish I had gotten an invite.”

  Nicole looked at him a long moment, then nodded.

  “Yeah,” she agreed. “Same here.”


  Nicole left the club in a haze that evening; feelings of anger and confusion threatening to overcome her as she climbed into her basic compact car and began the long trek home.

  Soon she found herself ensconced in a cocoon of warm cotton sheets; seeking comfort and nurturance in their succoring depths as she strove to push away the memory of the man who’d hurt both her feelings and her pride.

  “Never should have trusted him or believed his phony come ons,” she sniffed, adding as she shook her head from side to side, “I can’t believe what a fool I was—how could I just let him totally snow me like that?”

  Her troubled meditation was disrupted by the sound of a loud, sharp knock at her door; one that made her shoot upward in bed as she considered its probable source.

  “Who could it be at one in the flippin’ morning?” she gritted her teeth, taking a cautionary look at her bedside clock as she made for the door.

  “Who is it?” she called through the solid wooden panel that separated her from her unwanted visitor.

  “It’s me, Nicole,” she cringed as Spyder’s low, deep voice flowed free through this barrier. “Please let me in, I need to talk to you.”

  Nicole shook her head.

  “It’s too late to say your good nights, Spyder,” she told him, adding as she folded her arms before her, “Go back to your groupies and leave me alone.”

  Spyder sighed.

  “Listen, Nicole, I didn’t want to go to that party. The guys shoved me out the back door before I even knew what was happening. I should have stopped them but…I guess I just didn’t,” he finished on a weary sigh, adding in a near pleading tone, “Look, I just made a brief appearance at the party before heading over here. I have to talk to you.”

  It was Nicole’s turn to sigh—and deeply.

  “From now on, Spyder, I’d greatly prefer that we stick to talking about academic and learning-related subjects,” she scoffed, “and that’s it.”

  Spyder cleared his throat.

  “Well actually, that’s part of the reason as to why I’m here,” he told her. “I need your advice on something. Badly, Nicole.”

  Shaking her head with a long, resigned sigh, Nicole unlocked and opened the door that stood between them; almost gasping outright as she beheld the vision of a man transformed.

  Obviously, she mused, Spyder had taken the time to change in the changing room after all; trading in his stage outfit for a long, sleek pleather coat that fell well past his knees.

  “Um, nice wrap,” she offered, fixing him with a sideways gaze as she ushered him inside and closed and locked the door behind him. “Now, what all important essay question do you have for me at one in the a.m.?”

  Spyder bit his lip.

  “Well actually this question relates to my other career—you know, the music thing,” he corrected her. “As a female fan, I really need your opinion on my new stage costume. I designed it myself, with the sole intent of teasing and pleasing the ladies.”

  Plopping down on the modest, wood paneled day bed that formed the center of her living area, Nicole rolled her eyes heavenward as she told him, “Well somehow I think your model groupies may have been better qualified to pass judgment on your sexy costume choices. But since you’ve come all this way to get my apparently crucial viewpoint, I guess I’ll have a look see.”

  Meeting her words with a devilish white toothed smile, Spyder used slow, deliberate moves to unbutton the coat; finally whipping it open with a slick, smooth flourish to show her his new costume.

  “One that could come dangerously close to doubling as his birthday suit,” she mused, gasping outright as Spyder revealed his body to her.

  Her rebellious gaze took a leisurely walk down the length of his tall muscled form; pausing to admire his chiseled bronzed pecs, his taut washboard abs and his long, trim legs.

  She also admired the way that his long, silken waves of ebony hair cascaded across his bare bulging shoulders and down his planed back. Indeed, the only part of his gorgeous sculpted body that remained a mystery lie somewhere in between these especially distinguished features; and this evening this apparently long, hard feature came encased in a G-string of ebony silk that showed it off to best effect.

  “Do you like?” Spyder asked her, voice soft and sultry. “I mean; I hope you do. I designed my new costume to appeal to the female gaze; so now when I thrust my hips and gyrate, they’ll really get the message.”

  With these words he thrust his hard, trim hips forth in a single smooth gyration, flexing his pecs and rolling his chiseled abs as he watched close for her reaction.

  Nicole pursed her lips.

  “Spyder,” she said finally, even as her ardent gaze continued to devour him, “Can I take a crazy guess and assume that you’re trying to seduce me?”

  Spyder let loose with a low, smooth chuckle that sent shivers dow
n her spine.

  “Uh huh, sure am,” he affirmed.

  Nicole nodded.

  “Yeah well it worked,” she released on a sigh, adding as she beckoned to him, “Get over here, Sexy.”

  Soon Nicole stared down in sheer wonder as her seductive rocker fell to his knees before her; kissing and licking his way up her strong legs as his warm, soft hands worked his way beneath her nightgown to massage her fully made hips.

  Throwing her head back, she parted her thighs with a drunken grin as he leaned his body inward; kissing and nipping her sensitive thighs as the smooth tendrils of his long dark hair caressed her skin.

  “Relax baby,” he growled, adding as he leaned still farther inward, “I want to satisfy that wild desire I’ve sensed within you since the moment we met. Let me make you feel good.”

  Eager to fulfill this sensual promise, Spyder surged upward to seize the border of her white cotton panties in flawless white teeth and drag them down the length of her legs; returning to the site of her desire to lay a resounding lick across the surface of her feminine folds.

  Fixing his warm, sumptuous lips across the surface of her bulging nub, he licked and suckled her aroused clit as she moaned her ecstasy.

  Reaching downward to entwine her fingers in the strands of his silken dark hair, she hoisted her hips forward to intensify the feeling; basking in the pure erotic sparks that shot upward through every part of her body.

  Seemingly eager to intensify the feeling, her lover shifted his head from side to side as his magical lips suckled her femininity; his long, wet tongue darting forth to lave her skin as she squirmed beneath the effects of his tender ministrations.

  Finally, and with a resounding lick he sent her over the edge, her being trembling outright as she careened across the bounds of an incredible orgasm.

  Crying out with pleasure, she consumed the lover who now joined her on the day bed in a hot, binding embrace; clutching his strong muscled body to hers as they collapsed together in the softness beneath them.

  Their arms and legs entangled in a mad frenzy as their lips collided in a heated kiss; their mouths smacking together and their tongues entangling as their bodies merged together.

  Gently stripping off the soft cotton nightgown that covered her fevered body, Spyder nipped her sensitive nape before bowing his head to her breasts; suckling her nipples until they rose to hard points beneath the weight of his full, sweet lips.

  “I want to make love to you so badly tonight, baby,” he whispered against her skin, all the while lowering his hands to rub her rounded tummy. “Teach me tonight, baby. Teach your student just what turns you on, so he knows just how to please his teacher.”

  Inflamed by his words, a ravenous Nicole reached down to yank off the confining G-string that concealed her secret gift: the long, hard cock that now rose to salute her arrival.

  “You are so bloody beautiful,” she praised him, throwing herself into his arms as her breasts crushed his chest and the couple stared deep into one another’s eyes.

  “You’re beautiful too,” Spyder whispered, running his hands through her soft mass of mussed dark hair. “You’re so…oh babe, you’re so much better than I am with words. Just let me show you.”

  Sweeping her up in a tight clench, he clutched her body to his as their hips and thighs locked between them; their lips also joining in a timeless kiss as their hands roamed free over one another’s bodies.

  An ecstatic Nicole reveled in the feel of his chiseled chest and washboard abs; finally wrapping her legs around his trim waist and spreading her soft, fleshy thighs to invite him deeper inward.

  With a heated growl Spyder joined them as one, his long, hard shaft penetrating her soaking wet pussy in a smooth flourish, probing forth to her very core as his sumptuous tongue mocked the rhythm of his cock.

  Both moved back and forth in a hypnotic motion as he filled and pleased his lady; his gentle hands running her back like a stream of warm water as he continued to kiss her senseless.

  Wrapping her arms around his muscled shoulders and sinking with a sigh in his arms, Nicole plied his lips with the sweetest kisses as their hips merged and swayed together; launching the couple into a forbidden dance as their bodies rolled free across the surface of the day bed.

  Finally, and with a hard, probing thrust Spyder surged forth to her very core; this time sending them both across the bounds of an incredible shared climax.

  The couple gasped and trembled as their sweat lined bodies bound together in a cocoon of pure passion as ecstasy overcame them; their eyes flying open to also join in a warm, loving gaze.

  “Nicole, you don’t know how much you mean to me,” Spyder whispered, cupping her flushed cheeks in two gentle hands as he added, “This night has been so magical for me. I just loved looking out into that crowd and seeing you there to help and support me—just like you do during our tutoring sessions. And I want to be there for you too,” he paused here, adding in a tone of deep sincerity, “I want you to be my girl, Nicole. Please say you will.”

  Nicole thought a moment, then nodded.

  “Yes, Spyder,” she whispered, adding as she graced his lips with the most tender of kisses. “Yes, I will.”


  The rays of the morning sun served to pull Nicole from the depths of a luxurious slumber awakening her from a dream of an evening as she reclined easy in the arms of her lover.

  Shifting her head to gaze upon the whole of his bronzed, angelic beauty, she raised her fingers to touch and outline his carved cheekbones and full, moist lips; smiling as his wide dark eyes flew open to sear her with a loving look.

  “So it wasn’t a dream,” he whispered, adding as he flicked forth a sexy tongue to lap her agile finger. “You really are mine now.”

  Nicole nodded.

  “Last night was better than a dream,” she affirmed, adding as she bit her lip, “I’m just not sure, though, if the dream can continue. I’m sorry, babe, but you heard the way your guitarist talked to me.”

  Spyder shook his head.

  “If he says one more rude word to you,” he vowed, “I swear to you that he’s out of the band.”

  Nicole smiled, but only briefly.

  “Thanks for that, baby,” she praised with a nod, “but realistically, you won’t be able to throw out every fellow musician, every fan, and—when the time comes—every snarky music journalist who pokes fun at the fat, ordinary looking girlfriend. I’m a strong woman, sure enough, but I’m not altogether certain that I want to live with that sort of constant scrutiny.”

  Spyder thought a moment, then nodded.

  “Well, do you think that you might want to live with a regular diet of constant and very satisfying sex,” he asked her, tone matter of fact, “with all of your fantasies and desires fulfilled? And if you like, we could get started on this rigorous schedule of passionate lovemaking. Here. And now.”

  Soon a resigned and highly aroused Nicole sank deep into her lover’s arms; losing herself once again in a timeless embrace as they kissed and cuddled in the light of sweet sunshine.

  Their arms and legs entangled as they rolled free and wild across the day bed; their mouths colliding and their tongues entwined as her bare breasts crushed his firm, hard chest.

  Almost immediately his trim, firm hips gyrated hard and shameless against her own; and even as his long, stiff member flew upward to grace her wet femininity, he cradled her back with a caressing hand—his free hand, meanwhile, disappeared between her legs to caress and open her feminine folds.

  Nicole gasped outright as her lover touched and rubbed her enflamed nub; stroking and kneading as he whispered in her ear, “Do allow me to demonstrate, my lady, just why you belong in my arms—and remind you of just what it’s like to be loved by a rocker.”

  With these words he pulled her closer than close and surged his magnificent cock to the depths of her soaking wet pussy, their sweat lined bodies writhing and slithering against one another as he danced inside her.

p; “I love you,” the couple released in unison and on a heavenly whisper; throwing themselves against each other as their lips sealed in a binding kiss.

  Spyder continued to knead Nicole’s throbbing clit as waves of pure erotic sensation surged upward to kiss every fiber of her being, causing her to squirm against him as he surged deeper still within her.

  Finally, and with a resounding kiss the couple came together, their joined bodies exploding in the heat of an incredible mutual orgasm.

  Pitching his head back, Spyder whipped his hair gently across Nicole’s breasts as he parted his full, moist lips; letting loose with yet another sonorous, deep-voiced serenade.

  And to the ears of a besotted Nicole, this song sounded like a surefire hit.



  The fantasy that had filled her dreams for so long was about to become a radiant reality.

  Since the time of her childhood, 30-year-old Naomi Baker had dreamed of visiting the exotic, romantic land called Italy.

  As a young girl she’d listened enrapt as her beloved Aunt Mamie, a true woman of the world, had told her at length about her own travels to this jewel of the Mediterranean; emphasizing the beauty, history and culture of the European country where their family claimed several ancestors.

  “I’m one part African, one part Italian, one part American,” she often told people, adding with the toss of her shoulder length dreads, “And all parts absolutely and apologetically ornery.”

  In college she had studied international culture, seeing as she did endless photos and slideshows that depicted even more vividly the glories of Italy - the majesty and miracle that was the city of Rome; the crystalline waters of Venice and the historical Coliseum. She often lost herself in these timeless images, which seemed to summon and call out to her.

  “Well not literally,” she mused with a smirk. “That’d just be weird. Let’s just say that looking at those images really, really made me want to visit Italy.”


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